Safrguns wrote:

I really liked how you did the intro...  Mod text in gameplay?  howd u do that?
Actually my partner in crime SkooterKurt was the brain behind that one. We got the same question recently elsewhere, so I basically just reproduce here what he responded then:

SkooterKurt wrote:

I don't know which video-editing software you are using. As our video tell we used Blender ( In Blender it's possible to put an image on top of the video. So we took a single frame from the video into photoshop (guess The Gimp, Inkscape or paint.NET would work too). In photoshop we made a white background and black text (or the other way around - can't remember heh). Then rasterzied the text - this makes it possible to change the perspective (Edit->Transform->Perspective - in my PS). And now comes the difficult part, making the text line up with the perspective - but using the frame from the video helps ;-)

When that's done you can load the image into Blender (from the Add-menu). And finally select the image and video on the timeline and choose Add->Effect->Add.

Hope that gives you some hints. If you want to learn more about video editing in Blender here are some links: