sorry you feel that way

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves.
Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
we won't be able to sustain ourselves during wartime though.

Anyhow; the US isn't anywhere close to being a proper welfare state so you have nothing to fear of collapsing unto yourself.

If the current minority groups who are into crime due to various reasons explained on this forum loads of times, reproduce massively and have their children adopt the same behaviour and become a majority, yes you're in trouble.
inane little opines
Say wat!?
O how awesome this thread is.

Lowing get your gun ready, you got some darkies and mexicans to kill, can't have them taking over your country now can you.

Whites will still be in the majority. They are talking about the many different minorities combined.

The panic that the country is going to fall apart because there are going to be more black ppl is unfounded. Isn't your next President Black? Surly that alone proves that Black ppl are educated and ambitious.

The real question should be. Why are their more Black ppl on welfare? Unless it can be proven scientifically that the black gene makes them lazier than the white gene, then the imbalance is caused by social problems not race.

We turn on our tap. The black ppl of Africa often have to walk miles with the water on their backs. Not the actions of a lazy race.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
And most of them are converting to Islam Lowing.
I thought all non-whites where muslims.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
I'm moving to Brazil

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

I'm moving to Brazil

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.

But does that have anything to do with the fact that White people will supposedly be a minority or have you just derailed the topic (derailed like a horse as someone said in another topic )

Also looking at the Debt you guys are in because of various world adventures, I'd say you guys are screwed either way. You're either going to kill yourself the neocon style or the socialist style.
yup it looks like we are screwed either way I think whites are looking to flee to Canada or something and let the other minorities who are gonna become majority pay the debt

Last edited by blademaster (2008-08-14 08:30:21)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves.
Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
On the backs of the US tax payers.  We provided security to Europe ever since WWII so that Europe could afford to spend money on socialism vs military.

Who will provide the US with 60 years of peace and security?

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves.
Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
On the backs of the US tax payers.  We provided security to Europe ever since WWII so that Europe could afford to spend money on socialism vs military.

Who will provide the US with 60 years of peace and security?
If you behave yourselves we might take care of ye.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
On the backs of the US tax payers.  We provided security to Europe ever since WWII so that Europe could afford to spend money on socialism vs military.

Who will provide the US with 60 years of peace and security?
If you behave yourselves we might take care of ye.
Drunk Leprechaun's and Lucky Charms are not the kind of defense I was thinking of.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

On the backs of the US tax payers.  We provided security to Europe ever since WWII so that Europe could afford to spend money on socialism vs military.

Who will provide the US with 60 years of peace and security?
If you behave yourselves we might take care of ye.
Drunk Leprechaun's and Lucky Charms are not the kind of defense I was thinking of.
I actually don't know one single person who eats lucky charms.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Who will provide the US with 60 years of peace and security?
Mexico to the south, Canada to the north, two vast oceans on either side? I'd say Canada alone could probably manage the provision of 60 years of peace and security for ye....

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

France's public debt, as a percentage of GDP, is lower than that of the US despite universal healthcare, shorter working weeks and vastly more holidays.

You said France were on the verge of bankruptcy - they aren't. They're less close to bankruptcy than the US, despite the fact they enjoy a higher average standard of living... All governments have to control spending lowing - the article just indicates that the French intend to seek greater efficiencies in order to save money.
"The first budget to be released under new President Nicolas Sarkozy is being intensely scrutinised in all sectors, not just health, after Prime Minister François Fillon declared the country's financial situation as "bankrupt". "

Taken from the link
Well then I guess the US is bankrupt too then, eh? Funny how when I was in Paris in June the place seemed spectacularly affluent. Right wing politicians making fatuous remarks does not a fact make. Yes the country needs to control spending - but all countries do. The entire world is feeling the effects of global recession - everyone has to take measures to mitigate that.
The US's situation is temporary, we are fighting a war, one that will end. Frances problems are different, they are wasting all of their money on people who, in greater numbers, are NOT replenishing the funds. What this articles says is, if they do not stop giving away free shit, socialism, then they are doomed. They need to get away from socialism to survive, since more and more people are using the system and not paying into it. This is what is gunna happen to the US if and when minorities become the majority with their current attitude toward US citieznship and productivity.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
On the backs of the US tax payers.  We provided security to Europe ever since WWII so that Europe could afford to spend money on socialism vs military.

Who will provide the US with 60 years of peace and security?
If you behave yourselves we might take care of ye.
God, I hate this 'Europe is indebted to America after our heroic intervention into WWII' attitude.

What did America set about doing post-war? You worked on reinstalling what are effectively fascist systems and keeping the Nazi collaborators and fascist industrialists in the same positions they were in during Nazi occupation. The US has a long history of undermining the democratic wishes of countries such as Italy, Germany and Greece after World War II... yes, after you heroically saved us from the malignant grinning face of 'ole Adolf and his fascist henchmen. Your main operations and CIA campaigns from 1945 right up to 1970 were based on destroying and keeping the anti-fascist factions out of power- who had a HUGE democratic support from the people in Italy during the period when Allied forces 'liberated' the country. The anti-fascist movement in Italy had so much power and influence that they were basically holding most of Northern Italy from the fascist government forces through the tenacity and determination of a very small number of rebels. What did the US set about doing? Funneling your "tax paying security" dollars straight into keeping democracy out of the well-developed European states.

From 1948 until around 1960 you guys were so afraid of real democracy emerging in Italy that you were actually poised to invade the country. The anti-fascist movement which gained so much prestige and influence during the resistance were in a serious chance of winning the 1948 Italian elections... which was basically equivalent to a rise in Communism to you Yanks. In 1960 declassified government documents show that you were even considering 'sponsoring' a military coup to stop this. As soon as Italy was 'liberated' you guys reinstated the fascist collaborators and industrialists claiming that they were removed for no good reason-- in other words you were ostensibly giving an excuse to keep the old networks of social and financial power in place so that it didn't give you guys a headache or anything to be afraid of. It's the same story in Germany- the reason that the Western 'architects' of post-war Europe decided to section Germany into East and West was because there was major fear of a very powerful German Communist movement developing. So, yet again you undermined the popular and common will of the people- you undermined democracy. And you tax-paying suckers were paying to finance it! Haha, brilliant, you hero's!

Where are my sources for this outrageous conjecture? George Kennan of the US State Department used the words "wall off" Germany for the above reasons provided. The first ever National Security Council Memorandum (NSCM#1) was focused on discussing Italy and what to do with the place in the event of a rise in a unified Communist movement- and yes the US Navy and invasion was greatly involved in these 'contigency plans'. The memorandum actually explicitly states that if the anti-fascists were to gain power in Italy through the election process, the US would declare a "State of Emergency" and put the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterrean on high-alert.  George Kennan again, a great guy, wanted to invade Italy even before the election took place- you know, just to keep it safe - but instead the threat of huge trade sanction's / embargos and the implications of starvation and CIA-sponsored terrorism/subversion worked nicely.

So, in short (because I know you guys hate anything over a concise paragraph: "tl;dr") cut this continual bullshit about you guys saving us in WWII and then bailing us all out of Europe in the years afterwards. America was led purely by self-interest; you guys kept your hand in the pot for the profits that could be gained over the division and breaking down of Nazi industries/territories, and because you didn't want to see any huge popular unified movements developing via the democratic process in Italy, France or Germany. You kept the Nazi-collaborating industrialists in power, and hell you even covertly absorbed half the Nazi war-criminals into your own organisations and departments to use them for your own gain and research (Walter Rauff - inventor of wonderful gas chambers was sent off to Chile for US counterinsurgency means). I mean for fucks sake, drop the arrogance, your US taxpaying "security money" went into re-building the Mafia that was destroyed under fascist rule to allow the heroin trade to be rebuilt in France/Corsica. Google 'The French Connection'.

God American pride really gets up my nose sometimes.

Edit: Yes this was a huge digression but come on let's bury this tripe after 70 years of American arrogance and 'heroism' over WWII.

Last edited by Uzique (2008-08-14 07:52:43)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

lowing wrote:

The US's situation is temporary, we are fighting a war, one that will end. Frances problems are different, they are wasting all of their money on people who, in greater numbers, are NOT replenishing the funds. What this articles says is, if they do not stop giving away free shit, socialism, then they are doomed. They need to get away from socialism to survive, since more and more people are using the system and not paying into it. This is what is gunna happen to the US if and when minorities become the majority with their current attitude toward US citieznship and productivity.
France's situation is also temporary lowing. They can just up the taxes, implement efficiency-drives and they'll be hunky dory again. Why focus on France anyway? Germany: welfare state. Ireland: welfare state. Spain: welfare state. Norway: welfare state. Sweden: welfare state. Denmark: welfare state. The UK: welfare state. All highly successful economies. Don't delude yourself that French incompetence makes socialist systems impossible, because nothing could be further from the truth, as evidenced in many, many nations.

PS It ain't just the war decimating US finances - there is a recession on that is related to poor regulation of the banking sector and the devaluation of the dollar driving the price of oil up.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-08-14 07:55:43)


Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Well as other posts have pointed out your cut throat capitalism seems to be failing spectacularly all by itself without socialism really having to throw its hat into the ring so who knows. There are also plenty of good clean white boys on welfare so I wouldn't necessarily use colour as a distinguishing factor in determining who is contributing to the drop in US productivity/competitiveness.
You didn't answer my question.
Didn't I? I think America's huge divide between rich and poor is going to come back and bite it on the ass when China rises to the prime spot on the world's economic stage.
I think you are right, when the gap closes and the "evil rich" are no longer in abundant to provide jobs to the rest of us we will collapse.  So you agree with me.

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

You didn't answer my question.
Didn't I? I think America's huge divide between rich and poor is going to come back and bite it on the ass when China rises to the prime spot on the world's economic stage.
I think you are right, when the gap closes and the "evil rich" are no longer in abundant to provide jobs to the rest of us we will collapse.  So you agree with me.
I never said rich people were evil, all I'm saying is that when the gap between rich and poor gets too wide shit happens. You make it sound like rich people are being charitable when they employ people, I hope you realise that these employees are an important factor in the generation of wealth for these rich people...unless people like Mr. McDonald wants to personally cook and serve all those burgers by himself of course.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US's situation is temporary, we are fighting a war, one that will end. Frances problems are different, they are wasting all of their money on people who, in greater numbers, are NOT replenishing the funds. What this articles says is, if they do not stop giving away free shit, socialism, then they are doomed. They need to get away from socialism to survive, since more and more people are using the system and not paying into it. This is what is gunna happen to the US if and when minorities become the majority with their current attitude toward US citieznship and productivity.
France's situation is also temporary lowing. They can just up the taxes, implement efficiency-drives and they'll be hunky dory again. Why focus on France anyway? Germany: welfare state. Ireland: welfare state. Spain: welfare state. Norway: welfare state. Sweden: welfare state. Denmark: welfare state. The UK: welfare state. All highly successful economies. Don't delude yourself that French incompetence makes socialist systems impossible, because nothing could be further from the truth, as evidenced in many, many nations.

PS It ain't just the war decimating US finances - there is a recession on that is related to poor regulation of the banking sector and the devaluation of the dollar driving the price of oil up.
Hmmmmm, you just told me France was doing fine, and now they are incompetent. Which is it?

In the context of the OP Cam, how will the welfare states of Europe fair when the minorities become majorities and the tax base falls while the govt. tries to continue to shoulder all of the responsibilities of its citizens?

Last edited by lowing (2008-08-14 08:01:43)

Here's a page out of the economists handbook, the more freedom capitalism has in a free-market, the bigger the certainty of failure and mass collapse. Free-market trading was what caused your first Great Depression. Government intervention and regulation is required to keep stability- and even better results are produced when the State actively stimulates growth in the economy through socialist-style schemes and spending.

So what's all bad about these hideous "welfare-states"? Basically the intrinsic flaws of your current system and the ugly complications it presents from an economical point of view are all solved and miraculously fixed by developing into something more closely resembling a 'welfare state' . The beginnings of a welfare-state begin to emerge when the government stimulates said growth through spending on its own people in the public sector... it brings the general quality of life up all-round. The only difference between American capitalist-democracy and our "nanny States" is that you Americans produce fluctuations in the economy through mass spending in the military-industrial complex- you know putting more money into the pockets of the already filthily-rich corporations and conglomerates.

Look at it in the macroeconomic sense and stop judging/forming opinions on these "welfare states" and their associated pros/cons from biased media-reports annd commonly-held misconceptions. I see no downside of America in this point in time becoming more socialist in their approach to certain sectors and policies (e.g. healthcare, you're a world superpower but Third World countries such as Cuba make you look like Somalia... during the war- nice infant mortality rates!)

Last edited by Uzique (2008-08-14 08:05:58)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Didn't I? I think America's huge divide between rich and poor is going to come back and bite it on the ass when China rises to the prime spot on the world's economic stage.
I think you are right, when the gap closes and the "evil rich" are no longer in abundant to provide jobs to the rest of us we will collapse.  So you agree with me.
I never said rich people were evil, all I'm saying is that when the gap between rich and poor gets too wide shit happens. You make it sound like rich people are being charitable when they employ people, I hope you realise that these employees are an important factor in the generation of wealth for these rich people...unless people like Mr. McDonald wants to personally cook and serve all those burgers by himself of course.
The rich are more charitable to an economy and a society. Or you can tell me now, the last time you asked a poor person for a job.

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmm, you just told me France was doing fine, and now they are incompentant. Which is it?
I said they weren't bankrupt. They're about as bankrupt as America - i.e., not very.

lowing wrote:

In the context of the OP Cam, how will the walfare states of Europe fair when the minorities become majorities and the tax base falls while the govt. tries to continue to shoulder all of the responsibilities of its citzens?
The minorities will never become majorities because we don't have as much of an open door policy as you guys and existing minorities are so small. Where does your assumption that minorities don't attempt to better themselves and make a decent living come from? Weren't Irish-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Polish immigrants hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Italian-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Jewish people hard working? Did they not prosper? Aren't Mexicans hard working? Are they not prospering? Are white anglo-saxon protestants the only people who pay tax in America or something?

I thought America was supposed to be 'the melting pot'? Are hispanic, black and asian people not allowed to procreate anymore or something? Have you got something against white people becoming an overall minority?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-08-14 08:08:44)


Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

If you behave yourselves we might take care of ye.
Drunk Leprechaun's and Lucky Charms are not the kind of defense I was thinking of.
I actually don't know one single person who eats lucky charms.
Only Americans are stupid enough to start their day with that shite. I start mine with Irish Soda or wheaten bread.
Shows on your waist lines. All the river dancing, Guinness and chasing Leprechauns keeps the Irish trimmer that you yanks.
It will still be mostly whites if you dont add every single minority together.

And if you look at who is really the minority on a global scale, everyone who isnt asian is already the minority. Asians make up the largest chunk of the world population.

Last edited by Roc18 (2008-08-14 08:25:02)

Why does it even matter?!?

People pay the same taxes and make the same contribution to society regardless of their skin-colour or ethnicity.

Anyone would think we're back in Stalinist Russia.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I'm moving to Brazil

Uzique wrote:

Why does it even matter?!?

People pay the same taxes and make the same contribution to society regardless of their skin-colour or ethnicity.

Anyone would think we're back in Stalinist Russia.
well its because like not even 40 or so years ago blacks were treated like shit, its not like we and blacks got here on the good terms, we used them as slaves.

Uzique wrote:

Why does it even matter?!?

People pay the same taxes and make the same contribution to society regardless of their skin-colour or ethnicity.

Anyone would think we're back in Stalinist Russia.
It shouldn't matter, but people feel threatened when things change.

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