Americans didn't start the slave trade or the Triangle trade as it is known wise guy. It was the British. And dumbfuck all great civilizations were built not by the free men but by the hard work of the slaves. Want examples? The Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egytians.... and look NOW AMERICA is a great nation. It might not have been "right" but it is what happened.Berserk_Vampire wrote:
haha america "we dont care who you are or where you come from freedom here baby"
Explain putting the blacks into slavery? slaughtering Native Indians and taking there land? and where did the blacks run too? Yeah canada.
I've been to the states i've been to Buffalo and Florida for 10 days Buffalo was pretty dirty and boring no one bothered me or anything.
I went to Florida same thing pretty boring very hot this blonde big boobed girl talked to me alot haha however when my cousin went he was at the beach by himself and this girl goes up to him and starts talking to him then she goes and 3 guys go up to him and are like "why are you talking to my girl" my cousin said she came up to me first then he punched my cousin my cousin punched one of them in the head then ran.
Nice American welcome haha (i didnt care though i dont like my cousin)
But you can cleary see she just went up to him to get information prolly wanted to mug him who knows.
Oh and as far as Americans thinking that we "own" everything... What is it that you said about the "chinks" infesting "your country" and taking all of "your jobs?" Face it lazy ass. If someone is willing to work harder than you and for less money you, guess who is going to be hired first? Not YOU. You are a piece of shit to put it simply. I would love to see you about to have your head chopped off by those terrorist bastards instead of that girl that was trying to help out. We would all see how cocky and brave you would be then. I guarantee you that you would be pissing your fucking pants, but there is nothing wrong with that. It is just who you are. Full of hot air with useless information, all the while thinking that everyone else is less than you.