
Jaekus wrote:

Yeah I was kinda hovering after a while, especially the more my judgement got worse. Dumb mistake. I got along great with one of her friends, he plays in a band too and he'd said he'd come to my next gig and I'm gonna go to his, plus the other girl I met lives just up the road, has a boyfriend but I wasn't really interested anyway. She said she'd come to my gig too. Hopefully some good feedback might bring her around, unless of course I meet someone else in the meantime...
Don't be obsessive; I wouldn't text her again unless you meet her in person again. Ya know what I mean? If you see her in person, you have a reason to text her. If you have no reason, don't text.

There are PLENTY of other fish in the sea who don't already have a bad first impression. I would push this one to the back of your head and not even bother with it. If it works out somewhere down the road, great. If it doesn't, you haven't wasted any time or effort on it.

I have a rule that I don't date people who can't afford coffee.
Un Moderador

This has been discussed before. You gotta leave them wanting more. Never hover.

Talk to them, get their number casually, kiss them on the cheek and say "maybe I'll give you a text sometime".

Be THAT wanker.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah I know. I was fine with all that till I had this cocktail followed by a few more beers

Anyway, I'm putting this one down to experience and moving on.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6116|Places 'n such
I've come to the conclusion there is no way to get laid without money. Can't go out to clubs/pubs/anywhere. Can't go for coffee. Everything to do with women involves money.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.

heh, wait til you*re married . . .
Un Moderador

Jaekus wrote:

Yeah I know. I was fine with all that till I had this cocktail followed by a few more beers

Anyway, I'm putting this one down to experience and moving on.
I can't see the correlation... Drink makes you more of a wanker... not less
I am all that is MOD!

that was jaekus' point...

presidentsheep wrote:

I've come to the conclusion there is no way to get laid without money. Can't go out to clubs/pubs/anywhere. Can't go for coffee. Everything to do with women involves money.
invite a girl over for a film and stop being such a useless cunt... money is such an excuse. okay, fair enough, a certain 'sort' of girl will only go for a guy that can lavish her with expensive treats and constantly take her out-- but why would you want that sort, anyway? that's a trophy girl to wear on your arm, nothing more. it sounds like you either want to get laid or you want female company... neither of which require money. hell, the number of times i have just called up a girl or texted her and asked her to come watch a film, grab a pizza, eat some popcorn... whatever... and then ended up in her pants. it's not difficult. up your game and stop blaming your poor little wallet as if it has the same pulling appeal as you as a person.

"everything to do with women involves money" - i simply disagree. i find having a long-term girlfriend a far cheaper arrangement than being single, and having to constantly go out and impress single bitches to get by. a good female friend or a girlfriend is an easy passport to many cheap, cozy nights in. you just need to stop moping about.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-03-01 12:44:34)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Next hot girl I meet I'm going to invite her over to eat some popcorn with me. I decided.
if it works for me every time then you guys need to ask yourselves some serious questions about your looks/personalities...

you don't need to spend £50 on a girl and get her ridiculously drunk to 'bond'. if you have enough of a personality, enough interests and enough confidence then why should you spend money on some 'event' or 'entertainment' to have a good time? chances are if you can't hold the girl's interest, attention or captivation for long when you're sober and doing nothing, then it's not going to be a very good bond, anyway; a human relationship is meant to be a connection between two-people, not two people connecting because of a variety of shared experiences.

nice of you to quip in, though, ghetto... we all know how much luck you have. coming from the guy that has vocally shared with us how he goes through pussy droughts longer than a sub-saharan country.

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6479|New Haven, CT

Uzique wrote:

if it works for me every time then you guys need to ask yourselves some serious questions about your looks/personalities...

you don't need to spend £50 on a girl and get her ridiculously drunk to 'bond'. if you have enough of a personality, enough interests and enough confidence then why should you spend money on some 'event' or 'entertainment' to have a good time? chances are if you can't hold the girl's interest, attention or captivation for long when you're sober and doing nothing, then it's not going to be a very good bond, anyway; a human relationship is meant to be a connection between two-people, not two people connecting because of a variety of shared experiences.

nice of you to quip in, though, ghetto... we all know how much luck you have. coming from the guy that has vocally shared with us how he goes through pussy droughts longer than a sub-saharan country.

isnt most of subsaharan africa comprised of rainforests?
yeah i mean the humanitarian disaster in darfur was made so much better by all that food and water everywhere

what do they teach you at that school?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6116|Places 'n such
fuck bonding, I have friends for that. I am pretty much just after getting laid.
I live in the middle of fucking nowhere, it's pretty hard to invite people over. Plus my friendship group's made up of almost entirely couples, bit hard to explain but everyone I know has got a job and is getting along with life and planning on moving in with their partners, it's fucking depressing to watch 19/20 year olds do that when i'm just after shitting about.
Not blaming my lack of money really, just having a bit of a moan
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.

Uzique wrote:

if it works for me every time then you guys need to ask yourselves some serious questions about your looks/personalities...

you don't need to spend £50 on a girl and get her ridiculously drunk to 'bond'. if you have enough of a personality, enough interests and enough confidence then why should you spend money on some 'event' or 'entertainment' to have a good time? chances are if you can't hold the girl's interest, attention or captivation for long when you're sober and doing nothing, then it's not going to be a very good bond, anyway; a human relationship is meant to be a connection between two-people, not two people connecting because of a variety of shared experiences.

nice of you to quip in, though, ghetto... we all know how much luck you have. coming from the guy that has vocally shared with us how he goes through pussy droughts longer than a sub-saharan country.

I'm knee deep in poon I'll have you know. It's funny how you can't let that go though. I'm just fucking around, you need to lighten up a bit and quit getting butthurt everytime someone does something other than agree with you. It's the internet, dud, chill.

Uzique wrote:

yeah i mean the humanitarian disaster in darfur was made so much better by all that food and water everywhere

what do they teach you at that school?
Actually Darfur is right on the border of what's usually considered to be sub-Saharan Africa.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6693|Long Island, New York

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm knee deep in poon I'll have you know.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6116|Places 'n such
Must be hard to walk
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

yeah ghetto, i think you're doing it wrong

Once you've had a couple of girls ask if you're in yet, you stop bothering using your dick.
Un Moderador

presidentsheep wrote:

I've come to the conclusion there is no way to get laid without money. Can't go out to clubs/pubs/anywhere. Can't go for coffee. Everything to do with women involves money.
I have never EVER bought a girl a drink in a club or bar. Yet I can still get them. You're doing something wrong.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6116|Places 'n such
Neither have I, unless they're a friend, the lack of money is preventing me getting into clubs and buying myself drinks
I'm really quite poor.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Un Moderador

presidentsheep wrote:

Neither have I, unless they're a friend, the lack of money is preventing me getting into clubs and buying myself drinks
I'm really quite poor.
Trick is to skip the queue with a serious and "I'm clearly meant to be here" face. Then walk up to the bouncer and state "Stamp me" (unless they don't do stamps in the club, then you just walk straight through). I've managed to get into several clubs for free by doing that.

Then for drinks just chat up the gay guys in the club and leave them hanging. Not too hard.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

lol zimmer
my club technique nowadays is to go straight to the bar, skullfuck 3 jagerbombs, walk around the dancefloor and laugh at a few people in their face, then fuck off home to rail 15 lines of colombian cocaine whilst engaging in an anal sex marathon with my girlfriend and her hot best friend. the next morning i lie in bed and get given head whilst we order in a light italian lunch, before then spending the afternoon recovering and going out to do the same all over again.

oh and that shit costs me NOTHING cause i get that bitch to give me it all FOR FREE
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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