Berserk_Vampire wrote:
haha america "we dont care who you are or where you come from freedom here baby"
Explain putting the blacks into slavery? slaughtering Native Indians and taking there land? and where did the blacks run too? Yeah canada.
I've been to the states i've been to Buffalo and Florida for 10 days Buffalo was pretty dirty and boring no one bothered me or anything.
I went to Florida same thing pretty boring very hot this blonde big boobed girl talked to me alot haha however when my cousin went he was at the beach by himself and this girl goes up to him and starts talking to him then she goes and 3 guys go up to him and are like "why are you talking to my girl" my cousin said she came up to me first then he punched my cousin my cousin punched one of them in the head then ran.
Nice American welcome haha (i didnt care though i dont like my cousin)
But you can cleary see she just went up to him to get information prolly wanted to mug him who knows.
Berserk, I find your tendancy to clump everone in a group and judge the group based on the actions of a very few, or based on your pre-conceived notions without even wondering if the notions you are typing remotely resemble the truth.
Now that I said that, I have read some of the responses to his posts, and am... disapointed with the lack of maturity of some of the responses. There is too much of a tendancy for people on the internet to flame and over-react, since you don't actually have to be face-to-face (or within punching distance) of the person you are attacking.
Berserk, you said communism, as written, is perfect. I will respond by saying that as soon as you intruduce human beings into the equation, perfection goes out the tubes and you end up with another Soviet Union.
Also, you said that George Bush was appointed. Actually, he was elected by the voters in our country. Remember that he is the President of the United States, not of the world. You can dislike it all you want, but it still happened.
And you bring up the indians and blacks. Specifically, taking the Indian land for our own, and the slave trade. Was Canada formed fully spouted and freely given, then? I seem to recall the French and Spanish doing just as effecient of a job taking land in the New world. The Spanish even managed to wipe out an entire civilization. Odd how noone remembers things like that when they raise that argument. And it was the Dutch who took slaved from Africa and brought them to the New World to be sold. Granted, early Americans used them, but I refuse to sit and take blame for things that happened before I was born. And the slavery issue was corrected by Americans, with no need for an external force to intervene. Not that I read in any history books about any countries fighting wars with the U.S. to end slavery. So let's jsut leave that out of the discussin, eh?
That being said, every country, From the United States to England, China, and even Canada, conducts its actions in order to best benifit their OWN COUNTRY. Canada is currently working to promote its own intrests in the world, just like the U.S. is. The difference is that the United States has more power than any other country, although China is catching up fast.
Less powerful countries don't like that they have to watch the U.S. run roughshod over other countries. That is why they form coalitions to promote their intrests. It is the nature of international politics. GET OVER IT. I think it is better that a country that promotes individual freedom is the worlds largest power, rather than a country or entity that might take offense at your speech and knock on your door one night to arrest you. Of course, I am an American, so I may be biased.
Last edited by imortal (2006-01-31 20:49:44)