lowing wrote:
I see Cam, so basically, yourwhole argument is people are where they are at in life, not because of decisions or choice, but because of and chance and luck.
Wow. Way to pull something I never said out of my mouth. This is why it's pointless debating with you. You just make random shit up. Total black and white blinkers. People are where they are in life THROUGH A MIXTURE OF THEIR OWN ENDEAVOURS
AND THROUGH CIRCUMSTANCE. Wow you're incapable of treating things in a non-binary fashion!
lowing wrote:
The rich are rich because, well, they are just luckierthan the poor, they did not EARN it or work for it, or risk anything for it, they are merely lucky.
Untrue again. Some are rich through hard work and endeavour. Some are rich through birth/circumstance. Some are rich through opportunism in business.
lowing wrote:
and the poor, they are just the unlucky who have no control over their lives lives or their decsions.
Again making completely erroneous statement. The poor need to work to get out of their predicament. They have to work far harder than either you or I do right now. They are far more susceptible to economic downturns than you or I. They are far more affected by interest rate hikes than you or I. They are far more affected by inflation than either you or I. They have control and opportunity, but they suffer a far greater deal of risk in life than either you or I.
lowing wrote:
Chance has dealt them shitty cards and there is nothing they can do to improve themselves....
Where did I say anything of the sort? GET OUT OF THIS IMBECILIC PATTERN OF BINARY THOUGHT. Sheesh. Chance may have dealt them shitty cards but yes there are things they can do to improve themselves, although it won't be anywhere near as easy as it is for us.
lowing wrote:
Basically you believe in luck and chance, I believe in desicions and responsibility. Yet you insist I am of a fantasy land.. Don't look now Cam, but my verbs are of this word unlike luck and chance.
I believe in decisions and responsibility on both a personal and social level. I despise spongers as much as you - I'm not referring to spongers: I speak of the plight of those on the breadline, who have a far more turbulent time economically speaking than either of our middle class asses.
lowing wrote:
The banks helped people get loans t oafford the American Dream, just like your precious liberal party demanded from Bush. The end result of this is clear.
Who are my 'precious liberal party'? For the record I despise both the Democrat and Republican party with a passion. It amazes me that a country of 300m people has only two choices in government. Perhaps that's where you get your binary mindset from.
And also ftr: the banks knew exactly what they were doing - the credit ratings were there fall all to see. I find it really weird that you harp on about personal responsibility but give banks and corporations a free pass on responsibility.
Here's another one biting the dust:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7615712.stm. Who will protect them from those vicious people the banks sell the mortgages to? lol
At the end of the day you believe in 'a nation for me' rather than 'a nation for us'. I can respect your view but I'm afraid I could never share it. I recognise the increased difficulty in life for those earning far less than me. I am not going to begrudge some extra taxation if it means those beneath me in the pecking order can catch a break, perhaps helping them up into my tax band so that they can repay the favour.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-09-14 16:09:02)