Barrakuda777 wrote:
It would make tactical support / suppressive fire a realistic deterrent for infantry and i think would help bring squad support snipers games along (as it is at the moment a support player is generally a free frag at anything over 10 feet for me).
The problem with suppressive fire in a game is people know that even if you do kill them they will simply respawn in 15 seconds. Unless somebody is very worried about their K
Ratio somebody laying down fire wont stop them from attacking when they know they have a chance to win. This is a game and lacks the fear of death that you would have in real life so while you will keep somebodys head down with constant fire right at them, the person next to them more often than not wont hold back from jumping out at you.
As for the free frag for anything over 10 feet... Keep thinking that and keep others thinking it as well, mowing down people who dont respect the PKM is very fun. When used properly you will have a good range with the support class. You will lose every time to a skilled sniper or somebody with a accurate AR in simi auto mode that can aim and is a good distance away, but other than that you have a fair chance to win. I use both short bursts and constant fire till my gun is cooking, each is useful in its own way. Short bursts have accuracy, but constant fire will level several people, or one stubbern runner, as even though your bullets dont all hit you fire so many that your bound to do damage. I will often take down assault/spec ops classes and even snipers (granted, not a good sniper though) at mid-long ranges. And up close... well, I've ran around a corner into a squad of enemies before, cant hit the broad side of a barn while standing and running, but when your 2 feet away from 4 people and can lay down 70 bullets without stopping things can get ugly fast for the poor people trying to shoot you without shooting themselves:P (Of corse I died nearly every time that ugly mistake has happened, but I do some damage before I'm down) My K
ratio as support is 1.46, not the best in the world but if the class is so useless shouldnt it be lower than that?
Honestly my biggest fear in this upcomming patch is that they will make support more accurate then everybody will cry that they are to powerful. I dont want my favorite class to become the new noob tube:/