Agreed, agreed agreed agreed! For the damned M-95 (which I wasted my time to unlock!) the recoil is a horrid thing. I have to aim 1/2 way up the chest to nail them in the head. and tehn, theres some sort of magical wind that pushes it just enough to the side so they notice me. I say, the pilot thing is great, just that everything else is mediocre. With horrible recoil.
I think the only thing that needs to be done to the M95 is the lines on the crosshair needs to be thinned.  I find it difficult to shoot chopper pilots because thoughs lines are so damn think, i cant see the pilots head.  I just have to guess which usually means i miss, which usually means the pilot notices me, which usually means ChopperPilot[AH-Z]Britishbeef

Last edited by Britishbeef (2005-10-03 15:14:31)

Have u ever read about Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle,if not,do it.It's worth:D
*sigh* yes.. the AWP is not a weapon we want to see relabelled and put into this game.
However, its time for some interesting trivia

Sniper Rifles 101 if you like.
.50Cal M82 Barrett Anti-Tank Rifle.
This is the sorta weapon that punches holes, as the name suggests, in the weaker parts of a tank. it can take down a helicopter with a decent shot. Proven.

However, being shot with a round, yes.. would leave a rather nasty hole.. but will not thow you backwards. It's a proven fact, that for you to be hit and thrown backwards by a round from a gun, the equal amount of force has to have come from the gun in the first place.. therefore throwing the gunman backwards too.

The effect of a sniper rifle (wether it be the M24, M82, or any specifically designed sniper rifle (the Dragnouv is a modified Assault rifle, not exactly the most accurate in the world either.) is very much the same. If i were to shoot you in the head with either rifle, the entry wound would be the size of the bullet, the exit wound would be roughly the right size for you to put a can of baked beans into.

Trivia Part 2:
When shot in such a fashion, the body doesn't  really move a whole lot.. it drops like the proverbial "sack of shit", in a downwards direction. about the only time you will get any sort of effect of being thrown backwards by a sniper rifle, is when you are tagged while running at the shooter... and then its more a case of your legs keep going for a second while you realise you are dead.

For the couple of posts before mine...
1: The M-95 (Barrett M82) Sniper rifle, as i said before, is an *anti-armour* weapon. It has a Muzzle that is desinged to lower its already huge recoil.. (look for some pics of it, you'll see what i mean) The recoil without that, or if it is damaged, is huge, enough to dislocate your shoulder, and reasonably higher in volume too.
Firing the M82, you have to aim slightly downwards of your target (and consider that snipers time their shots between their breathing and heartbeat even!) and then they smoothly fire, you can't expect to automatically be at the ready point when you click the mouse button. Furthermore.. the magical wind you talk about is Post shot reflex.. basically any and all force delivered to your body when firing the weapon, while you are resisting against it.. it causes you to be unable to aim again for a second or two... Or 5 if you are using a Barrett. The point is that it is a HIGH POWER weapon.. in caps, because i mean it. :p It will rape soft squishy mansacks with army uniforms. If you take my meaning. so you don't want to miss, because it does tend to give itself away a little. Drop your target, and move on. Other than that.. I'd try to avoid using it on the Fleshy Meatsacks.. just stick with the M24.. you'll generally get better results from a bolt action, in my opinion.

2. Check out the standard scope on a M82. You'll get the idea. it's put on that way because you generally are not shooting for Pilots heads.. or People, as such.. you are usually punching a hole in the Driveshaft of a Helicopter, punching through a Vehicles Engine, or shooting someone through a layer of brick/door/concrete.
All of which are possible.. though for the sack of not crying "Wallhack" and "Aimhack" .. are obviously not included.

As for the game though. some rifles were modified yes.. however its a point of the game not to have uber weapons.. and the sniper rifles should require a Heart upwards shot to cause death, which is close enough to real life. the upgrade concept is to produce a weapon that will be more useful for taking armour. which is the primary mark of the M82 in the first place. As for the scopes, thats simply a learning thing, all snipers have a type of scope that they swear by and prefer to use, but as a general rule, its important to learn to use them all... Takes time, is all. And yes.. some of the scopes do suck.. but its partially a question of how they are made, who they are made by, and for what purpose..

I guess that puts me in the group who say "Meh, Sniper rifles are fine, just gotta learn to use them as they were intended.. not a show stopper/assault weapon, but a Stealth/Support role.

Last edited by Duskwolf (2005-10-05 18:57:24)

While Duskwolf is correct in just about everything he said... I would like to point out one or two things he missed.

1) Though the M82 is technically an "Anti-Armor" weapon (this is most certainly true btw).. the U.S. Army does in fact use them against flesh targets... why you ask? Because why take a smaller weapon against infantry AND the big M82/M95 against armored and soft targets when the M82 suits both tasks VERY well.

2) A very good friend of mine is an honorably discharged U.S. Army Sniper.. guess what he used ... that's right.. an M82 Barrett! The M82/M95 sniper rifle can NOT be used in the game and do the same thing it does in real life... why you ask? Because in real life ONE shot ANYWHERE on the human body from an M82 will render the combatant useless as such! My former sniper friend has 11 confirmed kills against enemy combatants so theroreticals do not apply to his experience which is in fact against living human beings. A single round from an M82 on a limb (arms and legs) will instantly sever the limb from the body at the position of impact. Note: position of strike means nothing because the limb will still sever if the bullet grazes the skin due to the wake of pressure following the bullet. When a round from the M82 strikes the chest... imagine a 30/06 times 10! I VERY large whole is left in the torso of the victim... body armor is useless against the M82 since its design was to penetrate steel engine blocks! Now, the final part of the body... the head shot! With my friends 2 confirmed head shots, I can tell you for a fact that a round from this weapon will turn the entire head into jelly and explode... dental records ain't identifying the victim since the teeth may be scattered in various places... essentially, the majority of the victims head vanishes.

3) Duskwolf, I love the fact that you pointed out that the M82 has a Muzzle Brake (you missed the word brake... but whose paying that much attention anyways )! Contrary to popular belief.. the M82 does NOT have a flash suppressor... the big giant thing on the end of the barrel that looks like it's supposed to be diverting flash in some sort of effort to suppress it is actually a muzzle brake. I would like to correct you on one aspect of the M82 and it's muzzle brake... the M82 without the muzzle break will not dislocate your shoulder... it will snap you collar bone like a twig!!! Firing an M82 without the muzzle brake on and not securely mounted for maximum recoil reduction (like say a hard mount or placing the bipod in front of and against heavy sandbags) will put you in the hospital garanteed! In fact even WITH the muzzle brake, the M82 CAN dislocate your shoulder if you don't know what you are doing.

Alot of detail about the M82 and just about all 20th-21st century military or military style weapons is: [url=http://world.guns.ru/sniper/sn02-e.htm]Modern Firearms[/url]

Back to gaming!
Just a little tidbit of real steel information, there IS a difference between the M82A1  Barrett and the M95 sniper rifle. The M82 is semi automatic. The M95 is also lighter, shorter, and cheaper than the M82. Also, the M82 magazine holds 10 rounds, while the M95 only holds 5. The M82 is far more popular than the M95 in the Military/Law Enforcement world.
+0|7088|Maryland, USA

Sarum wrote:

I think this has been discussed a lot, with all the kits.

The unlock isn't supposed to be "better" than the basic weapons. It's supposed to be different, while still more or less balanced with everything else. They're a little better in some areas, and a little worse elsewhere. That means, in some situations, they're a lot better, while in others, they're practically useless. Its all about carefully selecting the right tool for the job, not working out which one is the uberl33t deathstick, an "I win" button, and using it all the time. None of the guns should be significantly better than the others, that would ruin the game imo.
What he said. Nail on the head.

When you get promoted, you don't earn a better weapon. You earn the choice of a different weapon--if the situation calls for it. That's why, in all these "sum1 tel me wut is teh bestest unl0ckz0r???//?" threads, people have to say over and over again "pick the gun for the kit you use most often." That's what will net you the biggest advantage.

From a sniping perspective, you have two choices: the M95 or not the M95. If you snipe a lot, you're more likely to find the M95 useful at some point than, say, the G36c or DAO-12. Simple as that.
i got the m95 unlock a while ago, before quick bullshit promotions.  Ive been using if for a while.  But what i have noticed is that i prefer the original US sniper(dunno what its called).  For me it seems more accurate.  I get more kills with it faster...  Only thing that the M95 is good for, is that i like to fly the attack heli.  And occasionally I point my crosshair at friendlies and pull just to get it.  Only think i use it for.
+42|7157|Waikato, Aotearoa
I fully fully agree with what every1 is saying about the M95 - i have been bitching about it for AGES and AGES. Soft targets should'nt normally jump up and drill you after you plug them with a friggin great bullet thru the chest.
The other things that get me - You cant stand up (or even kneel) with the M95 - its a strictly prone-use rifle. There isnt any barrel deviation when u fire the damn thing standing, there isnt any vehicle damge when u hit tanks and finally - the M95 is something like 1.5m long and weighs about 15kg fully loaded. U CANT RUN @ THE SAME SPEED AS SOMEONE CARRYING THE M24. The run speed should be the same as the AT Kit
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

headshots are the most important thing for any sniper rifle. I like the M95 for its range, and this morning i sniped someone across the wake island bay, 3/4 distance across and got the driver of the boat. i was just trying to get a range on the rifle and that kill took me by surprise. pretty much depends on how you use it. I got SpecOps easy on the chest as they got no body armour. but go for headshots, they are the best part of the body to snipe at regardless of whether its the basic rifle or the M95.
I dont care what anybody says, I played Halo before BF2 and therefore I unlocked the M95 first(halo revolves around sniping). I was SO dissapointed. Who cares about reality? Well in reality if I even get shot in the ankle by a .50 cal Im not going anywhere. That size of a bullet with that velocity would be like getting hit in the anlke by a semi-truck going 500Mph. It would literally bruise your whole body.
i'm not shure about that but it probably take off your foot and part of the attached leg
+11|7118|San Marcos, CA
Guys, that whole "passes near you and your skin melts" or a "shot to the pinky toe will kill you" bit about the .50 is myth.  Think about this for a minute...the .50 round has been in use for a LONG time, and a lot of people have been shot and killed by that round..but a lot of people have been shot by that round and lived, not to mention all the near-misses under a foot.

I'm not saying the M95/M82 sucks, it's a pretty deadly weapon in skilled hands, but it's not a death ray.
I have read some stories from Marine Snipers using the M95 and what they can do with them the game does not come close to.

1- You should be able to kill at medium range or less anyone you can see in light armor or less including turret mounts in Hummers etc.

2- If you get hit (by any weapon actually) your health should be on a steady or even accelerated decline following the incident. Hitting a guy and having him run off to the next flag is bogus. You should have to get a med pack within a few minutes or bleed to death.

3- I agree that there should be a bigger signature made by the rifle when fired.

4- If people want to charge an enemy position with a bolt action rifle because it is a one shot one kill weapon. The victim team should squad up not cry noob at the killer. In the time it takes to get the bolt open the sniper should be on the ground using his 15 seconds to decide weather that was a good decision or not because the guy he killed was backed by 3 or 4 others who didnt take kindly to his antics.

5- The game should have better code identifying where players are in a vehicle. With the .50 cal you should be able to take out a driver in an APC or hummer etc. but the game isnt specific enough. I know where the driver is in a light armored vehicle is but my expended round registeres as vehicle damage not a pentrating death tap tipped with a spent uranium incindiary round.

6- the sniper uniform is a joke. There is no such thing as hiding in this game. The only cover you have is distance. In maps where fog or sand in the air prevent long shots the sniper is just a guy with a slow to reload cannon.

7- A sniper should be able to use his rifle from a vehicle. I should be able to get in the back of a hummer or in the hatch of an APC and take some shots. Doing this with a small squad (driver, spotter, sniper) would be deadly efficient and infinately more realistic. As for the whole game going sniper..... I doubt it.

8- It might not be a bad idea to not allow more than one sniper per squad. A team is only allowed a fixed number of many assets, a sniper could be the same.

It all boils down to realizm I guess. I see one side wanting BF2 to be more like Atari and one side wanting it to be more like the USMC. I tend to be on the second side there.

Some serious thought should be put into the bleeding out idea I think. I dont know about you but if half of my lifes energy just exited my back the medic is what I need more than anything.
+0|7085|San Bernardino,CA
The Sniper is supposed to be the non existing. The one where you get hit and die from a bullet falling from the sky. I totally agree that rifles in this game are a little shady. My takes..

The US M24 is a great rifle but the load time is terrible and I hate the fact that you have to come away from the scope to cock your weapon. I dont know how it is in real life but when I played Black Hawk Down majority of the rifles allowed you to stay in the scope and fire. I know about the hold the fire button down just to make sure you got the kill. But with the accuracy of these weapons and damage you dont have time to stay in the scope. Cause the player just gets up and runs after they get injured.

The M95 is a powerful weapon that at close range (which Ive been apart of more than once) can take out a helicopter pilot thats a beautiful feeling. But in long ranges I have trouble finding the aim. I do very well with the other rifles but this big moma is a handful. I agree that you should be sent 6ft under once I hit you but my thing is hitting you. Anyway I will work on that.

The MECandCHINA rifles are very good when it comes to AUTOMATIC. I love that you can stay in the scope and let off 10 shots its woderfule. They should combine the automation and accuracy for this and the M24.

These are my opinions and complaints I love to Sniper it feels good to see someone go slumped over in a car or Tank.

I hope they make changes for these rifles.
+0|7088|Maryland, USA

bigkenonduty wrote:

The US M24 is a great rifle but the load time is terrible and I hate the fact that you have to come away from the scope to cock your weapon. I dont know how it is in real life but when I played Black Hawk Down majority of the rifles allowed you to stay in the scope and fire. I know about the hold the fire button down just to make sure you got the kill. But with the accuracy of these weapons and damage you dont have time to stay in the scope. Cause the player just gets up and runs after they get injured.
In bolt-action weapons such as the M24, the bolt travels back towards your neck and face when you cycle a new round. Many people (especially larger folks) have to make room for the bolt by moving their head out of the way. This isn't the case with semi-auto weapons. Also, it's a good idea to scan your wider field of vision after a scope shot anyway, and the moment it takes to work the action on the M24 is enough time to do that.

The MECandCHINA rifles are very good when it comes to AUTOMATIC. I love that you can stay in the scope and let off 10 shots its woderfule. They should combine the automation and accuracy for this and the M24.
Do that, and you don't have an M24 anymore; you have an M21. A semi-automatic sniper rifle with the power of the M24 would be rather unbalanced for the game anyway, in my opinion.
+0|7085|San Bernardino,CA
OMG did I say "woderfule" that was a terrible spelling job. Anyway thanks for the reply.
I whole heartily agree, the sniper rifle is a joke, a .50 sniper or .50 bmg, can literally remove body parts, 1 shot kills should be possible, chest up.  However, running, jumping, diving, even crouching snipers should have grossly reduced accuracy, to avoid rambo snipers, only make the rifle 100% accurate while proned.  Force the sniper into his role.  the barret weighs over 20lbs, and the recoil from a .50 sniper round is substantial, more reasons for prone only 100% accuracy.  The way it is now is a joke.

Last edited by Necronom (2005-10-13 21:47:25)


Necronom wrote:

I whole heartily agree, the sniper rifle is a joke, a .50 sniper or .50 bmg, can literally remove body parts, 1 shot kills should be possible, chest up.  However, running, jumping, diving, even crouching snipers should have grossly reduced accuracy, to avoid rambo snipers, only make the rifle 100% accurate while proned.  Force the sniper into his role.  i think the barret is almost 20lbs, more reasons for prone only 100% accuracy.
I concur with Necronom, 1 shot 1 kill.
Do that, and you don't have an M24 anymore; you have an M21. A semi-automatic sniper rifle with the power of the M24 would be rather unbalanced for the game anyway, in my opinion.
Incorrect, M21 is the semi automatic version of the M14. It is intended for the DMR (Designated Marskmen Rifle) role, not sniper. Two different rifles.
+11|7118|San Marcos, CA
There's a reason why the Marine Corps has been using the M40 since Viet Nam, and why the Army SWITCHED to the very similar M24 awhile back.  The M21 is just about phased out in the regular Army as a sniper rifle (some Guard and Reserve units still have them), replaced by the M24 SWS.

The M21 just doesn't have the range or accuracy of the M24 or any other high quality bolt-action rifle. 

Think of the M21 as our version of the SVD, (it's about the same in terms of range and accuracy and stopping power).  It's best used by marksmen in a platoon or company level, and at those ranges an accurized and scoped version of the M16 is actually a better choice in many ways, because it still retains burst fire, higher ammo loads, shared ammo, parts and mags with the rest of the unit's weapons, etc.
Where did you read that the M21 retains burst fire? M21 is semi auto only from everything I have read. Shared ammo, well, not really. Not too many items in the current inventory that use the 7.62mm round (except for the Mk48 Mod 0, M240) since the issue rifles and SAWs are both 5.56, so its not really shared ammo, parts, and mags (since the Colt/FN M16A4/M4 is the current issue rifle and are quite different from the M21...). Not meaning to come off as caustic, just a bit of a correction.
Mass Media Casualty

Sniper Rifle's are powerful enough. It'd be good to get decent crosshairs, 'specially on the MEC and unlock rifles. A double click zoom would be cool on the unlock for some really sweet  range, I just always remember getting pissed off about having to click twice to get out of it in CS.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+0|7083|Washington, USA
I actually think the sniper rifles in the game are pretty good.  I get head shots about half the time(I do play sniper a lot though) so firepower is good.  One shot kills would unbalance the game too much I think and too many people with little skill would just hide away playing sniper with their one shot cannon.  I only wish that the upgrade rifle was a silenced version of the M24 but as a handicap to balance you would get no claymores or grenades.
+11|7118|San Marcos, CA

[MAA]MI2 wrote:

Where did you read that the M21 retains burst fire? M21 is semi auto only from everything I have read. Shared ammo, well, not really. Not too many items in the current inventory that use the 7.62mm round (except for the Mk48 Mod 0, M240) since the issue rifles and SAWs are both 5.56, so its not really shared ammo, parts, and mags (since the Colt/FN M16A4/M4 is the current issue rifle and are quite different from the M21...). Not meaning to come off as caustic, just a bit of a correction.
Read again, or I wasn't clear....it's the M16 DMR (SAM-R) I was talking about having burst, sharing ammo, etc.

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