If I can I will get it, I'm looking forward on playing with the Europese army and to see if their vehicles are going to be interesting enough to keep playing.
Did anyone find out which language the Europeans are going to speak yet?
Why do you people pay money for expansions and shit? Just limwire them o.o

bEAv3D wrote:

After looking at your stats, you only play like 3 maps anyways..... I mean really, 262 hours played and only 2 maps over 20 hours.
To each his own, I guess...
yup... i play what i enjoy

i bought sf about a week after it came out, and what, i have 1 hour or something on it?
what does that tell ya..
The Kid
That you're an idiot for buying a product you don't like?
+24|7007|Fayettenam, NC USA

RedFiercare wrote:

That you're an idiot for buying a product you don't like?
well said.
lol, u knobbies...

how can someone know if they dont like something until they have tried it. u dumb dildo.
i gave ea their chance with their expansion and it didnt work for me. and what, im an idiot because i dont like what i bought? grow up and try having an adult conversation for a change.

you ever rented a movie u thought was shit?  u ever read a bad book?  u NEVER bought a shit game before?


can we have some intelligent posts here please?

Last edited by uber73 (2006-01-28 12:50:08)

+5|7088|Laguna Beach, CA
I think it's been confirmed that Euro Force will speak either German or French.

The SAS force in SF and USMC in vanilla already speaks English.

I'll try to find the site where I found that info.

But I need to find a credit card alternative to purchase this Booster pack from EA.

I don't trust EA. Ha ha.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
It's really amazing that EA has not learned from BF1942 in that Expansions and Mods will only further fracture the community into smaller sections that enjoy smaller portions of the game. If this booster pack was a patch and made available to everyone then the player base is more likely to stay together. This means more servers, with more numbers, with the same version as you all the time. It's a waste in this case. Bad marketing on EA's part. The Armored Fury 2nd Booster pack I can see as a booster pack but not this one. Not this close to the release of SF. Stupidity at work. *sigh*
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
When only half of the BF2 community buy this update does it mean that only half the servers will be available to current version users as BF2 only lets you connect to 'same version' servers only ?

For info I usually get 3200 servers to connect to on my current version.
what will be hot is when they release more maps for euro forces only then people will bitch more
Mass Media Casualty

I'd get it, but I really don't like the fact that it's download/pay only. I don't trust anything that downloads. I'd definatly buy a CD version, I'd even pay an extra couple of bucks to get in on CD rather than downloading it.

EA were cheap bitches for putting patch-like material in an expansion type addon that you have to pay for, but that's how they're presenting it, so if you don't want to play new maps and have new weapons, stop moaning.
If you want the new weapons and maps, tell EA that you're not very happy with them, but then buy it anyway. EA care that this Booster Pack idea has caused a negative outlook on EA as a whole, I'm sure they will take it into account and not be such money-hungry assholes next time.
[Blinking eyes thing]
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

bEAv3D wrote:

RedFiercare wrote:

That you're an idiot for buying a product you don't like?
well said.
no not well said, for starters he wrote that not then, and to finish how was he to know he didnt like it before he had played it you tools?
+22|6977|England, UK

bEAv3D wrote:

I find it hilarious that people just bitch, bitch, bitch about EA, yet they have over 200 hours played.  That's not a very effective way to portray your hatred towards the big, bad monster that makes the game that sucks up every spare minute of your life.  In my opinion, if you want to show EA what a bad ass you really are, STOP PLAYING, and GET OFF THIS DAMN FORUM...but like I said, that's my personal opinion.  I like BF2, I like the SF expansion, and I plan on buying both booster packs, and if that is considered "floating EA's boat," then so be it.

Oh, and by the way...

uber73 wrote:

... it doesnt matter that its 3, read "THREE" (as in ONLY 3) new maps and re-skinned vehicles...
After looking at your stats, you only play like 3 maps anyways..... I mean really, 262 hours played and only 2 maps over 20 hours.

To each his own, I guess...
Guys... BF2 is a great game!! It was made by DICE canada!! EA has nothing to do with the result of the game, all's they do is test, give inputs, get money and manufacture the game!

Ofcourse EA is about money, money, money.. It's a freakin' BUSINESS for christs sake, it's not gonna give away games for free.. and it wouldn't be the biggest games manufacturer in the world if it did.

I don't agree with it's money before customer support and this blackmale they are using on us (making us buy the game or people get extra weapons/advantages etc.), but there really is nothing we can do about it. Unless ofcourse we all stop buying from EA, which won't happen, and shouldn't.
pretty much all expansions will be crap only the orignal will be good.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

To answere the topic... Euroforce will be popular due to two things.

FAMAS (tested it )
The Great Wall of China
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Point of Existence
+8|7028|UK(stats says usa by mistake)
They speak english with scary accents, cant put my finger on what the accents our but they freak me out.

uber73 wrote:

lol, u knobbies...

how can someone know if they dont like something until they have tried it. u dumb dildo.
i gave ea their chance with their expansion and it didnt work for me. and what, im an idiot because i dont like what i bought? grow up and try having an adult conversation for a change.

you ever rented a movie u thought was shit?  u ever read a bad book?  u NEVER bought a shit game before?


can we have some intelligent posts here please?
I have an adult conversation everyday. It usually starts with someone calling me a "knobbie" then they freak out and dont make any sense and contradict themselves repeatedly... then they end by saying later "dickend." I wish I could speak in such a manner and be considered an adult.
+8|7028|UK(stats says usa by mistake)
Well i've already been called a hacker... Apparently i took 30 bullets to the chest.... so i guess they left the server and watched the fraps video they said was proof lol

Also plenty of insults between everyone so does'nt look to mature.
It amazes me when people keep complaining about a company like EA having the gaul to CHARGE MONEY for products.  Please make a note that EA is a business.  If you have a job (so close your eyes and try to imagine, those of you that don't) then you are dependant on people giving your company goods and services.  That is how it works.  I defy anyone to give me a job that does not require money to be collected to get a paycheck (government jobs need that too, its called taxes).  EA charges money for things so that it can pay employees among other things.  EA has every right to charge for the product.  Don't like it, don't buy it.  Go take a nap instead, that is about all you can do that won't cost you any money out of your pocket.

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