
Merckle, below, saw his fortune plunge from £8.6billion to £6.2billion
That poor poor man,  just £6.2billion...
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6765|Little Bentcock
What is it with Adolf's and suicide?
The Artist formerly known as GraphicArtist-J
+196|6268|So Cal

jord wrote:


...I know you're talking about the guy and not his family, I'm saying you wouldn't care be this inconsiderate infront of his family. And a lot of people don't view the guy as a coward, his family included probably.
FFS Of course I won't do that in front of his family! Most of us are civilized people, we don't bash the family members for someone that has a weak mind or was given as you guys say the "Darwin Award".

How the hell did you bring up religion in this anyhow? Sheeesh!
AGAIN: Somebody that commits suicide...DOES NOT THINK ABOUT THEIR FAMILY. They're a selfish coward thinking about the money they might lose??!!!. *Sickness or not "hence your multiple sclorosis statment *

.... If you're a Father you should understand that you wouldn't kill yourself no matter the problem, if you aren't a Father then take it as a life's lesson of the weak minded-(the dead guy).

SAMPLE of cowards:

...and another one:


Last edited by GraphicArtist J (2009-01-07 16:24:58)

+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.

GraphicArtist J wrote:

jord wrote:


...I know you're talking about the guy and not his family, I'm saying you wouldn't care be this inconsiderate infront of his family. And a lot of people don't view the guy as a coward, his family included probably.
FFS Of course I won't do that in front of his family! Most of us are civilized people, we don't bash the family members for someone that has a weak mind or was given as you guys say the "Darwin Award".

How the hell did you bring up religion in this anyhow? Sheeesh!
AGAIN: Somebody that commits suicide...DOES NOT THINK ABOUT THEIR FAMILY. They're a selfish coward thinking about the money they might lose??!!!. *Sickness or not "hence your multiple sclorosis statment *

.... If you're a Father you should understand that you wouldn't kill yourself no matter the problem, if you aren't a Father then take it as a life's lesson of the weak minded-(the dead guy).

SAMPLE of another coward:
http://www.crimerant.com/wp-content/upl … rderer.jpg
If my mother was in pain everyday and did nothing but moan in agony then passed out, I would not only tell her to end it, but I would help her and take whatever punishment there is.

Some people also do not have a family, and some people their families will not care about them anyway.

You branded millions of people with the coward brush. You wouldn't if you know all their situations.
Voices are calling...
+136|6073|Somewhere out in Space

GraphicArtist J wrote:

jord wrote:


...I know you're talking about the guy and not his family, I'm saying you wouldn't care be this inconsiderate infront of his family. And a lot of people don't view the guy as a coward, his family included probably.
FFS Of course I won't do that in front of his family! Most of us are civilized people, we don't bash the family members for someone that has a weak mind or was given as you guys say the "Darwin Award".

How the hell did you bring up religion in this anyhow? Sheeesh!
AGAIN: Somebody that commits suicide...DOES NOT THINK ABOUT THEIR FAMILY. They're a selfish coward thinking about the money they might lose??!!!. *Sickness or not "hence your multiple sclorosis statment *

.... If you're a Father you should understand that you wouldn't kill yourself no matter the problem, if you aren't a Father then take it as a life's lesson of the weak minded-(the dead guy).

SAMPLE of another coward:
http://www.crimerant.com/wp-content/upl … rderer.jpg

Last edited by N00bkilla55404 (2009-01-07 16:26:20)

The Artist formerly known as GraphicArtist-J
+196|6268|So Cal

jord wrote:

GraphicArtist J wrote:

jord wrote:


...I know you're talking about the guy and not his family, I'm saying you wouldn't care be this inconsiderate infront of his family. And a lot of people don't view the guy as a coward, his family included probably.
FFS Of course I won't do that in front of his family! Most of us are civilized people, we don't bash the family members for someone that has a weak mind or was given as you guys say the "Darwin Award".

How the hell did you bring up religion in this anyhow? Sheeesh!
AGAIN: Somebody that commits suicide...DOES NOT THINK ABOUT THEIR FAMILY. They're a selfish coward thinking about the money they might lose??!!!. *Sickness or not "hence your multiple sclorosis statment *

.... If you're a Father you should understand that you wouldn't kill yourself no matter the problem, if you aren't a Father then take it as a life's lesson of the weak minded-(the dead guy).

SAMPLE of another coward:
http://www.crimerant.com/wp-content/upl … rderer.jpg
If my mother was in pain everyday and did nothing but moan in agony then passed out, I would not only tell her to end it, but I would help her and take whatever punishment there is.

Some people also do not have a family, and some people their families will not care about them anyway.

You branded millions of people with the coward brush. You wouldn't if you know all their situations.
I know my mother wouldn't kill herself because of her children and husband. She's not weak minded. Tough woman.
And yes she's not that healthy right now. But I can't speak for her.

Again... being a Father, you would understand.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He was 74.

I don't think his children really need a father figure in their lives to watch over them any more.

As for suicide being a cowards escape, I think you would have to be very brave to kill yourself. And you have absolutely no idea what that person has gone through before coming to the conclusion suicide is an option.

Depression is the major cause and if you have never suffered from severe depression labelling these people as cowards is narrow minded indeed.
+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.

GraphicArtist J wrote:

jord wrote:

GraphicArtist J wrote:

FFS Of course I won't do that in front of his family! Most of us are civilized people, we don't bash the family members for someone that has a weak mind or was given as you guys say the "Darwin Award".

How the hell did you bring up religion in this anyhow? Sheeesh!
AGAIN: Somebody that commits suicide...DOES NOT THINK ABOUT THEIR FAMILY. They're a selfish coward thinking about the money they might lose??!!!. *Sickness or not "hence your multiple sclorosis statment *

.... If you're a Father you should understand that you wouldn't kill yourself no matter the problem, if you aren't a Father then take it as a life's lesson of the weak minded-(the dead guy).

SAMPLE of another coward:
http://www.crimerant.com/wp-content/upl … rderer.jpg
If my mother was in pain everyday and did nothing but moan in agony then passed out, I would not only tell her to end it, but I would help her and take whatever punishment there is.

Some people also do not have a family, and some people their families will not care about them anyway.

You branded millions of people with the coward brush. You wouldn't if you know all their situations.
I know my mother wouldn't kill herself because of her children and husband. She's not weak minded. Tough woman.
And yes she's not that healthy right now. But I can't speak for her.

Again... being a Father, you would understand.
You don't know because she has never been in paralytic pain to the point where she is unable to move from her bed all day. Again, there are lots of circumstances in which suicide is the best option all round.

Again, I don't need to be a Father to debate this. That's the excuse people come out with when they lack any reasonable argument. lets fall back on the old "You can't talk until you're a parent" tactic.

i see why people get banned for posting drunk
O' HAL naw!
+470|6720|Columbus, OH
He still could of lived off of the $1.00 value meals at McDonalds. Does Germany have the 1.35 Euro value Meals or something?
His wife could eat fancy, McD has their parfait for dessert.
+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.

loubot wrote:

He still could of lived off of the $1.00 value meals at McDonalds. Does Germany have the 1.35 Euro value Meals or something?
His wife could eat fancy, McD has their parfait for dessert.
McDonald's never fills me up, I think they make it so that it doesn't fill you so you buy more.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6720|Columbus, OH

jord wrote:

loubot wrote:

He still could of lived off of the $1.00 value meals at McDonalds. Does Germany have the 1.35 Euro value Meals or something?
His wife could eat fancy, McD has their parfait for dessert.
McDonald's never fills me up, I think they make it so that it doesn't fill you so you buy more.
Like cigarettes....I think we stumbled onto something here

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