Good evening all.

I have a question about getting combat badges.  I have several to get.  Are kills counted by other means than the kits in question?

For example - if a Sniper hops in a tank and blows the crappola outta 10 people w/o ever firing his M95 does he get a sniper combat badge....or must he actually snipe 10 w/ his weapon?  Along the same vein - if you hopped on a mounted machine gun - would that count as a sniper kill b/c you were playing as a sniper?

I'd hope not....but I'm curious. 

I just was promoted to Staff Sgt - so I have a long way to go.....

Still in need of:

Basic Knife Combat Badge, Basic Pistol Combat Badge, Basic Anti-tank Combat Badge, Basic Sniper Combat Badge, Basic Support Combat Badge, Basic Engineer Combat Badge......and a gazillion points.

...and yes, I was able to unlock the G36E last night upon my promotion......2 words - holy friggin' cow.

Hugs and Kisses -

Get out of MY JET!!!
yes .. it works like what you said

BUT for exception of knife and pistol..

everything else, you can get them by whoring vehicle or being cmd(arty kills)

but for knife and pistol badges, you have to get them with pistol/knife
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
yep, that's how ALOT of peopl get badges . It is kinda lame actualy....
Thanks guys for the input.  That is unfortunate. 

I really am going to try and get them the "right" way.   Goodness knows I have time.  Perhaps it is a coding issue or something.....not my call / nor do I understand the dynamics in scoring this amazing game.

My boss @ work is going for the pistol badge tonight.  He still has that and the knife to go before his next promotion.  I'd fathom that those two are pretty difficult to obtain w/o doing something one shouldn't.

We've committed - we won't "statpad".....gonna be interesting to see how he does.  I should look to see if all the pistols have the same damage and if there is an advantage to one of the other.

Thanks again for answering my question. 


Superior Mind wrote:

yep, that's how ALOT of peopl get badges . It is kinda lame actualy....
If they didn't let us do that then most of us would never get them.  Really, 44 kills to get expert for most classes.  I have played a bunch but I doubt I could get that lucky.  Unless there was a n00b server with 64 people, then maybe.
is drunk and crazy

man_unit wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

yep, that's how ALOT of peopl get badges . It is kinda lame actualy....
If they didn't let us do that then most of us would never get them.  Really, 44 kills to get expert for most classes.  I have played a bunch but I doubt I could get that lucky.  Unless there was a n00b server with 64 people, then maybe.
Some guy got 124 kills the other day in a BlackHawk

The whole clan got well over 100 points.

It was the BSF clan.

They are really good.
I crap bigger than you
+0|6859|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
I would like to know if anyone out there has actually gotten their expert badge (40+ kills IAR) by just using the weapons in their kit and, here is the kicker, on a full server.

It is pretty easy to rack up 20+ kills per round on half full 64 player maps, which makes getting the vet badges pretty easy.  I am still 40 hours away from being able to go for my first expert kit badge, but I will probably be looking for near empty 64 player servers in order to get them.  I have racked up 40+ kills several times on a near empty Warlord map (64 player), without using armor (DAO + Palace = mucho kills)
The Last Man Standing
Fortunately you dont have to go to all that trouble of sniping unless you wish to get your badge that way.  As long as you get the specified number of kills within the round, you get the badge.

I usually try the proper way, its just more fun, but then its up to the player on how they want to get it.
I was able to get pistol and knife badge.  I'm not the best player in the world.

For Pistol - I was a sniper and had actually run out of sniper ammo, so i pulled out the pistol and started blasting..  Amazingly people still died Another good way is snipe them with 1 shot to take them down to 2 health using M24 or M95, then switch to pistol to finish them off.

For Knife - Look for a Karkand 32/64 player server and run around like you're in Friday the 13th.  I was on a full 64 player server and even though the tickets move fast, i was able to get basic knife with about 100 tickets left.  People have surprisingly bad aim when you rush at them with a knife, and some sporty types will even stop shooting and take their knife out to have at it with you.  This almost always ends in a third party coming and blasting you both, however.
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6991|Germany / Saxony
I got the SF expert assault (44 kills) all on foot on an full 32 player Ghost Town...
This was not easy, so I want to thank my beloved GP30...

Edit: Most people will now think "Boah, that goddamned N00b-tuber!"
But just NO. GP30 at middle to long range is not n00bish, it´s just skilled aim.
I ended up the round with 46:7...

Last edited by Eckzack (2006-01-24 14:37:50)


IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...

washow wrote:

yes .. it works like what you said

BUT for exception of knife and pistol..

everything else, you can get them by whoring vehicle or being cmd(arty kills)

but for knife and pistol badges, you have to get them with pistol/knife
but commander arty kills don't count as kills....do they?
Dude, it's fine getting badges that way. This is not "Stat padding". Stat padding is something else. Go into a tank, and get some kills dude. Don't worry.

It's not an error.

And about knife/pistol badges? The knife badge is hard...and the pistol badge is not too hard.
+8|6844|Mission Viejo, CA
Commander kills from arty dont show up on your in game stats, but they will record toward your kit kills. to get the basic combat awards for a kit you just have to get 5 kills period, from anything. Just face it, when you decide you are going to try for the pistol or knife badges you are going to have a shitty round, possibly a purple heart round. Thats not the point, the point is to get the badges no matter how bad your score or k/d ratio is. the pistol is pretty straight forward, the knife definately has a trick to making sure you get the kill on your first stab if you get close enough. Play some single player and map all your weapon keys to knife. You will figure out the trick. I think I am ready to try myself. I need to get it before 20k points!
Infantry Whore
+42|6822|Kingswood Country
Definitely practice the knife bit on Single Player first. And yes, the arty kills do count. They count for AA or ground defence as well. Eg, arty kills while playing as a commander sitting in a stinger count as AA kills for the purpose of getting your defence badge/ribbon. Not entirely in the spirit of the game, but then - if you didn't use your commander time in a defence, how the hell would you ever get the 100hrs up for veteran?

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