I am a courteous smoker and I generally follow every no smoking law around and will never smoke near kids, but when I will get in a non smokers face is when some lady comes up to me and starts screaming at me how I am killing myself and the people around her. I had some hag do that to me I laughed at her and blew smoke in he face and went back into the bar.Runs_with_sciss0rs wrote:
Err... I forgot to add that they should smoke at least 20 feet away from the building. I hate walking in through the front doors of the mall or something and there's people standing right next to the door smoking. It's someones choice to smoke, but they should have some courtesy not to smoke right at the door.DBBrinson1 wrote:
If they ban smoking outside, then how would that apply to combustion engines?Runs_with_sciss0rs wrote:
No, they shouldn't ban smoking from movies, but they should ban it from public places like outside of stores/restuarants. I was so glad when they banned smoking from inside public buildings in New York, I can actually go bowling now and not feel sick leaving.
Th whole smoking ban thing is bullshit, I do agree with no smoking in restaurants and places like that, but the no smoking in bars is stupid. It should be up to the bar owner if their is smoking or not. Before we had the ban here in MN bars used to be packed almost every night of the week, now, you are lucky to get a good crowd on the weekends. They say it has actually cost the state money to have the ban in place.
But what it all comes down to, if you don't like smoke don't go near it.