lol, arguing science with an english major ftw
i prefer educating
Try not to aim it towards the sky. Apparently it can blind pilots. The chances would be billions to one imo.Winston_Churchill wrote:
this thing can cut through metal, instantly burn or blind you and light stuff on fire. and i work with incredibly high powered lasers in school and at my internship so theyre quite relevant.Uzique wrote:
why would someone want to buy a laser, exactly? i remember having those little laser pens when i was about 14, they were fun to annoy people with. but they weren't capable of blinding someone. ish.
the pens you used were probably around 2mW red lasers, this one is blue and 500x more powerful so the beam is significantly more intense.
its mostly curiosity and interest in what i can do with it (i have a 50mW green one that can visibly hit buildings 5+ km away) as well as the fact that i can use them in my lab to make holograms and other things
Last edited by AussieReaper (2012-04-07 21:15:44)

i try not to shine it too much at the sky, theres only one airport near the city that only takes a few planes a day so its not that much of a concern. plus it would only be an issue at night and i dont think they even fly at night there (since its a really short runway on an island)
my main safety concern is the dragon laser one (that i think im going to choose) doesnt have any safety features, so anyone could just grab it from my room and do serious damage with it. the wicked lasers one has a button combination you have to learn to be able to turn it on, and another one to turn it to high power.
look at the wicked laser one, it looks exactly like a lightsaber handle and when its lit in the dark it looks like youre holding a lightsaber … 1116005019Uzique wrote:
why would someone want to buy a laser, exactly? i remember having those little laser pens when i was about 14, they were fun to annoy people with. but they weren't capable of blinding someone. ish.
Fuck Israel
didn't george lucas sue a laser company that were calling themselves light sabres? and lost lol

it was the same company, wicked lasers
arguing? where, exactly? i just asked why he'd want a laser / what he would do with it. it was curiosity, not colloquy. nowhere was i claiming to know more about lasers than him. that's why i asked. i don't know what someone would do with an expensive ass-ruining laser.13urnzz wrote:
lol, arguing science with an english major ftw
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
He wants to be like Leonard Hofstadter obviously.
yeah you hear about that a lot over here as well. assholes. i'm talking more about using them as a kid to make your cat go nuts, or annoy your elderly neighbours. not to put hundreds of lives at risk.Dilbert_X wrote: … 1116005019Uzique wrote:
why would someone want to buy a laser, exactly? i remember having those little laser pens when i was about 14, they were fun to annoy people with. but they weren't capable of blinding someone. ish.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
its mostly people doing it deliberately. there was always helicopters above belfast most nights, and tons of students used to shine pen-lasers at them, fucking dumb.AussieReaper wrote:
Try not to aim it towards the sky. Apparently it can blind pilots. The chances would be billions to one imo.Winston_Churchill wrote:
this thing can cut through metal, instantly burn or blind you and light stuff on fire. and i work with incredibly high powered lasers in school and at my internship so theyre quite relevant.Uzique wrote:
why would someone want to buy a laser, exactly? i remember having those little laser pens when i was about 14, they were fun to annoy people with. but they weren't capable of blinding someone. ish.
the pens you used were probably around 2mW red lasers, this one is blue and 500x more powerful so the beam is significantly more intense.
its mostly curiosity and interest in what i can do with it (i have a 50mW green one that can visibly hit buildings 5+ km away) as well as the fact that i can use them in my lab to make holograms and other things
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Laser branding anyone?
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
its more with green lasers anyway, our eyes are much more sensitive to green than blue or red.FatherTed wrote:
its mostly people doing it deliberately. there was always helicopters above belfast most nights, and tons of students used to shine pen-lasers at them, fucking dumb.AussieReaper wrote:
Try not to aim it towards the sky. Apparently it can blind pilots. The chances would be billions to one imo.Winston_Churchill wrote:
this thing can cut through metal, instantly burn or blind you and light stuff on fire. and i work with incredibly high powered lasers in school and at my internship so theyre quite relevant.
the pens you used were probably around 2mW red lasers, this one is blue and 500x more powerful so the beam is significantly more intense.
its mostly curiosity and interest in what i can do with it (i have a 50mW green one that can visibly hit buildings 5+ km away) as well as the fact that i can use them in my lab to make holograms and other things
i disagreeWinston_Churchill wrote:
its more with green lasers anyway, our eyes are much more sensitive to green than blue or red.FatherTed wrote:
its mostly people doing it deliberately. there was always helicopters above belfast most nights, and tons of students used to shine pen-lasers at them, fucking dumb.AussieReaper wrote:
Try not to aim it towards the sky. Apparently it can blind pilots. The chances would be billions to one imo.

im proud of you for having an opinion, but its wrong
Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2012-04-08 18:24:06)
Yeah...if iirc our eyes are least sensitive to red, not sure about blue. I still wouldn't want a 1000mW laser pointed at my face.Winston_Churchill wrote:
im proud of you for having an opinion, but its wrong
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
we're most sensitive to green except in pitch black, where we're more sensitive to blue. but how often are you somewhere thats pitch black and someone has a laser? other than a lab, where you'd wear laser goggles... not often. and obviously, i wouldnt want anyone to get any 1W laser of any colour in their face but theres not a lot of danger at a distance, especially if its expanded.
depends how long you get blinded when you're landing a plane..

i would assume the amount of light you get would be distracting and blinding in the sense that you temporarily cant see, not actually permanently blinding. not that ive done a calculation or anything, just a guess based on beam expansion and reflection off the glass.
either way, shining a laser of any colour and any power at an airplane is dumb
either way, shining a laser of any colour and any power at an airplane is dumb
well yeah, but being temporarily blinded coming into land is about as serious for you as permanent blindness. Just depends if you survive or not.