
Do you hate or like Bush ???

hate50%50% - 122
like28%28% - 69
Dont Give A Fuck16%16% - 40
Dont Know4%4% - 12
Total: 243
The Microwave Man

Horseman 77 wrote:

To Johnykill, Sorry I cursed you out.
I got you mixed up with that other "Trailer park guy " who was cursing me out. I apologize.
Ps you got a good resume too. VT or NY?  VTRANG 150 ATC, ever give you a Ride?

other than that, I stand my ground. There was Sarin gas " WMD". You wanted another flavor?
and did you really think they would leave everything intact and labeled for us to find?

Did you forget the training bases complete with Airliners For The " Hijacking 101 Classes " we found in Iraq?
They Ran out of Suicide Bombers and now they are reduced to putting out road side bombs. Which kill just as many of their own?
This pisses off the locals. Who know who is responsible and who is wasting their lives. They know the score.
The Army joined the insurgency? You have this on what authority? I bet some did but it doesn't seem like their are a lot of insurgents out there.
LA is more Dangerous than the entire country of Iraq. and it is a WAR after all.
Are the insurgents as successful as the German U Boats sinking ships 20 minutes out of NY harbor?
Are the insurgents as successful as the Japanese Kamikazes?
Are the insurgents as successful as the North Koreans were?
Can you imaging if We bailed on W.W.II before the Normandy landing because the Germans were blowing up a jeep a week in Italy.
Why are these shitty third world nations giving us the Finger?
Because they always got away with it with clinton, He taught them they could hit us anytime with impunity.
But with Iraq lost to them.. (a 20 th century Arab country ) they lost a lot. They lost a power base. They lost a training area. they lost a refugee.
Terrorist live like catfish in a huge muddy swamp, Hard to see them. But now the Swamp they live in is only 8 inches deep and getting shallower.
They move slow or we will see the wake. ( lets face it the haven't been back to The USA, did clinton acomplish even that? )
They cannot use standard communication equipment without us listening in and are reduced to "Man Currier" systems with truly sensitive information.
It is slow. 200 years ago slow. Roman Empire slow. This information must now take a circuitous route around Iraq to be safe. It is also very susceptible to bribes as the lowly currier " not slated for one of the top slots in the corporation" may just decide he wants a taste of that 25 million.

Its a shitty deal but it was the hand he was dealt and the Other guy " clinton " wouldn't pick it up.

North Korea? They are at least a nation. Easier to target. They have an infrastructure to ruin. The USAF is licking its chops to take on that war.
Kim jong ill or what ever his name is lives in a very beautiful palace. " Not as nice as Sadams tho"
I am sure Kim jon ill ( Sp lol ) took notice to the fact that Saddam at one point was living in a hole with shit stained undies and Roaches in his beard.
I am not sure this image of a mighty, lofty, pampered prince reduce to less than a homeless bum in NYC is lost on him.

The Terror Groups are smart enough to go after the Weakest Heartless countries first rather than fighting Us all at once.

Look at all the Countries that bailed on the coalition once the going got tough " like Spain, etc. " why should we not do the same exact thing ?
Go after the Weakest first. We didn't go right into Germany, we picked it apart one piece at a time. Italy joined our side as did the French.

They are smart enough to know they can only beat us at home, in the papers and by swaying our elections like Spain,
Do you really think Spain is going to be safe now and forever from them?

Just like Vietnam, if they can get people sick of it, Fool enough people into thinking its not going well, or make us lose or will and solidarity, They will win and Then Things will be Berserk. Think its bad now? Lose the War or Elect an " Anti Bush " and see what happens.
It will be open season on any American anywhere.
Do you really believe That al Qeuda and the Taliban aren't praying for another clinton gore or kerry or better still?

They HATE Bush and you know why. He returned their violence ten fold..... Finally
Next time make your points in short . I know there is a lot to cover and we can go on and on but one topic at a time please . No need to write a novel .

Sarin found in Iraq huh . Yeah so . How would they deliver it ? That lil Highjacking 101 class ? Still not big of a threat . Sarin gas isn't all that effective . I never knew Sarin gas was even considered to be a WMD - time to search .  Even in a closed confined area underground filled with people breathing it in don't end up dying . Remeber South Korea's case ? Still not worthy of invading Iraq . And Bush wasn't looking for Sairn gas , he was telling us saddam had freaking nukes half build , plans and centerfuges , stock piles of parts blah blah blah blah .

As for the military blending in just think about it . How many soldiers did we kill in taking Iraq ? All of them ? Every single one ? I bet you most of them are in the Army that we are training now . Do you honestly think that every soldier in Iraq fought to the death ? Most of thier commanders and leaders had to threaten the soldiers families lives to get them to fight on the front lines . Every soldier knew he was going to get killed fighting our massive assault . Some killed thier leaders and hauled ass . But some die hards , people who were just pissed off in general at the US invading thier country fought hard but realised they were outmatched . So they just shed thier uniforms and covered thier faces and kept the fight going but switching to Geurilla tactics . They have no choice . And if you can't see it , then I can't help you . You question weather these tactics are as usful as Kamakasies and stuff . Wouldn't you say it's definitely a smack in the face when a car bomb goes off in the " green zone " killing a bunch of people like it did last week . Or was it the week before ? Was it a day after they found 30 beheaded bodies ? Or was it after 200 Iraqis got blown up waiting in the police recruiting line ?
johnnykill you and I had this discussion the other night...........It is a war.....and it is a war that needs to be faught.....war is ugly business...........people are going to die.............your attempt to condemn the war to failure because we haven't won yet and people are dying is weak to say the least.....
The Microwave Man
I'm gonna go out drinking tonight and get laid . While you stay home and type on teh internet all night please feel free to fill this thread up with positive news coming out of Iraq .

jonnykill wrote:

I'm gonna go out drinking tonight and get laid . While you stay home and type on teh internet all night please feel free to fill this thread up with positive news coming out of Iraq .
........I am married and have pussy on ready reserve, so I don't have to out and look for it or get drunk enough to stomache what I am fucking........have fun
Horseman 77

jonnykill wrote:

I'm gonna go out drinking tonight and get laid . While you stay home and type on teh internet all night please feel free to fill this thread up with positive news coming out of Iraq .
ok...Iraq; Quietest month in 3 years. Level of attacks dropping off steady The last 7 months.

NYC Daily News. 03-31-06 ( and they're commies ! )

Tomorrow I am leaving at 6:30 am to look at  an Apartment Building for purchase.

The local College is buying up lots in the Area and I figure this should drive the price up and make for a quick flip.

Have fun with your hangover.

My technique was.

1  Find a woman who is Smoking.
by smoking I mean.
Power steering fluid leaking on to Exhaust manifold. That kind of Smoking !
This makes them easier to spot, track and a much higher probability of kill.

2 Make sure they are alone, You don't want her Fat friend to Run interference on your plans because she cant get laid herself and she's all twisted about it.

3 Eaves drop 1st and make sure they live alone. You don't want to meet the Fat roommate who wants to talk at 2 am.

4 Not pets ! Dog farts can really kill your big fuck scene.

5 Tank them up on Wine. Women will nurse hard liqueur but take huge gulps of wine. IDKY ?
Don't let them buy fruity drinks like  Pina Colada, Daqaris etc. In a bar these are usually Zero alcohol

6 Use my " lets go to your house and take a shower " line. If that Frosts them, they were gonna suk anyway.
You don't want to go near panties that have been on a woman standing in a Bar for 5 hours. A shower is mandatory. Dont look down there either! bitches who get picked up by kids in bars Rarely Wax. It may be Scarey. Its not Beach weather and you can bet she wasn't worried about her Bikini Line.

7 Never go to your house, always theirs. You don't need Visits from Christmas past.

8 Go through their pockets, etc and take their money. If you never see them again, you just subsidized your night out, Think of it as dick tax. If they End up being cool you can tell them " You were drunk and kept dropping your money on the ground so I picked it up and saved it for you." They will think you are chivalrous.

9 Tell them your name is Joe, always call them babe or girl so you don't fuk up n use wrong name.

10 pay extra close attention to any girl who just fell off her Bar stool.

Hope this Helps,

If you left before I posted this you are a rank amateur and beyond hope anyway.
Real men hunt after the tykes go home to mom n dad and rarely on weekends.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-03-31 21:21:59)

Horseman 77

jonnykill wrote:

Next time make your points in short .  I know there is a lot to cover and we can go on and on but one topic at a time please . No need to write a novel .

jonnykill wrote:

Sarin found in Iraq huh . Yeah so . How would they deliver it ?
Like they delivered the 911 attack That one kinda worked out for them.

jonnykill wrote:

That lil Highjacking 101 class ? Still not big of a threat .
" not big of a threat " RU Fukin kidding?  Terrorists delivered the 911 attack with Hijacking. That one kinda worked out for them. Seemed like a " Big Deal " here in NYC

jonnykill wrote:

Sarin gas isn't all that effective . I never knew Sarin gas was even considered to be a WMD - time to search .  Even in a closed confined area underground filled with people breathing it in don't end up dying . Remember South Korea's case ? Still not worthy of invading Iraq .
Your opinion not mine I avoid any poison gas as a general rule, You do as you see fit though lol

jonnykill wrote:

And Bush wasn't looking for Sairn gas , he was telling us saddam had freaking nukes half build , plans and centerfuges , stock piles of parts blah blah blah blah .
I know israel Ran air strikes into Iraq repeatedly just for this reason, Are they a pirate nation?

jonnykill wrote:

As for the military blending in just think about it . How many soldiers did we kill in taking Iraq ? All of them ? Every single one ? I bet you most of them are in the Army that we are training now . Do you honestly think that every soldier in Iraq fought to the death ? Most of thier commanders and leaders had to threaten the soldiers families lives to get them to fight on the front lines . Every soldier knew he was going to get killed fighting our massive assault . Some killed thier leaders and hauled ass . But some die hards , people who were just pissed off in general at the US invading thier country fought hard but realised they were outmatched . So they just shed thier uniforms and covered thier faces and kept the fight going but switching to Geurilla tactics . They have no choice . And if you can't see it , then I can't help you . You question weather these tactics are as usful as Kamakasies and stuff . Wouldn't you say it's definitely a smack in the face when a car bomb goes off in the " green zone " killing a bunch of people like it did last week . Or was it the week before ? Was it a day after they found 30 beheaded bodies ? Or was it after 200 Iraqis got blown up waiting in the police recruiting line ?
Are the insurgents as successful as the Japanese Kamikazes?
Are the insurgents as successful as the North Koreans were?
Are the insurgents as successful as the German V1 and V2 Rockets were at the End of the War in Europe.
Can you imaging if We bailed on W.W.II before the Normandy landing because the Germans were blowing up a jeep a week in Italy.

What was your answer to that question ?

these are your words From above I will use your own argument and save time.

" Most of their commanders and leaders had to threaten the soldiers families lives to get them to fight on the front lines . Every soldier knew he was going to get killed fighting our massive assault . Some killed their leaders and hauled ass "

These are Your own words

These are not Men dedicated to fighting us. Their lives sucked under Sadam. They are glad he is gone. My buddy in Iraq " 3 tours " says the Average people love us, set down flowers for GIs killed Etc. Just a few pissed off people who lost power are angry. The Liberals need to make the most of this angle to get back the White House, Congress and The Senate because the American people rejected them at the polls.
Good luck at bar. Avoid FUP. If all else fails bring in a kitten and tell chicks " You rescued it ! "
The Microwave Man
Aw hell I'm back from thebar and I'm pretty fuggin drunk but I can still rip all of your points to shreds so here it goseseszes  .

Go ahead and write your fucking novels and slobber all over Bushes cock all you want LOL , you will never convince me he is a good president .

Once again you connect Saddam to Al Quada by saying "Like they delivered the 911 attack That one kinda worked out for them." . Dude , no confirmation of Al Quada and Saddma exists to this day . WTF are you even talking about when you say " they " . Al Quada and 9/11 has nothing to do with Saddam at all . Sure Iraqis could have conducted a terrorist attack on us just like Al Quada but , there is simply no evidence to support they actualy have balls ball sto pull it off nor the plans . And if this is all of your evidence - LOL. And if they , the Iraqis , DID pull off stuch a stunt Iraq would suffer the consiquences Afghanistan and the Taliban did . As fucking stupid and  dumb as Saddam is , do you honestly believe that Saddam would risk his whole country and his Presidency just to strike America one time ? After he saw what can happend to his Army in the first gulf war ? Wow , I don't have the words . Specially when you compaire Kamakasi attacks with Suicide bombers . Let me let you in on a lil hint , Army soldiers on the ground aren't couped up like sailers on a ship . But this doesn't matter , terror tactics and geurilla warfare IS effective . Specaily when car bombs go off in the " green zone " .

Then you go on to say : " Your opinion not mine I avoid any poison gas as a general rule, You do as you see fit though lol" . Wow , you really can't put yourself in another persons position can you ? The gas was released . People started coughing and feeling the effects of the gas . Some collapsed , some ran up some steps to ground level to get some fresh air . What can you do ? Your just going about your daily business and all of a sudden you can't breath , your pulse is pounding in your ears and you have no idea whats going on . But you , you say you would " avoid pision gas as a general rule " . So I ask , do you have " Spidie sence " ? Are you like Spider Man that can sence danger ? This is no different then calling some one a pussy for not jumping out of the way when the planes hit the WTC . Dude , seriously you have lost all credit with me . You are so , hell man I don't know what to say .

Then you spat out : "I know israel Ran air strikes into Iraq repeatedly just for this reason, Are they a pirate nation? "
repeatedly huh ? How about just once ? They sent a sortie of Aircraft that finished the job in one run . They never invaded Iraq and sent things into disspair . Simply put the Isrealis got the job done and let it be . They didn't get into a war of " Good vs Evil " .

And then you add " These are Your own words

These are not Men dedicated to fighting us. Their lives sucked under Sadam. They are glad he is gone. My buddy in Iraq " 3 tours " says the Average people love us, set down flowers for GIs killed Etc. Just a few pissed off people who lost power are angry. The Liberals need to make the most of this angle to get back the White House, Congress and The Senate because the American people rejected them at the polls."

To my recollection I never said these words . You must be thinking of someone else . Perhaps " that other trailer guy " you had a bitchfest with . Please , by all means find this thread where I said this stuff , with my name posted along with it .  It seems to me once again your qouting me without my full explanation like you usualy do when grabbing straws . If you do find this thread I will consider myself a blind drunk , never post anything about 9/11 again and quit drinking .

Fuck that shit  ! BTW I never EVER posted anything about knowing someone who went through " 3 tours " in Iraq . That is impossible . I don't know nor speak to ANYONE who has servered in Iraq at all let alone a guy who spent three tours there . Yeah , as drunk and tired as I am I'm sure your just talking our your ass again . Anywho it's bed time . I eagerly look foward to your " evidence " that I posted what you said . I can't wait .

BTW I don't need kittens to get laid
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6904|Canberra, AUS

B.Schuss wrote:

come on. You cannot expect any of us to provide a solution to such a complex issue. We are only discussing our opinions here.

Or do you know what to do ?
Oh no.

My point is you do not attack everyone for starting it, continuing with it, not trying to fix it then you expect to get off lightly when you say 'I dunno'.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Microwave Man
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … mp;pl=true

I was drunk , but now I'm not . It's 5am and I forgot to turn off my PC . Check this movie out . After watching it what do you think of the Bush administration and the way it handels military affairs in the middel East .

jonnykill wrote:


I was drunk , but now I'm not . It's 5am and I forgot to turn off my PC . Check this movie out . After watching it what do you think of the Bush administration and the way it handels military affairs in the middel East .
I watched the video........I haven't seen anything in it that hasn't happened in past wars from all countries. To abuse POWs to get them to talk is as old as war itself.....It is just this time it is a great story to undermine our efforts in Iraq, and you know that is exactly what it is being used for..........If you were so appauled about torture why don't you focus your attentions on the kidknappings REAL torture and murder of innocent civilians?.......the proble there is...............where to start......maybe you could start with the genocide of the Kurds, but rest assured you would have only scratched the surface of torture and murder in Iraq.

Americans abusing POWs for information that could save the lives of your fellow countrymen.......this is your story representing the horrors coming out of the long history of the Middle East?............noooooooooo I don't see an agenda there.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-01 06:29:42)

The Microwave Man
This typr of thing happened befor huh ? Did we do this to the Gremans ? The Japanese ? Did we do this to Iraqis in the first Gulf war ? Did you know about 114 prisioners from Gitmo were released to go back to thier country because they didn't have any information to offer . Most of these people were just innocent civillians cuaght up in the mix . We held they and fucked with there heads for about a year . I bet you couldn't last one week there . Imagine the negative impact it is going to have .
I don't know how I really feel about turture to be honest . It can be used to gather information but there is a large grey area and if you try to squeeze blood from a stone you get false information . Besides it looks at is both prisions are filled with low level front line troops . What information to they have to offer that will " save our fellow country men ? " - You sound like a robot . I know one thing though , if your GOING to tourture do it wright , keep it behind closed doors . Looks like Rummy can't even get that right . Farking pathetic .

jonnykill wrote:

This typr of thing happened befor huh ? Did we do this to the Gremans ? The Japanese ? Did we do this to Iraqis in the first Gulf war ? Did you know about 114 prisioners from Gitmo were released to go back to thier country because they didn't have any information to offer . Most of these people were just innocent civillians cuaght up in the mix . We held they and fucked with there heads for about a year . I bet you couldn't last one week there . Imagine the negative impact it is going to have .
I don't know how I really feel about turture to be honest . It can be used to gather information but there is a large grey area and if you try to squeeze blood from a stone you get false information . Besides it looks at is both prisions are filled with low level front line troops . What information to they have to offer that will " save our fellow country men ? " - You sound like a robot . I know one thing though , if your GOING to tourture do it wright , keep it behind closed doors . Looks like Rummy can't even get that right . Farking pathetic .
the answer to your first questions is.............yes......of course it happened........to think other wise is naive.........the only difference from then to now is the media had  more class back then than to undermine the war effort.............kinda like Bill Clinton and JFK.............Clinton was impeached over the monica lewinski scandal, thanks to the media..........now............if you think JFK didn't get a blow job form Marylin Monroe while HE was in office.then you are a lost cost.
The Microwave Man
Again IF you are going to tourture then do it right . Don't let young soldiers who have NO EXSPIRIENCE IN THE TOUTURING FEILD do the tourturing for you . Don't let them have cameras to take photos like they did . Have more then 17 people to keep the prision in order . Don't have them working 12-14 hour shifts . Do it proffesionaly . This is upper level managment , directly from Rummy , that fucked this up .

Stop going off topic like you usualy do . Stop adding ten periods ...................... at the end of every sentence ...................................as if to make it ....................look like ................your .................... a God or something .............................. k ?

And another thing feel free to post current links that show any progress in Iraq please .

Last edited by jonnykill (2006-04-01 11:25:27)


jonnykill wrote:

Again IF you are going to tourture then do it right . Don't let young soldiers who have NO EXSPIRIENCE IN THE TOUTURING FEILD do the tourturing for you . Don't let them have cameras to take photos like they did . Have more then 17 people to keep the prision in order . Don't have them working 12-14 hour shifts . Do it proffesionaly . This is upper level managment , directly from Rummy , that fucked this up .

Stop going off topic like you usualy do . Stop adding ten periods ...................... at the end of every sentence ...................................as if to make it ....................look like ................your .................... a God or something .............................. k ?

And another thing feel free to post current links that show any progress in Iraq please .
Ahhhhhhh I see.........your arguement ISN'T that Americans shouldn't be torturing, it is that WE weren't doing it proffessionally enough for your taste.....got it now. I had know idea you could back pedal as fast as Marconius.

http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial … =110007611   <-----keep in mind this is from someone who was there not a politican with an agenda.

I will go ahead and start you off in your search for progress in Iraq.....I think you could do a google search yourself though if you REALLY cared to learn about it. But, since finding out the truth would do nothing but undermine your arguements and completely deflate you, I doubt you will search this for yourself.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-01 11:40:13)

The Microwave Man
Ummm yeah . Like I said touture can be used , with a prisioner worthy of being tourtured that posses information that can be used against him and his cause , not some poor shmuck who is actually a fucking taxi cab driver . But I guess this was one of "thousands of mistakes" Old Codie was telling the news the other day. Beyond that yes , putting a random fucking soldier in charge of tourture and interrogation is unprofessional , don't you agree ? He does as he is told and then is thrown into jail for breaking the "law" while under orders . That my friend is un-fucking-professional . Imagine being in that guys shoes . I joined the Army to defend my country for a spat . If I was ordered to do that shit I'd tell my command to go fuck themselves point blank . And if I was FORCED  I certainly wouldn't be taking pictures of it .

  Back pedling huh ? I'm not a back pedler Bush is the back pedler . Listen to what he tells America

On a ship with the "Mission Accomplished banner" he says " We've removed an ally of Al Quada "

One year later " We , we , we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with Sep 11th "

These are his own words , that he stubles upon because he knows it's bullshit .

http://www.dumpalink.com/media/11374965 … 1_and_Iraq

Last edited by jonnykill (2006-04-01 13:19:31)

The Microwave Man

Hummm . I guess Iran is next . What else do we need this for ?
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Well the main problem with the Iraq war that's still going on is ongoing mobility. Meaning that once we beat the crap out of a country that was never really a threat, but we made into one, a country that's really a threat will be a much harder battle.  We have 150k troops over in Iraq fighting or just worrying about road side bombs on a day to day basis. Majority of them don't want to be there anymore, everyone was looking for a quick battle then wrap it up go home. Now it's lasted 3-4 years with no signs of ending.  Now this is taking a toll on our troops and our walets and if one of the other real threats(Iran, North Korea) wants to start a war we'd be fucked.

Remember Russia use to be a major superpower in the world but running a war machine and battles with Afganistan bankrupted them and mother Russia colapesed.  What makes america any different?? We're not fighting an army here, we're not even fighting Iraq's(yet). We are fighting a Intellengence war with an army when it needs to be fought with "Intellengence" something the CIA doesn't have. This war to make us safe is putting us in more jeoperdy then protecting us on every angle.  Our deficit is at an all time high, the twin tower spot is still not rebuilt, New Orleans is still in shambles, we're sacrifising our futures and our childrens futures for a people that's going to enter the world econimy and steal decent paying jobs from our county.

jonnykill wrote:

Ummm yeah . Like I said touture can be used , with a prisioner worthy of being tourtured that posses information that can be used against him and his cause , not some poor shmuck who is actually a fucking taxi cab driver . But I guess this was one of "thousands of mistakes" Old Codie was telling the news the other day. Beyond that yes , putting a random fucking soldier in charge of tourture and interrogation is unprofessional , don't you agree ? He does as he is told and then is thrown into jail for breaking the "law" while under orders . That my friend is un-fucking-professional . Imagine being in that guys shoes . I joined the Army to defend my country for a spat . If I was ordered to do that shit I'd tell my command to go fuck themselves point blank . And if I was FORCED  I certainly wouldn't be taking pictures of it .

  Back pedling huh ? I'm not a back pedler Bush is the back pedler . Listen to what he tells America

On a ship with the "Mission Accomplished banner" he says " We've removed an ally of Al Quada "

One year later " We , we , we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with Sep 11th "

These are his own words , that he stubles upon because he knows it's bullshit .

http://www.dumpalink.com/media/11374965 … 1_and_Iraq
Well I see I will get no "thank yous" for posting the article YOU requested on the progress being made in Iraq. Not a thank you or an acknowledgement that such things are happening......You left that arguement and went into disecting "what ya meant" I guess, on the "torture scanal".

Ok so on to it then....you have cut up your arguement enough to warrant an agreement from me......the fact that these poor MPs with no training in such things carried this out seems outrageous. Worse yet, they are being hung out to dry as well, so it seems. (based on the THIS video alone I form an opinion, I reserve the right to change my opinion as I learn more about this ). So for that much I agree.

Now on to you and Bush and Sadaam and AL Queda.

There appears no disputing Sadaam Husseins link to Al Queda from anyone but you.

Noone ever said Sadaam was involved in 911 ( though it was investagated I am sure )in fact it has been well stated that he wasn't involved.

It has also been proven that AL Queda WAS involved in 911.....A good hint to this is they pretty much admitted to it.

So, Sadaam has links to Al Queda not 911.

Al Queda has links to 911 AND Sadaam.

Therefore the " We've removed an ally of Al Queda " statement is correct.

jonnykill wrote:


Hummm . I guess Iran is next . What else do we need this for ?
Maybe it is next .................but lets try and help them first and see where it gets us.

http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/03/ … index.html

don't you dare forget this article next time you spout off about invasions and war mongering.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-01 14:56:13)


cpt.fass1 wrote:

Well the main problem with the Iraq war that's still going on is ongoing mobility. Meaning that once we beat the crap out of a country that was never really a threat, but we made into one, a country that's really a threat will be a much harder battle.  We have 150k troops over in Iraq fighting or just worrying about road side bombs on a day to day basis. Majority of them don't want to be there anymore, everyone was looking for a quick battle then wrap it up go home. Now it's lasted 3-4 years with no signs of ending.  Now this is taking a toll on our troops and our walets and if one of the other real threats(Iran, North Korea) wants to start a war we'd be fucked.

Remember Russia use to be a major superpower in the world but running a war machine and battles with Afganistan bankrupted them and mother Russia colapesed.  What makes america any different?? We're not fighting an army here, we're not even fighting Iraq's(yet). We are fighting a Intellengence war with an army when it needs to be fought with "Intellengence" something the CIA doesn't have. This war to make us safe is putting us in more jeoperdy then protecting us on every angle.  Our deficit is at an all time high, the twin tower spot is still not rebuilt, New Orleans is still in shambles, we're sacrifising our futures and our childrens futures for a people that's going to enter the world econimy and steal decent paying jobs from our county.
And as long as it is "willed" to be a losing war, so it might be. Our country is in a war. A war that was declared on us back in '98.....It is time America starts acting like we are in a war and stop bellyaching over there daily dumbshit. Cuz here is a news flash........the more the terrorist see the division in America the more  drive they have to fight and fight harder....make no mistake......the liberals in this country are the best allies the terrorist have...

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-01 14:54:02)

The Microwave Man
I think the link is busted .

jonnykill wrote:

I think the link is busted .
If you are referring t othe "link between Sadaam and Al queda........I think you are right.!!!!
Well if that is all of your arguements on this matter johnnykill, we can move on to the next statement you made......

DID you manage to get lucky last night ??? lol
The Microwave Man

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Ummm yeah . Like I said touture can be used , with a prisioner worthy of being tourtured that posses information that can be used against him and his cause , not some poor shmuck who is actually a fucking taxi cab driver . But I guess this was one of "thousands of mistakes" Old Codie was telling the news the other day. Beyond that yes , putting a random fucking soldier in charge of tourture and interrogation is unprofessional , don't you agree ? He does as he is told and then is thrown into jail for breaking the "law" while under orders . That my friend is un-fucking-professional . Imagine being in that guys shoes . I joined the Army to defend my country for a spat . If I was ordered to do that shit I'd tell my command to go fuck themselves point blank . And if I was FORCED  I certainly wouldn't be taking pictures of it .

  Back pedling huh ? I'm not a back pedler Bush is the back pedler . Listen to what he tells America

On a ship with the "Mission Accomplished banner" he says " We've removed an ally of Al Quada "

One year later " We , we , we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with Sep 11th "

These are his own words , that he stubles upon because he knows it's bullshit .

http://www.dumpalink.com/media/11374965 … 1_and_Iraq
Well I see I will get no "thank yous" for posting the article YOU requested on the progress being made in Iraq. Not a thank you or an acknowledgement that such things are happening......You left that arguement and went into disecting "what ya meant" I guess, on the "torture scanal".

Ok so on to it then....you have cut up your arguement enough to warrant an agreement from me......the fact that these poor MPs with no training in such things carried this out seems outrageous. Worse yet, they are being hung out to dry as well, so it seems. (based on the THIS video alone I form an opinion, I reserve the right to change my opinion as I learn more about this ). So for that much I agree.

Now on to you and Bush and Sadaam and AL Queda.

There appears no disputing Sadaam Husseins link to Al Queda from anyone but you.

Noone ever said Sadaam was involved in 911 ( though it was investagated I am sure )in fact it has been well stated that he wasn't involved.

It has also been proven that AL Queda WAS involved in 911.....A good hint to this is they pretty much admitted to it.

So, Sadaam has links to Al Queda not 911.

Al Queda has links to 911 AND Sadaam.

Therefore the " We've removed an ally of Al Queda " statement is correct.
All I can do is laugh at you from now on . Have a nice day in your wet paper bag ya bimbo .

jonnykill wrote:

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Ummm yeah . Like I said touture can be used , with a prisioner worthy of being tourtured that posses information that can be used against him and his cause , not some poor shmuck who is actually a fucking taxi cab driver . But I guess this was one of "thousands of mistakes" Old Codie was telling the news the other day. Beyond that yes , putting a random fucking soldier in charge of tourture and interrogation is unprofessional , don't you agree ? He does as he is told and then is thrown into jail for breaking the "law" while under orders . That my friend is un-fucking-professional . Imagine being in that guys shoes . I joined the Army to defend my country for a spat . If I was ordered to do that shit I'd tell my command to go fuck themselves point blank . And if I was FORCED  I certainly wouldn't be taking pictures of it .

  Back pedling huh ? I'm not a back pedler Bush is the back pedler . Listen to what he tells America

On a ship with the "Mission Accomplished banner" he says " We've removed an ally of Al Quada "

One year later " We , we , we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with Sep 11th "

These are his own words , that he stubles upon because he knows it's bullshit .

http://www.dumpalink.com/media/11374965 … 1_and_Iraq
Well I see I will get no "thank yous" for posting the article YOU requested on the progress being made in Iraq. Not a thank you or an acknowledgement that such things are happening......You left that arguement and went into disecting "what ya meant" I guess, on the "torture scanal".

Ok so on to it then....you have cut up your arguement enough to warrant an agreement from me......the fact that these poor MPs with no training in such things carried this out seems outrageous. Worse yet, they are being hung out to dry as well, so it seems. (based on the THIS video alone I form an opinion, I reserve the right to change my opinion as I learn more about this ). So for that much I agree.

Now on to you and Bush and Sadaam and AL Queda.

There appears no disputing Sadaam Husseins link to Al Queda from anyone but you.

Noone ever said Sadaam was involved in 911 ( though it was investagated I am sure )in fact it has been well stated that he wasn't involved.

It has also been proven that AL Queda WAS involved in 911.....A good hint to this is they pretty much admitted to it.

So, Sadaam has links to Al Queda not 911.

Al Queda has links to 911 AND Sadaam.

Therefore the " We've removed an ally of Al Queda " statement is correct.
All I can do is laugh at you from now on . Have a nice day in your wet paper bag ya bimbo .
That is simply because, spiteful laughter and not facts is the only thing you have left with your arguement.

You have been spouting off about progress in Iraq......"show me show me" as soon as it was shown to you you dropped that arguement like a bad habit and never acknowledged progress has been made.

Now same with your bullshit Sadaam and 911 arguement ( of which you made up for your own enjoyment I guess)

You and your retreat back into the woodwork speaks volumes about you and your agenda to discredit the efforts in Iraq....... you are left with no facts to back up a word you have said...I think I will join you in laughing

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-01 15:26:23)

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