Here's what the US Treasury Department offered ailing banks when lending money:
• No requirement on using the bailout cash to free up tight credit markets. (Instead, many U.S. banks have used the money for lavish CEO compensation and to pay stockholder dividends.)
• No controlling interest in the banks, including no say in company decisions.
• 5 percent return on money lent.
In September, the British government was called on to rescue its banks. Here are the guarantees given to British taxpayers in exchange for a United Kingdom bailout:
• Banks required that bailout money go to freeing up tight credit markets.
• Controlling interest in the banks, with seats on the boards of directors and the right to vote on major decisions.
• 12 percent return on money lent.
here. The article isn't exactly objective. For instance the Bush administration does not have the authority to appoint oversight. But the facts I quoted are accurate. The underlined part is the most critical of the differences.