There is.
+1,380|6837|Devon, England

ghettoperson wrote:

Uzique wrote:

I really feel like we have lost that essential bond and foundation that a couple needs, when you're both on the same side and work together on things as a unit - even if it means that one or both of you has to make concessions and sacrifices. She's just not willing to play ball on that very basic need and fundament of a 2-way relationship; this entire stressful affair has just made her utterly self-absorbed and selfish. Yet again I feel a slight tinge of contempt and hatred for this inconsiderate, lost little girl. Fucking giving me such a hard time.
I hate to say it, but perhaps it's just getting towards the time where you should just break up. Yes it sucks, especially given your housing situation, but if she's not even willing to give you this much expecting you to return to being a happy couple seems unlikely at best.
I don't think it's good to say things like that. It'll fuel an idea of a impending breakup that may not happen, but possibly will if he starts to do things about it.

I don't really think the message thing was a good idea, to be honest; there was no way she'd see your way of thinking.

All you could have done was persevere and just let her have her time that she wants, even though it pains you. It'd pain me, but I wouldn't want it to affect me and break us up.

I dunno what to say, really, but I wouldn't give up. Don't fight too hard for something you don't need to fight for, though. If she's says she's yours, just believe her if you feel you can.
+3,936|6646|so randum
he lives in manchester

i live near manchester
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

He's a guy that likes sex

Ted likes sex with guys

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6867|Sydney, Australia

Uzique wrote:

Kate didn't take the message well... post
Bugger mate. So you sent the email to creepyguy? Andddd... did he reply?

If not for the living arrangements, I'd say: if she doesn't change now after you have clearly laid out everything, straight and honest, just get out of it. Selfish would be the only way to describe her. And while you can sometimes come across as a bit of a.. prick , you don't deserve any of this shit, at all.

Just my 2c..
+3,936|6646|so randum

ghettoperson wrote:

He's a guy that likes sex

Ted likes sex with guys

all true
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Amdi Peter

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Be honest with her, if she can't take honesty then forget her. I completely feel for you dude because I was in a similar situation. I was interested in a girl, she was interested in me, and while we were attempting something she'd also be spending a /lot/ of time with two other guys (who are also my friends, or at least one is). She used the "we're just really good friends" line but ultimately I found out she was interested in one of my friends. We had a falling out then made up and now we're back to being good friends. Lack of honesty is what makes relationships and marriages go sour. Now obviously that doesn't mean don't be tactful.

BF2s, how do I know when to kiss a girl? Do you just sorta 'know' it? Also, is it lame to ask a girl if you can put your arm around her? I'd do it but I know she's not always receptive to physical contact (cos of some bad experiences with other men before). She doesn't mind hugging me, which makes me think she wouldn't mind the arm, but what say ye?
It just feels right with the kiss part, you can feel it.
If not, ask in some creative way if you can kiss her.. Like, "can you spare a kiss?"
Well I'm aiming to pull tonight. I'll let you guys know how I get on!
Stand and Deliver
+86|6079|United States

Amdi Peter wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Be honest with her, if she can't take honesty then forget her. I completely feel for you dude because I was in a similar situation. I was interested in a girl, she was interested in me, and while we were attempting something she'd also be spending a /lot/ of time with two other guys (who are also my friends, or at least one is). She used the "we're just really good friends" line but ultimately I found out she was interested in one of my friends. We had a falling out then made up and now we're back to being good friends. Lack of honesty is what makes relationships and marriages go sour. Now obviously that doesn't mean don't be tactful.

BF2s, how do I know when to kiss a girl? Do you just sorta 'know' it? Also, is it lame to ask a girl if you can put your arm around her? I'd do it but I know she's not always receptive to physical contact (cos of some bad experiences with other men before). She doesn't mind hugging me, which makes me think she wouldn't mind the arm, but what say ye?
It just feels right with the kiss part, you can feel it.
If not, ask in some creative way if you can kiss her.. Like, "can you spare a kiss?"
be like "hey, want a smoke?" and then get high together . that should make it a lot easier lol

Amdi Peter wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Be honest with her, if she can't take honesty then forget her. I completely feel for you dude because I was in a similar situation. I was interested in a girl, she was interested in me, and while we were attempting something she'd also be spending a /lot/ of time with two other guys (who are also my friends, or at least one is). She used the "we're just really good friends" line but ultimately I found out she was interested in one of my friends. We had a falling out then made up and now we're back to being good friends. Lack of honesty is what makes relationships and marriages go sour. Now obviously that doesn't mean don't be tactful.

BF2s, how do I know when to kiss a girl? Do you just sorta 'know' it? Also, is it lame to ask a girl if you can put your arm around her? I'd do it but I know she's not always receptive to physical contact (cos of some bad experiences with other men before). She doesn't mind hugging me, which makes me think she wouldn't mind the arm, but what say ye?
It just feels right with the kiss part, you can feel it.
If not, ask in some creative way if you can kiss her.. Like, "can you spare a kiss?"
yeah thats really creative.


I jus say shit that feels right, but I'm quite sharp like that. For instance one time I was chatting to this girl in a club, n she pointed out a couple of guys she's pulled. I then said "is there anyone you havent pulled", she goes "yeah you", I said "well there's a first time for everything" lean in and kiss easy.
Amdi Peter

bennisboy wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Be honest with her, if she can't take honesty then forget her. I completely feel for you dude because I was in a similar situation. I was interested in a girl, she was interested in me, and while we were attempting something she'd also be spending a /lot/ of time with two other guys (who are also my friends, or at least one is). She used the "we're just really good friends" line but ultimately I found out she was interested in one of my friends. We had a falling out then made up and now we're back to being good friends. Lack of honesty is what makes relationships and marriages go sour. Now obviously that doesn't mean don't be tactful.

BF2s, how do I know when to kiss a girl? Do you just sorta 'know' it? Also, is it lame to ask a girl if you can put your arm around her? I'd do it but I know she's not always receptive to physical contact (cos of some bad experiences with other men before). She doesn't mind hugging me, which makes me think she wouldn't mind the arm, but what say ye?
It just feels right with the kiss part, you can feel it.
If not, ask in some creative way if you can kiss her.. Like, "can you spare a kiss?"
yeah thats really creative.


I jus say shit that feels right, but I'm quite sharp like that. For instance one time I was chatting to this girl in a club, n she pointed out a couple of guys she's pulled. I then said "is there anyone you havent pulled", she goes "yeah you", I said "well there's a first time for everything" lean in and kiss easy.
It's atleast more creative than that cute little story.

Amdi Peter wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

It just feels right with the kiss part, you can feel it.
If not, ask in some creative way if you can kiss her.. Like, "can you spare a kiss?"
yeah thats really creative.


I jus say shit that feels right, but I'm quite sharp like that. For instance one time I was chatting to this girl in a club, n she pointed out a couple of guys she's pulled. I then said "is there anyone you havent pulled", she goes "yeah you", I said "well there's a first time for everything" lean in and kiss easy.
It's atleast more creative than that cute little story.
haha yeah my arse. Arent you bisexual/gay anyway? I'm willing to bet I get on much better with girls than you mate
Amdi Peter

bennisboy wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

yeah thats really creative.


I jus say shit that feels right, but I'm quite sharp like that. For instance one time I was chatting to this girl in a club, n she pointed out a couple of guys she's pulled. I then said "is there anyone you havent pulled", she goes "yeah you", I said "well there's a first time for everything" lean in and kiss easy.
It's atleast more creative than that cute little story.
haha yeah my arse. Arent you bisexual/gay anyway? I'm willing to bet I get on much better with girls than you mate
Sure you do, except for the part where 95% of all my friends are girls.

Amdi Peter wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

It's atleast more creative than that cute little story.
haha yeah my arse. Arent you bisexual/gay anyway? I'm willing to bet I get on much better with girls than you mate
Sure you do, except for the part where 95% of all my friends are girls.
cos you're gay. I meant gettin on better with them when it counts, like them actually bein interested in me. Plus half my mates are girls anyway.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6831|Espoo, Finland

Mine is bigger

Amdi Peter wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

It's atleast more creative than that cute little story.
haha yeah my arse. Arent you bisexual/gay anyway? I'm willing to bet I get on much better with girls than you mate
Sure you do, except for the part where 95% of all my friends are girls.
And how many of them have you made out with?
Little BaBy JESUS
Sorry to say Uzique, but from this point almost anything you do she will turn into you being "the bad guy". Unless of course you sit back and do nothing. But really even if she was cheating or something there is a 95%  chance that like pretty much all women she will get defensive and say "why don't you trust me etc etc" and most likely lie in your face.
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

I vote that we put this back on topic.  Since its been one of the most on topic threads ever on bf2s
well i said i'd pull n i did goodnight bf2s.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD

bennisboy wrote:

I jus say shit that feels right, but I'm quite sharp like that. For instance one time I was chatting to this girl in a club, n she pointed out a couple of guys she's pulled. I then said "is there anyone you havent pulled", she goes "yeah you", I said "well there's a first time for everything" lean in and kiss easy.
This worked. A few days ago we'd been discussing what love is. Yesterday we were wondering what to do about the fact that we like each other. Today we decided to give love a shot. We held hands, then moved on to hugging later in the day. We were sitting in her basement when her dad called us up (he was dropping me off at my house). We got up and hugged, and I pulled back a bit so we looked at each other and asked "So is this what love is?" She answered something like "I guess so" and then we kissed. Mouth to mouth ^_^


I must admit this was my first kiss but fuck it better late than never. I'm so happy right now. Not just about the kiss either; the fact that it looks like for the next couple of months I've got a significant other.
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

How old are you Hurricane?
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD

Winston_Churchill wrote:

How old are you Hurricane?
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

How old are you Hurricane?
You beat me so don't worry.  Mine was like 2 weeks after I turned 18 and in the few months since then I've learned soooo much.  Hooked up with a few girls and stuff.  Just dont put too much faith into your first relationship, make it a learning experience.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Just dont put too much faith into your first relationship, make it a learning experience.
Yeah. I mean, I'm leaving to California in two months which is about 3000 miles away from DC so I know it's not gonna be something forever. Definitely a learning experience, especially for me
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Just dont put too much faith into your first relationship, make it a learning experience.
Yeah. I mean, I'm leaving to California in two months which is about 3000 miles away from DC so I know it's not gonna be something forever. Definitely a learning experience, especially for me
Oh, thats pretty much perfect lol.  Does she have more experience than you?  Its actually a good thing if she does if its youre first time, I learned a ton from the first girl I was with since she had a boyfriend for years.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
She's got a bit more. She said "you're pretty good" despite knowing I haven't kissed like that before

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