Stand and Deliver
+86|6080|United States

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

argo4 wrote:

this chick really wants to go out with me, we met on track team, and even though i'm really not that enthusiastic she still keeps pushing it. she's not bad looking, i thought she was one of the popular girls, but i'm just not that interested in her right now. should i meet her? should get high before i go lol, that always makes me more outgoing
Why not? If she's into you it could be the easiest lay of your life
that's what i was thinking, i'll probably go, but smoke a little first should be interesting
Time to hit you all with my girl problems.

Unfortunately, there's no girl in England that I actually could even imagine liking because they're all either immature, boring and stupid. I'm sick of hooking up with random girls and I'm finding it desperately depressing that I see no potential girlfriend material.

I've been told I'm damn picky and I know I'm damn picky but I refuse to lower my standards.

Set me up bf2s.
+3,936|6647|so randum
just fuck around tedjim, until something decent comes along.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

argo4 wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

argo4 wrote:

this chick really wants to go out with me, we met on track team, and even though i'm really not that enthusiastic she still keeps pushing it. she's not bad looking, i thought she was one of the popular girls, but i'm just not that interested in her right now. should i meet her? should get high before i go lol, that always makes me more outgoing
Why not? If she's into you it could be the easiest lay of your life
that's what i was thinking, i'll probably go, but smoke a little first should be interesting
I wouldn't...smoking sometimes has the same effect as alcohol.

If you get my drift I got fucked over by it just a couple weeks ago.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6637|Gogledd Cymru

FatherTed wrote:

just fuck around tedjim, until something decent comes along.

Girlfriends tend to annoy the fuck out of you, more hassle than they're worth.

FatherTed wrote:

just fuck around tedjim, until something decent comes along.
Been there done that and all of them were actually pretty hot. <3 Blond, naive, british public school girls.

The latter is also a problem. None are gf material.
Stand and Deliver
+86|6080|United States

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

argo4 wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Why not? If she's into you it could be the easiest lay of your life
that's what i was thinking, i'll probably go, but smoke a little first should be interesting
I wouldn't...smoking sometimes has the same effect as alcohol.

If you get my drift I got fucked over by it just a couple weeks ago.
i'm a little on the shy side, so it would enhance the experience lol , or i could smoke with her
A generally unremarkable member

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

because they're all either immature, boring and stupid.
Story of my life
+718|6668|Austin, Texas

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

just fuck around tedjim, until something decent comes along.
Been there done that and all of them were actually pretty hot. <3 Blond, naive, british public school girls.

The latter is also a problem. None are gf material.
I'd say you need to change where you're looking - where do hot, intelligent girls hang out at?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
inb4 max says preschool

I don't think I'd know myself, but you might have to expand your range of places to go.

Also, rich men marry hot wives who have (mostly) good looking offspring - you may find yourself a higher ratio at some top end joints.

Luckily for you - you're sexy enough to pull just about whoever you want.

Last edited by Bevo (2009-03-27 14:47:17)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6868|Sydney, Australia

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Time to hit you all with my girl problems.
My faith in the universe has been shaken

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Time to hit you all with my girl problems.

Unfortunately, there's no girl in England that I actually could even imagine liking because they're all either immature, boring and stupid. I'm sick of hooking up with random girls and I'm finding it desperately depressing that I see no potential girlfriend material.

I've been told I'm damn picky and I know I'm damn picky but I refuse to lower my standards.

Set me up bf2s.
Get out there and meet as many girls as you can. You'll find one

bennisboy wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Time to hit you all with my girl problems.

Unfortunately, there's no girl in England that I actually could even imagine liking because they're all either immature, boring and stupid. I'm sick of hooking up with random girls and I'm finding it desperately depressing that I see no potential girlfriend material.

I've been told I'm damn picky and I know I'm damn picky but I refuse to lower my standards.

Set me up bf2s.
Get out there and meet as many girls as you can. You'll find one
Lol tis is teddy we talking about, he pimpin.
Stand and Deliver
+86|6080|United States
haha, so i went out with the chick, played some voleyball, watched a movie, made out lol, twas pretty good
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6685|Long Island, New York
I'm now going out with a girl I've liked for 1 1/2 years now.

Couldn't be any happier right now. And I didn't need any of you. <3 you all though

Cybargs wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Time to hit you all with my girl problems.

Unfortunately, there's no girl in England that I actually could even imagine liking because they're all either immature, boring and stupid. I'm sick of hooking up with random girls and I'm finding it desperately depressing that I see no potential girlfriend material.

I've been told I'm damn picky and I know I'm damn picky but I refuse to lower my standards.

Set me up bf2s.
Get out there and meet as many girls as you can. You'll find one
Lol tis is teddy we talking about, he pimpin.
I mean meet properly, like out n about, not just random pulls
since when does weed make people more outgoing
Stand and Deliver
+86|6080|United States

phishman420 wrote:

since when does weed make people more outgoing
it's tricky, if i get really high, i just want to sit there, but if i get buzzed it makes me more outgoing. also depends on the strain i think

This is fucking stupid but I don't know who else to ask.

Well I met a lovely lady in school and she is just amazing in every way. Funny, not borderline retarded, likes the same kind of music I like, Good looking, actually has goals in life, caring,is an atheist, and not a money grubbing bitch. We were hanging out together all today between classes and such and my spy female friend has told me she talked to her she does like me too. We've had the same class together for awhile and spoke and such but only ever hung out together outside of class today.
But here is the problem.

She is Filipino and was born there and all but her family moved here when she was 5. Now her mother sent her back twice when she thought she was losing control of her. Now while she was there she went to an expensive bordering school and since she still had poor family she was in between two worlds. So she met some kids in the boarding school who could supply her with cocaine and she would move it to her poor relatives who would turn it into crack. Yes crack cocaine. She admitted to me, cheerfully, that she was actually by her own words "addicted to crack". She explained to me that since she moved it she had an unlimited supply of it and would smoke it any chance she had. But she said she stopped and hasn't done it in years and even if you put it in front of her she wouldn't do it. I was shocked.

Now my 19th birthday is the 29th of this year and next Tuesday she wants me to go after class with her to this bar that doesn't I.D. and have a bunch of drinks and a good time. I don't know what to do. I mean she has so many good qualities but that crack thing has me worried. She might has some sort of disease or might start doing crack again.

What should I do bf2s?

Macbeth wrote:

This is fucking stupid but I don't know who else to ask.

Well I met a lovely lady in school and she is just amazing in every way. Funny, not borderline retarded, likes the same kind of music I like, Good looking, actually has goals in life, caring,is an atheist, and not a money grubbing bitch. We were hanging out together all today between classes and such and my spy female friend has told me she talked to her she does like me too. We've had the same class together for awhile and spoke and such but only ever hung out together outside of class today.
But here is the problem.

She is Filipino and was born there and all but her family moved here when she was 5. Now her mother sent her back twice when she thought she was losing control of her. Now while she was there she went to an expensive bordering school and since she still had poor family she was in between two worlds. So she met some kids in the boarding school who could supply her with cocaine and she would move it to her poor relatives who would turn it into crack. Yes crack cocaine. She admitted to me, cheerfully, that she was actually by her own words "addicted to crack". She explained to me that since she moved it she had an unlimited supply of it and would smoke it any chance she had. But she said she stopped and hasn't done it in years and even if you put it in front of her she wouldn't do it. I was shocked.

Now my 19th birthday is the 29th of this year and next Tuesday she wants me to go after class with her to this bar that doesn't I.D. and have a bunch of drinks and a good time. I don't know what to do. I mean she has so many good qualities but that crack thing has me worried. She might has some sort of disease or might start doing crack again.

What should I do bf2s?
Everybody has their skeletons in the closet.  I'd say go for it, if she starts using again then you can always kick her ass to the curb.  As for the disease thing, you can always ask her to get tested.  And they did invent rubbers for a reason.
Un Moderador

Macbeth wrote:

not borderline retarded
lol? I never knew you added that into descriptions of girls.

As for advice: Play along. You're nearly 19 and have the chance to be with a girl you like. Yeah, so what, she's done crack and *maybe* still does, but that doesn't change who she is. You like her for who she is, with or without crack. Imagine she never told you that and get on with it.

If you are looking for something that she isn't (maybe she isn't looking for a relationship) then ditch it, but if you two want to do something, then I really don't see what's stopping you. From your description of her, it seems you need certain girls to meet standards, not exactly in beauty, but in the people themselves, which makes you slightly picky (I'm reading between the lines, but from your problem, you seem to look deeper than just the basics of personality and looks), so don't waste your chance and go for it.
+3,611|6768|London, England
The problem with me was for some reason awhile back I felt like I wanted .....something proper, and all it does is get in the way. So I'll say it to all those out there that are taking things too "seriously" or something, like tedjims or MacDuff, just forget about all that for now, it'll do you better. Don't make so much a big deal out of shit, and if you do see or know people who are in "serious, committed" relationships at the same age as you, fuck those faggots

Well not even that, just don't care so much

Zimmer wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

not borderline retarded
lol? I never knew you added that into descriptions of girls.

As for advice: Play along. You're nearly 19 and have the chance to be with a girl you like. Yeah, so what, she's done crack and *maybe* still does, but that doesn't change who she is. You like her for who she is, with or without crack. Imagine she never told you that and get on with it.

If you are looking for something that she isn't (maybe she isn't looking for a relationship) then ditch it, but if you two want to do something, then I really don't see what's stopping you. From your description of her, it seems you need certain girls to meet standards, not exactly in beauty, but in the people themselves, which makes you slightly picky (I'm reading between the lines, but from your problem, you seem to look deeper than just the basics of personality and looks), so don't waste your chance and go for it.
Of course I look deeper then the basics, you might as well know what the hell you are about to spend time on and with.

If I get something transmittable I'm blaming bf2s. But doesn't it speak something about her character? As a person?
My ex was borderline-retarded.  Trust me, it gets to be a pain in the ass, especially when the most complicated plot line she could follow was Spongebob.
+3,611|6768|London, England
So she said she was addicted to crack etc.. but that doesn't mean she ended up being a complete crack whore dope fiend kind of chick, especially if she managed to kick the habit with what seems like relative ease

I doubt she's got anything, and anyway if you don't tool up that's your fault
Un Moderador

Macbeth wrote:

Of course I look deeper then the basics, you might as well know what the hell you are about to spend time on and with.

If I get something transmittable I'm blaming bf2s. But doesn't it speak something about her character? As a person?
It's not knowing so much as judging. From what I read, like the statement "is an atheist", showed me that you had certain boundaries and judgements when it came to girls. That's not looking deeper, that's being ever so slightly shallow. Anyway, just a stupid observation made by the Zimmer who's still up and wont be going to bed for a while.

It speaks nothing of her as a person. The most amazing people can fall down the deepest of holes. You just need to get them back out. You must realise, that she did it for her family, for her survival. That speaks volumes. She got into it, yes, but she can get out. Imagine she was the same person, but had a wealthy family. She wouldn't have done crack, would she? Every person has to deal with their life situation, she dealt with it and it *seems* it could be in the past. She freely admitted something to you that she would struggle to say to most other people, that tells you something about what she thinks of you. Dealing crack isn't exactly the most horrendous thing in the world, added to the fact that most people, like her, were forced into it in the first place (of course, not literally, but taken from the circumstances, she felt the need to help her family out). Doesn't make them bad people.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

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