Next time make your points in short . I know there is a lot to cover and we can go on and on but one topic at a time please . No need to write a novel .Horseman 77 wrote:
To Johnykill, Sorry I cursed you out.
I got you mixed up with that other "Trailer park guy " who was cursing me out. I apologize.
Ps you got a good resume too. VT or NY? VTRANG 150 ATC, ever give you a Ride?
other than that, I stand my ground. There was Sarin gas " WMD". You wanted another flavor?
and did you really think they would leave everything intact and labeled for us to find?
Did you forget the training bases complete with Airliners For The " Hijacking 101 Classes " we found in Iraq?
They Ran out of Suicide Bombers and now they are reduced to putting out road side bombs. Which kill just as many of their own?
This pisses off the locals. Who know who is responsible and who is wasting their lives. They know the score.
The Army joined the insurgency? You have this on what authority? I bet some did but it doesn't seem like their are a lot of insurgents out there.
LA is more Dangerous than the entire country of Iraq. and it is a WAR after all.
Are the insurgents as successful as the German U Boats sinking ships 20 minutes out of NY harbor?
Are the insurgents as successful as the Japanese Kamikazes?
Are the insurgents as successful as the North Koreans were?
Can you imaging if We bailed on W.W.II before the Normandy landing because the Germans were blowing up a jeep a week in Italy.
Why are these shitty third world nations giving us the Finger?
Because they always got away with it with clinton, He taught them they could hit us anytime with impunity.
But with Iraq lost to them.. (a 20 th century Arab country ) they lost a lot. They lost a power base. They lost a training area. they lost a refugee.
Terrorist live like catfish in a huge muddy swamp, Hard to see them. But now the Swamp they live in is only 8 inches deep and getting shallower.
They move slow or we will see the wake. ( lets face it the haven't been back to The USA, did clinton acomplish even that? )
They cannot use standard communication equipment without us listening in and are reduced to "Man Currier" systems with truly sensitive information.
It is slow. 200 years ago slow. Roman Empire slow. This information must now take a circuitous route around Iraq to be safe. It is also very susceptible to bribes as the lowly currier " not slated for one of the top slots in the corporation" may just decide he wants a taste of that 25 million.
Its a shitty deal but it was the hand he was dealt and the Other guy " clinton " wouldn't pick it up.
North Korea? They are at least a nation. Easier to target. They have an infrastructure to ruin. The USAF is licking its chops to take on that war.
Kim jong ill or what ever his name is lives in a very beautiful palace. " Not as nice as Sadams tho"
I am sure Kim jon ill ( Sp lol ) took notice to the fact that Saddam at one point was living in a hole with shit stained undies and Roaches in his beard.
I am not sure this image of a mighty, lofty, pampered prince reduce to less than a homeless bum in NYC is lost on him.
The Terror Groups are smart enough to go after the Weakest Heartless countries first rather than fighting Us all at once.
Look at all the Countries that bailed on the coalition once the going got tough " like Spain, etc. " why should we not do the same exact thing ?
Go after the Weakest first. We didn't go right into Germany, we picked it apart one piece at a time. Italy joined our side as did the French.
They are smart enough to know they can only beat us at home, in the papers and by swaying our elections like Spain,
Do you really think Spain is going to be safe now and forever from them?
Just like Vietnam, if they can get people sick of it, Fool enough people into thinking its not going well, or make us lose or will and solidarity, They will win and Then Things will be Berserk. Think its bad now? Lose the War or Elect an " Anti Bush " and see what happens.
It will be open season on any American anywhere.
Do you really believe That al Qeuda and the Taliban aren't praying for another clinton gore or kerry or better still?
They HATE Bush and you know why. He returned their violence ten fold..... Finally
Sarin found in Iraq huh . Yeah so . How would they deliver it ? That lil Highjacking 101 class ? Still not big of a threat . Sarin gas isn't all that effective . I never knew Sarin gas was even considered to be a WMD - time to search . Even in a closed confined area underground filled with people breathing it in don't end up dying . Remeber South Korea's case ? Still not worthy of invading Iraq . And Bush wasn't looking for Sairn gas , he was telling us saddam had freaking nukes half build , plans and centerfuges , stock piles of parts blah blah blah blah .
As for the military blending in just think about it . How many soldiers did we kill in taking Iraq ? All of them ? Every single one ? I bet you most of them are in the Army that we are training now . Do you honestly think that every soldier in Iraq fought to the death ? Most of thier commanders and leaders had to threaten the soldiers families lives to get them to fight on the front lines . Every soldier knew he was going to get killed fighting our massive assault . Some killed thier leaders and hauled ass . But some die hards , people who were just pissed off in general at the US invading thier country fought hard but realised they were outmatched . So they just shed thier uniforms and covered thier faces and kept the fight going but switching to Geurilla tactics . They have no choice . And if you can't see it , then I can't help you . You question weather these tactics are as usful as Kamakasies and stuff . Wouldn't you say it's definitely a smack in the face when a car bomb goes off in the " green zone " killing a bunch of people like it did last week . Or was it the week before ? Was it a day after they found 30 beheaded bodies ? Or was it after 200 Iraqis got blown up waiting in the police recruiting line ?