US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population."

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?

Last edited by Braddock (2008-08-14 01:47:32)

+3,611|6774|London, England

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
Careful sounds like you are saying America can only succeed if whites are in the majority and pretty much in control?
+3,611|6774|London, England

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.

But does that have anything to do with the fact that White people will supposedly be a minority or have you just derailed the topic (derailed like a horse as someone said in another topic )

Also looking at the Debt you guys are in because of various world adventures, I'd say you guys are screwed either way. You're either going to kill yourself the neocon style or the socialist style.
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6609|The edge of sanity
Technically we wont be an ethnic minority. It is just that all the other minorities combined will make up more than the white majority population. Still that isn't saying much.

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
Careful sounds like you are saying America can only succeed if whites are in the majority and pretty much in control?
Is it not a fact that welfare and prison is made up mainly of minorites? And if the majority of America will be made up of current minorites..............Well, you do the math

Last edited by lowing (2008-08-14 02:05:33)


Mek-Stizzle wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.

But does that have anything to do with the fact that White people will supposedly be a minority or have you just derailed the topic (derailed like a horse as someone said in another topic )

Also looking at the Debt you guys are in because of various world adventures, I'd say you guys are screwed either way. You're either going to kill yourself the neocon style or the socialist style.
The question was asked what I thought of becoming a minority, and I provided my answer. The US will be fucked.

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
Careful sounds like you are saying America can only succeed if whites are in the majority and pretty much in control?
Is it not a fact that welfare is made up mainly of minorites? And if the majority of America will be made up of current minorites..............Well, you do the math
Well I can see us falling into the same old argument here but I'll ask you one thing...can you not look at the history of America and recognise that it was originally a white country for white people? By that I mean the European settlers were almost all white, they regarded the native Indians as savages and decimated their race and brought the blacks over from Africa as slaves and then proceeded to build the nation up on the back of these facts...then a few hundred years down the road they eventually decide to level the playing field. It is hardly surprising that white America is in a superior position to the other ethnic minorities but given the history it's hardly something to be proud of, it could be argued that the problems seen in ethnic minorities in America today are the hangover of not allowing all men to be seen as equal in the early days of 'the new world'.

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves.
Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Careful sounds like you are saying America can only succeed if whites are in the majority and pretty much in control?
Is it not a fact that welfare is made up mainly of minorites? And if the majority of America will be made up of current minorites..............Well, you do the math
Well I can see us falling into the same old argument here but I'll ask you one thing...can you not look at the history of America and recognise that it was originally a white country for white people? By that I mean the European settlers were almost all white, they regarded the native Indians as savages and decimated their race and brought the blacks over from Africa as slaves and then proceeded to build the nation up on the back of these facts...then a few hundred years down the road they eventually decide to level the playing field. It is hardly surprising that white America is in a superior position to the other ethnic minorities but given the history it's hardly something to be proud of, it could be argued that the problems seen in ethnic minorities in America today are the hangover of not allowing all men to be seen as equal in the early days of 'the new world'.
Yeah and the welfare system and prison are jam packed with opportunity, freedom, equality and choice. It is being squandered because being taken care of is easier than the responsibility of taking care of yourself, and "victimization" is used as an excuse, which you eagerly accept. The past is pretty much as you say and I neither condone it or defend it, it is shameful. I also am not responsible for it any more than a black man my age has suffered from it.

In short, yes, America was set up as a white country. 

Now, let me ask you a question. a little honesty please.

America is now a majority of people who have no interest ( as proven by current attitudes) in becoming productive and contributing as a US citizen. What do YOU see happening with our country?

Last edited by lowing (2008-08-14 02:30:29)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves.
Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
Are you made up of a majority of minorites yet?

Also have I not read articles saying France is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the very problem of their social handouts?

Last edited by lowing (2008-08-14 02:23:14)


lowing wrote:

Yeah and the welfare system and prison are jam packed with opportunity, freedom, equality and choice. The past is pretty much as you say and I neither condone it or defend it, it is shameful. I also am not responsible for it any more than a black man my age has suffered from it.

In short, yes, America was set up as a white country. 

Now, let me ask you a question. a little honesty please.

America is now a majority of people who have no interest (as proven by current attitudes) in becoming productive and contributing as a US citizen. What do YOU see happening with our country?
Well as other posts have pointed out your cut throat capitalism seems to be failing spectacularly all by itself without socialism really having to throw its hat into the ring so who knows. There are also plenty of good clean white boys on welfare so I wouldn't necessarily use colour as a distinguishing factor in determining who is contributing to the drop in US productivity/competitiveness.

lowing wrote:

Are you made up of a majority of minorites yet?

Also have I not read articles saying France is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the very problem of their social handouts?
France is doing just fine lowing. You should visit and see for yourself.

In fact, its public debt, as a percentage of GDP, is lower than that of the US despite universal healthcare, shorter working weeks and vastly more holidays.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-08-14 02:38:23)


Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah and the welfare system and prison are jam packed with opportunity, freedom, equality and choice. The past is pretty much as you say and I neither condone it or defend it, it is shameful. I also am not responsible for it any more than a black man my age has suffered from it.

In short, yes, America was set up as a white country. 

Now, let me ask you a question. a little honesty please.

America is now a majority of people who have no interest (as proven by current attitudes) in becoming productive and contributing as a US citizen. What do YOU see happening with our country?
Well as other posts have pointed out your cut throat capitalism seems to be failing spectacularly all by itself without socialism really having to throw its hat into the ring so who knows. There are also plenty of good clean white boys on welfare so I wouldn't necessarily use colour as a distinguishing factor in determining who is contributing to the drop in US productivity/competitiveness.
You didn't answer my question.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Are you made up of a majority of minorites yet?

Also have I not read articles saying France is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the very problem of their social handouts?
France is doing just fine lowing. You should visit and see for yourself.

The French govt., it would seem, disagrees with you Cam.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Are you made up of a majority of minorites yet?

Also have I not read articles saying France is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the very problem of their social handouts?
France is doing just fine lowing. You should visit and see for yourself.

The French govt., it would seem, disagrees with you Cam.
France's public debt, as a percentage of GDP, is lower than that of the US despite universal healthcare, shorter working weeks and vastly more holidays.

You said France were on the verge of bankruptcy - they aren't. They're less close to bankruptcy than the US, despite the fact they enjoy a higher average standard of living... All governments have to control spending (or introduce greater taxation) lowing - the article just indicates that the French intend to seek greater efficiencies in order to save money.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-08-14 02:43:20)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

France is doing just fine lowing. You should visit and see for yourself.

The French govt., it would seem, disagrees with you Cam.
France's public debt, as a percentage of GDP, is lower than that of the US despite universal healthcare, shorter working weeks and vastly more holidays.

You said France were on the verge of bankruptcy - they aren't. They're less close to bankruptcy than the US, despite the fact they enjoy a higher average standard of living... All governments have to control spending lowing - the article just indicates that the French intend to seek greater efficiencies in order to save money.
"The first budget to be released under new President Nicolas Sarkozy is being intensely scrutinised in all sectors, not just health, after Prime Minister François Fillon declared the country's financial situation as "bankrupt". "

Taken from the link

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The French govt., it would seem, disagrees with you Cam.
France's public debt, as a percentage of GDP, is lower than that of the US despite universal healthcare, shorter working weeks and vastly more holidays.

You said France were on the verge of bankruptcy - they aren't. They're less close to bankruptcy than the US, despite the fact they enjoy a higher average standard of living... All governments have to control spending lowing - the article just indicates that the French intend to seek greater efficiencies in order to save money.
"The first budget to be released under new President Nicolas Sarkozy is being intensely scrutinised in all sectors, not just health, after Prime Minister François Fillon declared the country's financial situation as "bankrupt". "

Taken from the link
Well then I guess the US is bankrupt too then, eh? Funny how when I was in Paris in June the place seemed spectacularly affluent. Right wing politicians making fatuous remarks does not a fact make. Yes the country needs to control spending - but all countries do. The entire world is feeling the effects of global recession - everyone has to take measures to mitigate that.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-08-14 02:55:00)


lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah and the welfare system and prison are jam packed with opportunity, freedom, equality and choice. The past is pretty much as you say and I neither condone it or defend it, it is shameful. I also am not responsible for it any more than a black man my age has suffered from it.

In short, yes, America was set up as a white country. 

Now, let me ask you a question. a little honesty please.

America is now a majority of people who have no interest (as proven by current attitudes) in becoming productive and contributing as a US citizen. What do YOU see happening with our country?
Well as other posts have pointed out your cut throat capitalism seems to be failing spectacularly all by itself without socialism really having to throw its hat into the ring so who knows. There are also plenty of good clean white boys on welfare so I wouldn't necessarily use colour as a distinguishing factor in determining who is contributing to the drop in US productivity/competitiveness.
You didn't answer my question.
Didn't I? I think America's huge divide between rich and poor is going to come back and bite it on the ass when China rises to the prime spot on the world's economic stage.
Cowboy from Hell
And most of them are converting to Islam Lowing.

we have known this for a while actually.
ph33r me 傻逼
+40|6574|Melbourne, AUS
I'm sure many a scared 'white' American down in the deep south is already loading his/her shotgun.

maffiaw wrote:

I'm sure many a scared 'white' American down in the deep south is already loading his/her shotgun.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

maffiaw wrote:

I'm sure many a scared 'white' American down in the deep south is already loading his/her shotgun.
Cause of the swamp rats and alligators...

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