
Good advice Teddy, I agree with all of it.
There is.
+1,380|6837|Devon, England

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

The next one is the easiest yet so many find it the hardest. (me included)

Treat her like shit

Girls hate guys who are too get's boring. Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her an extent. Then compliment her and treat her like shit again. The entire chase process should consist of this. You don't want to show her you'll become her bitch at the click of her fingers.

Will not work for emo girls. Sucks her getting in a mood every time I jokily insult her.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6831|Espoo, Finland
Avoid insecure and emo girls. Atleast for anything more than a fuck
Did someone say tea?
+112|6381|S.A. Australia

Gawwad wrote:

Avoid insecure and emo girls. Atleast for anything more than a fuck
I cannot stress how true this is, emo/insecure girls are an absolute nightmare.  As soon as anything remotely bad happens in proximity to them, you'll be working to get them in a good mood for days.
Serious Flex

So ditch emotionally unstable girls.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
that's a pretty good guideline, yes
There is.
+1,380|6837|Devon, England
But I like them so much

And I like my current relationship, even though she does take things I say too badly sometimes. I can live with that.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6768|Little Bentcock
Until you get sick of it.
I wouldnt say treat them like shit. thats OTT, every girl likes to be made to feel special. BUT dont do it all the time. The whole point is its an even relationship/the guy is in charge. Dont be a push over cos that will jus bore them after a week n they will move on. Never let yourself be "whipped" cos then they get bored and will go off in search of someone new to tame.

If you're constantly attempting to make them feel special, the novelty wears off. The big things you do to make her feel special become small routine things to her, which forces you to go bigger n better. If from the start you keep it on an even keel, when you do make her feel special, she will feel really special.
Say wat!?

bennisboy wrote:

I wouldnt say treat them like shit. thats OTT, every girl likes to be made to feel special. BUT dont do it all the time. The whole point is its an even relationship/the guy is in charge. Dont be a push over cos that will jus bore them after a week n they will move on. Never let yourself be "whipped" cos then they get bored and will go off in search of someone new to tame.

If you're constantly attempting to make them feel special, the novelty wears off. The big things you do to make her feel special become small routine things to her, which forces you to go bigger n better. If from the start you keep it on an even keel, when you do make her feel special, she will feel really special.
Indeed. Treating them like shit is guaranteed to give you the shortest relationship of your life.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her off
that's terrible advice

Anyway, BF2s, any tips on dealing with being away from your significant other for a longish period of time? Say two weeks? Because I have to be away from my girlfriend for two weeks (as of yesterday) and it fucking sucks! I miss her already. We're talking on the phone each day but still. It's not that I don't trust being away from her, it's just... idk. Any tips on not worrying about it?
+3,611|6767|London, England
As long as you have good friends and plenty of alcohol you never have to worry about inane stuff like that, plus when you're away there's always the chance of having those one off flings with other girls, you're the age where shit like that is supposed to happen anyway, so don't waste it all away

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her off
that's terrible advice

Anyway, BF2s, any tips on dealing with being away from your significant other for a longish period of time? Say two weeks? Because I have to be away from my girlfriend for two weeks (as of yesterday) and it fucking sucks! I miss her already. We're talking on the phone each day but still. It's not that I don't trust being away from her, it's just... idk. Any tips on not worrying about it?
Jus do other stuff to takle your mid off it. I warn you now, when you are in a relationship every little thign that happens will be blown out of all proportion in your head if you sit around thinkin about it. You just have to try to trust her n get on with other stuff

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her off
that's terrible advice

Anyway, BF2s, any tips on dealing with being away from your significant other for a longish period of time? Say two weeks? Because I have to be away from my girlfriend for two weeks (as of yesterday) and it fucking sucks! I miss her already. We're talking on the phone each day but still. It's not that I don't trust being away from her, it's just... idk. Any tips on not worrying about it?
Two weeks away, enjoy that shit!!!!  I'm married and would give my left nut for 2 weeks of freedom.  Take a road trip and flirt with some pooty.  You are not married, it is not cheating, do fun things and have stories for her when she gets back.  Women don't like boring do nothing guys.  If she sees you have fun and do all that stuff that first attracted her to you while she is gone it will just make you more appealing to her AND you will have gotten to have fun.

Party, meet women, do fun exciting stuff, and she will be jealous and more excited about you.  Women like that shit.  Not the boring "I sat at home and missed you, if you left I would never get laid." guy.  Be a man, women like men.  Do shit they are physically, mentally, and emotionally incapable of doing because this is what makes you a Man and it is what women desire to be around. 

Be strong, smart, brave, rational, direct, protective, CONFIDENT, and logical because these are things women see as man traits that turn them on.
You will note that having the above traits would make one seem to treat the weaker sex like shit but it is not treating a woman like shit it is being dominate because you are more confident/secure/rational/strong than her which is a natural trait of having a pair that produce testosterone.  Women want a man that protects and takes care of them, it is in their genes.

Act like a little bitch by pouting and sulking while she's gone and she will date your friend that is more exciting, manly, and secure.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

The next one is the easiest yet so many find it the hardest. (me included)

Treat her like shit

Girls hate guys who are too get's boring. Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her an extent. Then compliment her and treat her like shit again. The entire chase process should consist of this. You don't want to show her you'll become her bitch at the click of her fingers.
Disagree. Teddy you're enough of a

fatherted wrote:

that it may seem like that to you. While you shouldn't be a kiss up (ugh) all the time, treating her like shit is not the way to go about things. You SHOULD though act like she isn't the only thing in your life, because well she isn't. Don't bend over backwards yes, but don't treat her like shit either. Keep them on edge but remain playful. Always wear the pants though, remember it's the reason why we have facial hair and they don't.

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her off
that's terrible advice

Anyway, BF2s, any tips on dealing with being away from your significant other for a longish period of time? Say two weeks? Because I have to be away from my girlfriend for two weeks (as of yesterday) and it fucking sucks! I miss her already. We're talking on the phone each day but still. It's not that I don't trust being away from her, it's just... idk. Any tips on not worrying about it?
1.) Go out with your friends.
2.) Have some fun with your 5 finger princess.
3.) Quit being such a pussy hurri...she'll be gone for 2 weeks...unless you're madly in love you should enjoy the freedom.

Bevo wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

The next one is the easiest yet so many find it the hardest. (me included)

Treat her like shit

Girls hate guys who are too get's boring. Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her an extent. Then compliment her and treat her like shit again. The entire chase process should consist of this. You don't want to show her you'll become her bitch at the click of her fingers.
Disagree. Teddy you're enough of a

fatherted wrote:

that it may seem like that to you. While you shouldn't be a kiss up (ugh) all the time, treating her like shit is not the way to go about things. You SHOULD though act like she isn't the only thing in your life, because well she isn't. Don't bend over backwards yes, but don't treat her like shit either. Keep them on edge but remain playful. Always wear the pants though, remember it's the reason why we have facial hair and they don't.
unless they're greek women.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5570|Athens, GA

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Treat her like shit, insult her, do things that piss her off
that's terrible advice
hmmm a virgin tellin a true pimp that he gives terrible advice on women?

something wrong with that picture
+3,611|6767|London, England
Depends on the girl, you can't just treat them all like shit and do stupid stuff. Only stupid girls like that sort of stupid stuff, trust me. Obviously you can't be too much of a lamo with anyone though. Things need to be kept interesting

It's still pretty dumb to say treat her like shit, insult her and do things that piss her off, even I know that's terrible advice.

Why type of fucking girls do you guys go after anyway, and then you hear teddy:jimmy bitching about how all the girls are slags and he hates that. No fucking shit when you go after that type.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2009-08-02 06:27:19)

Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5570|Athens, GA
he doesnt mean it like punch them in the face or call them a cunt 20x a day. just be the bad boy. girls like trying to tame their man. its really not bad advice at all. one day u guys will learn

basically, dont be a little bitch and give in to all their demands. you are in charge and have to make sure they know that unless you want to be the bitch. of course, not all women/girls are the same, so this doesnt always necessarily work.

Last edited by ph1shman420 (2009-08-02 06:31:38)

+3,611|6767|London, England
The way he said it was stupid, obviously he didn't mean it literally, but it's still stupid to put it that way. I think I've learned plenty enough. And I know the types of chicks you guys go after and I don't want any of that shit anyway

And like I said, it's all coming from the guy who used to constantly bitch and moan that the girls are too slutty, it's just funny then seeing him give out advice on just the type of things the worst type of girls want
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5570|Athens, GA
where yo bitches at mek?
+3,611|6767|London, England
I ain't got no bitch at the moment, I'm tired of that shit. They piss me off, besides, I don't want a "bitch" anyway. All that shit is just fucking annoying these days, the whole fucking facebook crap fucking.......fuck it

No girl no problem. You can always have abit of fun at the clubs but it stays there

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2009-08-02 06:35:38)

Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5570|Athens, GA
tru dat. im too fucking selfish (and broke) to have a gf. booty calls are just so ftw
It does depend on the girl but I generally found that literally treating a girl like shit during the chase does work very often. Now I don't mean insult her or slap her around but rather ignoring her, flirting with other girls infront of her and just making her feel like she's second best. As soon as you compliment her she'll love it. Obv you can't and definitely should not go on treating her like this if anything else develops but I guarantee that most girls do find the dominant, aggressive male attitude attractive. During the chase period they'll hate you treating them that way but they'll come back for more because it triggers their curiosity (that he's not just some lame typical guy that I'd usually go for). I've also found that the more good looking the girl the more they like the 'badass' simply because they can get who they want but a guy with looks minus a fun personality is boring.

Believe it or not girls who aren't slags are also exactly like this. I do bitch and moan about them but I never go for them (for slags). Tbh I've even found that girls who are more frigid are way more prone to being attracted to this behavior. Obviously this is my personal experience and you're very welcome to differs from person to person and the type of girl you go for. I go for the girl who will try and play the game with me and consequently I play it right back which usually involves a certain degree of 'treating her like shit'.

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