
FloppY_ wrote:

burnzz wrote:

use spoiler tags dammit!
Yeah because I totally spoiled something there... no not rly

And it's not Leo's fault, the movie and story itself is just unappealing...
You like Avatar, right? You think it's the bestestest?

Inception was pretty damn good. Not mindblowing, but very good. Avatar was (IMHO) a pile of shit.
I need around tree fiddy.

AussieReaper wrote:

Why was the title changed for the US?
americans don't possess the intellectual ability to fathom the meaning or concept of a philosopher

also it is unchristian!

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+2,382|6745|The North, beyond the wall.
Floppy's posts


Just cringeworthy, pains me physically and mentally. Contemplating putting up a third of the dignitas fee if I can get 2 other donors.

i'm in jord. i can't think of a better investment.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5455|Fuck this.

etc, etc.

Last edited by ROGUEDD (2011-01-13 06:43:24)

Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
grandmaster league revivalist
Red - 7/10

What a charming secret agent movie. John Malkovich was awesome!
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6197|North Tonawanda, NY

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

Starship Troopers, as written, would make a terrible movie.  I enjoyed it as a novel, but trying to make it a more 'accurate' movie would have been a definite failure.
You're right. I enjoyed the pacing of the movie, but couldn't get past the fact that it looked like interstellar soldiers were deploying with Gulf War-era kit. Until that point, the movie was going great, but I was really disappointed at the lack of power armor.
I'll agree to that.  The movie took certain plot elements from the book, character names, and the overall idea of an interstellar war with the bugs...and made a fun-but-crappy movie almost perfectly designed for ex-soap opera stars.  I was disappointed with the lack of power armor, as that was a large part of the mobile infantry's purpose in the book...but they DID have the marauder suits in the Starship Troopers 3!  That movie was made of fail though...
Galaxy Quest 8/10
Always enjoy watching. Makes me laugh.  Sigourney Weaver is real sexy in it.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6604|Long Island, New York
Psycho (1998) - lolwtf/10

I mean, the idea that it was a shot-by-shot remake was pretty cool...but Vince Vaughn is not a convincing Norman Bates. At all.
grandmaster league revivalist

SenorToenails wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

Starship Troopers, as written, would make a terrible movie.  I enjoyed it as a novel, but trying to make it a more 'accurate' movie would have been a definite failure.
You're right. I enjoyed the pacing of the movie, but couldn't get past the fact that it looked like interstellar soldiers were deploying with Gulf War-era kit. Until that point, the movie was going great, but I was really disappointed at the lack of power armor.
I'll agree to that.  The movie took certain plot elements from the book, character names, and the overall idea of an interstellar war with the bugs...and made a fun-but-crappy movie almost perfectly designed for ex-soap opera stars.  I was disappointed with the lack of power armor, as that was a large part of the mobile infantry's purpose in the book...but they DID have the marauder suits in the Starship Troopers 3!  That movie was made of fail though...
3 was still by miles better than 2 was...

SenorToenails wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

Starship Troopers, as written, would make a terrible movie.  I enjoyed it as a novel, but trying to make it a more 'accurate' movie would have been a definite failure.
You're right. I enjoyed the pacing of the movie, but couldn't get past the fact that it looked like interstellar soldiers were deploying with Gulf War-era kit. Until that point, the movie was going great, but I was really disappointed at the lack of power armor.
I'll agree to that.  The movie took certain plot elements from the book, character names, and the overall idea of an interstellar war with the bugs...and made a fun-but-crappy movie almost perfectly designed for ex-soap opera stars.  I was disappointed with the lack of power armor, as that was a large part of the mobile infantry's purpose in the book...but they DID have the marauder suits in the Starship Troopers 3!  That movie was made of fail though...
aguirre, der zorn gottes


surrealistic and documentary at the same time. definitely not a movie for everybody. shows the insanity of imperialism and colonialism. kinski is doing a great job


Uzique wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

Why was the title changed for the US?
americans don't possess the intellectual ability to fathom the meaning or concept of a philosopher

also it is unchristian!

Yup! We're all just a bunch of herpty-derps here. Philosopher? Wazzat?
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5768|College Park, MD
Law Abiding Citizen - 8/10

Didn't expect much but it was actually pretty good. Fun action, pretty good acting, toyed around with me.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5455|Fuck this.
Salt: Plot twists ftw. 7.5/10
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6667|132 and Bush

Kmar wrote:

This is the BBC at it's finest. It was exactly what I was looking for. Anyone wishing to get a educational and in depth review of the events surrounding Nazi Germany should pick this up. It's a documentary from 1997, and it is extremely informative. It goes beyond the typical "they were brainwashed because they were desperate" rhetoric, and even touched on theories that suggest the opposite. For example, the unprompted desire to turn in socially withdrawn people into the gestapo. The gestapo was largely enabled by the little people who just wanted to please the fuhrer on their own. In fact the gestapo was a very small group. They interviewed some of the people who denounced their neighbors (without real cause), and they were in clear denial, despite having their signature on official statements and forms. The responses were simply "I can not explain it". Watching them squirm was worth the rent in itself.

It has archival footage, but it doesn't base it's sole exsitance on the entertainment value of it. Not at all. This peice really illustrates how both conservatives and socialist will each become radical in the face of crisis.

The first Disc is broken up into three parts.
  • Helped into Power .. This section touched on the roots of the Nazi Party. The video discussed the inclusion of groups like the Wandervogel, which became a major part of the Hitler youth. It talked about the back room deal to let Hitler off easy when he was arrested. He certainly was "Helped into power"
  • Chaos and Consent .. Chaos came when unemployment soared and when the Americans called in their loans. (Germany was ordered to pay reperations after the first war). Chaos was also due to the fact that there were so many parties vying for power. "So is it typically German to have 30 party's ~ Adolf Hitler". Consent came from the willingness of the Brits and other Western Powers to allow Hitler to continue to take land in what he called an attempt to unite all German speaking people. This is why the rest of the Czechoslovakia fell so quickly. They pushed all of the military might up to the border of Germany prior to the WWII. When Neville Chamberlain gave Germany permission to take the area of Czechoslovakia that contained the Sudeten German's they were in position to easily take the rest of Czechoslovakia. This was the real wake up call .. since he went beyond the "unite all german people" dialog. This was also the first time the Nazi's rolled in without fanfare. .. unlike when the Austrians welcomed them.
  • The Wrong War .. The title of this section comes from the fact that Hitler admired the British and their empire. His original desire was to ally with them and to take on the Soviets. (the opposite is what happend in the begining of the war). The Nazi party had already been battling communism from the begining, within Germany.

Watch it, thank me later 5/5
I watched the second disc of this documentary last night. Again, simply great.

The entire series gets a 5/5.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+2,382|6745|The North, beyond the wall.
It's on a free channel here. I've watched about half I think. "Hitlers bodyguard" is alright too.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kmar wrote:
Found it on youtybe
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6667|132 and Bush

sweet. i figured it might be since it is an older docu. It runs over four hours in total .. I don't think I'm too keen with watching youtube for four hours tho . find the part where they talk about what the russians did to the german in revenge .. some sadistic shit man. One lady intervied talked about her mom being raped 10-20 times a day. That is unimaginable. They brought the kids out in front of the parents and shot them first because they enjoyed watching the parents lose their minds. What the germans did to handicapped children is pretty fucked up to. I could go on and on.. seriously, if you get the chance watch it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yeah I'll be watching it shortly.

I do remember an interview from another doco where a German woman mentioned the Russian rapings, but said that she made it through with the saying that "Better on your belly with a Russian than on your feet with an American overhead." ie-

On your belly with a Russian raping you, or on your feet with an American (bomber) overhead.

edit: see below

Last edited by AussieReaper (2011-01-14 02:38:27)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Found the quote from Apocalypse: The Second World War.

At the 3 minute mark. Well worth watching the entire 6 part series, but watch the first part and see what you think.

I'd probably say it's one of the best WW2 docos I've seen. Very brutal and realistic. Many parts of it have stayed with me.
+2,382|6745|The North, beyond the wall.
Don't let shahter hear you talking about russians in ww2
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6667|132 and Bush

AussieReaper wrote:

Found the quote from Apocalypse: The Second World War.

At the 3 minute mark. Well worth watching the entire 6 part series, but watch the first part and see what you think.

I'd probably say it's one of the best WW2 docos I've seen. Very brutal and realistic. Many parts of it have stayed with me.
I plan on it. I just had a documentary on the war of 1812 delivered yesterday. I will get apocalypse this w/e. I picked up the one i reviewed because i wanted something that just stayed within the inner workings of the Third Reich. In fact it isn't much of a military documentary in terms of strategy etc..

World at War is also a classic. … B0002F6AH0
I think it might be on youtube also.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

AussieReaper wrote:

Found the quote from Apocalypse: The Second World War.

At the 3 minute mark. Well worth watching the entire 6 part series, but watch the first part and see what you think.

I'd probably say it's one of the best WW2 docos I've seen. Very brutal and realistic. Many parts of it have stayed with me.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6667|132 and Bush

AussieReaper wrote:

Yeah I'll be watching it shortly.

I do remember an interview from another doco where a German woman mentioned the Russian rapings, but said that she made it through with the saying that "Better on your belly with a Russian than on your feet with an American overhead." ie-

On your belly with a Russian raping you, or on your feet with an American (bomber) overhead.

edit: see below
It was mind boggling to see people interviewed with no regret. Part of you wants to appluad their honesty. Part of you wants to kick their elderly asses. As you may know the Nazis enlisted citizens to do their murdering as well. They did it as volunteers. One guy was responsible for murdering countless and burying them in a ditch. His comments went something like "I spent 20 years in prison.. so my conscious is clean" . Er ... wut?
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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