lowing wrote:
jonnykill wrote:
lowing wrote:
and no what really matters to me is results........and the result of Bushs efforts are no more attacks to date..........I know you hate that, I know you would like nothing more than to see a bomb explode in a major city so you can sink your fangs into bush yet again.
Results huh ? Look at the results in Iraq these days . See any improvements ? I see a civil war about to happen . Granted the news media gravitates toward every single bomb that explodes the news coming out of Iraq is bad , real bad . Probably going to get worse . If you have a problem with me not liking my President fine but don't throw words down my throat and say I or anybody here would enjoy seeing America get hit by another terrorist attack . I love this country just as much as you do . I'm just not pleased with the idiot running the show . Right now he is just a percentage away from having the lowest approval rating in US history . Also the poll right in this thread is telling as well . Looks like you guys have the smaller bus
Also, whith your great wisdom......explain to me what is was exactly that you liked about Bill Clinton and the way HE ran the show in combating terrorism...........Please keep in mind the 911 attacks were already being planned before Bush was elected.so......they were going to happen even if BOY WONDER Al Gore did get elected.....and instead of complaining, why don't you and the rest of the liberal think tank get together and come up with a plan to combat this world war?........you know, a plan alittle deeper than "bring the troops home"..I ask this since all liberals do is bitch and offer no solutions to any problems.......
You can say what you want, but I refuse to believe that you want this war to run smoothly and be a decisive victory for our country. Because if that happened you would most assuredly lose the next round of elections.
the last thing you want is to say Bush did well combating this threat.As a matter of fact...Even if it was an overwhelming victory you would dig and dig until you found ANYTHING to use against him..
LOL once again you keep saying I like Bill Clinton and avoid Bushes issues . Both you and Horsey and Tank whore always quote me but leave stuff out for your arguments sake . I mentioned one time I like Bill Clinton , in a nut shell he was an ok president and he could actually speak a full sentence and not fuck it up .
Worst thing he ever did was reduce our military to a dangerous point IMHO , but it's resolved now .
You say I have wisdom . Yeah , enough to know that going into Iraq without a plan for the insurgency and the flood of Al Quada is wrong , wrong , wrong ! To think that things were going to run smoothly and jump up on a carrier in a flight suit with your nuts hanging out calling victory and " Mission Accomplished " . Yeah nice try but wrong , wrong , wrong .
Then you go again and put words into my mouth . I actually loved the way Bush handled Afghanistan . Couldn't have gone better . We did what the Soviets couldn't do in ten years ( with our help of course )
inside of 4 months . I actually liked old Rummy and Powell when he was around . Notice how he isn't .
Anyhow I couldn't have been more pleased . But over the years , the 9/11 commission questioning , the blunder in Iraq his smug stupid smile on his face bumping his shoulders up and down at press conferences talking about how we can't find Osama - I just came clear to me one day . I've had enough , I think he's doing a bad job and I think he's an idiot .
I don't want anything bad to happen to troops who are just doing thier job. Go screw yourself , I was IN the Army and pray the casualties are as low as they can be . I feel for thoes guys out there fighting the scum of the earth . I just see the point of them being there in the first place . You say that 9/11 was planned well before Bush was in office . This is true . We ignored warning from several different countries , our CIA blew off tips from field operatives with valuable info and we still got hit . Now Bush listens to the same people who screwed up so majorly before and decides to take thier word again about weapons of mass destruction . How many waepons of mass destruction did we find in Iraq ?
Oh and Horsey 77 - You qouted me wrong I never said a civil war HAPPENED , I said I see one ABOUT to happen . You understand English right ? Please pay more attention and stop grabbing at straws .