+89|7032|Sheffield, England
which nation do you guys think is the 2nd most powerful in the world? ive heard a forum its between britian, uk and germany..i think
easy : China
even the three most powerful europeans countries (Germany, France and UK) with their high-technology weapons wouldn't stand against more than 2 millions of mens armed with Type 56.

For the european countries :

Ground forces :        1 : germany            2 : france              3 : uk
Air forces :              1 : uk                      2 : france              3 : germany
Naval forces :          1 : uk                      2 : france              3 : germany

every military expert would confirm this ranking (though countries like Sweden, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland, Italia, Spain, Portugal and Greece are quite good too)

except EU, USA and China I would say : Russia (second most powerful army in the world), Canada (good equipment), Australia (good equipment), Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Pakistan, Syria (old army but still effective), Iran, Saoudit Arabia (good equipment), India (quite good naval forces), Japan (naval forces), South Korea and North Korea (6th and 7th army in term of number of soldiers), Thailand, Taiwan and Indonesia.
+557|7051|Oslo, Norway
i think china, but induviali i think that norwegian soldiers are good. however the Oslo gang during WW2 has an incredible K/D ratio. great sabotage
+2|7069| U.S.A.
Once China begins using the masses of natrual land resources they havn't even began using, they will for sure be the strongest.

My dad is the Vice President of the largest steel company in the world. This is based out of Japan, but the main factories are in china. They have yet to discover a vast richness of natrual resouces.
Uk, because we have the best pilots in the world plus were naturaly born fighters, all the wars we have been in we've kicked ass.
+69|7026|th3 unkn0wn

elite wrote:

which nation do you guys think is the 2nd most powerful in the world? ive heard a forum its between britian, uk and germany..i think
I didn't know Britain and the UK were different nations
+69|7026|th3 unkn0wn

sheggalism wrote:

easy : China
even the three most powerful europeans countries (Germany, France and UK) with their high-technology weapons wouldn't stand against more than 2 millions of mens armed with Type 56.

For the european countries :

Ground forces :        1 : germany            2 : france              3 : uk
Air forces :              1 : uk                      2 : france              3 : germany
Naval forces :          1 : uk                      2 : france              3 : germany
Right, it's settled. The UK PWNS France's arse. And this is confirmed by the Frenchman here. At least he owns up to coming from an inferior country
Britain is Wales, England and Scotland. and UK is Wales, England, Scotland And Northern Ireland.

Last edited by rhodri_d (2006-01-30 14:48:18)


sir del boy wrote:

Right, it's settled. The UK PWNS France's arse. And this is confirmed by the Frenchman here. At least he owns up to coming from an inferior country
damn rosbeef !!!   Our army owned yours ! we have more naval vessels (unlike you surely think) more foot soldiers, more tanks and APCs, Eryx and Milan owns TOW and M136, more helicopters. The only reason they rank UK's air force and navy before France's is your RAF and your Fleet Air Arm which have more planes, but what planes ? the EF 2000 and the F-35 (thanks to your "master" US) that's all (Harrier and Tornadoes are outdated)
+25|7077|Yorkshire, UK.
That may be so sheg but if we picked a fight with ya you'd surrender in seconds as usual....

In fact I'm coming to invade myself in 2 months. Just thought i'd let you know so you could prepare for a smooth transition....

+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

senor_fulff wrote:

That may be so sheg but if we picked a fight with ya you'd surrender in seconds as usual....

In fact I'm coming to invade myself in 2 months. Just thought i'd let you know so you could prepare for a smooth transition....

+0|6999|Bærum, norway

WilhelmSissener wrote:

i think china, but induviali i think that norwegian soldiers are good. however the Oslo gang during WW2 has an incredible K/D ratio. great sabotage
I am so agreed!!!!!

Pope Picard II

Somebody mentioned Canada, Honestly though, even Canadians laugh at our military. We are a big Welcome Doormat, and we will get mildy indignant if you cross us!!

I'm sorry, you seem to have invaded Canada, is there anything I can help you with? You are getting dirt on my carpet.
+25|7077|Yorkshire, UK.
Actually heard the french referred to as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" on national news last year after chirac's comments about english food...

sheggalism wrote:

easy : China
even the three most powerful europeans countries (Germany, France and UK) with their high-technology weapons wouldn't stand against more than 2 millions of mens armed with Type 56.

For the european countries :

Ground forces :        1 : germany            2 : france              3 : uk
Air forces :              1 : uk                      2 : france              3 : germany
Naval forces :          1 : uk                      2 : france              3 : germany

every military expert would confirm this ranking (though countries like Sweden, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland, Italia, Spain, Portugal and Greece are quite good too)

except EU, USA and China I would say : Russia (second most powerful army in the world), Canada (good equipment), Australia (good equipment), Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Pakistan, Syria (old army but still effective), Iran, Saoudit Arabia (good equipment), India (quite good naval forces), Japan (naval forces), South Korea and North Korea (6th and 7th army in term of number of soldiers), Thailand, Taiwan and Indonesia.
I wouldn't rank the UK behind France in Ground Forces.  The Brits have an impressive army of well trained and disciplined soldiers.  Having worked with the French, I wasn't too impressed.  Saudi Arabia.. LOL I've trained the SANG, they are pitiful.  OK in the defense, but Allah be with them in an Attack.

The effectiveness of an Army is something that is almost impossible to measure.  The US Army dominates in Airland Battle Doctrine.  The IAF has probably the most effective Air Force.  But don't equate modern gee-whiz equipment or sheer manpower to effectiveness.   Some militaries are better suited for distinct operations.   

Props to France:  Best Field Rations (Chicken Curry rocks!)
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I'd have to say the Amish, they can build a bar in a day. I know it's not an nation but it's a group of people living outside US laws. I think they have nukes in there silos. That's it

rhodri_d wrote:

Uk, because we have the best pilots in the world plus were naturaly born fighters, all the wars we have been in we've kicked ass.
Interesting, in all wars u have been u have kicked ass???!!!??? Hmmm, u should learn a bit more history. And nobody can say who has the best pilots, soldiers...  It's a combination of many factors which army wins a fight (terrain, number of soldiers, technology............)
I agree that China is a very powerfull country, they have a really big population, many ressources and the research gets better. But as I said, it's a combination of many factors.
+69|7026|th3 unkn0wn

rhodri_d wrote:

Britain is Wales, England and Scotland. and UK is Wales, England, Scotland And Nothern Island.
The point I wos trying to make wos that Britain is essentially part of the UK so why mention it in the same line, eh?
+50|7013|Southern California
military might doesn't matter if a country is an economic giant, like china will be.
and as china industrializes, and as it's economy becomes more efficient, war will become increasingly unnecessary as they will be able to outproduce competitors in any arms race.
Without getting into specifics...it is alot more in depth, as some of you have stated, than sheer numbers and technology.  Think about the common soldier....look at the gear he wears, the weapons he deploys, the uniform and boots...and his training.  Now since you've taken a good look at this soldier and all he entails...think about the support needed to provide him with all that he has....how deep does this support run..(funding, facilities, staff, workers, management..etc.)  How well financed and organized is the country's military that this soldier fights for?  Now this surely doesn't break down every specific category you could throw into this thread..but it should be the building block for any debates in this thread.  And most should not list Germany and Japan in this thread when talking about fighting forces.  Remember they are limited in what type of military numbers they are "allowed" to have by the USA due to WWII (treaties signed when said countries surrendered).  (point - they have enough in their respective military forces to hold off an aggressor until the US sends aid////second point-USA has bases in those countries so said countries are not likely to be attacked by conventional armies)
Again, this is just food for thought.  Thanks for reading.

alf.ha wrote:

rhodri_d wrote:

Uk, because we have the best pilots in the world plus were naturaly born fighters, all the wars we have been in we've kicked ass.
Interesting, in all wars u have been u have kicked ass???!!!??? Hmmm, u should learn a bit more history. And nobody can say who has the best pilots, soldiers...  It's a combination of many factors which army wins a fight (terrain, number of soldiers, technology............)
I agree that China is a very powerfull country, they have a really big population, many ressources and the research gets better. But as I said, it's a combination of many factors.
We have kicked ass in all the wars we've been in which is more than i can say for you. but i won't start a stupid debate about this, but britain has the best pilots il stick to that but then again i didnt say that britains the best at everything did i. each nation is good for a different thing thats why its hard to say whos the best, cos really there is no best because as i said all nations are unique for different things.

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

rhodri_d wrote:

Britain is Wales, England and Scotland. and UK is Wales, England, Scotland And Nothern Island.
The point I wos trying to make wos that Britain is essentially part of the UK so why mention it in the same line, eh?
Exactly the point i was trying to make i should have added more to it saying same thing soz about that.
Sinister mind

rhodri_d wrote:

Uk, because we have the best pilots in the world plus were naturaly born fighters, all the wars we have been in we've kicked ass.
All wars as in every single war??

American Revolution? Didn't work out to well for you guys.
I cnat slpel!!!


WilhelmSissener wrote:

i think china, but induviali i think that norwegian soldiers are good. however the Oslo gang during WW2 has an incredible K/D ratio. great sabotage
I am so agreed!!!!!


Our armed forces are designed to die for a week, until such a time as NATO can come save our asses

But sea-combat inbetween small islands and shit, yeah I'll stick with our navy any day..
+89|7032|Sheffield, England
ok sorry, i put uk and britian in oops my mistake, britian has best trained troops, so we would have the most elite in the world, out tactics in iraw has prooven so effective, we dont go in guns blazin, thats why troops from iraq army has been sent to britian, to get the best training to take back home and teach the iraq army.

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