JoshP wrote:
/failDookie0119 wrote:
fixed.some_random_panda wrote:
Mate, you're fifteen. Over here, you'd be in year 10 (and believe me, there is nothing to be had in getting a gf when you're that young).
im in yr 10
the person who said year 9 was from australia. Australia's school system is evidently different wrong, Britain's is correct.
God this is fucked up. I'm sorry to hear this. Just keep ya head up and fuck that bitch. You're a very smart guy (imo) and you look better than 95% of the people on this forum (no homo, and no, I'm not that 5 other %)..teddy..jimmy wrote:
Girls reap complements. It's a way of first getting their attention.
Personality traits that will you get you the ladies:
1.) Confidence
2.) Charm
3.) Being funny
Being here 3 weeks and I've already been given the name man-slut and pretty boy by half the people on my corridor (in a very friendly way ). I'm not particularly big and beefy like a lot of the rugga buggas here but with the combination of the 3 points I noted it's quite easy to get a girl. Obviously the Norwegian blond hair blue eyes helps though
3 weeks down the line at uni and I'm already having women issues. Somehow I ended up liking my neighbor. We got off to an excellent start having already hooked up a couple times and literally sleeping in each others bed every night but I saw her with another guy the other night. She then came over to me in the club and I told her to fuck off. Later on that night I was in my room and she bursts in wanting to talk to me. Unfortunately the talk ended very badly with me finding out she liked the other guy (she had tried playing me) and slamming the door shut calling her a fucking bitch.
Anyways I feel like shit now because of her and I haven't been this homesick since I got here. Combined with freshers flu I'm a pissed off motherfucker who honestly just wants to go home to the most beautiful country in the world..Norway.
Fuck this country man.
Man, she is fit. Are you fit too? Have you seen her looking at you a few more times than at others? Has she smiled to you or did she say anything good about you? Do you know that she likes you too?Dookie0119 wrote:
1st of all, fucking thread Raphi.
2nd I NEED HALP !!!!!
Girl at school is pretty.
In the 3 years I've been at the school, I've been too shy to speak to her.
But she is soooooo fit.
I think I actually have a problem of which I am just too shy to speak to girls.
Remember I said Shy, not scared.
May I add the only time I get to see her is in the playground ^^
If so, fucking go for it. You only see her in the playground so if you fail, you won't often see her but only think about succes. Not about fail. Else you'll never find out what you missed and this time is one of your most important life time (I know my shit cause I'm only a few months older than you.
If not, and I already had that too, you should better leave it. If everyone knows that you like her and she doesn't like you, it just hurts as fuck. If you really want to start something with her, overwind your shyness and start making her compliments. Try to talk to her, about her interests. That's what I got told when I was in your position. In the beginning it was hard as fuck, but after some time you'll do it like everything else. Talk to her about her sports and stuff and get to know her better. Maybe even spend time with here and try to be funny, not too much though. Be a gentleman, but don't compliment toomuch. That's all I know, I fail myself but I tried to help.
As for my situation, the guy with the apple pie had a fucking awesome idea. I'm jealous tbh cause I have no idea. And I still don't know if this is just starting or has already ended.
Bennis helped me alot though and thanks to all other guys posting in this thread too.
Hmm I got school tommorow.Ecilop Murof wrote:
Man, she is fit. Are you fit too? Have you seen her looking at you a few more times than at others? Has she smiled to you or did she say anything good about you? Do you know that she likes you too?
If so, fucking go for it. You only see her in the playground so if you fail, you won't often see her but only think about succes. Not about fail. Else you'll never find out what you missed and this time is one of your most important life time (I know my shit cause I'm only a few months older than you.
If not, and I already had that too, you should better leave it. If everyone knows that you like her and she doesn't like you, it just hurts as fuck. If you really want to start something with her, overwind your shyness and start making her compliments. Try to talk to her, about her interests. That's what I got told when I was in your position. In the beginning it was hard as fuck, but after some time you'll do it like everything else. Talk to her about her sports and stuff and get to know her better. Maybe even spend time with here and try to be funny, not too much though. Be a gentleman, but don't compliment toomuch. That's all I know, I fail myself but I tried to help.
As for my situation, the guy with the apple pie had a fucking awesome idea. I'm jealous tbh cause I have no idea. And I still don't know if this is just starting or has already ended.
Bennis helped me alot though and thanks to all other guys posting in this thread too.
The only thing I can think of doing nice right now is giving her chewing gum xD
I'll probably talk to her, tho I don't have the balls to talk 1 on 1.
EDIT: Theres also another Girl I quite like, maybe I'll have a better opportunity with her, cos she's in my class^^(I've talked to her before, she's quite nice, but she's said many times that I'm just "boring" THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?)
Anyway you said something like "Have you seen her looking at you a few more times than at others?" Yes, that is true. She sometimes stares at me. (probably cos I look like a fucking weirdo) Infact, she's looked at me quite a few times, I've also looked at her quite a few times.
Also, my school finishes early on fridays. Me and my Mates, usually go down the road to a cafe or Mcdonalds. Maybe if She's there I could talk to her a bit.
Last edited by Dookie0119 (2008-10-15 10:40:40)
Like Murof said, you'll definitely miss out if you dont try.Dookie0119 wrote:
Hmm I got school tommorow.Ecilop Murof wrote:
Man, she is fit. Are you fit too? Have you seen her looking at you a few more times than at others? Has she smiled to you or did she say anything good about you? Do you know that she likes you too?
If so, fucking go for it. You only see her in the playground so if you fail, you won't often see her but only think about succes. Not about fail. Else you'll never find out what you missed and this time is one of your most important life time (I know my shit cause I'm only a few months older than you.
If not, and I already had that too, you should better leave it. If everyone knows that you like her and she doesn't like you, it just hurts as fuck. If you really want to start something with her, overwind your shyness and start making her compliments. Try to talk to her, about her interests. That's what I got told when I was in your position. In the beginning it was hard as fuck, but after some time you'll do it like everything else. Talk to her about her sports and stuff and get to know her better. Maybe even spend time with here and try to be funny, not too much though. Be a gentleman, but don't compliment toomuch. That's all I know, I fail myself but I tried to help.
As for my situation, the guy with the apple pie had a fucking awesome idea. I'm jealous tbh cause I have no idea. And I still don't know if this is just starting or has already ended.
Bennis helped me alot though and thanks to all other guys posting in this thread too.
The only thing I can think of doing nice right now is giving her chewing gum xD
I'll probably talk to her, tho I don't have the balls to talk 1 on 1.
Advice tho, dont jus walk straight up to her and ask her out. Stroll past, chat to her over your shoulder, look like you might walk away at any minute by almost rocking on your back foot, give the impression that you're about to walk off. Then say something to open the conversation. Anything, like "hey can u recommend me a good movie to see, I'm jus asking cos me n my mates were short of ideas", if you manage to strike up a proper convo, turn and face her, or if she's sittin down sit down near her. Dont bother asking her name, dont tell her yours, this gives the impression of being easy going, rather than being formal, it'll make her more comfortable. If you manage to keep the convo going, good. If not don't worry, if there's an awkward silence, see if she tries to restart the convo, if it does you know she's interested in talking to you.
If you get on well, invite her along to the movie you were told earlier, but don't make it just the two of you, that will make it seem like a high pressure date situation. Invite her to go see it with your mates. It'll make her more relaxed n give you a chance to get to know each other better. If she says yes, dont get your phone out to take her number, get out a piece of paper from your pocket and a pen. tear it in half, write your number on half, give her the other half then swap. Maybe throw in something jokingly, like sayin with a sligh grin/laugh "hey draw a picture of yourself so I dont forget what you look like" this will give you a chance to have a laugh together and will give you an excuse to chat for longer. Instead of gettin her number and leaving, which give the impression you were just after her number. When you're done, get up and say you'll let her know whats going on at the weekend or whenever. Then saunter off knowing you've got somewhere.
Shyness is fear, you can never get over fear, its what makes us human, but you can use it to give you a boost, putting us in fearful situations gives us adrenaline, and it feels good afterwards, so go for it.
EDIT: just read you're edit, take her for lunch with your mates b4the cinema
Last edited by bennisboy (2008-10-15 10:44:54)
This advice is so fucking awesome. Bennis wins this thread a few hundred times
Bennis. My god that is quite possible the best advice I have ever read to do with girls on the t'internet.
I'm here to help guys
freshers ball tonight.......
Teddy Grey is freshers ball
..teddy..jimmy wrote:
freshers ball tonight.......

Come get sommmmmme!
In 3 weeks I have fucked 3 ladies...I'm going to add to that tonightThe Sheriff wrote:
Teddy Grey is freshers ball
Thats genius (No I am not being sarcstic)bennisboy wrote:
get out a piece of paper from your pocket and a pen. tear it in half, write your number on half, give her the other half then swap.
Thanks for your post/advice, I really apreciate it.
But, to me shyness is something that I cannot get over, it's kind of like whats destroying my social life, and theres no way to make it fuck off.
Anyway, like I said, ty for the helpfull post, I really think It just might help.
Seriously dook, the only way you can get over your shyness is by takin your self out of your comfort zone. The more you do it the better you'll be at fightin your shyness. You'll never get rid of it, but you can get the better of it. Its your limiting mind tryin to get the better of you. You cant let it.Dookie0119 wrote:
Thats genius (No I am not being sarcstic)bennisboy wrote:
get out a piece of paper from your pocket and a pen. tear it in half, write your number on half, give her the other half then swap.
Thanks for your post/advice, I really apreciate it.
But, to me shyness is something that I cannot get over, it's kind of like whats destroying my social life, and theres no way to make it fuck off.
Anyway, like I said, ty for the helpfull post, I really think It just might help.
Believe me, i used to be so shy around women, now i think nothin of jus goin up and startin a conversation with them. I've been back at uni 3 weeks, slept wit two girls and got to know many more.
If i can do it, anyone can who is willin to take themselves out of their comfort zone.
You just defined my lifeDesertFox- wrote:
Now a freshmen at the university level, I've never had a girlfriend yet, and most of my prospects have gone to other schools. I find it hard to start up a new relationship because I at least knew and could carry on a conversation with a majority of those females back in high school. I'm rather reserved around all strangers and usually need a few days of just doing something together without even interacting to start the courtship process. One of my problems I know is that I am far too nice and respectful of women. As Stewie observed, "Women like it when you treat them like crap" and the sentiment is confirmed by my observations day to day. Although, it's not much of a problem for me, because I'm a poor college student, and I'm apparently so damn romantic and not really looking for meaningless genital touching
Okay let me clear something up. Women do not like being treated like crap. They just like men not to be complete push overs. They want a potential mate that would be able to care for their children, hence someone that isnt just gonna roll over at the first sign of conforntation (thats biology for you).Winston_Churchill wrote:
You just defined my lifeDesertFox- wrote:
Now a freshmen at the university level, I've never had a girlfriend yet, and most of my prospects have gone to other schools. I find it hard to start up a new relationship because I at least knew and could carry on a conversation with a majority of those females back in high school. I'm rather reserved around all strangers and usually need a few days of just doing something together without even interacting to start the courtship process. One of my problems I know is that I am far too nice and respectful of women. As Stewie observed, "Women like it when you treat them like crap" and the sentiment is confirmed by my observations day to day. Although, it's not much of a problem for me, because I'm a poor college student, and I'm apparently so damn romantic and not really looking for meaningless genital touching
They also dont want you to be constantly seeking their approval, thats what any normal guy would do thats trying to get in their pants. How are you gonna stand out from them by acting completely the same? Thats where the art of being cocky and funny comes in. Cheeky insults, self confidence (not arrogance) and generally just making them laugh, which in effect makes them want to impress you, or chase you.
Two of the best phrases I've found for actually moving on to the kiss when you can tell she is interested (there are definitive signs, I can come up with a list for you guys if you want) are: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how good a kisser are you?" and "would you like to kiss me". If she answers high to the first, just say "respect", dont even act like its a big deal, if she says "would you like to find out"; well you're in.
If she answers the second with "yes" or anything like yes, go for it. If she says "no" simply jokingly come back with "well I didnt say you could now did I?". If she says "not sure" ask her if she'd like to find out.
If I can throw all my condifidence together Im going to try this tactic tomorrow
I <3 you bennis
karma forever
Anymore tactics?
I <3 you bennis
karma forever
Anymore tactics?
Just make sure you do what other guys dont. You need to stand out. This can be done easiest by chattin to her and her mates, but by paying her the least attention. Win over her mates and it makes it a lot easier, if you almost ignoring her she will work to try and get your attention as she'll wonder why you dont appear interested in her.Ecilop Murof wrote:
If I can throw all my condifidence together Im going to try this tactic tomorrow
I <3 you bennis
karma forever
Anymore tactics?
Also learn some routines to show off how you're different to other guys. We all know how crazy girls go over stuff like horoscopes. So look up stuff on cold reading. Its about being able to tell people stuff about themselves that even the people that know them best wont. A personal favourite of mine is "cube visualisation". Look it up and learn how to do it, as its too long to explain on here, but there should be some good web sources. When you get good at cold reading you'll be able to almost sense stuff about people. I was chattin to 2 girls in a bar the other day and managed to guess their ages right first time (one was 22, the other was 21). I also know quite a good rings routine, its about pretending to spontaneously notice what fingers a girl is wearing a ring on and telling them stuff about their personality from it.
If you stand out enough, girls will start coming to you, rather than the other way round. Always walk into a room with a smile, even if you dont know anyone there, it shows confidence. I've got a pretty cool wallet that has a secret compartment that makes the wallet look as though its on fire, brilliant when a chick asks you if you have a lighter. In fact I was out the other night, dressed to stand out, multi couloures shoes, baggy jeans that have green stripes appear in UV light, White vest which glows in UV and a white new era hat, also glows in UV. I was on the dance floor and had a girl I hadnt even seen just grab my hand pull me away and start grinding on me. Also always be upbeat and energetic, but not OTT, cos girls love the company of someone that is lively and fun to be around.
Sorry for the bump, but I was thinking we should make this a sticky. Because as long as there are girls, we will have problems with them, and its always nice to get help with them. Who's with me?
Last edited by bennisboy (2008-10-15 15:40:20)
I normally don't have any serious girl problems, but I have kinda run into one recently. I am friends with a bunch of chicks, but I currently am not going out with any of them. I pretty much do everything with them and a few of my non-chick friends. The only problem is turning that friend into a girlfriend. Almost everyone I have done anything with I just randomly met somewhere and we hooked up. I just find it really odd to change your relationship with someone, almost like losing a friend but different.
This is a tough situation (I've been through it), but do you actually wanna go out with one of them in particular because you have feelings for them? Or are you just thinking about trying to turn one of them into a gf at some point? In my experience, its pretty hard to break out of the friend zone, but more importantly it can be donespecops10-4 wrote:
I normally don't have any serious girl problems, but I have kinda run into one recently. I am friends with a bunch of chicks, but I currently am not going out with any of them. I pretty much do everything with them and a few of my non-chick friends. The only problem is turning that friend into a girlfriend. Almost everyone I have done anything with I just randomly met somewhere and we hooked up. I just find it really odd to change your relationship with someone, almost like losing a friend but different.
This one girl in particular, its so fun hanging out with her cause its pretty much like hanging out with another guy except she has all the girly parts. I'm worried that if I ask her out it might become really different and I won't have as much fun anymore.bennisboy wrote:
This is a tough situation (I've been through it), but do you actually wanna go out with one of them in particular because you have feelings for them? Or are you just thinking about trying to turn one of them into a gf at some point? In my experience, its pretty hard to break out of the friend zone, but more importantly it can be donespecops10-4 wrote:
I normally don't have any serious girl problems, but I have kinda run into one recently. I am friends with a bunch of chicks, but I currently am not going out with any of them. I pretty much do everything with them and a few of my non-chick friends. The only problem is turning that friend into a girlfriend. Almost everyone I have done anything with I just randomly met somewhere and we hooked up. I just find it really odd to change your relationship with someone, almost like losing a friend but different.
In my experience, these can often be the best relationships because you already have a deep understanding of what each other is like. It means you know how to have fun with each other, how to make each other laugh and many other things. Then you can add to that the more sensitive and deep moments you can have as a couple. This can make for a really strong relationship.specops10-4 wrote:
This one girl in particular, its so fun hanging out with her cause its pretty much like hanging out with another guy except she has all the girly parts. I'm worried that if I ask her out it might become really different and I won't have as much fun anymore.bennisboy wrote:
This is a tough situation (I've been through it), but do you actually wanna go out with one of them in particular because you have feelings for them? Or are you just thinking about trying to turn one of them into a gf at some point? In my experience, its pretty hard to break out of the friend zone, but more importantly it can be donespecops10-4 wrote:
I normally don't have any serious girl problems, but I have kinda run into one recently. I am friends with a bunch of chicks, but I currently am not going out with any of them. I pretty much do everything with them and a few of my non-chick friends. The only problem is turning that friend into a girlfriend. Almost everyone I have done anything with I just randomly met somewhere and we hooked up. I just find it really odd to change your relationship with someone, almost like losing a friend but different.
However before asking her, take some time to take a step back from it all and see it from an outsiders point of view. Try to see if she acts differently towards you than other friends, see if she displays an interest in you as a man, rather than just a friend where gender doesnt matter. If you have feelings for someone it can be hard to do this, so get your closest mate to look out as well. If you decide she does display an interest in you, go for it. I've explained why earlier in the thread, and really got Raphi (Murof) seeing that he shouldnt worry about the possible bad outcome, but the positive outcome and what you will miss out on if you dont go for it.
lol same, except they're going into smoking and drugsHurricane2k9 wrote:
One of my best friends in middle school pretty much ditched me once we got into high school. Strange thing is it basically happened overnight. One day we were talking about Counterstrike, the next he was chilling with 'the cool kids' as it were.M.O.A.B wrote:
That's like me as well, though not with girls. My friends at school for five years became total douchebags and decided to basically ditch me. As a result I've developed a sort of sixth sense of identifying someone's personality before actually talking to them.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
yep, also one of my problems exactly. Treat people the way you wanna be treated they said... well I treat people damn well and the fuck do I get in return?
Alright, seeing that I was going to post a guide up about this kinda stuff, i guess i can post it here
So You’re looking for a date or a relationship
Boy meets girl. Boy wants a date with this girl.
The thing you are going to need is Self Confidence and a pair of balls. Shyness will not get you anywhere anytime soon. Sure some chicks dig shy guys but it’s the confident ones that will get you 1st prize. Whiners will always talk about being too scared to approach; it’s the ones who try that fuck the prom queen. You’re gonna need to get out of your shell son if you want success. You’ll always fail until you actually try.
Secondly, be who you are, not somebody else Don’t try to act like a tough guy if you aren’t tough. It will make you seem like a douchebag. Girls will appreciate who you are, and if she is serious, she won’t care if you’ve been hit by a car. Don’t change yourself. You are human, and you are unique.
Third, NEVER EVER LIE ABOUT YOURSELF; Ladies are keen listeners. Don’t say something about yourself and then change the story afterward. They will detect that something is wrong and that is a turnoff.
Getting the Date
The actual difficult to this process is the introduction between you and said lady. Be casual and be cool. Your heart may be pumping fast, you may be trembling, but you must stay composed. You’re gonna need an icebreaker too. Compliments are a great icebreaker; comment on something you find nice, whether it be shoes or a hat. Don’t be too unusual either and don’t be an asshole and scream out “I like your knockers, wanna fuck?” That earns you a dumbfuck sticker and a kick to the groin. You deserved it anyway. Find something to talk about. If she is reading something like a newspaper relate to that. For example, point out recent headlines that were funny, random hilarious stuff and trivia (LOLcats is a good convo starter btw…Seriously), and if you have your laptop, the better. A good funny youtube video is a great icebreaker as well. If you are a University student, there is the simplest, most effective ice breaker…ask what they are majoring in. Comment on it nicely. It can do lots of good. Finally, and nonchalantly, ask if she would like to do something Specific (insert your idea here) sometime. She says yes or no. Yes=you win, No=you tried, good job!
Don’t berate yourself over rejection; it’s normal and there are many fish out in the sea and one of them is bound to be a prize catch. Try, Try,
Try Again.
My personal story about the University icebreaker: Well, I had recently gotten through a terrible break up (I would rather not say right now, but if you really want to know PM me). I wanted to be back on the scene. After the first day of orientation on campus, I was on my way home on the bus. Across from me was a girl who went to the same highschool as yours truly, but never talked to. First thing I did was say “Hi, I know you from somewhere…didn’t we go to the same high school”, she responds. I tell her my name is xxxxxxxx, she tells me she’s xxxxxxx. (for the sake of privacy). I ask what she is majoring in and so on. I carried on the conversation. Throw in a few jokes. Blah blah blah. As we got off the bus, I ask her for her number and if she wanted to go out for dinner sometime. I get a yes. I also get a currently one month relationship with her as of now.
OH and Fair warning. NEVER EVER ASK A GIRL OUT OVER FACEBOOK. It makes it impersonal and allows her to reject you easier. It also saves you public embarrassment as this is published in other people’s news feed.
UAV recon is online…Signs she may be interested in You(or not)
Body language tells a lot of things about a person. Watch for subtle things on the approach or on a date. If she continually makes eye contact with you, smiles a lot, close in your personal space, you’ve got a bite. Good job.
Sadly though, some body language means that she isn’t. Avoiding eye contact is a key sign; she is also out of reach from you. Another one is to watch her eyes too. If she continually looks for exits you have a prob. She doesn’t want to go any further and wants to leave. Another unique sign is look where her toes are pointed. Sounds weird but true. If they are pointing towards you, she’s focusing on you. If she seems uncomfortable around you (antsy and pacing around) its also a bad sign or shes bored, which isn't good.
Conversations can be a 2 sided affair as well; If she isn’t very content on making conversation with you, it isn’t a bad sign yet. There might be something wrong so ask her. Be nice, be respectful. Don’t shoot your mouth off. The other more sinister side, I assume you all know.
So you lucky bastard, you got yourself a date
Firstly congratulations, you got through the hardest stage. Secondly, there are several rules to follow when on a date:
1. Always be yourself. Read above
2. Ensure that your date is fun…better yet original. A movie may be nice, but try something a little bit more one on one for example a picnic dinner at sunset (weather permitting)
3. Be a Gent
4. Communicate effectively and coherently
5. Negotiate; find out what she would like to do as well
6. Keep your care cup full. Nothing pisses off a chick more than not paying attention. Keep your eyes off the game and on her. It will pay off.
That’s all for now…I’ll keep adding sections and the like through edits. This is an early version btw, their will be revisions.
So You’re looking for a date or a relationship
Boy meets girl. Boy wants a date with this girl.
The thing you are going to need is Self Confidence and a pair of balls. Shyness will not get you anywhere anytime soon. Sure some chicks dig shy guys but it’s the confident ones that will get you 1st prize. Whiners will always talk about being too scared to approach; it’s the ones who try that fuck the prom queen. You’re gonna need to get out of your shell son if you want success. You’ll always fail until you actually try.
Secondly, be who you are, not somebody else Don’t try to act like a tough guy if you aren’t tough. It will make you seem like a douchebag. Girls will appreciate who you are, and if she is serious, she won’t care if you’ve been hit by a car. Don’t change yourself. You are human, and you are unique.
Third, NEVER EVER LIE ABOUT YOURSELF; Ladies are keen listeners. Don’t say something about yourself and then change the story afterward. They will detect that something is wrong and that is a turnoff.
Getting the Date
The actual difficult to this process is the introduction between you and said lady. Be casual and be cool. Your heart may be pumping fast, you may be trembling, but you must stay composed. You’re gonna need an icebreaker too. Compliments are a great icebreaker; comment on something you find nice, whether it be shoes or a hat. Don’t be too unusual either and don’t be an asshole and scream out “I like your knockers, wanna fuck?” That earns you a dumbfuck sticker and a kick to the groin. You deserved it anyway. Find something to talk about. If she is reading something like a newspaper relate to that. For example, point out recent headlines that were funny, random hilarious stuff and trivia (LOLcats is a good convo starter btw…Seriously), and if you have your laptop, the better. A good funny youtube video is a great icebreaker as well. If you are a University student, there is the simplest, most effective ice breaker…ask what they are majoring in. Comment on it nicely. It can do lots of good. Finally, and nonchalantly, ask if she would like to do something Specific (insert your idea here) sometime. She says yes or no. Yes=you win, No=you tried, good job!
Don’t berate yourself over rejection; it’s normal and there are many fish out in the sea and one of them is bound to be a prize catch. Try, Try,
Try Again.
My personal story about the University icebreaker: Well, I had recently gotten through a terrible break up (I would rather not say right now, but if you really want to know PM me). I wanted to be back on the scene. After the first day of orientation on campus, I was on my way home on the bus. Across from me was a girl who went to the same highschool as yours truly, but never talked to. First thing I did was say “Hi, I know you from somewhere…didn’t we go to the same high school”, she responds. I tell her my name is xxxxxxxx, she tells me she’s xxxxxxx. (for the sake of privacy). I ask what she is majoring in and so on. I carried on the conversation. Throw in a few jokes. Blah blah blah. As we got off the bus, I ask her for her number and if she wanted to go out for dinner sometime. I get a yes. I also get a currently one month relationship with her as of now.
OH and Fair warning. NEVER EVER ASK A GIRL OUT OVER FACEBOOK. It makes it impersonal and allows her to reject you easier. It also saves you public embarrassment as this is published in other people’s news feed.
UAV recon is online…Signs she may be interested in You(or not)
Body language tells a lot of things about a person. Watch for subtle things on the approach or on a date. If she continually makes eye contact with you, smiles a lot, close in your personal space, you’ve got a bite. Good job.
Sadly though, some body language means that she isn’t. Avoiding eye contact is a key sign; she is also out of reach from you. Another one is to watch her eyes too. If she continually looks for exits you have a prob. She doesn’t want to go any further and wants to leave. Another unique sign is look where her toes are pointed. Sounds weird but true. If they are pointing towards you, she’s focusing on you. If she seems uncomfortable around you (antsy and pacing around) its also a bad sign or shes bored, which isn't good.
Conversations can be a 2 sided affair as well; If she isn’t very content on making conversation with you, it isn’t a bad sign yet. There might be something wrong so ask her. Be nice, be respectful. Don’t shoot your mouth off. The other more sinister side, I assume you all know.
So you lucky bastard, you got yourself a date
Firstly congratulations, you got through the hardest stage. Secondly, there are several rules to follow when on a date:
1. Always be yourself. Read above
2. Ensure that your date is fun…better yet original. A movie may be nice, but try something a little bit more one on one for example a picnic dinner at sunset (weather permitting)
3. Be a Gent
4. Communicate effectively and coherently
5. Negotiate; find out what she would like to do as well
6. Keep your care cup full. Nothing pisses off a chick more than not paying attention. Keep your eyes off the game and on her. It will pay off.
That’s all for now…I’ll keep adding sections and the like through edits. This is an early version btw, their will be revisions.
Last edited by Rohirm (2008-10-15 23:22:00)