RoyWereForUniMare wrote:
Its a crying shame that your private life isn't private when you're a celeb or anyone important>.<.
Well... lets See Shall we. ??
Company property
Company Time
Government Agency
Junior Employee and Public Servant on Tax Payer funded payroll on Company/ Govermet/Taxpayers Time
willing ( Chubbette monica )
Junior Employee and Public Servant on Tax Payer funded payroll on Company/ Govermet/Taxpayers Time
Unwilling ( Catherine Willy )
Where do you see the Entitlement to privacy ? I cant !
I would have been fired with His Blessing too.
Just like The young Navy Aviators in The " tail hook Scandal "
who "hassled women in a bar ".... Shudder !
He taught us embarrassment and humiliation. Alas he is Our Neville Chamberlian
and the " Forgotten president."
But its off the thread anyway.