The Microwave Man
For all you noObs who like to play on Karkand read this . If you are on the MEC team facing the US side and defending the oncoming troops keep this in mind . Most if not all good tankers goto the ally that covers the spawn area of US troops . The spawn area is the closest to the artillery , to the left . Their job is to suppress the infantry onslaught coming down the hill . While doing this the tank needs plenty of room to back up when he is in anti tank units sights . Too many times , or rather everyday I run over troops backing up trying to avoid anti tank rounds coming in . Simple rule . STAY AWAY FROM TANKS ON FOOT ! If I have an anti tank unit lighting me up and my anti tank warning alarm is going off like crazy I need to back up - WITH NO WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saty out of the tank . If a tanker is covering this area and mowing down troops left and right just let him do his job . I can't tell you how many times people jump in my tank and get killed instantly . The tank is bullet magnet . All kinds of troops are shooting at the tank in this position . The tank is also an artillery magnet . I've only seen a gunner last no more then 30 seconds in the turret when taking on the spawn area in this fashion and only getting 2 kills on average . So don't do it .
One last thing I need to gripe about . WTF is the deal with people hitting the exit button while in a tank moving at full speed ? I get about 7 TK's IAFR by idiots doing this . I'm sick of it , especially when they punish me for it . When I get the tank I make my own squad to be able to call in sup drops where I want them . Then some idiot joins my squad so he can be the gunner . Then the idiot hits the exit vehicle button and gets run over . Bad move idiot . Stay off my squad and GTF out of my tank !
If you see that a tanker is really good and getting mass kills then switch your role in the game . Grab a car and take out the artillery . Cover the right side of the leve that might have an infantry unit wise to the tank trying to out flank the battle and snag the suburbs . Do anything but stay near the tank . Stay out of the friggin way and let the tank do it's job .
Member 5307
nice rant, i hear ya.
but do non-tankies care? i think not.
as an armour whore (sort of) my biggest gripe as well, is when i get punished for backing over dumbasses when i hear the missile lock be it karkand or any other map.
i also pop smoke when i reverse so.......when you see the smoke, Run Away from the tank!

Last edited by tthf (2006-01-23 21:15:36)

I agree with everything you're saying except for the part about players getting in the turret. Yes, it's a bullet magnet and you probably won't last too long if you don't know what you're doing. But when I'm up there, I watch the sides and the rear of the tank so some Spec Op doesn't plant C4 on your backside. Also, the ones getting shot out of there consistently usually don't know about the duck feature to avoid gunfire. Besides, why do you care whether someone gets shot while in the turret? If they get a kill, you get a kill damage assist.

But, yes, the dummies that stand behind the tank are just asking to be run over. And don't even get me started about the guys who jump out at full speed to just get TK'd.

Last edited by Wildbill100372 (2006-01-23 21:21:32)

Aspiring Objectivist
I would just like them to let me use the tank as I'm far better than most with it that I see. Someday the trickle of noobs will stop & then maybe people will start doing what they are suppose too.
Mass Media Casualty

I hear ya bro. Stop being a tank-whore.
Sorry jonny, no offence. A soon as you wrote the word 'n00b' that was called for.
Fuckit, I'm playing BF2 tomorrow, it's been a week.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
its almost like car rules.

im an inf and i always try to help everyone around me. one think i make shure of is to not go behind a tankzor.
if you see a hard core tankzor and you MUST cross the road please. i suggest walking 5-6 yards inforont of it. then you might be seen by the tanker and not squashed.
walk in the path of a tank and ur dead...and its you r fault...stupid accidental tk punishers
sry but you should stop praising yourself buddy .. your ratio raping infantry with tanks is easily below average
The Microwave Man

Wildbill100372 wrote:

I agree with everything you're saying except for the part about players getting in the turret. Yes, it's a bullet magnet and you probably won't last too long if you don't know what you're doing. But when I'm up there, I watch the sides and the rear of the tank so some Spec Op doesn't plant C4 on your backside. Also, the ones getting shot out of there consistently usually don't know about the duck feature to avoid gunfire. Besides, why do you care whether someone gets shot while in the turret? If they get a kill, you get a kill damage assist.

But, yes, the dummies that stand behind the tank are just asking to be run over. And don't even get me started about the guys who jump out at full speed to just get TK'd.
Great point , but you are literally one in a million of people who are smart enough to actually do this . Witch brings me to another point about being a good gunner . Always protect the rear and flanks . There is no need for a gunner to be facing the front of the tank cept for when you have a UAV and you can see troops ahead of you . Other wise you should be protecting the 6 'oclock position for enemy special forces who sneak up on the tank , from the side and flanks as well .
The reason I made this post is that when I get a tank I get on average about 30 kills a round and usually snag the gold medal . It really pisses me off when people join my squad as spawn point and exit the tank at full speed . Keep in mind that the tank has a kill threshold surrounding the tank that can kill you if you wxit at high speeds . And for goodness sakes don't punish me if your noOb ass get run over - IT'S YOUR FAULT !
Thank you .

+101|6989|Southern California

The TK and TK punishment logic in this game is all wrong. If a dumbass ran behind a tank (moving or not) while in combat conditions under fire the tank commander would never be found guilty in a military courts martial. So should the TK logic follow. Someone running into or jumping off a moving tank should get a Suicide point against them with no option to punish, or if that seems unfair to infantry-centric players then make it IF the "TKed" player punishes the tanker for TK then he also gets a suicide point, if he forgives then no suicide point.

I have been sitting, many times, in a stationary tank and a buggy runs into my flank at full speed and I am punished!!!! LMAO!!  There should not even be an option to punish under those conditions.

Look both ways before you cross the street kids...remember?
Very well put, agreed 100% gjgj.
Hard Case
+11|6995|S.E. United States
hey jonny
everthing makes sense of what your saying except one thing
and I see all you so called vets doing it
calling a noob an idiot
I may and probably am a noob,yet I am "not" an idiot
some other so called noobs  and mysef are new at the game,and some trust me may be idiots
but we all have to start somewhere,just as you did
I just dont agree with calling someone an idiot that  may be new and in the learnig process of this game
theres other ways to get your point across without bashing
trust me and I say again there are those that just are plain idiots
then there are those that are just learning to be a big shot like you

point Im tring to make is there are 99% of these so called "noobs" learning the game,just as you had to do at one time
then theres the 1% that can be and probably are idiots
so for you "noobs" out there,listen to what the cat has to say here,dont tk for your own mistakes while"learning" the game !
+2|6983|New Gitland, the Netherlands
What I find anoying is when you're driving a tank moving full speed towards a certain point, people cross the street. Look both ways before crossing children (one of the earliest things you learn in your life), yet in BF2.....
+3|7008|London, UK
If you're that valuable to the team as a loner in the tank, then for fuck sake lock your squad with the padlock button. Then you won't have unexpected buddies teleporting into the gunner seat.
People do stupid things in game regardless of skill level, we've all thought "I wish I hadn't done that" at some point or another.

Don't ever understimate gunners though. A gunner who's an engineer could be the difference between you losing a tank fight or winning it. You do get killed a lot though up there regardless, I should really refrain from doing it heh.

Last edited by Esker (2006-01-24 06:24:57)

The Microwave Man
Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is when I already have a gunner up top and people try to hop on the tank for a free ride . More often then not I run them over . I desparately try to get them off safely by backing up and they get run over anyhow . Stay away from the tank and stay out of my tank .
oh yeah , the lock squad button , forgot all about it . Perhaps because I never used it before - I usually welcome people on my squad . Thanks for the reminder .
As far as calling people idiots oh well . I know this game has a big learning curve but it's been out quite a while and I would exspect people to at the very least follow Mommy's advice from childhood and look both ways before crossing the street . Sorry but if I was waiting at a red light in traffic and guy crossed the treet right into traffic and gets run over - he's an idiot . Same goes for this game .
Great tip about running in front of the tank about 5 meters . smart .

Oh and chitlin - 30 kills and 0 deaths is belowe average ? For a US tanker ? Riiiiiiiight .
+0|7002|Shropshire UK

KillerYaNk wrote:

point Im tring to make is there are 99% of these so called "noobs" learning the game,just as you had to do at one time
then theres the 1% that can be and probably are idiots
yup we all learned sometime how to play the game but hey guys take a chill pill, i know we lose points on a tk but hey we still get gold, silver etc so i don't see what the problem is but i would like to see a thing on our stat pages of how many points we have lost all through BF2 lol
Lol I'm just going to stop, look both ways and cross when I've got a whole army chasing me aren't I?
want to go heads up?
+11|7047|cairns australia
look at my tks just about all run over by armour.infantry have to realise a tank a full speed cant stop on dime and it is hard to see behind you if you are fighting towards the front.i agree stay away jump in the mg or piss off unless engineer.although i will provide cover and support if needed i will run some1 over accidently sometimes so get over it.have had people try and kick me for an accident.see that minimap ,see tank stay away.
+2|6983|New Gitland, the Netherlands

Esker wrote:

Lol I'm just going to stop, look both ways and cross when I've got a whole army chasing me aren't I?
Nope . I play by sound so I can hear a car/tank or whatever but people crossing the street or walking over the road infront of the tank which can't pass is so annoying. 8)
Hey, I wanted to complain about that!!!!!!!!!
But u  fogot to complain about this: n00bs stealing ur tank while ur repairing! and with n00b i dont mean the nme but ur own teammates. and even when u were on top of the score-list for the last 5 rounds they dont give u back UR (n00bs listen up) tank! but the most die shortly afterwards, cos they dont know how to use a tank and cos their no engineers.
One last thing: A tank is no taxi! its not there to bring sombody from flag to flag! its an attack weapon dependent from infantry, so use it like this. (but dont get run over)

Last edited by SineNomine (2006-01-24 07:48:30)

tank 146:39:08 hrs      10,159 kills      2,653 deaths I am hoping that that ratio is good enough for you vets. I know for some of you it wont be cause there are about 1900 or so people in the GR ings that are way better than me.

I want to give a big thank you to all the NOOBs (people learning and dumb people too) for making this ratio possible
I would also like to thank all you vets who bunny hop and dolphin dive and know all the exploits and spawn points for you are the ones that make me use lots of armor.. even if I have to go steal it from your base.

Things that suck when you are a tanker and there is nothing you can do about it.

You are a tanker medic and a squad leader, your gunner/ engineer has just been killed while fixing your tank.
you get out and revive him but as you do another squad member spawns on you ... takes your tank an in the process runs you and the enginer over. To add insult to injury he is a medic but doesnt bother trying to revive his two squad members. I can never get to the kick from squad button fast enough.

Pedestrians problems are unavoidble... there is and endless supply of examples I wont bother
If you have spent a lot of time in a tank you will have learned to understand an accept this. You will also learn alot about how to avoid getting run over by one if you spend some time driving one. I rarely get run over by my own armor or any othr armor for that matter because you can hear it along ways away and it is just foolish to not keep tabs on wether or not there is armor in the area.

I jumped out of moving armor and died .. dont do it anymore. See even this hardend tank whore learned the hard way Johhny...Never punished though. that seemed wrong.
because if I hadn't got Out ...I wouldn't have died.

My Conclusion is this Tanks need Infantry and Infantry needs tank. they work well as a team if all parties know what to do and what not to do. For someone to learn this they will have to make mistakes. Lets hope they learn quickly.

Those who believe in the loner tank are true whores ..  T for team ya know.

Hey Johnny !!! get the hell outa my tank!!! lol  ya noob ... jk

SineNomine wrote:

Hey, I wanted to complain about that!!!!!!!!!
But u  fogot to complain about this: n00bs stealing ur tank while ur repairing! and with n00b i dont mean the nme but ur own teammates.
Yeah they think it's a fucking valet service... Cunts =/
+101|6989|Southern California

Esker wrote:

Lol I'm just going to stop, look both ways and cross when I've got a whole army chasing me aren't I?
LOL  funny and good point but....

Its not the TK that is the complaint! It is the punishment for the TK. If you are running for your life away from the enemy (rapid repositioning is what I prefer to call it o.O ) and you find a friendly tank has crushed you like a bug and you punish the tanker, well that is just wrong. He is trying to kill enemies not kill team mates.

The TK punishment is intended for intentional TK and outward acts of stupidity. I was in a APC last night, firing at two enemy AT gunners near the Oman Village from across the river. I killed one then the other and while I had rounds still in the air a team mate ran right thru my tracer line and died. He punished me for the TK. That is an idiotic call and would never have been more than a quick investigation in real combat.

check this out

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-01-24 09:32:27)

The Microwave Man
I don't really have this problem any more . All I do is find a nice spot away from all players friend and foe and repair the tnka myself . If I am squad leader I usually quit the squad before I do it . This way I wont become a valet .

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