lowing wrote:
SharkyMcshark wrote:
lowing wrote:
and to think all it would take ot break the cycle would be to get one of the many already exisiting govt. grants and go to school.
Who points the impoverished child in this direction? As much as I'm a fan of free agency you can't say that young people don't need pointing in the right direction at times. And generally by the time they realise this of their own accord it is too late. I can get my books about this stuff out when I get back from my Grandfathers birthday if you want? He's an immigrant former manual labourer who doesn't speak much English. Please don't be offended.
OK so now you are telling me that we need to help them, so I agree and say take advantage of already existing govt. programs that are available to help people JUST like them. Then you tell me they will not do it because no one directed them to?
Now I have a question. At what part of this scenario does the "victim" take charge of his own life? Or are you telling me he will never take responsibility for his self ( because no one directed him to) so I must do it?
Basically you say we gotta help, so we help, then you say they will not take advantage of the help so we must help more? Fuck that!
But I already addressed that. Here it is again.
As much as I'm a fan of free agency you can't say that young people don't need pointing in the right direction at times. And generally by the time they realise this of their own accord it is too late.
And it's not about 'you' taking charge of their life. It's about the government of a state ensuring that all of its citizens receive a minimum standard of living. If your logic is to be followed you should be angry about paying taxes for things such as upkeep on roads not in your area (Hell, you're not going to use them, why should you pay for others to?), grants for medical research on issues not affecting you, arts grants etc etc.
Fact is that in reality quite little of the money that we pay in taxes comes back to directly benefit us. Most of it is spent on other things, a large proportion of which do not affect directly the individual that was paying the tax. In light of that spending some of this money on ensuring that all can enjoy a minimum standard of living doesn't seem that bad a thing to me...