arguing is fun. it passes the time, like gossip. people argue a lot when they’re bored. arguing on here is a tremendous way to pass the time. miserable? that’s a bit too psychological. evidently you argue back so it can’t be too hard to grasp. i live a healthier lifestyle than you so i’m probably happier by default. i’m also not on a cocktail of medication to maintain basic function. i’d really shelve the amateur diagnostics if i were you. worry a little less about trannies and try and learn a recipe or two. you might be surprised at the results in yourself.

culinary arts, so what? you get the equestrian arts, martial arts, the art of needlework, etc. is riding a horse an art? or is it just some nonsense phrase? are you really saying that eating good food helps you think more deeply about yourself and your surroundings? lol ok. do you keep a wine tasting notebook interspersed with ruminations on living, loving, divorcing etc?

if eating cheesecake supposedly provokes deep reflections in you, i’d retire the word ‘pretentious’ from your vocabulary. and £300-400 is a totally normal amount to spend on a smart pair of dress shoes. when did you last go into a tailor?

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 04:41:27)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
All of the people you mistreated over the years probably didn't find your arguing and insults fun. I doubt any of the old lost members look back at bf2s and think "I sure do miss being called stupid by Uzique everywhere I went". I bring warmth and laughter wherever I go. My struggles with mental health have made me a kinder, more loving and emphatic person. Maybe mental healthcare can fix the hole in your heart that makes you lash out at others?
i think you are deluded. i’m sure i nudged a lot more ingrates onto a path of stoical self-improvement. i was the first cause of major-scale rehabilitation in the broken, the poor, and the destitute. a lot of people are winning bigly whilst remembering my paternal goading.

don’t you know what jesus did when he saw people living in ignorance and venality? he sure upset a lot of traders in the temple. open your eyes and welcome the love of the father.
a home chef and a chef in the top 50 restaurants in the world are not engaged in the same activity. Food is also about context and can be an artful experience. One of the ways in which it can be is in the sense that it is an eye opener into other people's cultures, which can give it the same aesthetic quality as any other art by which we often identify different people. Food can be a gateway to ways of life and different cultural attitudes. It can make you think. Does that mean all food is art? nope. But given context, it gains an artly quality to it. Outside that wider context, in top haute cuisine, the process of creating new engaging dishes is maybe 20% technique and 80% creative skill. The top end of cuisine also moves along with developments in wider art movement and even has a dialogue with itself and preceding culinary developments. Yes it can be an art and it is an art.

Better yet your 'l'art pour l'art' does not at all preclude cooking, actually it includes it, if the intention is to be artful. Food is also often used by other artists for provocative displays, but that's something else entirely.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 04:47:54)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

I have a picture of Uzique and Larssen trying to out faggot each other in real life.
hey what the fuck
a home chef and a chef in the top 50 restaurants in the world are not engaged in the same activity.
who said they are? what they are both doing is reproducing a recipe, though, i.e. repeating something with varying degrees of artisanship. like a CRAFT.

Larssen wrote:

Better yet your 'l'art pour l'art' does not at all preclude cooking, actually it includes it, if the intention is to be artful. Food is also often used by other artists for provocative displays, but that's something else entirely.
it's something else entirely, yes, which is EXACTLY MY POINT. because then it doesn't have a use or function beyond itself, i.e. it has its own telos. this is precisely why i mentioned the word and precisely why i invoked classical aesthetic theory to help delineate the difference. food made to be eaten is not an artform. are music, sculpture, painting, novels, etc. justified beyond themselves? do they have a use? do they fulfill a basic biological function? no.

you are a dum-dum. it's like being 18 again and going over first principles. any second now you'll get onto duchamp and his readymades (a toilet can be art!) and we'll really step it up a notch. i am going to buy you a little glossary of greek terms so you can wear your learning a little better. right now you're in your father's hand-me-down longcoat and you look faintly ridiculous.

if an artist wants to put a blancmange inside a vitrine and point spotlights at it, that's up to them. i won't be attending the exhibition but, whatever.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 05:03:00)

uziq, look at it like building a house for having a house or making it into an architectural masterpiece. Or simply painting a wall vs making a fresco. The technique can be used to make art. With food, cultures all over the world have made an art out of necessity. You're wrong.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 05:01:16)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I have a picture of Uzique and Larssen trying to out faggot each other in real life.
hey what the fuck
He's pouring his heart out into you.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
the only thing pouring here are the tears down uzique's face, tears of rage and confusion.
i'm sorry larssen but eating linguine and drinking red wine does not make you an artiste. try again. pick up watercolour, it's quite easy.
reading kant does not make you a philosopher, looking at a painting not an artist. If you walk into a random abstract art exhibition with no knowledge of it and no contextual reference your appreciation is on the same level as simply drinking a red wine and eating a linguine. Both however can be elevated, and like an artwork can be an expression of the self for an artist, so a dish can be an expression of identity by the cooks. I refer you to all the various culinary traditions around the world.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Larssen wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I have a picture of Uzique and Larssen trying to out faggot each other in real life.
hey what the fuck
He's pouring his heart out into you.
i will die fighting the heathen horde who kid themselves that they're sophisticates because they can eat food cooked in butter and say 'yummy!'

Larssen wrote:

reading kant does not make you a philosopher, looking at a painting not an artist. If you walk into a random abstract art exhibition with no knowledge of it and no contextual reference your appreciation is on the same level as simply drinking a red wine and eating a linguine. Both however can be elevated, and like an artwork can be an expression of the self for an artist, so a dish can be an expression of identity by the cooks. I refer you to all the various culinary traditions around the world.
lmao ok. there is as much to gain from 'appreciation' of linguine as there is looking at a raphael.

the preparation of food 'an expression of the self' hahaha i'm ded. wow, this chef put the jus on the plate in a mandala pattern! very thought provoking.

at least we know what sort of level you're on. very petit-bourgeois. a pretentious tosser who tosses salt at people who are into literature. i know your type. 'those art kids think they're so smart! what they don't know is that i'm getting deep nourishment from this malbec'.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 05:12:47)

yes it is. ingredients, preparation, dining, food culture vary wildly all over the world. A focaccio and prosciutto invoke the image of italy as much as name-dropping raphael does.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 05:16:06)

art isn’t about invoking the image of somewhere. is that what raphael is to you? a signifier of a place? do you think he painted and sculpted to make italy known to tourists or something?

what does a painter try to capture and express?

what does a chef, in comparison?

i’m sure heston blumenthal’s jellied steak is up there with the sistine chapel in the annals of human expression.

you seem to be confused. yes, a cuisine made up of local ingredients, expresses timebound culture and traditions. that is a culture in the general sense. like language, modes of dress, bodily language and gestures. they express a people’s collective identity. nobody is claiming that food isn’t an integral part of one’s culture. but art? a place for self-expression? how the fuck do you ‘express’ yourself when you make a pizza at home? what are you expressing? pretentious twaddle!

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 05:22:45)

your sense of art is getting ever more constrained uzique. Clothing, furniture, architecture, language, guess none of them can be used as artforms. Next thing you know dancing can't be an art either. Only paintings and sculptures. gotcha.

oh and only classical paintings I suppose because if you look at a mondrian with no context you don't know wtf you're looking at. that's on the linguine and red wine level.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 05:29:28)

Uzique realising food can be art, bf2s, may 2020.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 05:31:44)

i don’t know why you think i’m ‘mad’. that is a bit of a contrivance. this is funny to me. you’re writing in an inspired mode about the experiences you have when eating pasta.

Larssen wrote:

your sense of art is getting ever more constrained uzique. Clothing, furniture, architecture, language, guess none of them can be used as artforms. Next thing you know dancing can't be an art either. Only paintings and sculptures. gotcha.

oh and only classical paintings I suppose because if you look at a mondrian with no context you don't know wtf you're looking at. that's on the linguine and red wine level.
dancing is not like anything else in that list. you are very confused. dance is an art form. that’s because it’s done for its own sake. you don’t eat a dance, do you?

how is clothing art? oh my god please stop.

and i could have easily named a mondrian. why do you think i’m a philistine when it comes to modern art? also very confusing. modern art is actually my vast preference. again, though, a mondrian like a raphael painting exists in the same category of objects.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 05:36:12)

seems to ruffle your feathers quite well, me being inspired by food.
it makes me think you are a simpleton or a pretentious 'foodie', but it doesn't 'ruffle my feathers' (lol gay).

for an exhibit of someone losing their rag, point to exhibits 1a, 1b, 2a--f, 3a, etc. of you recently in D&ST.

'we would never be friends!!!' lol why u heff 2 be mad?
On the contrary, I have no disdain for enjoying something that has entered the popular conscience. Yes there's a lot of 'foodies' - I'm not exactly someone who writes a cooking blog. It just strikes me that your definition of art, what it should be, and how it should be enjoyed is so antique and limited. It's only supposed to just 'be', 'for its own sake' - well I guess a lot of abstract interactive art goes out the window as well then. Or any artful object that has some utility to it, gone. I see great interaction between culinary evolution and artistic or other movements, especially through time and cultures. Cooking can be an art. I don't subscribe to your narrow conception of 'art'. I don't think most artists subscribe to your narrow conception of 'art'. We've moved well beyond 'art for art's sake' for a while now, and if the people you put on a pedestal have scoffed at and attacked that notion from various angles I believe it's time for you to scratch your head and reconsider.

But hey as I said you do you. Be this anxiety laden man obsessed with differentiating himself from the general public all you want. Chew some more spinache. Buy more hilariously expensive shoes. Read a little more Kant. It's only you living in the illusion that your appreciation of the world around you is any more significant than those who surround you.
really I believe you're much more caught up in me calling you a dick than I care for you labelling me 'a simpleton' lol. Your mishmash of insults and compliments, I don't value them.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 05:54:45)

i don’t have a disdain for food. i like food. i like good clothes too. but they are crafts. i don’t wear a work of art. i don’t eat works of art either. that’s because i’m not a pretentious tosser. i’m sorry that you need to make out your mundane interests to be profound and spiritually charged activities. i recommend reading a book, you sad grey little bureaucrat.

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