Braddock wrote:
It's not causing too much media fuss here actually because I think a lot of people agree with it. I don't know if you have this situation in other countries but here in Dublin beggars hang out at ATM machines (as though you're going to throe them a fucking fifty or something!) and many people, particularly women at nighttime, feel quite threatened by this 'in your face' style begging.
Another common technique, used by the Romany gypsy community in particular, is to bring their little kids onto the cold streets to beg with them thus playing the sympathy vote. Such actions are just not fair on the kids in my opinion... if you can't look after your kids they should be taken into State care.
QFT, that one really bugs me, the ATM just over the road from Trinity there was this homeless guy and he waited till I had my money out and asked for some, now no harm, if I see some poor cunt on the street I might slip him a fiver, but after seeing how they spend that money(drink cause it washes their problems away -.-) I tell them to fuck off, it pisses me off.
The same for the people who bring out their kids, I've seen this in Dublin and in Berlin(alot worse there tbh). I think it's a very cheap act, and I wouldn't give them anything, basically because, I think it's a shame to use your children like that, I know times may be hard for them, but still.
Funny story how I pulled a fly one in Berlin, you see most of the people begging there have a slip of paper with the English translation eg:I'm from xxxx and I lost everything cant you please share some money. This one woman asked me about 3 times in the same day then sent her child over, and that was the last straw, I wrote my own letter saying I was from Ireland and I lost my job and I need money, then showed it to the woman, she seemed to know English then when she told me to go fuck myself. I don't want to sound like I'm an asshole to homeless people, but beggers I can't stand, and it's reasons like this, where she tried to deceive me that I no longer give anything to homeless people or beggers.