+3,611|6784|London, England

FEOS wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Here ya go, just one off the top of my head.

The Palestinians claim the beach was shelled, the Israelis came up with all sorts of excuses, and then resumed their shelling of Gaza.
So let's see...

Questionable reports about shells landing on a beach in Gaza.

IDF says the shelling they were doing was in response to Qassam rocket attacks.

Who would have launched the Qassam rockets from Gaza? ...hmmmm...who could that have been?

Hamas launches rockets at Israel then gets pissy when the IDF returns fire.

Launching rockets at Israel is breaking the ceasefire. Israel did not launch shells pre-emptively.

Hence, Hamas is at fault...based solely on the articles you linked.

As for the details of the beach situation...there aren't enough details to make a call either way. Unless you're predisposed to hating Israel...but then your opinion on the matter isn't formed from an objective assessment of the facts available.
You call the Israeli shells as "questionable" but you seem to be 100% certain that rockets were fired from the area originally. Now I know, it's probably more trustworthy to believe the IDF in this conflict, but still, I wanted to point this out. It may not have been you, you're probably just going by what the media in those links are saying, but yeah....
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Ottomania wrote:

A barrage of Israeli artillery shells rained down on a busy Gaza beach yesterday,
That's clearly objective reporting.

One shell, of questionable provenance, now equates to a "barrage". Reports don't provide enough evidence to know if the shell was fired or was a UXO that exploded...but they "rained down".

yellow journalism ftl
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

The Economist wrote:

And yet Israel should not be surprised by the torrent of indignation it has aroused from around the world. This is not just because people seldom back the side with the F-16s. In general, a war must pass three tests to be justified. A country must first have exhausted all other means of defending itself. The attack should be proportionate to the objective. And it must stand a reasonable chance of achieving its goal. On all three of these tests Israel is on shakier ground than it cares to admit.

It is true that Israel has put up with the rockets from Gaza for a long time. But it may have been able to stop the rockets another way. For it is not quite true that Israel’s only demand in respect of Gaza has been for quiet along the border. Israel has also been trying to undermine Hamas by clamping an economic blockade on Gaza, while boosting the economy of the West Bank, where the Palestinians’ more pliant secular movement, Fatah, holds sway. Even during the now-lapsed truce, Israel prevented all but a trickle of humanitarian aid from entering the strip. So although Israel was provoked, Hamas can claim that it was provoked too. If Israel had ended the blockade, Hamas may have renewed the truce. Indeed, on one reading of its motives, Hamas resumed fire to force Israel into a new truce on terms that would include opening the border.

On proportionality, the numbers speak for themselves—up to a point. After the first three days, some 350 Palestinians had been killed and only four Israelis. Neither common sense nor the laws of war require Israel to deviate from the usual rule, which is to kill as many enemies as you can and avoid casualties on your own side. Hamas was foolish to pick this uneven fight. But of the Palestinian dead, several score were civilians, and many others were policemen rather than combatants. Although both Western armies and their foes have killed far more civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, Israel’s interest should be to minimise the killing. The Palestinians it is bombing today will be its neighbours for ever.

This last point speaks to the test of effectiveness. Israel said at first that, much as it would like to topple Hamas, its present operation has the more limited aim of “changing reality” so that Hamas stops firing across the border. But as Israel learnt in Lebanon in 2006, this is far from easy. As with Hizbullah, Hamas’s “resistance” to Israel has made it popular and delivered it to power. It is most unlikely to bend the knee. Like Hizbullah, it will probably prefer to keep on firing no matter how hard it is hit, daring Israel to send its ground forces into a messy street fight in Gaza’s congested cities and refugee camps. … D=12853965

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2009-01-08 08:13:48)

Troll has returned.

FEOS wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

A barrage of Israeli artillery shells rained down on a busy Gaza beach yesterday,
That's clearly objective reporting.

One shell, of questionable provenance, now equates to a "barrage". Reports don't provide enough evidence to know if the shell was fired or was a UXO that exploded...but they "rained down".

yellow journalism ftl
You look so funny from here while trying to defend Israel.

If you have read the link, you will see that Israeli Army approved the attack, after 16 month ceasefire. It is not only Hamas that ends truces.

oh, you still not satisfied, here comes from your press:

Last edited by Ottomania (2009-01-08 11:56:11)

Cholera in the time of love

AP wrote:

By Ibrahim Barzak And Steve Weizman, The Associated Press

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - The United Nations and the Red Cross halted aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip on Thursday after accusing Israeli forces of firing on their drivers, killing one. The threat of a wider conflict, meanwhile, arose when fighters in Lebanon fired two rockets into northern Israel.

One rocket crashed into a retirement home, but there were no serious injuries. Israel responded with mortar shells.

During a three-hour pause in the Israeli offensive to allow in food and fuel and let medics collect the dead, nearly three dozen bodies of Palestinians were found beneath the rubble of bombed-out buildings in Gaza City.

Many of the dead were in the same Zeitoun neighbourhood where the international Red Cross said rescuers discovered young children too weak to stand who had stayed by their dead mothers. The aid group accused Israel of an "unacceptable" delay in allowing workers to reach the area.

Relations between Israel and humanitarian organizations have grown increasingly tense as civilian casualties have mounted.

The UN demanded an investigation after Israel earlier this week fired shells at a target next to a UN school filled with Gazans seeking refuge from fighting that has left nearly 750 Palestinians dead, according to Palestinian hospital officials and human rights workers.

Israel said Palestinian fighters had launched an attack from the area, and then ran into a crowd of civilians for cover. Nearly 40 Palestinians died in the Israeli attack.

"We've been co-ordinating with them (Israeli forces) and yet our staff continue to be hit and killed," said a UN spokesman, Chris Gunness, announcing the suspension. The UN is the largest aid provider in Gaza.

Israeli police, meanwhile, said fighters in the Gaza Strip fired 24 rockets into Israel on Thursday, injuring four people, one of them seriously.

The Israeli military said one soldier attached to a tank battalion was killed by gunfire in the Gaza Strip on Thursday.

Twelve Israelis, including nine soldiers, have died since the Dec. 27 beginning of the offensive. But with roughly half the Palestinian dead believed to be civilians, international efforts to broker a ceasefire have been gaining steam.

Israeli envoys travelled to Egypt on Thursday to discuss the proposal being brokered by France and Egypt and now backed by the United States.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said any time lost will play into the hands of those who want war.

"The weapons must go quiet, the escalation must stop, Israel must obtain security guarantees and leave Gaza," he said in Paris.

The UN provides food aid to around 750,000 Gaza residents - about half of Gaza's population - and runs dozens of schools and clinics throughout the territory. They have some 9,000 locally employed staffers inside Gaza, and a small team of international staffers who work there.

For a second straight day, Israel suspended its Gaza military operation for three hours to allow in humanitarian supplies. Shortly before the pause took effect, however, the UN said one of its aid trucks came under fire from a gunner on an Israeli tank, killing the driver.

The UN said the vehicle was marked with a UN flag and insignia when it was shot in northern Gaza. The Israeli army said it was investigating.

In Geneva, the international Red Cross said it would restrict its aid operations to Gaza City for at least one day after one of its convoys came under Israeli fire at the Netzarim crossing during the three-hour lull in fighting Thursday. One driver was lightly injured.

Dr. Moaiya Hassanain of the Palestinian Health Ministry said 35 bodies were discovered Thursday during in several areas around Gaza City that have seen fierce fighting between Israeli troops and Hamas.

He said it was unclear how many Hamas fighters were killed because the remains were in poor condition, but that women and children were among the dead. Hassanain said 746 Palestinians have died in Israel's 13-day offensive.

Many of the dead found Thursday were in the Zeitoun neighbourhood, where the Red Cross said it found four small children alive next to their mothers' bodies in the rubble of a home hit by Israeli shelling. The aid group says a total of 15 dead were recovered from two houses there Wednesday.

A Red Cross spokesman says rescuers had been refused permission by Israeli forces to reach the site for four days. It said the delay in allowing rescue services access was "unacceptable."

The Red Cross statement was a rare public criticism from the aid group, which normally conducts confidential negotiations with warring parties.

The Israeli military said in a statement that Hamas militants used Palestinian civilians as human shields, and that Israeli forces work closely with international aid groups to help civilians during the fighting in Gaza.

The rockets from Lebanon raised the spectre of renewed hostilities on Israel's northern frontier, just 2 1/2 years after Israel battled the Hezbollah guerrilla group to a 34-day stalemate. War broke out between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006 as Israel battled Palestinians in Gaza, on Israel's southern borders.

No group claimed responsibility. Lebanon's government condemned the attack, and Hezbollah - which now plays an integral role in Lebanon's government - denied any responsibility for the rocket fire.

The Israeli offensive has reduced Palestinian rocket fire, but not stopped it altogether. Several barrages were reported Thursday, including one strike that damaged a school and sports centre in the southern city of Ashkelon, police said. Both buildings were empty.

For Israel to accept a proposed ceasefire, "there has to be a total and complete cessation of all hostile fire from Gaza into Israel, and ... we have to see an arms embargo on Hamas that will receive international support," said government spokesman Mark Regev.

For its part, Hamas said it would not accept a truce deal unless it includes an end to the Israeli blockade of Gaza - something Israel says it is not willing to do. Israel has maintained a stiff economic embargo on Gaza since the Hamas takeover, sparking the rocket attacks.

The Palestinian Authority controls the West Bank while Hamas rules Gaza - two territories on opposite sides of Israel that are supposed to make up a future Palestinian state. Hamas took control of Gaza from forces loyal to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in June 2007.
Seems familiar? Now they've started shooting at UN forces, deliberately. I wonder why, much as I wonder why now the Red Cross is condemning Israel's management of the humanitarian crisis.

Hint, hint.
I like pie.
+3,611|6784|London, England
What's stupid here is Hamas is demanding Israel stop the blockade, why should they? Hamas won't even recognise Israel, but they recognise them enough to know that they need them. The thing is, why the hell do they need them? They should be spending this time, becoming self sufficient and also forming closer ties with Egypt, that they even share a border with. So that they WON'T have to be dependent on Israel. Of course they don't want that, because then they'll have nothing to bitch to them about.

I think someone here posted that post, where it showed the before and after of some farming/conservation thing that Israeli settlers made when they were in Gaza, and it was nice before, then when the Palestinians got it, it became derelict and was used as a place for smuggling-tunnels.

That's the problem, they don't want peace. They just want to constantly try and fuck up Israel no matter what, they have no care whatsoever of making things better for themselves. I mean shit, what's wrong with these people?

These guys have been free from Israeli occupation since 2005 yet they ain't done shit to make things better for themselves, become more self sufficient and form closer ties with their fellow Muslim/Arabic neighbour who could've helped them out alot and not made them so dependent on Israel.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Ottomania wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

A barrage of Israeli artillery shells rained down on a busy Gaza beach yesterday,
That's clearly objective reporting.

One shell, of questionable provenance, now equates to a "barrage". Reports don't provide enough evidence to know if the shell was fired or was a UXO that exploded...but they "rained down".

yellow journalism ftl
You look so funny from here while trying to defend Israel.

If you have read the link, you will see that Israeli Army approved the attack, after 16 month ceasefire. It is not only Hamas that ends truces.

oh, you still not satisfied, here comes from your press:
I did read the linked story. Hence the references to "barrage" and "rained down".

Pointing out clearly biased reporting is defending Israel?

You look so funny from here while trying to defend terrorists who target civilians to the detriment of the people they were elected to serve.

As to the story...the shelling was in response to placement of Qassam rockets, wasn't it? So who was it now that ended the truce? Was it the guys who launched the rockets or the guys who shelled the rocket launch sites in response? C'mon...the math isn't that hard.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

TSI wrote:

Seems familiar? Now they've started shooting at UN forces, deliberately. I wonder why, much as I wonder why now the Red Cross is condemning Israel's management of the humanitarian crisis.

Hint, hint.
And just where in that story did it say that the Israeli tank "deliberately" shot at the UN vehicle? Absent some kind of investigation, that is nothing but an inflammatory claim.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
© 2009 Jeff Minard
Israel criticised after 'shocking' discovery of exhausted children

Four exhausted children have been discovered cowering in a house next to the bodies of their mothers by staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which today accused the Israeli military of "unacceptable" delays in allowing medics safe access to injured Gazans.

The Red Cross workers found the small children, who were so weak they could not stand, sheltering next to the bodies of their mothers in a house in Zeitoun, southeast of Gaza City. Another man was found alive, but again too weak to stand. At least 12 bodies were lying on mattresses. … s-children

That just fukking fuked which ever side you look at it from, how the fuk can anyone do that.?I hope who ever did that die a slow and painful death.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6486|New Haven, CT

Ottomania wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Just how provocative can a family sitting on a beach be?
You are assuming they were targeting the family sitting on the beach. There is no evidence suggesting that.

A barrage of Israeli artillery shells rained down on a busy Gaza beach yesterday, killing seven Palestinians, three of them children. The attack put further strain on the 16-month truce between Israel and the governing Hamas movement.

Associated Press reported that a tearful man held the limp body of what appeared to be a girl or young woman. "Muslims, look at this," he shouted.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, said that the attack showed "the Zionist occupation insists on killing ... and does not distinguish between civilian children and freedom fighters".
This proves nothing at all to me.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

mafia996630 wrote:

Israel criticised after 'shocking' discovery of exhausted children

Four exhausted children have been discovered cowering in a house next to the bodies of their mothers by staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which today accused the Israeli military of "unacceptable" delays in allowing medics safe access to injured Gazans.

The Red Cross workers found the small children, who were so weak they could not stand, sheltering next to the bodies of their mothers in a house in Zeitoun, southeast of Gaza City. Another man was found alive, but again too weak to stand. At least 12 bodies were lying on mattresses. … s-children

That just fukking fuked which ever side you look at it from, how the fuk can anyone do that.?I hope who ever did that die a slow and painful death.
You act as if the IDF did that with the intention of killing those civilians and forcing those kids to stay there afterward.

It is without a doubt a horrible situation those kids are in...but the IDF didn't do it intentionally. And the IDF wouldn't have done it at all if Hamas weren't launching rockets at civilians in Israel.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX
The Economist wrote:
And yet Israel should not be surprised by the torrent of indignation it has aroused from around the world. This is not just because people seldom back the side with the F-16s. In general, a war must pass three tests to be justified. A country must first have exhausted all other means of defending itself. The attack should be proportionate to the objective. And it must stand a reasonable chance of achieving its goal. On all three of these tests Israel is on shakier ground than it cares to admit.

It is true that Israel has put up with the rockets from Gaza for a long time. But it may have been able to stop the rockets another way. For it is not quite true that Israel’s only demand in respect of Gaza has been for quiet along the border. Israel has also been trying to undermine Hamas by clamping an economic blockade on Gaza, while boosting the economy of the West Bank, where the Palestinians’ more pliant secular movement, Fatah, holds sway. Even during the now-lapsed truce, Israel prevented all but a trickle of humanitarian aid from entering the strip. So although Israel was provoked, Hamas can claim that it was provoked too. If Israel had ended the blockade, Hamas may have renewed the truce. Indeed, on one reading of its motives, Hamas resumed fire to force Israel into a new truce on terms that would include opening the border.

On proportionality, the numbers speak for themselves—up to a point. After the first three days, some 350 Palestinians had been killed and only four Israelis. Neither common sense nor the laws of war require Israel to deviate from the usual rule, which is to kill as many enemies as you can and avoid casualties on your own side. Hamas was foolish to pick this uneven fight. But of the Palestinian dead, several score were civilians, and many others were policemen rather than combatants. Although both Western armies and their foes have killed far more civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, Israel’s interest should be to minimise the killing. The Palestinians it is bombing today will be its neighbours for ever.

This last point speaks to the test of effectiveness. Israel said at first that, much as it would like to topple Hamas, its present operation has the more limited aim of “changing reality” so that Hamas stops firing across the border. But as Israel learnt in Lebanon in 2006, this is far from easy. As with Hizbullah, Hamas’s “resistance” to Israel has made it popular and delivered it to power. It is most unlikely to bend the knee. Like Hizbullah, it will probably prefer to keep on firing no matter how hard it is hit, daring Israel to send its ground forces into a messy street fight in Gaza’s congested cities and refugee camps.
Seems like an even handed and balanced view of the situation for once.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Mek wrote:

What's stupid here is Hamas is demanding Israel stop the blockade, why should they? Hamas won't even recognise Israel, but they recognise them enough to know that they need them. The thing is, why the hell do they need them? They should be spending this time, becoming self sufficient and also forming closer ties with Egypt, that they even share a border with. So that they WON'T have to be dependent on Israel.
Israel effectively also controls the sea border of Gaza and the border with Egypt.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Jerusalem Post wrote:

A UN official in the Gaza Strip claimed Israeli forces on Thursday fired on a truck on a UN aid mission in northern Gaza, killing the driver.
UN spokesman Adnan Abu Hasna said the incident took place during a lull declared by Israel to allow humanitarian aid to enter the territory.
He said the UN coordinated the delivery with Israel, and the vehicle and was marked with a UN flag and insignia when it was shot.
The IDF said it was investigating the incident. … 2FShowFull

Sydney Morning Herald wrote:

The main UN agency operating in the Gaza Strip halted its operations after an attack on a truck convoy and amid mounting calls for Israel to abide by international humanitarian law.

"Operations will remain suspended until Israeli authorities can guarantee the safety and security of our staff," said Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the UN Relief and Works Agency that had been distributing food aid to about half of Gaza's 1.5 million population.

The decision came after one person was killed when a UN-flagged truck convoy was hit by two tank shells as it travelled to the border with Israel to pick up humanitarian assistance. The Israeli military said it was investigating.

On Tuesday, 43 people were killed at a UN-run school in the northern town of Jabaliya after Israeli forces fired tank shells at the building where families fleing the fighting had sought shelter. Two other schools were hit, killing a further five people.

"Staff members have been killed, our installations have been hit, our refugees have been killed. All this in spite of the fact we have coordinated in detail the GPS coordinates of our installations and movement of vehicles and personnel with Israel," Gunness told AFP. … 38255.html

All sounds very familiar.

And on those four children:

SMH wrote:

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Thursday accused Israel of failing to help wounded people in an area of Gaza where its rescuers found four small children huddling next to their dead mothers, too weak to stand up.

It said Israeli soldiers tried to force the rescuers to leave when they finally reached the grisly scene in Gaza City's shell-battered Zeitun neighbourhood on Wednesday, four days after safe-passage had been requested.

The delay in allowing access to rescuers was "unacceptable," the ICRC said.

"This is a shocking incident," said Pierre Wettach, who heads the ICRC's delegation for Israel and the Palestinian territories. "The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded."

The rescuers evacuated 18 wounded and 12 others "who were extremely exhausted," the ICRC said, adding that more wounded people are sheltering in destroyed houses.

In a statement issued in Geneva ICRC president Jakob Kellenberger said: "It must be possible to evacuate wounded at all times, not just during three hours."

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-01-08 17:22:09)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

FEOS wrote:

So let's see...

Questionable reports about shells landing on a beach in Gaza.

IDF says the shelling they were doing was in response to Qassam rocket attacks.
Except no militants killed, just civilians.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The Mas
+311|6851|NYC, a place to live

Dilbert_X wrote:

Mek wrote:

What's stupid here is Hamas is demanding Israel stop the blockade, why should they? Hamas won't even recognise Israel, but they recognise them enough to know that they need them. The thing is, why the hell do they need them? They should be spending this time, becoming self sufficient and also forming closer ties with Egypt, that they even share a border with. So that they WON'T have to be dependent on Israel.
Israel effectively also controls the sea border of Gaza and the border with Egypt.
Since when does Israel control Egypt's borders? When Hamas blew open the border in January 2008, Israel demanded the border be resealed but Egypt left it open for 11 days while Israel went crazy.

Do you just say things without caring if they are true?
The Mas
+311|6851|NYC, a place to live

Mekstizzle wrote:

That's the problem, they don't want peace. They just want to constantly try and fuck up Israel no matter what, they have no care whatsoever of making things better for themselves. I mean shit, what's wrong with these people?
Exactly right. What's wrong with them is they work for Iran, not for the Palestinians, and Iran wants the conflict to continue.
The Mas
+311|6851|NYC, a place to live

san4 wrote:

san4 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

even Hamas have said they are prepared to recognise Israel.
Still waiting for evidence of this
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Dilbert_X wrote:

FEOS wrote:

So let's see...

Questionable reports about shells landing on a beach in Gaza.

IDF says the shelling they were doing was in response to Qassam rocket attacks.
Except no militants killed, just civilians.
Except no civilians targeted...unlike Hamas attacks.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Troll has returned.

FEOS wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

FEOS wrote:

That's clearly objective reporting.

One shell, of questionable provenance, now equates to a "barrage". Reports don't provide enough evidence to know if the shell was fired or was a UXO that exploded...but they "rained down".

yellow journalism ftl
You look so funny from here while trying to defend Israel.

If you have read the link, you will see that Israeli Army approved the attack, after 16 month ceasefire. It is not only Hamas that ends truces.

oh, you still not satisfied, here comes from your press:
I did read the linked story. Hence the references to "barrage" and "rained down".

Pointing out clearly biased reporting is defending Israel?

You look so funny from here while trying to defend terrorists who target civilians to the detriment of the people they were elected to serve.

As to the story...the shelling was in response to placement of Qassam rockets, wasn't it? So who was it now that ended the truce? Was it the guys who launched the rockets or the guys who shelled the rocket launch sites in response? C'mon...the math isn't that hard.
yeah, rcoket launch sites at beach..

what are you talking about?

Shelling happened after 16 month truce.

So no one launched qassam rockets during the period of 16 months.

Then Israel sends artillery barrage to a beach full of civilian Gaza citizens.

If you still blame Hamas about this, I would say that you are clearly biased.

You say that the report is biased but you dont have an idea to support your statement.

There is a beach and people got shot by artillery.

Where the fuck is bias in this report?

I wonder why you still dont want to accept heavy fault of Israeli Army in this situation?

They have the latest technology, there is no room for "but there is hamas militants" "our barrage had fallen short" excuses.

And it can be UXO's that killed Israelis, not qassam rockets launched by Hamas. lol... your logic

Last edited by Ottomania (2009-01-08 23:05:43)

Cowboy from Hell
When this war started and the very same Hamas said Israel killed mostly militants and some collateral of course, I agreed with Israel, but tbh right now they are striking whatever target there is out there, again. 

@Dilbert, Hamas will never recognize Israel.

Last edited by sergeriver (2009-01-09 02:01:19)

The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Sergeriver wrote:

@Dilbert, Hamas will never recognize Israel.
They's said in the past they would, see earlier in the thread for the links.
Now I somehow doubt it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Cowboy from Hell

Dilbert_X wrote:

Sergeriver wrote:

@Dilbert, Hamas will never recognize Israel.
They's said in the past they would, see earlier in the thread for the links.
Now I somehow doubt it.
Hamas?  Never heard that tbh.  Maybe Fatah, but Hamas are a bunch of terrorists and wackos.
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX
Hamas: We’ll recognize Israel within '67 borders

Faction's spokesman at Palestinian parliament voices pragmatic, surprising declarations during Ramallah conference; 'we, Hamas, are committed to calm up to this moment,' he says

The Hamas movement is ready to recognize agreements signed with Israel, and in fact recognize Israel, but only within the '67 borders, senior Hamas member Khaled Suleiman said Wednesday.

According to Suleiman, the movement will be ready to accept a Palestinian state inside the '67 borders and will not operate to thwart diplomatic negotiations held by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. … 68,00.html

Climbdown as Hamas agrees to Israeli state
· Negotiator says group recognises right to exist
· Hope for end to crippling sanctions on Palestinians

Hamas has made a major political climbdown by agreeing to sections of a document that recognise Israel's right to exist and a negotiated two-state solution, according to Palestinian leaders.
In a bitter struggle for power, Hamas is bowing to an ultimatum from the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to endorse the document drawn up by Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails, or face a national referendum on the issue that could see the Islamist group stripped of power if it loses.

Yesterday, a women was killed and six children injured in an Israeli missile attack in Gaza. On Tuesday, an Israeli air force rocket killed three children, two boys aged five and 16, and a seven-year-old girl. In both cases, Israel said it was targeting militants who escaped injury.

Israel has killed 13 civilians, most of them children, in four air strikes this month. It is also probably responsible for the killing of a family of seven during a shell barrage against a Gaza beach two weeks ago.
Israel kept up the attacks and blockades, despite the concessions by Hamas, and here we are now.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Cowboy from Hell
Yasser Abed Rabbo, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's executive committee and a lead negotiator on the prisoners' document, said Hamas had agreed to sections which call for a negotiated and final agreement with Israel to establish a Palestinian state on the territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem.

"Hamas is prepared to accept those parts of the document because they think it is a way to get rid of a lot of its problems with the international community. That's why it will accept all the document eventually," he said.

Hamas, facing a deep internal split over recognition of the Jewish state, declined to discuss the negotiations in detail.

If it formally approves the entire document, it will represent a significant shift from its founding goal of replacing Israel with an Islamic state and its more recent position of agreeing a long-term ceasefire, over a generation or more, if a Palestinian state is formed on the occupied territories but without formally recognising the Jewish state.
Not a direct quote from a Hamas member.

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