Man, that's got to be one of the best looking ferrari's

Last edited by Toilet Sex (2010-10-30 16:04:43)
racistaerodynamic wrote:
a GT-R doesn't feel as special or have the sense of occasion of a supercar though, that's a massive part with cars like theseiceman785 wrote:
Bentley's are alright, don't really like the idea of a supercar/luxury car. With that money you could buy a new GT-R and a Range Rover.
Last edited by Toilet Sex (2010-11-02 18:00:35)
Last edited by Toilet Sex (2010-11-02 18:09:52)
= MFW a "nice car" is anything above entry level BMW 3series here in Denmark...Toilet Sex wrote:
continental gts, 911s, R8s... they're like arse holes because everyone has one, innit
could include the DB9 and V8 Vantage but they're pretty
porsches and maseratis are so common in rome that people don't even notice them anymore.Uzique wrote:
i swear walking down the hill from campus the other day it was national porsche day
must have seen about 25 in a 1 mile stretch of main-road... i thought it was the same few guys doing laps
would be nice to see some variety of sportscars in the center of rome.Uzique wrote:
haha well there's a maserati dealership 50m from my front-door... i see more of them than i see fords
>Implying it isn't hell to drive cars like Zondas & Koenigseggesseggseeggeggess in citiesaerodynamic wrote:
would be nice to see some variety of sportscars in the center of rome.Uzique wrote:
haha well there's a maserati dealership 50m from my front-door... i see more of them than i see fords
Like a koenigesegg or a pagani. Even Ferraris and Lambos are common nowdays.
Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-11-03 08:18:21)
I believe those are called flying cars.Uzique wrote:
hypercar is a fucking gay term
i'll call something a 'hypercar' when it flies through the air like in sci-fi films or some shit