+15|5493|Coventry, England
I thought this was going to be a "hahaha only joking LOL!!" post, but no.  what are you fuckin smoking man
+2,187|6712|Mountains of NC

j are you having difficulties trying to hook with the oppposite sex
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6861|Riva, MD
Why the fuck is it that I'm not aware of all these little things that you all suddenly deem fail when it comes to girls?  I'm so tired of being the only person that doesn't already know stuff.  Makes me feel even more disadvantaged


j are you having difficulties trying to hook with the oppposite sex
Ya think?

Fuck it all, I'm takin a nap

Last edited by _j5689_ (2009-09-08 12:42:27)

+2,187|6712|Mountains of NC

You want to get laid, with our help we can get you in bed with a actual girl ( and we're not talking about a hooker )

first - we need to see what were working with ... post or pm a recent pic ... then we'll go from there
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5568|Athens, GA

Gooners wrote:

Nah it's not better than nothing. Seriously, have some self respect.
+139|5570|Dublin, Ireland
I was texting the girl who I was with last Saturday about where she wants to go this Friday night today. She text me later when I was at Hurling training with a wall of text about some dress for this Friday night, and how important it was. I hope that dress is for me

E: She then text me saying; "Uups, wrong person! Nevermind that last text!"

Last edited by Oisín<3 (2009-09-08 13:16:12)

+15|5493|Coventry, England
+139|5570|Dublin, Ireland

Lynx wrote:

You Lynx from FSFA?
Ok, I've never come here for advice myself and won't break with that tradition, but here follows a little anecdote. Yes, I had my share of Merlot tonight, so please forgive me my incomprehensive ranting. I'll try to keep it as short and consistent as possible, but I might fail utterly.

I remember the first time I fell in love, I was four years old, we were in the same class. I didn't think much of it then, but every time I saw her again after months or years, I fell for her within five minutes. The last time I saw her I just turned 12, I felt the same at least, but I still didn't think much of it; an error of judgement I'd come to regret later. I went my way and she went hers. I hoped to meet her at the next school reunion and waited, and waited, but it never came. By the time I realised it never would, yet I still cared that much, years had passed. While my new classmates and friends chased one girl after the other, I slowly turned into a grumpy old guy. When I finally met a new girl for whom I felt anything other than pitty, it took me at least one and a half year to realise I did. She went nuts though, and I even had to run through some forest fires, so I spend one year drunk, lost most of my friends and quit my studies (which I, up to then had exelled at). Quite some stories here, but those are for another time.

I finally fled to the Northern Caucasus, Southern Russia, which turned out wholly different than expected. I became best mates with my new Eastern colleagues and felt very much at ease, even felt like not going "home". It truly was another world and after a week or two I fell for this one girl who spoke no English, German, French or whatever at all; something which would have been impossible back "home" because of my baggage. Again, quite some stories for another time. The truth I knew from the start it was doomed, by virtue of the distance and language barriers involved. She gave me her telephone number, address, email and such, but it didn't change much and besides, I didn't even know how to use them properly from outside of the Russian Federation. That was one year ago.

When I got back from France last summer an email was waiting for me; there would be a reunion. Now the school I had attended had been quite an odd one. We used to be a "white school", but we were joined by a "black school", which meant most of our class parties consisted of very wrong Balkan disco and throwing kebab. Despite all the epic memories, I was reluctant to go. I simply didn't want to be stuck with my ex for a whole evening, fearing the awkwardness it would bring, would ruin my enjoyment in the throwing of kebab and  such. I had waited for years, and now ten years later, when I really didn't care shit, I didn't want to go for that very same reason. I went anyway, deciding it was folly to miss out on all the casual fun because of one old girl.

A tad dissapointing it was, as all of my kebab throwing friends were now probably occupied dealing drugs and such. In fact only the old "white guard" was there. Hardly anyone recognized me except one girl whom I had met several times in between on the station. Even people that had joined class after I left (I left early) knew who I was, and as everyone asked why I left in 6th grade, I felt rather like I'd let the down by doing so. I shaked hands, talked with everyone except my ex. We just gave eachother a rigid stare and she left 15 minutes after I had arrived. She still possessed the same devilish charm she had all those years ago, and she was at least as dangerous as then. While I find the prospect of not having a chance to talk to her again for the next ten years or so quite frightening, I was rather comforted by the fact she left early. I probably wouldn't have been able to relax as I did and have alltogether a jolly evening with the others, recalling memories of classmates that literally had shit their pants during campgames and such. I also confirmed what I had suspected before; that my former best friend had been a die hard neo-nazi during his teens; which probably explains why he didn't pay me any more unannounced visits, me being half an "Auslander". He had broken with that though, and if he hadn't I probably wouldn't have cared less. In any case we had both lost most of our (bad) teenage era friends, and we were as good as back in the good ol'days. We talked a bit after the reunion and he might pay me a visit me in Ireland once I've moved there.

Now, afterwards, regarding the girl I don't know what bothers me more, the fact that I didn't talk to the lass or the fact that I didn't really seem all that bothered at all about her that evening, despite her still stunning appearance.

Last edited by Lai (2009-09-08 13:34:41)

+139|5570|Dublin, Ireland
Where about in Ireland are you bringing your crazy-ass fucked up life?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
No offence

Oisín<3 wrote:

Where about in Ireland are you bringing your crazy-ass fucked up life?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
No offence
Dublin actually, if all goes well. I applied for a MA in Internal Relations at the University College Dublin; I called them asking if I could still apply for this year.

They asked "You mean NEXT week?", I said: "Yeah,..". There are still quite some arrangements to be made, but if they give a green light, I'll just throw some cloths into a suitcase and book a 99 eurocents Ryanair flight.
+718|6665|Austin, Texas
Was a good read anyway, +1.

Been having a problem of my own recently but it's a bit too juvenile and baseless to be of importance. Oh well. Disregard females, acquire currency?
+139|5570|Dublin, Ireland

Lai wrote:

Oisín<3 wrote:

Where about in Ireland are you bringing your crazy-ass fucked up life?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
No offence
Dublin actually, if all goes well. I applied for a MA in Internal Relations at the University College Dublin; I called them asking if I could still apply for this year.

They asked "You mean NEXT week?", I said: "Yeah,..". There are still quite some arrangements to be made, but if they give a green light, I'll just throw some cloths into a suitcase and book a 99 eurocents Ryanair flight.
Nice bro, I'm starting in DIT next week, not far from UCD at all...

How old are you now? If you need any help with accommodation/travel or anything I'd be happy to help.

ph1shman420 wrote:

not compared to most of the girls in this town. i mean shes ok, but ive def been with much hotter
She probably has too.

Bevo wrote:

Was a good read anyway, +1.

Been having a problem of my own recently but it's a bit too juvenile and baseless to be of importance. Oh well. Disregard females, acquire currency?
I find that females and currency have an awfull lot in common. Everyone touches it, it is all tainted, they are both deceptive and their value is very dependent on the present condition of their surroundings.

Enfin, just post whatever it is. We're all throwing our shit, which may seem trivial to others, up here.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5568|Athens, GA

CC-Marley wrote:

ph1shman420 wrote:

not compared to most of the girls in this town. i mean shes ok, but ive def been with much hotter
She probably has too.
ha, she sure doesnt act like it

plus, im hotter than brad pitt
+139|5570|Dublin, Ireland

Lai wrote:

Bevo wrote:

Was a good read anyway, +1.

Been having a problem of my own recently but it's a bit too juvenile and baseless to be of importance. Oh well. Disregard females, acquire currency?
I find that females and currency have an awfull lot in common. Everyone touches it, it is all tainted, they are both deceptive and their value is very dependent on the present condition of their surroundings.

Enfin, just post whatever it is. We're all throwing our shit, which may seem trivial to others, up here.
Read my post dick-cheese.
+718|6665|Austin, Texas

Oisín<3 wrote:

Read my post dick-cheese.
See why nobody likes you?

Anyway, i'll keep it brief because the details are largely unimportant. I had been catching up with one of my old friends over facebook, the day we found each other we talked for a few hours and it went really well. Responding well, genuine interest etc. I chatted with her a few times since then, and while she seemed interested and wasn't brief, she would sometimes just disappear after a few minutes. I never asked about it, but she did this a few nights ago and I sent her a message after saying something along the lines of "I dunno where you went but I enjoy talking - here's my number". Lo and behold I get a text from her about half an hour later, again with seeming genuine interest. Then after a few texts she doesn't respond at all - just gone out of the blue. It wasn't even boring "hey what's up" "nothing you", I asked her a question about something and simply never got a reply.

I'm failing to grasp the "why". If she didn't want to talk, surely she wouldnt have sent me a text. She comments and "likes" my status every once and a while and put up a wall post just recently (to which I replied and again got no response).

I can only think of two reasons.

1. She's fucking with me.
2. She likes me but doesn't want to become attached, given the 1600 miles that separate us.

Normally it's whatever - but I was contemplating taking a trip up there to visit my old friends.
+139|5570|Dublin, Ireland

Bevo wrote:

given the 1600 miles that separate us.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5568|Athens, GA
ill tell you why...shes a female
+718|6665|Austin, Texas

Oisín<3 wrote:

Bevo wrote:

given the 1600 miles that separate us.
I appreciate your concern, however I noted I was thinking about taking a trip up there. I lived there for 7 or so years, and it wouldn't be beyond reality to head back, or at least in the area. I don't plan on staying in Texas for the rest of my life.
Little BaBy JESUS
Well I asked the girl who I've liked for ages to the formal and she said yes. So that good news I guess. However, I'm pretty sure we're still firmly in the friend zone

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

Well I asked the girl who I've liked for ages to the formal and she said yes. So that good news I guess. However, I'm pretty sure we're still firmly in the friend zone
gotta start somewhere. that sounds like a good start.

Oisín<3 wrote:

Oisín<3 wrote:

Nice bro, I'm starting in DIT next week, not far from UCD at all...

How old are you now? If you need any help with accommodation/travel or anything I'd be happy to help.
Read my post dick-cheese.
Lawl, was having some late Czarist tea downstairs.

But anyway, I'm turning 22 in November and would be very pleased with any help. Especially considering it will be quite a reckless endeavour on my part and I'll be lacking even the most basic information about Dublin life (how local public transport works, which areas to look into, which areas to avoid etc.).

Bevo wrote:

I'm failing to grasp the "why". If she didn't want to talk, surely she wouldnt have sent me a text. She comments and "likes" my status every once and a while and put up a wall post just recently (to which I replied and again got no response).

I can only think of two reasons.

1. She's fucking with me.
2. She likes me but doesn't want to become attached, given the 1600 miles that separate us.

Normally it's whatever - but I was contemplating taking a trip up there to visit my old friends.
No offense but:

3. Attention whore?

Some girls are like that, ya know. They're just being really forward making most guys think they're being flirted with, the girl herself fully unaware of her supposed insinuations.

If I were you I'd make the trip anyhow, visit old friends and relatives and see anything that might happen with the girl as a possible bonus. I know that's not the way it works, but that's the mentality you should strive for.
+718|6665|Austin, Texas
It doesn't fit her personality type. I considered it, but never got that impression at all. I could be gravely wrong, but I don't think I am. I hope I'm not wrong anyway, you're making me second guess myself.

I'm considering the trip regardless. I'd probably be staying with my old best friend around winter time if it happens, and would be seeing one of my other good friends.

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