lol, i wouldnt worry about Iran i'd worry more about the United States they are the cause of alot of problems more so then the terrorists.
lol im from aus yer but i support an admier the country israel - they fucked over egypt , syria , jordan and lebanon ... WHOS NEXT
Last edited by I.M.I Militant (2006-01-15 16:52:41)
Sharon had a STROKE jackass.FrEaK wrote:
I think they should put the israel and iran leaders in a boxing match and see which one will win, that would be the
best solution
WTF, they commit atrocities against the Palestinians and they pretty much started terrorism in the Middle East. Directly and indirectly. Dear god...I.M.I Militant wrote:
lol im from aus yer but i support an admier the country israel - they fucked over egypt , syria , jordan and lebanon ... WHOS NEXT
The British had a point when they tried to stop Jewish refugees from migrating to the Middle East. Israel has been the one of the top sources of tension in the Middle East, excluding the would-be Kuwait invasion and the Russian involvement in Afghanistan and other countries.
Those of you who are not afraid of Iran possessing nuclear capabilities need to WAKE UP. The thought of the Iranians possessing nukes scares the living shit out of me. Why? Not because they'll use them, but they'll sell them to PEOPLE WHO WILL. Some of you seem to forget that Iran is run by hardline, Islamic fundamentalists that would like nothing more than to see the US, Israel, and their allies completely destroyed.
You know, I'm not a Bill O'Rielly pimp, I don't even agree with most of what he says. But when he said that it's going to take another 9/11 to get some of you to wake up and pay attention, I whole-heartedly believe it. It's amazing that you dismiss a potential threat like Iran as if it were a gnat flying around in your face.
I agree with the people who say that the US, England and Israel are not in a position to get involved militarily (directly, that is). But the Iranian government is so dumb, they snubbed the only real support they had going for them, Russia. The new German Chancellor's opinion is also more in line with the US and England. The only real wild card on the UN security council is China. But as more and more EU and UN members fall in line with the US, Russia, Germany, England, etc... they won't want to be the odd man out, they won't veto any resolutions.
This is the EU's time to step up to the plate and flex some economic and if necessary, military muscle. Not in an "all out" invasion, but precise air strikes that will disable any nuclear capabilities of Iran. But that should be the absolute last...LAST resort. A diplomatic solution must continue to be strived for, but Iran is not doing itself any favors by thumbing their noses at the only allies they had.
An interesting thing to watch in this is that Iran, has a very young, western-thinking population. If the UN can pass some tough economic resolutions to cripple Iran's economy, maybe...just maybe...that population will rise up from under the thumb of Islamic funamentalism.
But if we have to take out the reactors ourseelves, so be it...
You know, I'm not a Bill O'Rielly pimp, I don't even agree with most of what he says. But when he said that it's going to take another 9/11 to get some of you to wake up and pay attention, I whole-heartedly believe it. It's amazing that you dismiss a potential threat like Iran as if it were a gnat flying around in your face.
I agree with the people who say that the US, England and Israel are not in a position to get involved militarily (directly, that is). But the Iranian government is so dumb, they snubbed the only real support they had going for them, Russia. The new German Chancellor's opinion is also more in line with the US and England. The only real wild card on the UN security council is China. But as more and more EU and UN members fall in line with the US, Russia, Germany, England, etc... they won't want to be the odd man out, they won't veto any resolutions.
This is the EU's time to step up to the plate and flex some economic and if necessary, military muscle. Not in an "all out" invasion, but precise air strikes that will disable any nuclear capabilities of Iran. But that should be the absolute last...LAST resort. A diplomatic solution must continue to be strived for, but Iran is not doing itself any favors by thumbing their noses at the only allies they had.
An interesting thing to watch in this is that Iran, has a very young, western-thinking population. If the UN can pass some tough economic resolutions to cripple Iran's economy, maybe...just maybe...that population will rise up from under the thumb of Islamic funamentalism.
But if we have to take out the reactors ourseelves, so be it...
Last edited by BigSwoll (2006-01-16 02:59:31)
strangely enough, this could lead to a better relationship between the US and the EU ( which has been somewhat shattered since the iraq war ).
I hope for a UN resolution, and a diplomatic solution in the end. No one should die for this.
I hope for a UN resolution, and a diplomatic solution in the end. No one should die for this.
hahaha resolution...hahahahB.Schuss wrote:
strangely enough, this could lead to a better relationship between the US and the EU ( which has been somewhat shattered since the iraq war ).
I hope for a UN resolution, and a diplomatic solution in the end. No one should die for this.
hows about"peaceprocess"
haha stupid ol man running the world..
Make war! not love.=good for buisness...hee pffrtt.
Wow, amazing how many people hate Israel. Some Jews turn a piece of crap patch of desert that nobody else wanted, into a sprawling desert oasis, and everybody gets pissed off.
Iran is being sneakier with it's nuclear plants than Iraq was. Bombing it will be a little more dificult.
We should bomb them after the UN fails to enforce it's resolutions, and sanctions don't work. (because France will continue to sell them goods).
Iran is being sneakier with it's nuclear plants than Iraq was. Bombing it will be a little more dificult.
We should bomb them after the UN fails to enforce it's resolutions, and sanctions don't work. (because France will continue to sell them goods).
O...well...IF I had more time to rip on yet another retared Canadian, I would, BUT I can't right now.Berserk_Vampire wrote:
lol, i wouldnt worry about Iran i'd worry more about the United States they are the cause of alot of problems more so then the terrorists.
All I can say in the time given to me is, the ONLY reason we are in this war is because terrorists began attacking first. If we caused more problems then the terrorits, do you think they have thousands of dead CIVILIANS? NO! We try to kill as little as possible, unless we ABSOLUTLEY have to kill civilians. The terrorists are the ones smuggling oil, bombing us, O YA and SEPTEMBER 11th!
If no won was bombing us, we would not be in Iraq or Surruonding countries.
Also The Iraqi government were gassing their own villages were civilians lived. We are tring to HELP.
SO when I have more time I'll cut into you...Canadian... more.
He does look normal... now. Not so much back in the late '70's, though...Erkut.hv wrote:
kinda funny, the dude look snormal (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad), but he's out of his friggin mind. One of the most oil-rich countries on the planet, and they need nuclear energy? For what? All of the mud huts really have electricity?

The prisoner with the bag over his head is an American hostage during Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979. The angry guy second from the right appears to be Ahmadinejad (though I have not seen sufficient evidence to prove this is him, but sure looks like him to me and many others).

More info: … ages.phtml
That choice is solely left up to Israel. The US has no reason to start aggravating Iran. If Iran decides to try to wipe Israel off the map, Israel will strike fast and will strike hard.
Plus, I can see why Iran would want nukes...Iraq was invaded by the largest military force in the world, and they'd probably enjoy some defense leverage against the US. We should not do ANYTHING until they provoke it; we are not the police of the world. Plus, if they launch a nuke against us, we'll nail it before it even leaves their airspace.
Like a bully throwing rocks at kids on a playground. The bully has already hit two kids, and another large kid has picked up rocks and was in a standoff with the bully. Other kids on the playground have picked up rocks just in case any retaliation occurs. And now Iran is one more kid picking up rocks, but with a target already glimmering in their eyes.
Plus, I can see why Iran would want nukes...Iraq was invaded by the largest military force in the world, and they'd probably enjoy some defense leverage against the US. We should not do ANYTHING until they provoke it; we are not the police of the world. Plus, if they launch a nuke against us, we'll nail it before it even leaves their airspace.
Like a bully throwing rocks at kids on a playground. The bully has already hit two kids, and another large kid has picked up rocks and was in a standoff with the bully. Other kids on the playground have picked up rocks just in case any retaliation occurs. And now Iran is one more kid picking up rocks, but with a target already glimmering in their eyes.
Last edited by Marconius (2006-01-16 10:00:24)
There's a problem with your argument. We put Sadam in power. That's right, we did. We did it when it benefitted us, and when his iron rule brought about sanctions that cut off supplies of oil coming out of that country, we go in, first under the idea that they had WMDs. Everyone wants to say that Bush acted on what he thought was good intelligence, but when weapons inspectors were finding nothing, why did GWB kick them out and send in troops anyway? I'll tell you why. He damn well knew that the inspectors would find nothing and his reasons for going in would be upset. So in go the troops, and we still haven't found the WMDs, so now the reason is to liberate Iraq from a cruel dictator.chickenmuncher wrote:
O...well...IF I had more time to rip on yet another retared Canadian, I would, BUT I can't right now.Berserk_Vampire wrote:
lol, i wouldnt worry about Iran i'd worry more about the United States they are the cause of alot of problems more so then the terrorists.
All I can say in the time given to me is, the ONLY reason we are in this war is because terrorists began attacking first. If we caused more problems then the terrorits, do you think they have thousands of dead CIVILIANS? NO! We try to kill as little as possible, unless we ABSOLUTLEY have to kill civilians. The terrorists are the ones smuggling oil, bombing us, O YA and SEPTEMBER 11th!
If no won was bombing us, we would not be in Iraq or Surruonding countries.
Also The Iraqi government were gassing their own villages were civilians lived. We are tring to HELP.
SO when I have more time I'll cut into you...Canadian... more.
Okay, so now we are liberators. Yes, Sadam was a bad guy, but that gives us no reason at all to attack a soverign nation, who until this very day, can't be fully associated with anything to do with 9/11. I also question why there have been millions killed in Africa and other nations with their religious and ethnic cleansings going on, yet we have done little or nothing to stop it. Why? The reason is simple, those countries don't have large supplies of oil or other natural resources from which we can benefit.
nuff said...
These days, I like to call africa the "forgotten continent".
Which is probably what would happen if OP's had the ability to edit other people's postsMarconius wrote:
Good job CNN for nearly starting WWIII...
Marconius: Why do you say that Iran wants nuclear weapons as a defense against the US? By starting research again, they only provoke the US and the rest of the world. Of course, they want the leverage that Nukes give them. If Iran did launch nukes, the US has no effective way to shoot them down...unless you know some classified stuff I don't. The US's anti-missile systems are either iffy or still under development.
On another note:
We should remember that the Iranian leadership does not always act logically. For example, the president stated that the Holocaust never happened. But then went on to say that if the Western world wronged the Jews, why not put Israel in Alaska? I ask, does this sound like a sane man?
On another note:
We should remember that the Iranian leadership does not always act logically. For example, the president stated that the Holocaust never happened. But then went on to say that if the Western world wronged the Jews, why not put Israel in Alaska? I ask, does this sound like a sane man?
Well, I can't tell you much about our ICBM defense systems (except that my dad works in that section of Lockheed) but we're good in that aspect. Once again, though, they aren't going after the US unless WE provoke Them. Telling them they can't have Nuclear power just because they'd then have access to weapons grade uranium is just stupid.
I know the Iranian government doesn't act logically, and they've been all talk for a while now. Can you give me a direct instance when they've physically menaced the US or wanted to cause harm directly to us?
I figure the Iranian people (I know they don't like to be called that, but hey) are stuck in the same place that Americans are in. The people are fine, but are on the most part powerless against the people they've put in control. We have asshats in control in both the US and Iran, and all the people can do is sit back and watch and worry.
I know the Iranian government doesn't act logically, and they've been all talk for a while now. Can you give me a direct instance when they've physically menaced the US or wanted to cause harm directly to us?
I figure the Iranian people (I know they don't like to be called that, but hey) are stuck in the same place that Americans are in. The people are fine, but are on the most part powerless against the people they've put in control. We have asshats in control in both the US and Iran, and all the people can do is sit back and watch and worry.
Well, good for us! ICBM defense is finally comming into its own.
I agree that they are all talk. 100% But would we manage to find out if they were planning something...if unofficial or non-electronic methods are used to convey information, it becomes very hard to track. No, I do not know of any direct threats against the US, but Tehran is supportive of Islamic Fundamentalist organizations (along with a lot of other governments and powerfull groups).
I wish the people of Iran (those who want to live in peace and comfort) all the luck in the world.
The real question is, does the world want another nuclear power? Do we want a right-wing Islamic government to posses WMDs?
I say no.
Nuclear energy is one thing, weapons grade fissile material is another. It cannot easily be used in power plants, it has but one purpose. On the upside, nuclear material can be traced back to its source. If Iranian weapons were used, we would know. Therefore, they really don't want to use/sell it to groups that want war with the US.
I think the problem with new nuclear powers is that they use it as leverage. The US and Russia use their power as a "last resort," not a bargaining chip to hold over other nations.
Possessing nuclear weapons is like walking around with an armed grenade, saying, "It's for my own protection." Mutually Assured Destruction is MAD!
I agree that they are all talk. 100% But would we manage to find out if they were planning something...if unofficial or non-electronic methods are used to convey information, it becomes very hard to track. No, I do not know of any direct threats against the US, but Tehran is supportive of Islamic Fundamentalist organizations (along with a lot of other governments and powerfull groups).
I wish the people of Iran (those who want to live in peace and comfort) all the luck in the world.
The real question is, does the world want another nuclear power? Do we want a right-wing Islamic government to posses WMDs?
I say no.
Nuclear energy is one thing, weapons grade fissile material is another. It cannot easily be used in power plants, it has but one purpose. On the upside, nuclear material can be traced back to its source. If Iranian weapons were used, we would know. Therefore, they really don't want to use/sell it to groups that want war with the US.
I think the problem with new nuclear powers is that they use it as leverage. The US and Russia use their power as a "last resort," not a bargaining chip to hold over other nations.
Possessing nuclear weapons is like walking around with an armed grenade, saying, "It's for my own protection." Mutually Assured Destruction is MAD!
Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-01-16 20:08:38) … 77,00.html
Not a bloke who's finger I'd want hovering over that big red button...
And below is a link that might provoke some thought on what could happen in the near-future Middle East: … 01,00.html
Not a bloke who's finger I'd want hovering over that big red button...
And below is a link that might provoke some thought on what could happen in the near-future Middle East: … 01,00.html
Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2006-01-17 00:13:39)
this is what the end of the world is gonna be like... only if iran had nukes
cuss the or some secret agency put ebola and aids there...B.Schuss wrote:
These days, I like to call africa the "forgotten continent".
guess who...?
I don't know why so many people here (especially from the US) always want to bomb something which they are afraid of... Yes Ladies and Gentlemen... those who cry the loudest for bombs have the greatest fear of that they don't understand. So honestly: how much do you know about Iraq and Iran (media propaganda and Discovery Channel does NOT count).
By the way: someone said here, that Israel was a strip of land nobody wanted... If nobody wanted it, then I wonder, why the Palestinians are so pissed of over decades... and why they say, that this is their land (wonder why it was called Palestina in the first place)?
You see... Nuclear Weapons are always fright inspiring... but who in the world has most of them? And which population seems to support a military solution to problems most? I give you a hint... 3 Letters, first one is a U, last one an A and of the three guesses two do not count...
By the way... why complain? US helped Saddam Hussein to grasp power in Iraq... US deposed of the Shah in Iran which made way to the Ayatolla rule, US helped Gaddafi to power, US supplied the Mujaheddin with weapons and training in Afghanistan, US had the CIA train Osama bin Laden... It is really highly interesting that nearly everyone that the US sees as terrorist (aka enemy) was formerly strongly supported by them... Which brings me to the question: Isn't this a strong sign, that the US created their own enemies by themselves? Who can be so naive to believe that by helping a dictator on the throne that guy will give eternal thankfulness? Come people, get real....
By the way: someone said here, that Israel was a strip of land nobody wanted... If nobody wanted it, then I wonder, why the Palestinians are so pissed of over decades... and why they say, that this is their land (wonder why it was called Palestina in the first place)?
You see... Nuclear Weapons are always fright inspiring... but who in the world has most of them? And which population seems to support a military solution to problems most? I give you a hint... 3 Letters, first one is a U, last one an A and of the three guesses two do not count...
By the way... why complain? US helped Saddam Hussein to grasp power in Iraq... US deposed of the Shah in Iran which made way to the Ayatolla rule, US helped Gaddafi to power, US supplied the Mujaheddin with weapons and training in Afghanistan, US had the CIA train Osama bin Laden... It is really highly interesting that nearly everyone that the US sees as terrorist (aka enemy) was formerly strongly supported by them... Which brings me to the question: Isn't this a strong sign, that the US created their own enemies by themselves? Who can be so naive to believe that by helping a dictator on the throne that guy will give eternal thankfulness? Come people, get real....