+3,936|6652|so randum

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

So I finally got around to watching Inception.

Pretty good, up until the twist at the end, which caused a shit ton of plot holes, as well as was just so stupidly anti-climactic. If the movie didn't have that one ten second shot at the never end, it would have been really good.
the only problem with inception for me was it was so highly billed by everyone (OMG YOU MUST SEE THIS), when i got a copy and watched it through (3 times to be sure) i was p let down. its good, and the way its directed/shot is fantastic - but it isn't OMG THIS IS THE NEXT SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I try and entirely avoid any trailers or reviews for any film I watch, I try to even avoid conversations about a film I might potentially watch.

Just have a quick look at the IMDB score, as long as it's not lower than about 6, and in a genre I enjoy, I will give it ago. No idea of the plot, cast (apart from the lead may be), director, and no expectations whatsoever. Then let it unravel in front of me... Truly the best way to watch, if you can.
I know fucking karate

^ that, but ignore ratings when you can. Some are misleading. (also, I still watch trailers and talk about stuff before I see it)
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

So I finally got around to watching Inception.

Pretty good, up until the twist at the end, which caused a shit ton of plot holes, as well as was just so stupidly anti-climactic. If the movie didn't have that one ten second shot at the never end, it would have been really good.
Agree. Almost like you could see that coming for the whole movie, though, amirite?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

The Crucible.

Winona was a train wreck.

Daniel Day-Lewis was superb.

Xbone Stormsurgezz

justice wrote:

I try and entirely avoid any trailers or reviews for any film I watch, I try to even avoid conversations about a film I might potentially watch.

Just have a quick look at the IMDB score, as long as it's not lower than about 6, and in a genre I enjoy, I will give it ago. No idea of the plot, cast (apart from the lead may be), director, and no expectations whatsoever. Then let it unravel in front of me... Truly the best way to watch, if you can.
If you do this and it turns out to be good it feels like discovering a precious stone.
The X stands for
+1,813|6258|eXtreme to the maX
The Escapist - 8/10
Small film, but well done.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Man on fire
Thought it was gonna be a predictable thriller, but it turned out to be a pretty neat action-movie/thriller.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6890|Great Wall
My wife bought last Harry Potter DVD.. not my cup of tea to be honest but I watched that with her last weekend..

grandmaster league revivalist

Not as stunning the second time around, but still mega-awesome. INCCEEEPPPPTIOOOOOOONNNN!!!
+2,187|6720|Mountains of NC

Thor 7/10

Well worth the watch, loss the 3 points do to irregulars from transcending from comic book to live action but to the casual watcher they should enjoy this movie

The comic book was a bad translation of Norse mythology, so...
+2,187|6720|Mountains of NC

are you one of those thats pissed that 300 wasn't a good representation either
The Green Hornet - 7/10. An enjoyable film, better than expected, pretty funny and i thought the action scenes were really well put together.
plundering yee booty
+510|5625|Ventura, California
Unforgiven 10/10

Great movie, absolutely great. Gotta love Eastwood's westerns.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Hanna - 5/10

Was ok, nothing special

Apocalypse Now - 9.5/10 - Just rewatched it after not seeing it in years. I love this movie, it's amazing.
+2,187|6720|Mountains of NC

and how did it lose .5
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6117|London, England

FEOS wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

So I finally got around to watching Inception.

Pretty good, up until the twist at the end, which caused a shit ton of plot holes, as well as was just so stupidly anti-climactic. If the movie didn't have that one ten second shot at the never end, it would have been really good.
Agree. Almost like you could see that coming for the whole movie, though, amirite?
What are you fuckers talking about.

The ending didnt say anything. It didnt say they were in a dream or not but the point of the ending was to open that idea to the audience before the movie ended so they would think about it.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png


are you one of those thats pissed that 300 wasn't a good representation either
No. I'm just saying that complaining about the movie butchering the comic book when the comic book butchered the mythology is $#*@ laughable.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6866|Purplicious Wisconsin
Thor 6/10, wasn't great. Had funny quotes and was entertaining, the action, not so much. Beautiful scenery though as far as how they did the Kingdom.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Hereafter - 6/10

I think it had the potential to be much better, plot construction wasn't very good, the script was poor and a horrible ending. As a concept it's interesting, and when isolated from so called "normality" it makes the whole idea (don't want to spoil) a little more believable, certainly raised my curiosity level....A great idea for a film, I would like to see it done again, but properly and in far more depth.
I know fucking karate
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5854|College Park, MD
Bridesmaids - 9/10

Expected it to be a total chick flick but it turned out to be very entertaining - probably thanks to Judd Appatow being one of the producers.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Bridesmaids - 9/10

Expected it to be a total chick flick but it turned out to be very entertaining - probably thanks to Judd Appatow being one of the producers.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Mutantbear wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

So I finally got around to watching Inception.

Pretty good, up until the twist at the end, which caused a shit ton of plot holes, as well as was just so stupidly anti-climactic. If the movie didn't have that one ten second shot at the never end, it would have been really good.
Agree. Almost like you could see that coming for the whole movie, though, amirite?
What are you fuckers talking about.

The ending didnt say anything. It didnt say they were in a dream or not but the point of the ending was to open that idea to the audience before the movie ended so they would think about it.

FEOS wrote:

Agree. Almost like you could see that coming for the whole movie, though, amirite?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

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