
Berserk_Vampire wrote:

haha america "we dont care who you are or where you come from freedom here baby"

Explain putting the blacks into slavery? slaughtering Native Indians and  taking there land? and where did the blacks run too? Yeah canada.

I've been to the states i've been to Buffalo and Florida for 10 days Buffalo was pretty dirty and boring no one bothered me or anything.

I went to Florida same thing pretty boring very hot this blonde big boobed girl talked to me alot haha however when my cousin went he was at the beach by himself and this girl goes up to him and starts talking to him then she goes and 3 guys go up to him and are like "why are you talking to my girl" my cousin said she came up to me first then he punched my cousin my cousin punched one of them in the head then ran.

Nice American welcome haha (i didnt care though i dont like my cousin)

But you can cleary see she just went up to him to get information prolly wanted to mug him who knows.
Americans didn't start the slave trade or the Triangle trade as it is known wise guy. It was the British. And dumbfuck all great civilizations were built not by the free men but by the hard work of the slaves. Want examples? The Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egytians.... and look NOW AMERICA is a great nation. It might not have been "right" but it is what happened.

Oh and as far as Americans thinking that we "own" everything... What is it that you said about the "chinks" infesting "your country" and taking all of "your jobs?" Face it lazy ass. If someone is willing to work harder than you and for less money you, guess who is going to be hired first? Not YOU. You are a piece of shit to put it simply. I would love to see you about to have your head chopped off by those terrorist bastards instead of that girl that was trying to help out. We would all see how cocky and brave you would be then. I guarantee you that you would be pissing your fucking pants, but there is nothing wrong with that. It is just who you are. Full of hot air with useless information, all the while thinking that everyone else is less than you.
Yeah, some kid a year ago told me America sucked and what we are doing is wrong and that he wants to kill people... I beat the living fuck out of him, and we should not think that ignoring is going to fix the situation...
+18|7073|Os , Norway

ruthless20 wrote:

Yeah, some kid a year ago told me America sucked and what we are doing is wrong and that he wants to kill people... I beat the living fuck out of him, and we should not think that ignoring is going to fix the situation...
Made you feel good eeeh? No that wasnt my point! What i said was that giving terrorist the attention they want , well thats whatt they want! But by stopping medias carnewores we can easely take them out , they would not gain the support they need, and not spread the terror they want, u see, to day the new terrorist instrument is not the bomb but using the media as way too spread fear and dispesr among those ho are afraid, beacause the terror greatest weapon is fear itself. Soo by stopping the spredding of their propaganda, we can fight these buggers! BTW what did you gain by beating that kid, getting him evenmore hate full! Well done!
+18|7073|Os , Norway

bs6749 wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

haha america "we dont care who you are or where you come from freedom here baby"

Explain putting the blacks into slavery? slaughtering Native Indians and  taking there land? and where did the blacks run too? Yeah canada.

I've been to the states i've been to Buffalo and Florida for 10 days Buffalo was pretty dirty and boring no one bothered me or anything.

I went to Florida same thing pretty boring very hot this blonde big boobed girl talked to me alot haha however when my cousin went he was at the beach by himself and this girl goes up to him and starts talking to him then she goes and 3 guys go up to him and are like "why are you talking to my girl" my cousin said she came up to me first then he punched my cousin my cousin punched one of them in the head then ran.

Nice American welcome haha (i didnt care though i dont like my cousin)

But you can cleary see she just went up to him to get information prolly wanted to mug him who knows.
Americans didn't start the slave trade or the Triangle trade as it is known wise guy. It was the British. And dumbfuck all great civilizations were built not by the free men but by the hard work of the slaves. Want examples? The Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egytians.... and look NOW AMERICA is a great nation. It might not have been "right" but it is what happened.

Oh and as far as Americans thinking that we "own" everything... What is it that you said about the "chinks" infesting "your country" and taking all of "your jobs?" Face it lazy ass. If someone is willing to work harder than you and for less money you, guess who is going to be hired first? Not YOU. You are a piece of shit to put it simply. I would love to see you about to have your head chopped off by those terrorist bastards instead of that girl that was trying to help out. We would all see how cocky and brave you would be then. I guarantee you that you would be pissing your fucking pants, but there is nothing wrong with that. It is just who you are. Full of hot air with useless information, all the while thinking that everyone else is less than you.
Dont forgett the French, the dutch, the spanish etc etc.
+5|7000|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
And Bush won his ellection without cheating right ...

First of all, what does that have to do with this topic? Secondly, where did you get that info? The liberal media?

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

well never be sane heance your name berzerk vampire.
its spelt with a S not with a Z like you said i suggest getting educated and getting proper glasses.
First this well thought out post....

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

But seriously about the terrorist attack its true these attacks are pointess they will never prove anything they try to scare people but were not afraid and blowing up or getting a few people once in awile wont solve anything compared to billions of people in the world.

Even after the attack on the planes people still fly planes etc, i remember on the news the attack at london or where ever it was they werent scared either.

Well guess they will just keep blowing each up and chopping ppls heads off until theres no more heads or chop off.
Then these insane ramblings. Could use the pot- kettle thing here but complete lunatic fits the bill so much better.
+0|6990|CapeCod, MA USA
a couple things          totally off topic from my original post   as for the salvery thing         there is still slavery in the world today which should be enden before we bitch about it ebing around 200 years ago   

And the US didnt go into WW2 because they had no reason to and the american people didnt want to.  Think about the communication back then   no american was watching war footage on CNN or fox or even in newspapers     they were not learning about the atrocities being committed   the average american probly had no idea what these countries at war were like   hell there were probly people in the farmlands that didnt know we were at war     it was a very different time     so why the hell are you going to try to use that to hate on americans      do something better with your time...please

Adam5286 wrote:

the average american probly had no idea what these countries at war were like   hell there were probly people in the farmlands that didnt know we were at war     it was a very different time
I highly doubt that a global event such as WW2 went without notice in even the move desolate of american communities.
+0|6990|CapeCod, MA USA
I just realized something   as our government takes away our freedoms to "protect us"  because we are soo afraid or "terrorised"   (IN THE USA)    the terrorist win!!!   everything we stand for here is freedom and they are getting us to slowly lose it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

A little side note  my uncle flew in for my other uncles wedding the other day    and i guess when ever he flies they give him a hard time   take him into a back room and search threw all his shit and make him miss his  flight          he is a really easy going guy  calm gentil   hes pretty young    white middle class   the kinda guy u would never feal threatened by        he thought he just had really bad luck   but after being held for a while in the San diago airport for a while he got pissed   he goes what the hell am i getting treated like this for   am i on sum sorta terrorist list( he said it being sarcastic)  and they said well yes         

it turns out because his name is John Adam       he is on the terrorist watch list  because it is such a generic name     he requested to try to get off the list  and he cant he will be on it for life and i think his kids will be affected by this now too  because of the patriot act     because his name is John Adam     its such an american generic  name   that they put him on the terrorist watch list

Adam5286 wrote:

fuck punctuation     ill use it if im writing a paper  but not for this    i talk on this like im useing AIM   very poorly
doesn't it take more time to put all those spaces than putting a period and 2 spaces?
+0|6990|CapeCod, MA USA
nope try it  you can bust out a bunch of spaces with ur thumb real quick            see               its not hard   and its a lot bigger key                              thanks for the post though............
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7007|San Francisco
I'm so damned glad this didn't get into the Serious Talk/Debate forum.


I sympathize with Adam5286.  It is too bad that she was captured, but she went to Iraq despite that danger.  She was a reporter in a dangerous area at the wrong time.
Her deadline is up (seriously no pun intended there), so all we can do now is sit and wait.  "The US doesn't negotiate with Terrorists."  I feel that this type of tough stance is just going to get more people captured and killed.  Opening up a line of diplomacy to our enemies shouldn't be seen as a weak gesture.
So what you can do, Adam, is just sit back and ponder the US's stance against our enemies...and get a punctuation/grammar primer.

Last edited by Marconius (2006-01-20 17:38:06)

+0|6990|CapeCod, MA USA
if you negotiate with terrorist  in only encourages terrorism because it becomes an affective means of getting what you   want         that is why america and other countries  have the policy         
nwo becusae i Gota Sya tHsi Agian       i Dnt FUCKnig caRe, abut gramer; an' Puncaution    SHIT!!!
and im sure u could  read what i just wrote in the line above so get over it
I hope she will be alright Adam.

Adam5286 wrote:

if you negotiate with terrorist  in only encourages terrorism because it becomes an affective means of getting what you   want         that is why america and other countries  have the policy         
nwo becusae i Gota Sya tHsi Agian       i Dnt FUCKnig caRe, abut gramer; an' Puncaution    SHIT!!!
and im sure u could  read what i just wrote in the line above so get over it
Start caring, or stop posting. Want people to take your serious topic seriously? Treat it is such.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I took pretty damn long to reply cuz I was off doing some stuff. Look Berserk: You can't generalize that way aight?>
+0|7028|cork city Ireland

Adam5286 wrote:

A little side note  my uncle flew in for my other uncles wedding the other day    and i guess when ever he flies they give him a hard time   take him into a back room and search threw all his shit and make him miss his  flight          he is a really easy going guy  calm gentil   hes pretty young    white middle class   the kinda guy u would never feal threatened by        he thought he just had really bad luck   but after being held for a while in the San diago airport for a while he got pissed   he goes what the hell am i getting treated like this for   am i on sum sorta terrorist list( he said it being sarcastic)  and they said well yes         

it turns out because his name is John Adam       he is on the terrorist watch list  because it is such a generic name     he requested to try to get off the list  and he cant he will be on it for life and i think his kids will be affected by this now too  because of the patriot act     because his name is John Adam     its such an american generic  name   that they put him on the terrorist watch list
i have to say that this kind of a name to be put on a terrorist list is a disgrase a comon name and un on a terrorist list nxt ull be put on it for pissing on a wall?

who ever taught of putting that name on the list is a jerk, i mean how many john adam's is there in america? 1, 2 mill thats a lota ppl to be on a list and none of them proly no about it.... some freedom u have in doesnt sound all that roesy from my point of view. u think they could put a picture with ur uncels face on it and Satmp not a terrorist across it or give him a new passport with a new type of number to say he has been cleared  from the list? it makes me wonder somtimes  the simplest solution is always the best but no one ever thinks like that..
is drunk and crazy
Does anyone know if the beheading will be on

I hope it is, they make for good watching.
+7|7150|California, USA

E7IX3R wrote:

Does anyone know if the beheading will be on

I hope it is, they make for good watching.
dude, your sick!
+0|6990|CapeCod, MA USA
E7IX3R  i hope your beheaded and put on ogrish,  your more of a fag than anyone who has posted.  Everyone else i disagreed and freaked out beacasue of posted thier opinion, you just posted stupidity, its sad that some one if ur familly or close to you with have to suffer before you sympathise with others. 

Berserk_Vampire  ive said i hate you many times.  But the fact that you said u feel bad for the girl means you must have had a revalation or stoped speaking out of pure hate and used common sense.   Thank you either way
+0|6990|CapeCod, MA USA
im sorry that was on of those 3:57 am   drunk as fuck posts   and so is this i guess  but its just as an apology    shit happens i guess lol    god i need to go to bed  (sad part is i type the same way when im sober     is dislexia or sumthen         obviously i have it because i cant even spell it hahahaha
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7058|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

I wonder why terrorists biggest Target is the United States and so many people hate the states? Perhaps one day you will understand you're countries mentality problems.
So basically your supporting the kidnapping? Dude shut the fuck up.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Look frankly bitch. Our country doesnt have to tell anybody shit or why we do it. WE OWN you get over. I mean do you WANt the b2 and f117 over your house. You know the ones that cost more then your fucking queen? Or what. I mean honestly we dont have to answer to shit. WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT WHEN WE WANT DONT LIKE IT JOIN WHATEVER YOUR SPACE THINGY IS AND LEAVE. O wait you probably dont have one or cant afford one.
Says the moron with a negative K/D ratio

Homeschtar wrote:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

but I hate gooks,mexicans,and akmeds to. I dont want them here. They do nothing but bring the human race down. I dont like blacks but theres 2 kinds of blacks. And I hate the french for supporting terrorism.
Funny, Hitler shared the same philosophy. You're the kind of person that makes me ashamed to be white and to be American.
Amen 1

Homeschtar wrote:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Look frankly bitch. Our country doesnt have to tell anybody shit or why we do it. WE OWN you get over. I mean do you WANt the b2 and f117 over your house. You know the ones that cost more then your fucking queen? Or what. I mean honestly we dont have to answer to shit. WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT WHEN WE WANT DONT LIKE IT JOIN WHATEVER YOUR SPACE THINGY IS AND LEAVE. O wait you probably dont have one or cant afford one.
You are an idiot. We do not own the world. Could one of the mods please ban this idiot or something?

Also, I think it's odd that everyone gets a hundred times more worked up over the fact that she is a woman. No one made this big a deal out of it when it was a male. Kind of sad. To me, the sadness of loss of life is equal no matter what race, gender, etc.
Its probably instinctual or something. Like how parents go crazy when kids are involved but less so.

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2006-01-22 16:43:20)


E7IX3R wrote:

Does anyone know if the beheading will be on

I hope it is, they make for good watching.
Hey even thats going too far even for me as much as i dont like Americans i wouldnt want the girl to be killed.

But ok ok i admit when i first read that i laughed my head off

EDIT: Well i was just talking about the states and what they do, i was joking around alot as well as in alot of american threads with mcdonalds etc but i dont want the girl to die only a sicko would cut off a girls head.

But the terrorists arent smart they are cowards when they dont have a gun in there hand or explosives they will run away and they can only capture women or children and threaten with them.

What makes me mad if it was me that was captured i wouldnt just sit there in fear if i was tied up i'd bite there eyeballs out with my teeth.

Last edited by Berserk_Vampire (2006-01-22 19:48:06)

I'll take two
+132|7099|Perth, Western Australia
Im not going to get into this whole racism debate (no wait, debacle). It is very unfortunate that people in Iraq continue to get kidnapped on a regular basis. Im sure every human with a heart feels sorrow for these people.

However, it must be said that none of these people would be dying needlessly, none of them would be leaving behind greiving families if the US had not invaded in the first place.

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