Master of Puppets
Not really a bitch but kinda is, I am sure some will see what I am saying.  EA announces new Patch (YAY!!!!!!) and say very soon, I had heard around Xmas,  it would be released.  Ok I wait and wait, and one day as I start some BF2 I see a  new booster pack schedual to release within a couple of weeks.

Its funny EA hurries to get a paying product out so shove some more green into there deep pockets but yet us as customers have already paid for a game.  Yeah the exploits are nice to fix but the bugs are need to be fixed.  SO if EA can spend time on releasing products that they can make more money off you would think they would spend a lilltle more time and effort on a product they have already released and peep shave already payed for.

  I guess from a profit stand point then they are doing it the right way, but from a customer satifaction stand point they have this mixed up.  Get the primary game fixed (for the most part there will always be bugs and shit to bitch about) and then move on ward and upward.  If peeps are happy with the primary then I would beleive that they would be more inclined to buy the addo-on stuff. 

This is just my outlook on the whole thing and I was curious to see if anyone else saw it as well.  Hope to be killed by ya in the battlefield. 
Well thats what happened to HL2.
EA took over after VU and released all the old mods as separate games. They also realeased the "GOTY edition" of HL2 that is more expencive than the origional HL2 Collectors edition. If VU/Sierra wouldnt have sued Valve we would prolly not have to pay for Day of Defeat.

EA wants money and wants to grow bigger, its simply cooperation!
lol thats the new BF2 and sims game combined, let ur sim become a soldier!
+4|6863|Berlin, Germany
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Lmao battlesims
Scottish Moderator!!!
dont go giving ea ideas please

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