
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My teeth really do look like that. I was surpirsed to learn that not everyone is born with big canine teeth like that. What do your teeth look like?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

God gave us canine teeth and the ability to digest meat for a reason. You are being sanctimonious and weird for not eating land animals.
You also have nipples for breastfeeding, feel free to hunt down an animal with your bare hands and bite through its spine with your vestigial canines whenever you like.
Then you can call yourself a carnivore.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It is believed that early humans and their near ancestors were scavengers rather than hunters. That's probably how humans first got the flu. Someone found a bat and decided to give it a chew. History truly does repeat itself.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

ii've upped my consumption of pork as a result. i now eat half a pork belly every day. i don't care if half of china is filled with abattoir slurry.
Its funny how you talk a good fight but when it comes to it you identify with racist monocultures and selfish environmental destruction.
i eat meat and have never claimed any moral position otherwise ...

also i definitely don’t ‘identify’ with korea, wtf, hahahah. you really do not understand why people travel or live abroad, do you? it’s to be precisely in ANOTHER culture. ‘identify with’, my god.

Last edited by uziq (2021-03-24 16:26:42)



The canine tooth argument is a little silly. True reddit fare. Gorillas and hippos have ferocious teeth, but are primary herbivores. Meanwhile, horses will eat the occasional bird. See also: comparative anatomy.

There are other, better reasons for eating meat than "bruh i have these canines." There are also valid reasons for eating less meat than we do.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

ii've upped my consumption of pork as a result. i now eat half a pork belly every day. i don't care if half of china is filled with abattoir slurry.
Its funny how you talk a good fight but when it comes to it you identify with racist monocultures and selfish environmental destruction.
i eat meat and have never claimed any moral position otherwise ...

also i definitely don’t ‘identify’ with korea, wtf, hahahah. you really do not understand why people travel or live abroad, do you? it’s to be precisely in ANOTHER culture. ‘identify with’, my god.
Right so you claiming moral and intellectual superiority in all things never happened.

I'm sure your swine corpse diet is worse than you realise.
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/2021 … ouse-gases

Also if the world were fully multicultural there'd be no point going anywhere would there?
12 Hours on a plane to be surrounded by Indians and Nigerians and kebab shops again wouldn't make a lot of sense.
Fuck Israel
this comes down to the really rather pedestrian argument, rehashed here many times on countless topics, that issues of global concern (climatological, ecological, environmental) cannot be fixed by individual consumer choices. you being smug because you wear recycled plastic shoes and never eat meat, whilst all being very commendable on your part, is not exactly a fix-all with which you can batter everyone else.

i eat meat two or three times a week. other days i eat other foods of undoubted ecological concern. i consume dairy; i consume monoculture crops like soy which equally devastate diverse regions and cause economic instability; i eat and drink fruits and vegetables with long and wasteful international supply chains. i can't stand on the top of a pillar in the desert, contemplating ethical flatbread, every single day.

again, i have no idea what you're talking about with your utterly moronic 'critiques' of multiculturalism. the multicultural london is a very different destination and place even from its very nearby multicultural paris. it does not create a 'uniform' culture everywhere. this is just fucking inane. leave your parents house, you cretin.

12 Hours on a plane to be surrounded by Indians and Nigerians and kebab shops again wouldn't make a lot of sense.
the availability of restaurants and different communities is not exactly the main aspect of a place's 'culture'. you can get kebabs and nigerian cuisine in seoul, you fucking dipshit.



every country on earth has starbucks and mcdonalds: are they all presumably the same culture now, too, then? use your pale freckled ginger bonce for once in your fucking life on this topic.

in fact, it's pay-day. think i might treat myself to a nice indian delivery. in seoul. OMG!!!

Last edited by uziq (2021-03-25 02:48:54)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Looks like the back end of Bristol, why did you bother going?
Fuck Israel
spoken like someone who hasn’t left his mother’s desiccated dugs for his whole life.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Lol Ok
Fuck Israel
seriously. ‘why move to another country if it also has kebab shops?’ yes, there’s really nothing else to see here. it’s basically the same as brick lane, the world over.

you are such a sad bastard. you’re arguing against the idea of travel from your parents house as a 50-something. not a good look. very pitiable.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
You're missing the point, if everywhere were exactly the same thanks to uncontrolled migration and 'multiculuralism' travel would be pointless.

If downtown London, Tokyo, Madrid, Wellington etc were all 30% black, 20% Indian and 20% Arab there'd be nothing to pick them from London, Paris or Berlin would there? You really might as well stay at home.

Its still funny you've picked one of the top three or four overtly racist monocultures to 'soak up the culture'.
Fuck Israel
ok. enjoy staying put and doing nothing with your strange theories of racial entropy.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I've experienced plenty of cultures, thanks.
Fuck Israel

We all remember how you were mercilessly questioned by your cab driver and hugged by restaurant owners.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I've experienced plenty of cultures, thanks.
and yet you still can’t grasp the idea that people want exposure to other cultures in order to enrich their own sense of life (including reflecting on their own culture, something you do very little of).

and yet you’ve travelled widely and you think that, because a place has kebab shops or black-coloured people, they’re all becoming the exact same place. what? you do know the suburbs of north paris, with its african population, is NOTHING like south london, with britain’s commonwealth population, right? that’s because they come from DIFFERENT PLACES IN AFRICA and are enmeshed in ENTIRELY different socio-cultural lineages. a francophone malian and a british west indian are NOT at all alike.

you are honestly one of the biggest dullards i have ever met.

trying to construe that me being in korea is ‘hypocritical’ because i’ve spoken of enjoying life in a diverse multicultural city in the UK, is just hopeless. the historical forces that have shaped these places are entirely different: of course they have irreducibly different characters. my moving somewhere doesn’t have some ulterior political motive or ‘reading’: it’s not a tacit critique or rejection of the place i’ve just left ffs. honestly so goddamn asinine.

it might surprise you to learn that many koreans opt to live in london or paris in order to experience something different from their own culture, too. zOMG! but why would the ethnically homogenous guys, who surely are onto the winning formula (according to you), possibly find it desirable to live in a hellhole in europe with arabs and africans? why do young koreans refer to their country as ‘hell joseon’ and look to other cultures, with other histories, for lessons of their own?!?

it’s almost like your crackpot theories are an obsession of your own lost little mind. you project onto me and my motivations. you project onto koreans and expect them to all share your warped political outlook and pseudo-scientific race theories. it’s utterly bizarre.

the darwinian view would give that cultures are organic and given to growth and change. you live in some fear-stricken petrified world where you want everything to remain the exact same. you would literally be complaining about phoenician traders or greeks in pre-roman italy or something. we’ve been able to acquire foreign cuisines and spices in the west for a very long time dilbert. was europe ruined forever when the potato turned up and took root across multiple nations and their cuisines? what about when coffee and tea shops became a thing, bringing with them small communities from elsewhere? did the huguenots and french cloth merchants living in london turn europe into one generic mush? but kebab shops really make you gnash your teeth. jesus christ ...

Last edited by uziq (2021-03-26 00:56:43)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
So why didn't you take a year in Paris? Or Hamburg? Or Madrid?

Because they're so similar to a generic British city there'd be little point, instead you chose a historically insular monoculture so you could experience something actually different.

Once the world has converged on a 40% black, 30% Indian, 20% Arab, 10% original ethnic stew everywhere there'll be no different culture and there really will be nothing of interest anywhere.
Fuck Israel
i've already lived in paris for an extended period. i've been all over europe for all of my life. i've read widely in european literature; watched the history of european film; had many european friends, a european girlfriend for 5 years. i wanted to experience something new. WHY does this need some huge political subtext for you? jesus christ.

Because they're so similar to a generic British city there'd be little point, instead you chose a historically insular monoculture so you could experience something actually different.
madrid similar to birmingham? paris similar to newcastle? are you out of your fucking mind? even within a broad context of 'european civilization', and even after being on one another's doorsteps for millenia, trading, warring, mixing pacifically or violently, european cultures are very obviously different and distinguishable, idiot. but tell me some more how kebab shops are going to blur all boundaries.

you've 'travelled widely' and yet you can't appreciate the great cities of europe for their own qualities. for what reason? oh because muslims live in them now. i really honestly pity you.

also, seoul? a city rebuilt from scratch in 1960? seoul, with american convenience stores on every single street corner, luxury european fashion boutiques, apple stores and german cars? seoul, famous for its fried chicken, craft beer, and thousands of coffee shops – those ultra-korean inventions? are you sure about your little theory, dilbert? i'm not sure how a city levelled by total war in the last 75 years and rebuilt with massive support from western powers is meant to reflect that vague claim to a 'historically insular monoculture' you keep going on about. you might want to think a little harder about all the alarm you're making about african restaurants and kebabs. i bet you think they invented k-pop and k-dramas in a cultural vacuum too, right? whoosh ...

it's ironic that the right-wing cultural conservative koreans you like to quasi-identify with are also pseudo-scientific and historically illiterate. claims for korean 'homogeneity' and the 'pureness' of the korean race are, of course, entirely factitious. the ethnic purity you keep going on about is an agreed upon fiction: a creation of a government census. like all claims about 'races' and 'peoples', the science quickly vacates the room when you look at the long historical record or, better yet, the genetic record. it's a small peninsula surrounded by gigantic powers that has been invaded, occupied, conquered and reconquered dozens of times in the last 2000-2500 years. there is NO 'pure' korean blood or culture. the reason that the right-wing and establishment here have been so vociferous and defensive about it is because, er, they've been the victims of chinese and japanese designs for many long-suffering centuries. it's an entirely historical process and unique to here.  speaking of which:

historically insular monoculture
korea was isolationist for all of about 150 years. like japan, it was a political choice in response to the threat of forced trade and aggressive religious conversion from missionaries (as well as threats from its near neighbours). the reasons they have stuck out in the western perception, and in western historiography, as 'hermit kingdoms' are because of this opposition to the west. of course korea has long overlapping histories with its own immediate neighbours and is just as much of an organic mix of influences as a result. (japan? that other monocultural, homogeneous society with a history of isolation? with their pure imperial dynasty with, er, korean blood, you mean?) claims for korea's special purity or homogeneity are inventions of a very recent nationalism – the japanese occupied it for decades and tried to erase their names and language ffs. the resulting national mythos is a predictable reaction.

cultures change, adapt and grow. they are pervious to outside and inside influences. cultures are dynamic and organic. you refute all of that. you have a cemetery gravestone conception of culture, propped up by antique and outmoded 'race science'. just because a culture is subject to change or admits outside influences, doesn't mean it 'loses' itself; and culture is not reducible to race (for that even to be possible, race itself would have to be a coherent concept, which it is not). european historians can be frank and open about this process, talk about the mutability and contingency of 'frenchness', 'britishness', etc, and only bitter acrimony between korea and japan and korea and china stops cultural conservatives here from frankly admitting the same.

great replacement theory, fears of races mixing, notions of nation built on 'race': it's all so terribly 19th century dilbert. major cities have had international communities, diasporas, migrant workers, and, yes, FOREIGN CUISINE AND GOODS, for as long as fucking cities have been a thing. your paranoia about cities bringing surrounding peoples and cultures together with their centripetal-commercial force is fucking dumb. you'd be complaining about the 'chaos' and 'cultural genocide' back in ancient mesopotamia.

Last edited by uziq (2021-03-26 01:32:57)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
Free donuts
I am all that is MOD!

I had some hamachi toro last night and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm probably gonna get more tonight as a little friday night snack
I am all that is MOD!


Bc I know you guys wanted to see it

no bbcode on mobile? lame
american culture is over.  asian cuisine in cali? white people are doomed. the earth is one global beige.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Do they store the fancy flowers next to the styrofoam containers?
I am all that is MOD!

uziq wrote:

american culture is over.  asian cuisine in cali? white people are doomed. the earth is one global beige.
Not only that, a JAPANESE restaurant run by KOREANS!

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