+5|6716|Outback Australia
Morning or Arvo all,
Right I have a question about the engagement of aircraft with small arms fire. IS this OK in the game?
Recently I was acting as a support gunner and engaged enemy choppers with the MG,  as this seems to soften them up for the SAM's ( boy they suck, but work well on ground targets). Well that opened a can of worms, next I was getting votes to kick me from the drivers of those aircraft . And I'm  Noob at that.
So did I upset the Aircraft operators Union?
If they can spawn straffe a site with the choppers MG I think its fair I can use a normal battle field action to stop it.
I think you know the bunch I'm talking about, the ones doing cartwheels , prone , rolls and backflips waiting for the next attack chopper spwan while the commander is wondering where his/her troops have gone from the battle.
PS if this is in the wrong spot please move it to the right one, Ta

WO2 Gumby
down under
+2,382|6717|The North, beyond the wall.
i don't get it why would you attempt to take down a chopper with the support kits machine gun?90% of the time youd do little damage,get  spotted by the chopper and be blown apart by it.anyway you did nothing wrong.
Someone who can!
As a pretty good chopper pilot, I can tell you small arms fire doesn't do much to choppers. Whenever I see some one trying to take me down with a PKM, RPK or SAW I just laugh and tell my gunner to take him down Dont be too discouraged though, Every hit you get on me shows up on my green as a red area in your direction, and if you coordnate with other players (squad, clan perhaps) to shoot at me, it will get me quite nervous and I'll get out of there. I'll tell you what really worries me while I'm flying, not jets, not AA, but the mounted machineguns ontop of the transports like the Humvee and the FAV. About 10 seconds of sustained fire can down an attack chopper and it's very hard to avoid. Also, another defence you have against choppers is to simply spot them. I can't tell you how many times I've snuck up on an enemy chopper that was busy circling a CP when some one lit him up on my radar.
+4|6726|Irving Tx
I got a hind with the pmk 1 burst I would have to guess it was 99% damaged before I hit it thought. So i shoot at them with the pmk and hope for the best sometimes you get lucky.... 2 kills 4 ponits and no enemy chopper for the next 30 sec. And if you r real lucky there will be a fight over the respawing chopper...
Someone who can!
Yeah, if a chopper is down below it's last 3 bars of health, the health with slowly decay and the chopper will apear to be on fire. If you hit it while it's on fire, and your the last person to hit it, you can usually be credited with the kills. I know I've done it with a M9 before
Why not shoot him with everything you got when there is no infantry threat (and you are not on a cloak and dagger mission)?  It has been done in almost every war involving air to ground combat (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Falklands,.., oh and Iraq05) and its quite effective if the fire from the ground is comined and controlled in some way.

A friend of mine and 'I managed to take a BH down with the combined fire of 2 PKMs (some 2 1/2 mags used though). Assault rifles don't do much damage but sometimes it just helps the morale to fight back when you get cought in the open - you are almost dead anyhow if the gunner isn't a complete idiot (yes, and maybe you get a kill assist).
A full clip of your MG will probably only take off 3-4 bars of the chopper's health... so don't even bother.  Only shoot it with 1 bullet so if it crashes into a building you get credit for the kill, ROFL.  Even a pistol shot.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6739|MoVal So-Cal
I have taken down choppers with the support mg. I got theam from full health to explode in about 2 clips. Its not impossible you just have to move with every big burst or so. If most or all the bullets hit then you will do some major damage to the chopper. A squad of peeps can rip an unweary chopper to pices too.

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-01-15 16:44:50)

+5|6716|Outback Australia
OK I'll take that as a big YES Sir, Also your dead right on the vehicle heavy MGs, they work well on the choppers. especially when you get that second crosshair lit up like a christmas tree.

Cheers for the replys.

WO2 Gumby
The Microwave Man
lol Cept for the noobs that would actually hover the whole time for 2 full clips worth of ammo . That's like almost a full minute of hovering lol . And they didn't see you at all in  that time ? lol I don't buy it . Not saying it can't happen but ......

Anyhow when I'm driving with a full hummer , yeah then I can see taking a chopper out pretty damn quick . I've only done it 300 times . All you have to do is spot a chopper who is busy with other targets . Tail a chopper that didn't see you and he passes right by you , now you got his "6"  . Head in his passing direction for a bit and slam the breaks on . This way you have a solid shot for your gunners , both the 50 up top and the saw in the second seat . Keep in mind the saw gunner only has about 40 degrees angle to fire . This combo shreds choppers and has them smoking in no time . And speaking of smoking definitely hunt down helicopters that are smoking already and heading back to base to reup . These you can hit on the run . This is good for helicopters , buggy , other cars . But not for tanks . Can't tell you how many noobs get up top and shoot at tanks . Tanks now see us . Tank fires . We get killed by tank . -quick rant - DON'T SHOOT AT TANKS WITH THE 50. ! ALL YOU DO IS GIVE UP YOUR POSITION ! Thank you . That is all .
. . .
Sure it doesn't make sense to waste your ammo on a chopper unless it's smoking or you've seen it take a missle hit or the like.

I don't agree that you shouldn't shoot at it - if it looks fresh. But most people agree with the latter opinion - don't shoot at it and waste your ammo.

So instead of 1 guy wasting ammo - I think EVERYONE should shoot at it - if 6-10 (or more - maybe even 20?) guys were shooting at the same chopper - I think it would do a lot of damage and right quick! BF2 is a team game isn't it (?) if all players shot at the chopper with there MG, whether on a Humvee, tank, assult rifle, PKM, etc. . . that bird would go down fast.

But most likely people won't do it in the fashion I suggest, oh well. . .

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-16 16:30:52)

+101|6715|Southern California
Any small arms v aircraft is sometimes enough to drive them back from a flag capture momentarily. Only the most seasoned pilot will stay and take his chances with an unknown enemy force shooting at him. Last week in Mashtuur City I saw a squad take out a transport helo and all occupants with small arms only. The M95 Sniper rifle is supposed to be able to take out a helo pilot thru the glass but I haven't been able to get a good shot yet to confirm it for myself.

I use the Support Kit now most often and have made many many kills thru the doors of transport helos to take out the door gunner and other riders so it is definately not a waste of time. I have also taken down damaged attack helos limping back to their base with the PKM and put a few holes into jets just to keep them looking.
Mass Media Casualty

The PKM is a great AA gun. I've used it to take out many choppers, even Blackhawks. Never hesitate to use a LMG on a helicopter.
[Blinking eyes thing]

Gumby wrote:

So did I upset the Aircraft operators Union?
Heh, i bet you did.
Shooting at a loaded Black Hawk is really worth it, i took both gunners out of a hovering black hawk with the G36C early made my day:)
Sometimes I wish... (especially when MEC/CHI on Maashtur City or Songua Stalemate) that choppers were more realistic.

I had a conversation with a buddy of mine whos a Captain in the 101st Airborne about the survivability of the Blackhawk that he flys around in all the time and I asked him what would happen if you hit a BH with 25 rounds of 50 cal and his response was...

It becomes a dirt torpedo... hell, if you empty a clip from an M4 into it, it would probably blow up

and that just doesn't happen in BF2

I guess we'll have to see how much the hitpoints get lowered by the next patch
yea, also a .50 cal sniper round from an m95 to the engine could also seriously fuck up a black hawk, or any helicopter for that matter, probably wouldnt cause it to crash but a nicely aimed sniper round should do more damage in bf2
+101|6715|Southern California
Your Captain friend is correct given some altitude/direction/range/speed/exposed vulnerabilities. An M4 CAN take it down IF it CAN hit the vulnerable spots repeatedly. In Viet Nam UH-1s would land or fly thru "hot" areas and be documented with dozens and dozens of hits and still make it back to base.

A Ma Duece can rip apart alot of things but still needs to hit less protected areas to drop a helo in a 25 round engangement. The chances of firing 25 rounds at a BH and hitting with all 25 rounds in the same place or all vulnerable places?... lol well you would need to fire an M2 .50cal to really know how hard that would be. If you are stationary with a vehicle mounted 50cal and the target is landed and stationary beyond 200 meters you might fire 25 but only about 5-10 will hit and hit all over the place. If the BH is moving the time it takes to make 25 hits is enough time (30-40 seconds and thats if you dont need to reload) for the BH to be out of your line-of-sight. If you are moving and the BH is moving well its gonna be hard to do.

I think the coding to make all the weak spots and strong spots on the helo (and other vehicles) would lag the game, wait till we are at quad-core pentium 10 level cpu's with 1000gig bandwidth on the internet. But EA could add a random or 0.5% chance of a lucky hit per burst i suppose.
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6744|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
I shot down an Mi-17 with a Pistol today.
+101|6715|Southern California
hmmm good shot! were you using that new depleted uranium hyperkinetic round?
The Microwave Man
I was on a server where we needed 8 more players to join before we started . So I was just messing around . There was this one guy who was obviously praticing hovering a chopper over spawn points . So I went US sniper and fired about 20 shots before I sniped him right out of the seat . He was in a blakhawk mind you . There are open door spaces that allow you a direct hit to his head through the side door openings . After I shot him him I was like oh no , this CAN be done lol . I commited suicide to spawn with more ammo and tried again . I got him one more time after trying 3 more times . So with the regular sniper rifle you can certainly snipe pilots out of thier seats with one shot . As well as sniping people out of the dorr gunner positions . They are prime targets as well . Happy hunting .
+5|6716|Outback Australia
Well I've just had a read of the AD guide ( well written and B**dy helpful) [in the featured forum] . I didn't notice anything about the employment of small arms much in there. There was lots of chat about the missiles with a mind of there own causing TK's all over the place, something that frustrates me ( and the victim). Hopefully that will be tweeked in the next patch. In the mean time I'm going to take up that idea of Jonnykill's and go and have a pratcice at some sniping pilots.

Speaking of Loaded BH's: if the squad was working on VoIP and all layed there fire on the chopper, and killed it would they get a kill or kill assist for the quanty of bodies in the BH?

Hopefully there are some lonewolfs or another squad about to protect your perimeter while your busy looking up. OH look I think I just saw a pig fly past doing a barrel roll ;-)

Last edited by Gumby (2006-01-16 21:07:15)

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