This is really a combination of what I think and what most Americans would think, assuming they know what/where Finland is and are qualified to answer
1. Nokia- isn't that like 20% or 5% your GDP or GNP or soemthing absurd?
2. Scandinavian (even if you're really not)
3. cold (ever seen D2: the mighty ducks? it's like that green in iceland and ice in greenland thing, the somewhat of a misconception that 'all those countries" are barren wastelands regardless of how much it is true, to most americans you might as well be the north pole and some aren't so sure you're not
4. socialist in some capacity (not sure how much this is even true, I think you probably are, hell, most of Europe seems socialist to americans though, but you guys more so than most others except Sweden)
5. rural mountian living and nordic skiing? (not sure this is true of Finland too but I'm sure you'll have mroe than your fair share of biathletes in Torino, even if Norway and Sweden may have more)
6. your future president looks like Conan O'Brien, which is a positive thing
7. Helsinki, pretty cool word/name, this would be higher on the list but I don't want to give most Americans too much credit, almost half of us probably can't name the capital of Canada, nevermind Finland
If you wanted impressions of what your country is about and where you stand and public perception based on policies and foreign policies look to the more local and knowledgable european community, you'll get jack squat of worthwihle material from Americans because we don't know and for the most part really don't care