lowing wrote:
1. I am intolerant of the intolerance Islam teaches, sorry but it does make sense. I am tolerant of freedom of expression, I am not tolerant of running around naked ( men that is).
2. Wrong again, you get your chance, but it will cost YOU and not me, YOU will have to ask for it, YOU will have to earn it, and YOU will have to pay society for it.
3. Nope, I live in a free society, anyone can join it as long as they JOIN IT, contribute to it and do not detract from it or steal from it.
Oh I see, the kid who views the world through his classroom window is telling me I need to get out and see the real world. Wow.
If you really believe this, then you should have no problem leaving those that have earned dollars alone then. No need for you to steal their money, after all, there is more to life than just dollar signs right? Fine, then go live it without your dollar signs.
1. Intolerant of intolerance hey? That sounds great. You could make that a bumper sticker or shirt design.
I don't know what your talking about by men running around naked. Quite frankly I don't wanna know about your perversions. But that's beside the point.
2. So personal responsibility is all about your ability to succeed in life, and do what exactly? I consider someone to succeed in life if they leave it a better world for having been a part of it. You think succeeding equals a pay cheque.
3. How can you contribute to a society, a culture by joining it only? That doesn't add anything at all. Multicultural societies are the result of everyone contributing from their own unique backgrounds to form a blended culture that is functional.
You do need to go out and see the real world, if all you can experience from the Middle East is that it doesn't agree with your olfactory sense your missing the beauty of the country, it's people and it's landscape.
I think you'd enjoy India. Full of spice and flavour. Then again, if you don't like the smell of one Middle Eastern country, whose to say you'll like any other country for that matter.