Kark64 is the best map in the game.  Period.

64 players not the 64 map, the 32 and 64 map are both good.

I made out a long list of reasons why this map is the best but i closed the window so screw it. I'm gunna summarize in a few lines.

-With KARK, you can do very well in every game, consistently, with very few low scoring games.
-You do NOT need a vehicle to do well in kark!
-The flags are very close together, the max you'll have to run to get to action is 20 seconds in kark.
-Lots of people, very close together equals hella kills.
-You can own just by running around swiping at people with your knife. Kark only.
-C4ing 10 people with one bomb is frickin sweet. Only kark baby, only kark.   
-Games are short and sweet: nobody likes a long slow drawn out game especially if you're losing.
-You can get a LOT of points VERY quickly even if you suck. Just pick up a medic pack which is obviously the best class in the game btw.  (throw the health on the ground to get points)
-Kark is the only map where you can own run out of a pkm magazine with lots of enemies around, pick up another pack, own some more people, pick up another pack (oh, this one doesnt have any ammo), jump, pick up another pack, own some more people, die, get revived, die again, get revived again, throw a random nade and get 3 more kills.  ONLY in KARK!
-Lobbing nades is awesome, and if you are good at it you can rawk up points like mad.
-You can obliterate in a tank.
-50 points per 15 minute game, need I say more?

The list goes on and on. Anyway, I didn't write the book on kark but I sure did add to it.  I'd love some feedback here too. Kark is unlike any other map in the game, its fast paced and crazy as all hell. The gameplay is completely different from any other map, this does take getting used to. This is why people freak out about it so much.  Some people are very, very good at this map.

If YOU love KARK and you wanna join PUCK clan feel free to send an email to    puckclan at gmail dot com    with your age and when you usually play pacific time I'll send you back tryout info. Love to have more fools on ts owning sh!7.
The Insomniac
American Hillbilly
+12|6837|Long Beach, CA
its a played out map.
karkand rules     PERIOD
sharqi rules      SECOND PERIOD
Insert witty comment here
+3|6796|Brixham, UK
Stike at Spamkand IMO. First flag is just utterly boring. APCS and tanks camp in their own spots healing each other, the two sides spam nades at the fenced in area. I only play on because I know another map follows it.
Karkand FTW! its an amiazing map i just love it! Ive got many experts ther


Stike at Spamkand IMO. First flag is just utterly boring. APCS and tanks camp in their own spots healing each other, the two sides spam nades at the fenced in area. I only play on because I know another map follows it.
help out your team and BREAK the blockade....... as soon as players realize that it's a teamgame and not a DM, fun levels go up and surlyness goes down.....
I'm a Bitch

blackcracka wrote:

-Lobbing nades is awesome
yeah spamming nades, noob tubing, c4 throwing, just awsome, really.

To me it seems all the 24/7 karkand servers is all about that bs that you think is so awsome. But karkand played in general rotaion usually plays much more sensibly and can be fun.
The Karma Collector!
+233|6728|The Netherlands
uhm, blackcracka, I see you haven't got the Meritorious Unit Ribbon, 40 teampoints and 26 minutes in a squad IAR. How is that possible? It was my very first ribbon ;-)

Just found that awkward, 115k points and not got that ribbon...
Jet Rammer
+4|6765|Debris From Space
yep true. I got 106 points on karkand by pure infantry power. NO vehicles used. I even beat the tank and apc whores. :p
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6883|Germany / Saxony
I dont like Kark(l)and... It´s quite such an bad map as the BH-whore map

Sharqi is much much better...

But the best are the plane maps:
I <3 OP Cleansweep and Dalian Plant....

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...

Eckzack wrote:

I dont like Kark(l)and... It´s quite such an bad map as the BH-whore map

Sharqi is much much better...

But the best are the plane maps:
I <3 OP Cleansweep and Dalian Plant....
BAH! Plane maps....... JET WHORE
+301|6833|Denver, CO
I like to fly and dogfight. I like maps with pretty scenery like the mountains in Dalian or the trees in Dragon Valley.

I really find it childish when people say "best" without adding "in my opinion, because I like Counter-Strike."

Boomerjinks wrote:

I like to fly and dogfight. I like maps with pretty scenery like the mountains in Dalian or the trees in Dragon Valley.

I really find it childish when people say "best" without adding "in my opinion, because I like Counter-Strike."
as I said.... JET WHORE     just kidding....

indeed, when saying "best map ever" always add "in my opinion"

I stand corrected
+8|6753|UK(stats says usa by mistake)
I tank/Apc whore kark if i can. If i cant i grab by SF kit and hunt the other sides tank/apc whores lol
Un Moderador

karkand SUKS period
oman RULES period
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Sharqi>karkand because it has the Mi-28 :-)
Umbra Acciptris
Mashtuur City, Warlord, Ghost Town, and Sharqi Peninsula, then karkland.  I do not understand the overdomanaince of karkland.  It is not a bad map, yet honestly it is rather limiting. 
Thier is 3 main assult routes.  Up the center flag for flag (hardly ever done), down the side to the island flags.  down the side for the back flags.
Over the line!
+70|6787|Mark it zero.
i like sharqi the most, except for the fact that my comp cant handle it very well. it lags a lot. karkand at the beginning can lag a lot too because of so much going on. i cant play 64 karkand and hang around at the hotel or i just lag and die every time. so i run off somewhere else.

tard wrote:

blackcracka wrote:

-Lobbing nades is awesome
yeah spamming nades, noob tubing, c4 throwing, just awsome, really.

To me it seems all the 24/7 karkand servers is all about that bs that you think is so awsome. But karkand played in general rotaion usually plays much more sensibly and can be fun.
Especially when your teammates think a grenade is candy and gather around it, only to take .2 of a second to punish because they were stupid and ran into it.

24/7 Karkand is a stat padders paradise, very rarely have i seen the enemy take another flag, and have the clusterfuck disperse.
After all this complaining about some of the things in BF2, how about 'they' add a strobe/laser/disco light affect to friendly nades, so that if you see it, you'll know its a nade and run.  Oh wait, they'll probably just start dancing all on it   Or put invisible force field barriers around friendly mines so that if you go near them something magically pushes you back! Wowowow amazing.
+62|6717|Adelaide, Australia
Strike at Spamland has it's merits, but there are other maps that I enjoy more.
Sharqui Peninsula, Gulf of Oman, Dalian Plant, Dragon Valley come in before Karkand for me.

Sharqui: Attacking or defending the TV station can create some fantastic squad vs squad battles. The choppers add that extra bit of danger, while still being easy enough to shoot down with all the AA and vehicles around.

Oman: A bit of everything... Antitank, engineers and medics are all useful. Choppers and jets dogfighting overhead. Intense "warzone" feeling about this map.

Dalian: Again, a bit of everything. An antitank paradise. Each flag is defendable, and with four attack choppers on the map, there's always action in the skies.

Dragon Valley: The pretty scenery. Lots of choppers, jets, flags and chokepoints. Just a fantastic map overall. Only bad part is the carrier needed to be further out to sea, but the map size limits this.

... and BF2Craglyeye, I've always called the mass of bodies by the hotel "the spam", but I really like the sound of "clusterfuck"!
If only MEC players realised they are supposed to be DEFENDING on this map rather than attacking... god that sh!ts me watching the MEC guys run in to the spam and throw away tickets like they do, when myself and two other guys are the only ones cleaning up east of the river.

Edit: I forgot the most important thing..... lots of points - pffft, who cares?

Last edited by Gulf_War_Syndrome (2006-01-28 20:04:42)

In my opinion, it's a good map, but it's bloody overplayed. My current most-played map is Karkand and that's just by joining populated servers with the lowest ping for me.

I go out of my way to play Warlord when I'm playing SF. That's it, mostly because I have a nice, low-ping server where I've played with most of the regulars.

In vanilla though, I must say I find Sharqi the most diverse map. Nice infantry combat, nice sniping, chopper battles, a good mix of vehicles, but not too many... a construction site to play around in that's not just on the outskirts somewhere... and that bloody fun TV station that was so fun they had to put it in Warlord. Except noobtoob campers in the stairwell... those aren't all too fun.
Karkand is the Q2DM1 of BF2.  Nuff said.
you forgot
-you dont get raped by jets or choppers. Only at Karkand

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