I think you mis-interpret "something nice"...Uzique wrote:
quality made clothing cost maybe 2x more than the high-street equivalent. a luxury car costs 5x, 10x, 15x, maybe even 20x a regular car. also clothing is directly affecting your personal appearance, which is obviously far more important to people (people in general, not talking about myself or anyone specifically) than a vehicle for getting from a->b. cars and luxury products (what economists call 'veblen' goods after mr. thorstein) are sold completely on advertising and brand value: they're 'look at me! my dick is bigger!' kinda goods. same sorta deal as people that go to restaurants and buy caviar. it's a status signifier... or, well, was. that's my point: they no longer signify status. nowadays anyone with a decent fulltime job could prioritise and own one of these 'luxury' brands - they don't signify the same status anymore. it's not the same as driving a rolls royce or a bentley in the 1930's, when cars were pretty rare on the roads anyway, let alone a luxury car. nowadays you can drive down any motorway in the uk and one in every 3 cars will be one of these supposedly 'luxury' (read: priced 5x, 10x, 15x, 20x higher than its average counterpart)- cars. it's like a generic uniform for the insipid middle class.
and as for your last sentence, what i am saying is if that's the way your world works, something is very wrong with it. since when did people consign their personal happiness to their ability to throw vast amounts of money at material objects? this is the way the world has been since the 1960's, maybe, at the very earliest. and it hasn't got us very far. it hasn't got you out of your parents basement, depressed, too paralysed to move or even try to be a success in your life, has it? you've given up hope before you've even started: everything is "too expensive" or "not a good enough opportunity". so clearly if that's the 'way the world is', you need a one way space shuttle ticket.
A brand new VW Polo/Golf counts as "nice" in my books... Ferrari, Porsche and so on, are just dumb to even hope for when you live in +180% registration tax land, not to mention there are better things to spend your money on unless you are swimming in it...
You can't deny there is a significant difference in quality on e.g. a VW over a (european) chevrolet... Then come looks, but those are subjective...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me