its shared, no one 'owns' it exclusively and no one has any more right to it.

burnz id love to tell her politely over coffee but part of her emotional coping and moving on process is that she cant be my friend and wont talk to me. i havent had a conversation with her in 2 weeks, and to be honest i dont want to, either. the way she has treated me these last few weeks/months has been rough, and shes just not worth my time or effort anymore.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
Can you find a new place to live? If you can, do so. Not only do you not have the constant reminder of her, but she also has to foot the rent by herself $t4ll0wn3d.

Uzique wrote:

and shes just not worth my time or effort anymore.
ok, time to go Japanese - you know the concept of "four blinds"? if you've abandoned any hope of having a civil discourse/relationship, go Eastern on her ass and ultimately ignore her. build four walls around her personage and don't allow the presence to intrude upon your well-being. she is a commuter on the train of your life, you don't need to get off at her stop.
i just dropped by to say my new gf is the best gf ever

she pays for her own shit
she hits bowls
shes a 10
she once apologized for having a high sex drive
her dad lets me use his pro camera stuff
she plays video games so i get to borrow them
shes into horror movies and good shit not gay miley cyrus movies

I am Canadian
+72|6404|B.C. Canada

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Can you find a new place to live? If you can, do so. Not only do you not have the constant reminder of her, but she also has to foot the rent by herself $t4ll0wn3d.
This. You cant go on living together like this. Its going to fuck you up emotionally. Fuck her man, you don't need her. Get the hell out of that house and bang some whores!

SealXo wrote:

i just dropped by to say my new gf is the best gf ever

she pays for her own shit
she hits bowls
shes a 10
she once apologized for having a high sex drive
her dad lets me use his pro camera stuff
she plays video games so i get to borrow them
shes into horror movies and good shit not gay miley cyrus movies

and she was very nice to me when i was in San Diego last weekend. i like her, sealxo!
I am Canadian
+72|6404|B.C. Canada

SealXo wrote:

i just dropped by to say my new gf is the best gf ever

she pays for her own shit
she hits bowls
shes a 10
she once apologized for having a high sex drive
her dad lets me use his pro camera stuff
she plays video games so i get to borrow them
shes into horror movies and good shit not gay miley cyrus movies

non of this well last. atleast it didn't with my gf. Except for the horror movie part and dad letting me borrow shit.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

trex1210 wrote:

SealXo wrote:

i just dropped by to say my new gf is the best gf ever

she pays for her own shit
she hits bowls
shes a 10
she once apologized for having a high sex drive
her dad lets me use his pro camera stuff
she plays video games so i get to borrow them
shes into horror movies and good shit not gay miley cyrus movies

non of this well last. atleast it didn't with my gf. Except for the horror movie part and dad letting me borrow shit.
Just cos it didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't for him
In California, girlfriends come and go
true story
SealXo good job - she sounds like a keeper

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

In California, girlfriends come and go
true story
im guessing you havent left your state?

Last edited by Kimmmmmmmmmmmm (2009-11-12 21:21:05)


trex1210 wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Can you find a new place to live? If you can, do so. Not only do you not have the constant reminder of her, but she also has to foot the rent by herself $t4ll0wn3d.
This. You cant go on living together like this. Its going to fuck you up emotionally. Fuck her man, you don't need her. Get the hell out of that house and bang some whores!
This, though whores, sluts and the likes won't work. They might provide some distraction but in the end they'll only make you feel more fucked up emotionally. Get her to move out with her toyboy or move out yourself. A lot of people will tell you "not to run away", but there is a difference between running away and having tried everything and recognizing there is nothing worth staying for.

If it is any comfort to you, the other guy will probably be fucked over even worse in quite an unconsiderable amount of time, though considering his complete lack of emotional understanding he probably won't be bothered as much. We all know who will be the real loser in the end, but I guess that's the frustrating part about it, since you obviously still care for her.

Last edited by Lai (2009-11-13 02:24:13)


Uzique wrote:

so lets get some bets going on how long it takes me until i snap and kick the fucking ass of my ex-girlfriend's new guy, who lacks the respect, common sense and intelligence to recognize that coming into the house where i live and sleeping with my very-recently-separated ex-girlfriend is a fucking bad idea for his physical wellbeing.

her parents have already told me that if anything happens in the house to make her feel threatened, they'll call the police. hahaha. she's inviting this upon herself with the sheer disrespect and lack of any human consideration. i spend 8 months of my life trying to make her happy, at the complete sacrifice of my own emotional wellbeing, and then she kicks me to the kerb because she "can't handle a relationship" with her emotional problems... less than a week later she has met someone new and now my late-night essay-writing soundtracks are their jolly good times. there's only so much fucking tolerance one guy can have, im already bitter and fucked off enough as it is over the fact that im not made to feel welcome in my own house. now this shit. really begs the question of how she could physically do this to me after ive supposedly been the 'love of her life' for the last however-many-months. i guess the short answer is that it was all fake bullshit and she's just an emotionally-needy, self-absorbed trainwreck. that definitely doesnt  make my temper any less volatile, though. they had better wise up and get some common respect and decency, and fast, too.
What have you said to her to make her parents get involved?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6925|Great Brown North
i think they're just whiny bitches?

most of my suggestions for dealing with them start blunt objects and end in shovels... so i can't really give any advice other then

move out

figure out a way to block them out

burn the place down

ghettoperson wrote:

Uzique wrote:

so lets get some bets going on how long it takes me until i snap and kick the fucking ass of my ex-girlfriend's new guy, who lacks the respect, common sense and intelligence to recognize that coming into the house where i live and sleeping with my very-recently-separated ex-girlfriend is a fucking bad idea for his physical wellbeing.

her parents have already told me that if anything happens in the house to make her feel threatened, they'll call the police. hahaha. she's inviting this upon herself with the sheer disrespect and lack of any human consideration. i spend 8 months of my life trying to make her happy, at the complete sacrifice of my own emotional wellbeing, and then she kicks me to the kerb because she "can't handle a relationship" with her emotional problems... less than a week later she has met someone new and now my late-night essay-writing soundtracks are their jolly good times. there's only so much fucking tolerance one guy can have, im already bitter and fucked off enough as it is over the fact that im not made to feel welcome in my own house. now this shit. really begs the question of how she could physically do this to me after ive supposedly been the 'love of her life' for the last however-many-months. i guess the short answer is that it was all fake bullshit and she's just an emotionally-needy, self-absorbed trainwreck. that definitely doesnt  make my temper any less volatile, though. they had better wise up and get some common respect and decency, and fast, too.
What have you said to her to make her parents get involved?
i came home really fucked one night and was puking wine everywhere, i woke her up for some help in getting myself to bed (as a friendly favour, she is the only person in the house that i trusted to take care of me), and she flipped out. she freaked at my state and went to stay at a friend's for the night. i got drunkenly frustrated with the ongoing feeling of being totally alienated, cut out of her life etc. and put a hole in the wall with my fist. next morning i had a police-threat from her mumsy. doesn't faze me at all... cause & effect. being totally ostracized from her life for no reason at all was fucking difficult, i think i was entitled to my 2-week drunken bender... especially when i have to live with her, it's a constant painful reminder. i dont fear her parents at all. if anyone fucks with me down here and tries to walk on me again, shit will fire off before any parents can come running.

burnz your advice is fucking awesome, i just hope i have the focus and strength to commit to something like that. much much easier said than done.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

you're welcome Uzi, i was in a similar situation once.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
god dammit fuck i'm a horrible human being

So I'm at this party, me and some friends. I've only had two beers (and that's all I had) and this chick I met is acting real flirty with me. Me, being the fucking scum that I am, started making out with her (I wasn't even drunk). Anyway the night went on, party got busted and we were walking back to my dorm. We were making out the whole time, but I really wasn't down to fuck her because

1) I have a girlfriend
2) I have no condoms

So yeah, I basically told her the condom bit and after a lot of arguing (and making out) we went our separate ways. I'm glad I had the decency to not totally cheat on my girlfriend but I still feel fucking awful about making out with this chick, because I wasn't even drunk! I was fully aware of what I was doing. I'm a monster.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6925|Great Brown North
punch yourself in the balls twice and headbutt a door casing

and all will be forgiven
Did someone say tea?
+112|6380|S.A. Australia

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

god dammit fuck i'm a horrible human being

So I'm at this party, me and some friends. I've only had two beers (and that's all I had) and this chick I met is acting real flirty with me. Me, being the fucking scum that I am, started making out with her (I wasn't even drunk). Anyway the night went on, party got busted and we were walking back to my dorm. We were making out the whole time, but I really wasn't down to fuck her because

1) I have a girlfriend
2) I have no condoms

So yeah, I basically told her the condom bit and after a lot of arguing (and making out) we went our separate ways. I'm glad I had the decency to not totally cheat on my girlfriend but I still feel fucking awful about making out with this chick, because I wasn't even drunk! I was fully aware of what I was doing. I'm a monster.
You're a human, it happens, get over it.
Serious Flex

eskimo_sammyjoe wrote:

You're a human, it happens, get over it.
A rather undisciplined one though. Good thing Hurri is going for military service XD
Un Moderador

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

god dammit fuck i'm a horrible human being

So I'm at this party, me and some friends. I've only had two beers (and that's all I had) and this chick I met is acting real flirty with me. Me, being the fucking scum that I am, started making out with her (I wasn't even drunk). Anyway the night went on, party got busted and we were walking back to my dorm. We were making out the whole time, but I really wasn't down to fuck her because

1) I have a girlfriend
2) I have no condoms

So yeah, I basically told her the condom bit and after a lot of arguing (and making out) we went our separate ways. I'm glad I had the decency to not totally cheat on my girlfriend but I still feel fucking awful about making out with this chick, because I wasn't even drunk! I was fully aware of what I was doing. I'm a monster.
See, I think you could be forgiven if you were drunk, seeing as lots of stuff can happen. Although it's not an excuse, being drunk makes it slightly easier to understand.

But you weren't.

Human beings don't make mistakes like this. They make decisions. You decided to make out with her. There is no other excuse.

Whatever every other guy is telling you in here about making a mistake and whatnot, they're talking bullshit. You should be feeling terrible right now.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
I do man, I do.
+3,611|6766|London, England
Who cares you're in Uni she's probably already fucked around behind your back, the only thing that stopped you fucking this chick is the lack of rubber, accept it
+2,187|6713|Mountains of NC

is your girl in Cali with you ?
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
No... she's all the way in DC.

Mek, she wouldn't do that. And seriously, the main reason I didn't sleep with this chick is cos I couldn't live with myself if I did.
+2,187|6713|Mountains of NC

well then .............................. what happens in Cali stays in Cali

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