A friend told me he got misty-eyed in the theater. One of my brothers told me it was the best movie he's seen in a while (but his kids are named after star wars characters so...). More than a few friends had great things to say.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
People say that? This is evocative of Dilbert telling us that it was emotional watching Supergirl floating in space. I just wasn't interested in the Maverick trailer. Over Top Gun, I preferred Hot Shots and stuff with Leslie Nielsen. Maverick at face value seems like a revival for boomers and 80s/90s kids who were actually fans.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I saw Top Gun: Maverick recently. Not good at all. Maybe 4/10. I had numerous people tell me it was an amazing and emotional movie. Umm, what? Why did they try to make it serious, knowing that the original was good because it kind of embraced the camp?
Waste of time.
Mac, watch the first one if you want. Probably a better choice than Halloween Returns Again for the Last Time.
It was not a good movie. I literally laughed at the dialog more than once.