
In RealLife The Better Tank is ?

T722%2% - 9
T8010%10% - 35
M1A Abrams62%62% - 220
others24%24% - 86
Total: 350
GunSlinger OIF II
the only serious flaw the m16 has its lack of stopping power compared to the kalishnokov.  I hate hearing about dirt will fuck up an M16 while it wont an AK, yall need to quit watching movies man.  Although the AK can take a lot more mishandling than the m16 you get dirt or sand in the chamber you could kiss that rifle good bye after awhile no matter what kind it is.  The M16a4, can out shoot and out range any of AK counterparts, so what if you gotta shoot him three times, thats six holes he cant fix.

Something else about that standard Nato 5.56 x 45mm.  They call  it a tumbler round, as it leaves the barrel it spins top to bottom till it hits its target, once the round enters the body it will bounce around cartilage and bone and end up leaving a totaly different exit wound.  The purpose of war is not to kill but to keep your enemy from shooting and one wounded soldier is the same as 3 enemy dead because it will take two of his buddies to tend to the casualty, knocking 3 weapons out the fight.  They kept this is mind when they created the m16.

The ak is a peice of shit, thats why peice of shit countries (allies excluded) used that weapon as it standard, its a fool proof rifle for countries that have nothing but fools.

and lets not forget the m-14, still being used to today, if your gonna talk about weapons from the 60s.  m14 is a great powerful weapon ( man is it loud too) that would put any AK to shame.

I have fired the AK and the 16 and the AK is worthless fully auto, near worthless single shot.  It has got too much kick to be used efficiently.  Anfd one more thing, our ballistic armour is meant to stop any 7.62 round, and it has, but the 5.56 round is know to penetrate our OTV's because its more of a peircing round and not meant to knock someone on his ass.  SOVIET WEAPONS ARE CRAP, THATS WHY THE THIRD WORLD HAS THEM.

And dont even talk about the T- whatever the fuck, huge paperweights thats all they are.  I seen hundred and hundred of Iraqi (soviet) tanks lined up and abandonded.
+163|6800|Odessa, Ukraine
GunSlinger OIF II
The only idea of your post is "America is the best" , nothing else .
I don't beliave you fired soviet-made AKM or AK-74 . Chinise and all another , made by soviet licence , are really bullshit , we know this .

Tanks... you saw hundreds of tanks destroed by JETS AND HELICOPTERS , not by M1A1\M1A2 .
Your army tactics is like  "Jets-Jets-Jets-tanks-troops" . So your tanks simply hadn't to fight against large ammounts of our tanks , they were destroyed before by airstrikes .

Soviet weapons are used all over the world because they are cheaper , more reliable and somewhat better .

p/s When you will start listening to the opponent , then this debate will continue . Now I see that you hear only yourself .

Last edited by Longbow (2006-03-08 05:18:28)

GunSlinger OIF II
i dont care whether you believe me or not. the fact is just a teen ager who is claiming hes an expert on weapons hes never even fired himself.

Longbow wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

m4a1 is the shorter, more reliable version of the m16 and still packs the same firepower
m4a1 is not reliable at all ! US is working on SCAR now to replace m4a1 , while m4 was adopted in 1990's . 10-15 years is not a term for reliable weapon . m4a2 is not even being developed because a1 sux hard ..
please, longbow, ask yourself:

why would a cutting edge country such as America design a weapon in an family that is already being made obsolete by the Special Operations Combat Assualt Rifle (SCAR.) It's like upgrading a WWI tank rather than design the Abrams...

Secondly there is an operational M4A2 as well as an M4A3, check it out at http://www.bushmaster.com/le/weapons/bu … arbine.htm

And for all readers...back up your stuff with facts, don't just claim it "suks hard" (not just you longbow, just using you as an example   )

Longbow wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II
The only idea of your post is "America is the best" , nothing else .
I don't beliave you fired soviet-made AKM or AK-74 . Chinise and all another , made by soviet licence , are really bullshit , we know this .

Tanks... you saw handreds of tanks destroed by JETS AND HELICOPTERS , not by M1A1\M1A2 .
Your army tactics is like  "Jets-Jets-Jets-tanks-troops" . So your tanks simply hadn't to fight against large ammounts of our tanks , they were destroyed before by airstrikes .

Soviet weapons are used all over the world because they are cheaper , more reliable and somewhat better .

p/s When you will start listening to the opponent , then this debate will continue . Now I see that you hear only yourself .
lbow's right - if you are gonna bring what you've got to the table, please understand that the opponent may have something as well. We all need to admit to ourselves that NOTHING in this world is perfect and beats anything else in everything...

PS I'm not against the whole cussing thing, but simply cussing and name calling reminds me of how young you have to be to resort to profanity to get your immature point across... (the man thats bullshit, see www.somerandomlink.com to find out the truth is OK, but saying "you r dum and your country is shit go America" really accomplishes nothing other than showing us how uneducated you are
+240|6819|Austin, TX

Longbow wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II
The only idea of your post is "America is the best" , nothing else .
I don't beliave you fired soviet-made AKM or AK-74 . Chinise and all another , made by soviet licence , are really bullshit , we know this .

Tanks... you saw handreds of tanks destroed by JETS AND HELICOPTERS , not by M1A1\M1A2 .
Your army tactics is like  "Jets-Jets-Jets-tanks-troops" . So your tanks simply hadn't to fight against large ammounts of our tanks , they were destroyed before by airstrikes .

Soviet weapons are used all over the world because they are cheaper , more reliable and somewhat better .

p/s When you will start listening to the opponent , then this debate will continue . Now I see that you hear only yourself .
I HAVE fired a couple AKs.  AKMs, to be precise.  They are very reliable.  They are very rugged.  I have no doubt that they are inexpensive.  They are also, in my PERSONAL judgement, inaccurate.  This means I couldn't hit a target with an AKM that I could easily tag with an M16A2.

Yes, jets and helicopters will own tanks if given the right circumstances.  Just look at the "Highway of Death."  Nearly all of those kills were from F15s.   However, there is only one battle that I know of in recent times that put these things to the test.  That is the Battle of 73 Easting.
This is not meant to be an end all be all of proof of tank superiority.  The Americans took every single advantage they could in that battle, and I think we can all agree that the Iraqis were crap for training, even after a long war with Iran gave them experience.

I will agree that Russian equipment is used all over the world because it is less expensive and more rugged.  I will take issue with it being better, but that is the entire point of this thread.  If you look at most of the countries that buy the equipment, however, you may get the feeling that they are just looking for a BIG army.  You can buy 14+ T-72s for the price of a single M1A1, let alone an M1A2.  That makes your army LOOK a lot more impressive.  Let us all be honest; an African warlord is more worried about being impressive to his neighbors than his is about the U.S. invading.  And you can buy a LOT MORE impressive looking Russian weapons than you can impressive looking American weapons for the same money.

Oh, one other thing.  American soldiers in Afghanastan are begging for a new weapon to use there.  While they can HIT a target at 600 - 800 meters, the light 5.56mm bullet loses enough power at that range to barely wound the target.  The United States is looking into a heavier round.  Personally, I am hoping for a return of the 7.62 NATO round.

Now... Russia has switched to the 5.45mm round to get performance nearing that of the M-16.  Wouldn't it be ironic if the U.S. switched to the 7.62x39mm?

One more thing, Longbow;  I DO like the AKM/ RPK / PK system as they are all ammunition compatable and the PK has a reusable belt system.  I also hate the 5.56 round, just because I like big bullets.  I still think the M-16/M-4 family of weapons are more accurate and higher quality.  Notice I didn't say 'better.'

Oh, and everyone else?  Please, please, PLEASE give us something to think about instead of just insulting people!  I mean, I know I am an asshole, but you may hurt someone else's feelings.

*Edited for spelling, because I am an idiot when I try to type fast.

Last edited by imortal (2006-03-07 21:20:39)

+240|6819|Austin, TX
I am in a lecturing mode, and I want to bring this back in the direction of a topic about tanks.  That being said, I am going to describe 3 different systems.  HEAT rounds, Reactive Armor, and SABOT rounds. 

First, HEAT stands for High Explosive, Anti-Tank.  All HEAT rounds, whether tanks rounds, missiles, rockets, artillery rounds or landmines, all work on the same basic principle.  This principle is called the Monroe Effect.

In short, the Monroe Effect describes certain parts of high-energy physics.  If you take an inverted cone of metal (usually copper), put the OPEN end toward the target, pack lots of exploisves behind the warhead (aka loading the pointy side with stuff that goes boom), there is a predictable and very noticable effect.

The explosives cause the cone to compress; the open edge of the cone all around is forced to compress into a point.  As the metal compresses, it heats up.  At the optimum distance, the 'cone' forms a 'spearpoint' of molten metal traveling at high speed, and can very easily pierce armor.  ANd when it does pierce armor, it throws molten hot metal through the area past the armor as well as breaking off pieces of 'spall' from the inside of the armor.

The advantage of this is that it does not take a huge warhead to pierce armor, and it was not dependant on the speed of the warhead.  This means that missiles and rockets were able to be cheaply made to counter tanks.  In fact, this development nearly killed the concept of tanks.  When dealing with HEAT warheads, the most important consieration is the DIAMETER of the warhead.  The larger the warhead, the wider the cone, and the more explosives behind it.  Depth of armor penetration is DIRECTLY dependant on the diameter of the warhead.  This is why the Soviets went with a 125mm cannon, as oposed to the 105mm then used by NATO.

There are a couple downfalls of HEAT rounds, however.  The first is that in order to operate effectively, the warhead MUST be detonated at a very precise distance from the armor.  If the round detonates too close, the 'speartip' does not have time to form, and it does not penetrate.  If it detonates too far, the penetrator "bounces," and the 'speartip' rapidly spreads apart and quickly loses any effectiveness.  The need for this precise distance made the need for a stand-off fuse (that funny stick on the end of some rounds you see).  The second downfall is that if you SPIN a HEAT round, it loses quite a bit of effectiveness, as the spinning motion tries to keep the 'speartip' from forming.  That means if you have a rifled barrel on your tank, you need a ROTATING RING on your HEAT round.  The ring will rotate with the rifling, keeping the round itself stable.  That is why most of the cannons you see now are smoothbore cannon.

The second thing I want to present is Reactive Armor.  It is a really simple concept.  Take two plates of steel, and sandwhich explosives between the plates, then bolt the thing on the side of your tank.  When the HEAT round strikes the Reactive Armor plate, the explosives in the plate detonate.  That forces the plates apart, fast.  The outside plate flies toward the still-detonating HEAT warhead, striking the penetrator before hit develops the 'spearhead' and disrupts its formation.  The inside plate is forced HARD against the side of the tank, and bounces back out.  The inside plate then encounters the penetrator, STILL before the 'spearhead' is formed, and disrupts it even more.  That  being done, the penetrator now does not have the effectiveness needed to pierce the actual armor of the tank.  The problem with this armor is that it onlty works once in any particular location, and well... you are strapping EXPLOSIVES to the outside of your tank.  These things sometimes detonate from thunderstorms or other freaky reasons.  While they won't hurt anyone inside the tank, nobody would really like to hang around nearby a tank with reactive armor.

The last item is the SABOT, or rather the APFSDS (Armor Piercing, Fin-Stablized, Discarding Sabot) round.  Oddly enough, while "Sabot" is pronounced "Sa butt" by americans when referring to the shoes themselves, SABOT (the round itself) is pronounced "Say Bow." Nobody said it had to make sense.

The APFSDS round (I am describing the one for the M1A1 tank, which is the one I am familiar with) is a metal dart 62mm in diameter.  The round is described as a "Kinetic Kill" round, meaning it is relying on the energy of it hitting the armor to defeat it instead of any explosives.  The dart is made of Tungsten, or more recently, Depleted Uranium.  Now, you are firing a 62mm dart out of a 120mm cannon.  In order for this to fit, the round has 3 aluminum sabots, or shoes, that surround the round and boost the diameter up to 120mm.  The sabots fall away once the round leaves the barrell.  The dart if fin-stablized, so no rifling is needed inside the barrell.

Okay, the dart leaves teh tube FAST.  we are talking 1000 mps.  That is three times the speed of sound.  When this dart hits armor, all of the force of the cannon is concentrated into a VERY small area.  The SABOT round from an M1A1 will go through a T-72 LENGTHWISE. 

The hope for the HEAT and SABOT rounds is that when the round penetrates the armor, that is hits something vital.  Most HEAT rounds fired from cannon or shoulder fired missiles can only pentrate armor in certain places on tanks, so placement is critical.  HEAT rounds are also used for APCs.  SABOT rounds however, while they penetrate a LOT better, don't spread out nearly as much.  Almost all of thier damage is linear in nature.  It needs to hit something critical or it....just keeps going.  Fortunately, there is not a lot of spare room in a tank.

Okay, that is enough lecturing for now.  Questions, comments, threats, bitches, gripes, complaints?
+163|6800|Odessa, Ukraine
APFSDS also can destroy tank crew without destroying a tank .
But don't forget that APFSDS are wide spread all over the world now , not only in US Army .
I don't know , if Iraq had such rounds , but maybe they had not .
The only thing that can stop APFSDS is Dynamic Defence or Reactive Armor .

About AK vs M16 - i agree with you , that M16 is more accurate , but don't forget that AKM that you fired may have wear out (sorry , i didn't know how to say this about weapons) barrel . I think , that new AKM won't be so innacurate comparing to new M16A2 . Also it must be menshioned , that in Afganistan our troops didn't even took trophy AK-47 and AKM's that  mojaheds used , because all them were made in China and had very bad quality .

About our 5.45x39 - even Kalashnikov says , that it was stupid to change from powerful 7.62x39 to light 5.45
But soviet goverment wanted to have analogous caliber to .223 , so 5.45 were adopted .
Still our Spetsnaz , Marines and other elite forces try to use AKM's.

RPK is old vershion of PK LMG . Now it is not used in our army , only PKM .
RPK's 75-round(not 130! DICE made it 130 , real is 75-round) drum  was unreliable , so 45-round magazines were used . Agree , it's not a lot of ammo for LMG .
What they (EA & DICE) did in-game for balance , is another question . I think that better was to make REAL RPK with it's 45-round magazine.

By the way , notice that i don't say that M16A2 is bad rifle . The only thing it lacks is reliableness(dont know if this world is correct , but probably you will understand me) , while AK lacks accuracy . But at range 100-200 methers , where assault rifles are mostly used , there is no great difference in accuracy of this two ones .

Sorry for inncorect information about m4 , but also i heard that it is extremly unreliable . And SCAR is first exeperemental weapon which must be an assault rifle , carbine , etc ( all in all ) for your army . That what i heard .
While we in our army already have one standart weapon , AKS-74 . However , SCAR system may become very useful for your army , espeshially for it's ability to use AK's magazines and fire 7.62x39 ammunition .

Last edited by Longbow (2006-03-08 05:21:37)

+0|6786|Hellsinki, Finland
I'm new to the thread, just wanted to post my own opinon. Here goes...

Anyway, my favorite tank of all times is the israeli Merkava! It's awesome. Here's some info and pics on [url=http://www.defense-update.com/directory/merkava4.htmMerkava MK4[/url]. It's a sexy beast... I'm not saying, however, that it's a jack of all trades. It might be a tad slower than some (60 Kmh on the road), and heavier (~70t), but none the less maintains superb maneuverability. That is because Israel puts the emphasis on protecting the crew of the tank, a valid design philosophy for a country with a limited populations surrounded by populous and aggressive neighbours.

That was, of course, just an opinion. In any case, when it comes to the topic of the thread, i.e. the comparison of a T-72 to a M1A2, it's plain old bullshit. Come on, one'd have to be retarded to put those two on the same level. T-90, I could understand. But a T-72, no matter of what modification, is a lame duck compared to the Abrams.

Longbow wrote:

APFSDS also can destroy tank crew without destroying a tank .
But don't forget that APFSDS are wide spread all over the world now , not only in US Army .
I don't know , if Iraq had such rounds , but maybe they had not .
The only thing that can stop APFSDS is Dynamic Defence or Reactive Armor .

About AK vs M16 - i agree with you , that M16 is more accurate , but don't forget that AKM that you fired may have wear out (sorry , i didn't know how to say this about weapons) barrel . I think , that new AKM won't be so innacurate comparing to new M16A2 . Also it must be menshioned , that in Afganistan our troops didn't even took trophy AK-47 and AKM's that  mojaheds used , because all them were made in China and had very bad quality .

About our 5.45x39 - even Kalashnikov says , that it was stupid to change from powerful 7.62x39 to light 5.45
But soviet goverment wanted to have analogous caliber to .223 , so 5.45 were adopted .
Still our Spetsnaz , Marines and other elite forces try to use AKM's.

RPK is old vershion of PK LMG . Now it is not used in our army , only PKM .
RPK's 75-round(not 130! DICE made it 130 , real is 75-round) drum  was unreliable , so 45-round magazines were used . Agree , it's not a lot of ammo for LMG .
What they (EA & DICE) did in-game for balance , is another question . I think that better was to make REAL RPK with it's 45-round magazine.

By the way , notice that i don't say that M16A2 is bad rifle . The only thing it lacks is reliableness(dont know if this world is correct , but probably you will understand me) , while AK lacks accuracy . But at range 100-200 methers , where assault rifles are mostly used , there is no great difference in accuracy of this two ones .

Sorry for inncorect information about m4 , but also i heard that it is extremly unreliable . And SCAR is first exeperemental weapon which must be an assault rifle , carbine , etc ( all in all ) for your army . That what i heard .
While we in our army already have one standart weapon , AKS-74 . However , SCAR system may become very useful for your army , espeshially for it's ability to use AK's magazines and fire 7.62x39 ammunition .
perhaps, i have never personally fired an M4. I would dare to dream that if it did cause widespread failure, it would not have pervaded our SpecOps like it has (although the SOPMOD thing is a nice little extra) The SCAR-L and SCAR-H are technically still in development, but it's becoming a solid choice for our soldiers. In my personal opinion, i think its here to stay, rather unlike the faulty m-8
***PS i also think the AK ammo compatibility was not an accident - many of our battles and prospective conflicts of the future will involve this rugged weapon, and so the Army is adapting - quite a logical choice to include the use of AK ammunition
+240|6819|Austin, TX

R0lyP0ly wrote:

***PS i also think the AK ammo compatibility was not an accident - many of our battles and prospective conflicts of the future will involve this rugged weapon, and so the Army is adapting - quite a logical choice to include the use of AK ammunition
I think it would be incredibly ironic if the U.S. adopted the calibre, since it was designed by their cold war enemies, the USSR.  I agree though.  It is a very impressive round. 

I would like to see an American company design a rifle for 7.62x39.  Okay, Someone better than Ruger.  Not a mod of an old rifle, not an AK clone.  Something nice and modern.  And, sorry Longbow, with American ergonomics.  I really, really REALLY hate the safety/ selector on the AK.  Or maybe H&K could come up with something.

EDIT:  faulty M8?  I didn't know there was a fault in the system.  I know it has been delayed, along with the rest of the OICW system.  But the rifle system itself looked pretty solild, since it was basically the G-36 system with a few cosmetic mods.

Last edited by imortal (2006-03-08 18:07:34)


imortal wrote:

R0lyP0ly wrote:

***PS i also think the AK ammo compatibility was not an accident - many of our battles and prospective conflicts of the future will involve this rugged weapon, and so the Army is adapting - quite a logical choice to include the use of AK ammunition
I think it would be incredibly ironic if the U.S. adopted the calibre, since it was designed by their cold war enemies, the USSR.  I agree though.  It is a very impressive round. 

I would like to see an American company design a rifle for 7.62x39.  Okay, Someone better than Ruger.  Not a mod of an old rifle, not an AK clone.  Something nice and modern.  And, sorry Longbow, with American ergonomics.  I really, really REALLY hate the safety/ selector on the AK.  Or maybe H&K could come up with something.

EDIT:  faulty M8?  I didn't know there was a fault in the system.  I know it has been delayed, along with the rest of the OICW system.  But the rifle system itself looked pretty solild, since it was basically the G-36 system with a few cosmetic mods.
yea the project was dropped, but the underslung grenade launcher was made into a separate weapon. but otherwise the project was dropped
GunSlinger OIF II
our modern ballistic armour will stop nearly all rounds of 7.62 x 39mm (at least the first shot).  Our kevlar helmets will stop that same round.
+240|6819|Austin, TX

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

our modern ballistic armour will stop nearly all rounds of 7.62 x 39mm (at least the first shot).  Our kevlar helmets will stop that same round.
Actually, the IBAS vest will only stop the round if you have the Trauma Plate inserted.  But it will stop the 5.56mm round as well, don't think it won't.

Also, the people we are shooting at currently seldom are wearing body armor, so the point is moot.

If you want to equip the military only with stuff that will piece our armor... well, an infantry squad all with Barrett .50s would be a bit strange.
+163|6800|Odessa, Ukraine

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Our kevlar helmets will stop that same round.
Yep , bullet will be stoped , but your neck might be broken .
GunSlinger OIF II
longbow negative, i posted this somewhere else.  I saw first hand account of my buddy getting hit by 7.62 on the lip of his kevlar above his eyebrow while he was laying in the prone with the 240.  His kpod flew up in the air and he took a concussion and was unconcious for a few moments.  he got the worst black eye ive ever seen in my life, and a few stiches on his forehead.  It looked like somebody took a bat to his face.  He was medivaced and given light duty for a week and then he was back in the fight.  He was big swol buff motherfucker with a big mouth, so best believe he had an even bigger head after this but hes a great fucking soldier and a good friend who still serves.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

longbow negative, i posted this somewhere else.  I saw first hand account of my buddy getting hit by 7.62 on the lip of his kevlar above his eyebrow while he was laying in the prone with the 240.  His kpod flew up in the air and he took a concussion and was unconcious for a few moments.  he got the worst black eye ive ever seen in my life, and a few stiches on his forehead.  It looked like somebody took a bat to his face.  He was medivaced and given light duty for a week and then he was back in the fight.  He was big swol buff motherfucker with a big mouth, so best believe he had an even bigger head after this but hes a great fucking soldier and a good friend who still serves.
Err, dude, there is NO WAY IN HELL according to actual tests by Gentex and MSA Gallet, makers of the USMC LWH and Army MICH (by the way, kpot is PASGT, which is obsolete...), that it could stop a 7.62. They are rated up to Level IIIA Protection, which means 9mm ammunition and fragmentation. If he got hit on the lip of his helmet, it may have presented a low enough profile to deflect it, in which case your friend is very lucky. But a full on hit, no way. Even Level IV SAPI plates can only stop a 7.62x39 (AK ammunition), and the integrity of the system is compromised with each additional shot. Unless you can find data that says otherwise of course, from a credible source.

Last edited by [MAA]MI2 (2006-03-09 00:29:40)

CFD Jarhead
+-1|6787|Queen Creek, Arizona
Everyone is going "stats" this, "stats" that...  The fundamental part of ANY army is the "fighting man."  The soldier of any country is the deadliest weapon if he believes in what he is fighting for!  It makes no difference if he is Russian, American, BF2-ian...  A well trained and well disciplined soldier will make good use of what ever he has available to him...T-90, M1a2, a damn wooden spoon.  You can have all the technology in the world but if your morale, support, planning and hearts are not there: you will loose whether it is abrupt or a lengthy defeat...  Americans, we have the technology but we also have the morale as well as military fortitude and planning/logistics and support to ensure battlefield domination. 
-NOTE - battlefield fighting is different than an occupying force (like Iraq.)  No country has EVER been successful as an "occupying force..." 
-Back to the text, if we were to loose the advantage of our air superiorty then we would be in for BIG trouble, all our current doctorine is based on it.  We keep trying to stay ahead of everyone for air superiority and some of you are right, it is costing the US.  Our defense industry fights with itself, the JSF was between our last two big air DCs(defense contractors) and the sum award to one would have killed the other so the award went to one but sub-contacting went to the other.  Not alot of people know/realize we are fragile on the stateside right now.  I know because I worked for one of these DCs.  Long story short, we are surviving.  We are doing far better than you guys in Europe, you get your money from selling arms and making trades to borderline countries.  Like when France sends troops for help...they sent... uh, no?...oh wait nevermind...
The chinese economy looks so great because it was NON-existent before, sure they are improving now they have absorbed Hong-Kong and they openly sell arms to small countries and groups whom oppose both Europe and the US...
-All this over tanks?  You can put monkeys in military vehicles, the US has(and Russia) but a competent fighting man will prevail with what he has to work with....
"Blubbering jackass spotted!"  Sorry, wont ramble on again.....
GunSlinger OIF II
tell that to SGT Willie Thomas of a co 2/7 cav 1st CAV division and everyone else in 1st platoon who was there and saw that.  Dont give me your expert opinion based on what ever you think is correct in theory.  This happened in Najaf in august of 2004.  I was a dismount rifleman ok, you pretty much saying Im lying about my service in iraq.  Im above what I really wanna tell you so lets just leave it at this because the fact is I dont care if you or anyone else who reads this believes.  You should feel fortunate that you get veterans and military peeps on here to share their life experiences with people like you.  My crediblke sources are my own two god damn eyes and the purple heart thomas got for that incident that no way in hell happened.  Why does everyone wanna go and call someone a liar and start an argument on....whatever.  I gotta keep in mind alot of people who play this game and write these posts are all experts in modern combat, weapons and tactics...and they are still teenagers (in general), amazing.  Amazing to see how many experts we have on the things chances are they will never ever use or be lucky to even see.  SO yeah ok sources sources whatever man, fine Im full of shit...go ahead reply what you wanna reply man but the more I type this the more I lose interest. 

The sapi plate falls apart the second it gets hit.  Its ironic that the boxes that carry the SAPI plate insterts for our OTV's say "handle with care, fragile"  and these things stop bullets. but whatever man, thats probably NO WAY IN HELL possible either


captured ordinance
CFD Jarhead
+-1|6787|Queen Creek, Arizona
Oorah GunSlinger OIF II !!!!!!  Semper Fi!  You tell the "experts."  One vet to another, kudos!  Funny how some, NOT all, but some think because they read somewhere that something has certain stats it is far better than something else...  Or a tactic on a movie is what should or should not be done.  Or what they read in the liberal controlled media, even the GOP favoring media too, that it is gospel.... Hmmmmm
-Sgt. USMC 1991-98
GunSlinger OIF II
I also witnessed a mortar take out an apache in flight at BIAP....I would have said that shit was impossible unless i saw it myself.  they must have prayed extra hard that day because they werent even aiming for it.
GunSlinger OIF II
correction not BIAP.  FOB flexible before they tore it down.
CFD Jarhead
+-1|6787|Queen Creek, Arizona
Things don't always happen in real life like they do in field or lab tests for defense contractors...  Even the best equipment can fail or you can see unexplainable things happen....  When I worked for a defense contractor, we'd spend months/years doing trials to simulate all imaginable scenarios.  You can never anticipate/recreate everything.  Most likely the shot was a deflection off the helmet by means of riccochet or it was at such an extreme angle.  I have seen round go where they shouldn't (i.e. armor and I have seen them stopped by junk in a marines pocket....
Death StatPadder
+228|6923|Human Meat Shield
Salute to the People who actually know what they are talking about..

Off topic: CFD Jarhead  - from QC also.

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