Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Archer wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

SamBo:D wrote:

you sexist bitch
Oh shut up, the 1st amendment defends my right to be sexist. SUCK ON THAT
not effective in taiwan
Ok fine, if you wanna be so nitpicky like that, replace 1st amendment with the taiwanese constitution then

Cybargs wrote:

Still tim's girlfriend here...

You guys should stop making generalizations about girls. The advice you give you to one another just ends up failing epicly because of these lame and outrageous generalizations. Our personalities and traits differ under the influence of specific cultures, backgrounds, religions, societies... etc. It is complete bullshit to assume that 16 year old females tend to go for way older men- that's a fucked up minority & obviously a phase that they'll grow out of. All the teenage girls I know stick to guys around their age. It's the guys I know that are always out there dating girls that could be sued for child molestation *coughtimandcoughoneofhisexbestfriends* (im allowed to get back at you after finding this appalling shit about you on this forum- remind me again why I'm dating you?)

Oh and...

You know what the problem is with most men? Their egos *cough above cough* are so up there that they will defend themselves no matter how blatantly the evidence says "pull that 10 inch dildo out of your ass because you're fucking wrong".
1. You just stated it is a phase many girls grow out of, I do not contest that. I merely suggested allowing them to grow out of it.

2. WE are generalizing? Read what you just typed, you're the one making women sound like a wholly different species.

3. I've already made my statement regarding culture, however I'd like to add that I also have a specific theory regarding Asian girls, which for politeness sake I will keep to myself. Don't start on me about me not knowing about that, I'm a halfblood myself.


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

why do many women stick with men who treat them like shit? answer me that.
I won't elaborate on this, I would break this site's server.

5. I really can't ask for much advice from my female friends, since I broke with most of them about two years ago after a hellish three weeks in Greece. Others I can barely talk to out of practical reasons. I still have a few regulars left though and in fact we talk about this sort of things quite a lot. That doesn't mean we always agree, but we don't have too. They're open to my thoughts and I'm open to theirs.

6. Finally one more thing:

Cybargs wrote:

(...)*sigh* you guys got me, this is totally cybargs trolling

and while i'm trolling let me confess a few things to yall

I am secretly a raging homosexual
I'd like to fuck Cougar hard in the ass
I once dated a child molester
And my conversations with my ex gf were limited to 'why you always taking big shit'

omg he's gonna kill me... but this is your punishment tim. you shouldn't have fucked with me. you shouldn't have told the world about S)(()@#(#@( when you promised not to! and you shouldn't lie to me all the fucking time. Because guess what? I'm a woman.
I will always find a way to find out whether you're lying or not.

And just so you know, whenever you lie your face always goes really red. Your hands also start sweating like mad. You think I'm holding your hand out of sympathy, but NOOOO.
None of my female friends ever talked like that, not even on their lowest low and/or their insecurest moment. Draw your conclusions.

If I'm wrong and you ARE a girl, I hereby recommend Cybargs to dump you,.. preferably in a titanium reinforced vault with a PMC detachement to guard it 24/7, I'll be happy to share in the expenses.
wth man...
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD
About the girl I like:

Does it matter that a bunch of other guys can text her and I can't?  It feels like they have the upper hand constantly because they can ALWAYS make progress with her all day and I can't since I can't text.  It's very unsettling to think about

_j5689_ wrote:

About the girl I like:

Does it matter that a bunch of other guys can text her and I can't?  It feels like they have the upper hand constantly because they can ALWAYS make progress with her all day and I can't since I can't text.  It's very unsettling to think about
Imo, texting is for flashy guys. It might work in the 21th century, but it'll never beat eye to eye or even voice to voice. That and you really can't make "progress" with a girl, it doesn't really work that way.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD

Lai wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

About the girl I like:

Does it matter that a bunch of other guys can text her and I can't?  It feels like they have the upper hand constantly because they can ALWAYS make progress with her all day and I can't since I can't text.  It's very unsettling to think about
Imo, texting is for flashy guys. It might work in the 21th century, but it'll never beat eye to eye or even voice to voice. That and you really can't make "progress" with a girl, it doesn't really work that way.
Well, I assume you can flirt and plan events over texting and it's not really that hard to do in class for people, those are things I would consider progress because it makes them more favorable over me to her.  It's not like it's luxury either, everyone at my school pretty much texts.
^Maybe you haven't really witnessed their lowest/most insecure moments

^What makes you think I was making a direct attack at you?! I wasn't. o_o

^and where are you from?

^and btw, I think there is a huge difference between an asian girl growing up in Denmark and an asian girl growing up in Japan. Big big difference. And my apparent "generalizations" perhaps only applies to the women I've met then. Your asian girl theory most likely only applies to the ones you've met and heard about. There are still a lot of my asian galfriends I've talked to that would prefer to stick to their own race just because they feel more comfortable about it. I just GENERALLY like mixed guys more because they TEND to understand where I come from and sympathize with a lot of my cultural/relationship/political ideals & values. Note: generally & tend, I am basing this on my experience

^and cybargs would never dump me, even if I threatened to get a sex change if he didn't. He's the sweetest guy ever
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

_j5689_ wrote:

About the girl I like:

Does it matter that a bunch of other guys can text her and I can't?  It feels like they have the upper hand constantly because they can ALWAYS make progress with her all day and I can't since I can't text.  It's very unsettling to think about
how can you  not text?

_j5689_ wrote:

Lai wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

About the girl I like:

Does it matter that a bunch of other guys can text her and I can't?  It feels like they have the upper hand constantly because they can ALWAYS make progress with her all day and I can't since I can't text.  It's very unsettling to think about
Imo, texting is for flashy guys. It might work in the 21th century, but it'll never beat eye to eye or even voice to voice. That and you really can't make "progress" with a girl, it doesn't really work that way.
Well, I assume you can flirt and plan events over texting and it's not really that hard to do in class for people, those are things I would consider progress because it makes them more favorable over me to her.  It's not like it's luxury either, everyone at my school pretty much texts.
Just show her a good time irl, texting really doesn't mean much... it's just something to kill boredom, at least for me it is
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

About the girl I like:

Does it matter that a bunch of other guys can text her and I can't?  It feels like they have the upper hand constantly because they can ALWAYS make progress with her all day and I can't since I can't text.  It's very unsettling to think about
how can you  not text?
My parents think it's just another distraction I don't need as well as a waste of money.  I can sometimes receive them but unfortunately it doesn't come through when she sends them to me.  She sent two test texts after I gave her my number and they never came through.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD

Cybargs wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Lai wrote:

Imo, texting is for flashy guys. It might work in the 21th century, but it'll never beat eye to eye or even voice to voice. That and you really can't make "progress" with a girl, it doesn't really work that way.
Well, I assume you can flirt and plan events over texting and it's not really that hard to do in class for people, those are things I would consider progress because it makes them more favorable over me to her.  It's not like it's luxury either, everyone at my school pretty much texts.
Just show her a good time irl, texting really doesn't mean much... it's just something to kill boredom, at least for me it is
I hope what you say is the same for her, but she texts all the time so I'm not sure.  It might be really important to her or something

Last edited by _j5689_ (2009-08-29 16:53:51)


_j5689_ wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Well, I assume you can flirt and plan events over texting and it's not really that hard to do in class for people, those are things I would consider progress because it makes them more favorable over me to her.  It's not like it's luxury either, everyone at my school pretty much texts.
Just show her a good time irl, texting really doesn't mean much... it's just something to kill boredom, at least for me it is
I hope what you say is the same for her, but she texts all the time so I'm not sure
Do you think she sees you as more of a friend or more of a potential luvahhh? I think you should be able to subconsciously pick that up from her signals. Trust your instincts

Oh and showing you that text could just be her attempt to induce jealousy ;D
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
Cybarg's girlfriend, Cybarg, or whoever: Please stop derailing the thread, if you want to dramabomb please find somewhere else.

@J: Don't worry about it, there's really no such thing as "making progress" over text message. Besides it gives you a good excuse to call her or hang out instead.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD

Cybargs wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Just show her a good time irl, texting really doesn't mean much... it's just something to kill boredom, at least for me it is
I hope what you say is the same for her, but she texts all the time so I'm not sure
Do you think she sees you as more of a friend or more of a potential luvahhh? I think you should be able to subconsciously pick that up from her signals. Trust your instincts

Oh and showing you that text could just be her attempt to induce jealousy ;D
No, the dude was mad at her for some little bullshit reason and said he didn't want to be friends anymore, proving that people do serious stuff in these texts.

And no, I really really fucking wish I could pick it up subconsciously but this is not case since I have Asperger's Syndrome.  I can't tell for sure if she's just being really friendly or if she actually likes me this time.  If you want to help me out, the story is in one of my posts on either page 58 or 59 of this thread, disregard that other shit that I said about the hair, lmao

_j5689_ wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I hope what you say is the same for her, but she texts all the time so I'm not sure
Do you think she sees you as more of a friend or more of a potential luvahhh? I think you should be able to subconsciously pick that up from her signals. Trust your instincts

Oh and showing you that text could just be her attempt to induce jealousy ;D
No, the dude was mad at her for some little bullshit reason and said he didn't want to be friends anymore, proving that people do serious stuff in these texts.

And no, I really really fucking wish I could pick it up subconsciously but this is not case since I have Asperger's Syndrome.  I can't tell for sure if she's just being really friendly or if she actually likes me this time.  If you want to help me out, the story is in one of my posts on either page 58 or 59 of this thread, disregard that other shit that I said about the hair, lmao
Bevo, as you can see I am trying to help _j5689_ over here k. And I'm sure he'd like some female input too. And jeez loosen up, dramabomb does no harm and it's actually quite entertaining as you have witnessed.

Well I read through the stuff... and with all the stuff you've said, the signs point to nowhere. There is a possibility she wants you as more than a friend, but there is also that possibility that you're overanalyzing stuff. I would advise you to make your move subtly... One step at a time... She will then slowly realize that you are making a move on her... and if she isn't interested in you that way, she will most likely back off, stop talking to you as much and show unease if you keep approaching. (Once again, at least I would do that. Some girls are very good at hiding their disinterest and misleading guys. They end up confessing and getting sadly rejectly even though all signs pointed otherwise)
But meh, life is short, take a chance
+718|6666|Austin, Texas

Cybargs wrote:

Bevo, as you can see I am trying to help _j5689_ over here k. And I'm sure he'd like some female input too. And jeez loosen up, dramabomb does no harm and it's actually quite entertaining as you have witnessed.
I was not entertained. You make it sound like we have no idea what we're talking about... several guys here have this stuff pinned down pretty damn well, including myself. Just because you don't have a penis doesn't mean you're more qualified to talk about human social behavior.
Hahahaha I'm going to bed now. Epic troll is epic troll

You were all wrong- I am not cybargs nor am I his gf- I am actually his friend.

+605|6694|San Diego, CA, USA
There's this girl I kinda like...we both seem to get along, but I found out that she has a 5 year-old kid and it, for some reason, really turned me off - I haven't seen her in a month.

Am I selfish?

Background: Never married, mid-30s
+718|6666|Austin, Texas

Cybargs wrote:

Hahahaha I'm going to bed now. Epic troll is epic troll

You were all wrong- I am not cybargs nor am I his gf- I am actually his friend.

Wow, you got us good.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD

Cybargs wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Do you think she sees you as more of a friend or more of a potential luvahhh? I think you should be able to subconsciously pick that up from her signals. Trust your instincts

Oh and showing you that text could just be her attempt to induce jealousy ;D
No, the dude was mad at her for some little bullshit reason and said he didn't want to be friends anymore, proving that people do serious stuff in these texts.

And no, I really really fucking wish I could pick it up subconsciously but this is not case since I have Asperger's Syndrome.  I can't tell for sure if she's just being really friendly or if she actually likes me this time.  If you want to help me out, the story is in one of my posts on either page 58 or 59 of this thread, disregard that other shit that I said about the hair, lmao
Bevo, as you can see I am trying to help _j5689_ over here k. And I'm sure he'd like some female input too. And jeez loosen up, dramabomb does no harm and it's actually quite entertaining as you have witnessed.

Well I read through the stuff... and with all the stuff you've said, the signs point to nowhere. There is a possibility she wants you as more than a friend, but there is also that possibility that you're overanalyzing stuff. I would advise you to make your move subtly... One step at a time... She will then slowly realize that you are making a move on her... and if she isn't interested in you that way, she will most likely back off, stop talking to you as much and show unease if you keep approaching. (Once again, at least I would do that. Some girls are very good at hiding their disinterest and misleading guys. They end up confessing and getting sadly rejectly even though all signs pointed otherwise)
But meh, life is short, take a chance
She didn't seem to withdraw from the conversation or anything when I touched her hair, lol.  Or when I touched her arm because I wanted to see if she had goosebumps

Yeah, I overanalyze a lot because I worry about this kind of thing more than anything else in my life.  People tell me not to overanalyze but I'm like a robot: I have my objective, and I'm going to process all relevant information until it's time to shut down for the day, lol.

I also don't have any experience with girls other than her, so I can't really tell what's friendly and what's more than friendly that well.  Even the basics

And btw, I still appreciate the advice, no matter who was on Cybarg's account.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2009-08-29 17:38:21)

i feel sorry for all you bitches with girl problems, i got 99 problems and right now the bitch temporarily aint one
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas

Uzique wrote:

i feel sorry for all you bitches with girl problems, i got 99 problems and right now the bitch temporarily aint one
Go to bed zeek, you're drunk.
rapes face
As amusing this thread was to me because of the laughter caused through both the failures and successes lived by you all in all your "100th problem(s)" (sup 99 problems reference), it looks like I too have fallen in a rut. Let me explain..

There was a girl last year at school in my class. We happened to sit beside eachother, so we got on pretty well and what not. I was interested in her right from the start. (Bit uncanny really, there are a lot of "hot" girls at our school, but I disregarded them all pretty much because of her. I think it's because she's just.. pretty. Not hot, but pretty. Yeah. You know what I mean?)

Anyways, as the year went on we were pretty good friends, and I really didn't want to screw it up; in turn obviously not making a move too suggestive. We were pretty good friends, I would always tease her (once even made her face beet red! It was hilarious, lmao) and talk to her a lot in class. Problem was, I only got to see her once a school week, as she was only in one of my classes. Hanging out at lunch seemed like a brilliant idea, but her posse of girlfriends kind of intimidated me. (Approaching her at lunch is one thing, but approaching her with her friends by her side is another.)

Now, similar to  _j5689_'s case (Good luck, by the way!)  I am trying to detect signs of interest from her. And I think I might have, most notably from two scenarios (below) that happened that school year. Tell me what you guys (girls?) think..**

  • Scenario 1: We seldom met on the public transport bus that I use to get to and from school. One day, as she and I were conversing, a girl across from our seats requested to borrow my cell phone. It looked legit, so I complied. While the stranger talked on my phone,  she (the girl in my class) fell into a pretty cranky state. She kept asking me several times if I knew the other girl who was borrowing my phone, in a pretty inquisitive manner. She kept acting kind of "mad" at me for the remainder of the bus ride until she arrived at her stop.*   
*Note: The next day, I pretended the whole thing never happened, and she seemed back to her old self.
  • Scenario 2: Typical work day in class. Our teacher assigns us in random pairs. Unfortunately, I wasn't paired up with her. Instead, she was  paired up with a friend of mine that I kind of "dislike." She acted as if she was looking forward to work with him, because they often worked together in terms of comparing notes/homework. (She is very smart, and so is my friend.) However, she didn't know my friend as I did. In actuality, he is a guy with a good heart but is completely devoid of emotion, is annoying to accomplish what he wants, and at times can be quite insensitive to other people's way of perceiving things. I wasn't jealous at all, rather I found it hilarious that she was going to work with someone who isn't quite what she expected him to be. I playfully "warned" her about him, but she just though I was being immature. Not long into the period though, I got the opportunity to say "I told you so!". Could it be she was trying to get me jealous by trying to act upbeat about working with him? There's more. Meanwhile, I was paired up with another girl in the class. Not caring for the work, I just had random conversations with her to kill time. We were both working a desk away from the girl I liked, who was rehearsing parts of the project that my friend and her had to do. I don't remember what, but the other girl and I must have exchanged some funny conversation, causing me and her to laugh out loud. Girl who I like comes up and randomly said, "Focus <insert my name here>!" in a cheeky voice. I retorted why, and she said "I'm going to make sure you finish this project." It was like she wanted to pull me away from the casual conversation I was having with the other girl and get to work.

^That is pretty much all the signs that I recall before exams hit and swept us both into isolation.

She's a very studious person and the following classes didn't to talk to much people due to the massive amounts of review work we had gotten.

I know I could try contacting her on Facebook or whatever, but she's never on and I don't like textual conversations on matters like this..

Hanging out with her during the summer was a bit troubling. I never had the chance to ask her number or anything.

By now you're probably not surpised, but I do indeed have a hard time with girls. :x

**I know I may sound overanalyzing in the manner that I organzied this post, but I wanted to at least make the post look appealing so that you guys would actually read it.

Thanks for reading guys. Any input is appreciated, give it to me straight.

Last edited by Archer (2009-08-29 19:49:54)

Little BaBy JESUS
Holy shit Archer that was an epic read. Anyway my advice.
Make sure you don't read into things to much, keep your eye out for signs but don't go looking for them. It's possible she likes you, but its also possible she doesn't. Really it depends on the individual so its hard to judge without actually knowing both of you. Just keep playing it cool as friends, get her number (as a friend), keep hanging out etc, and you should hopefully be able to pick up the vibes. (unless for some reason your in a rush).

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