You with the face!
This really is a complex situation.  The US is already involved in two theaters, and trying to keep an eye on places like North Korea (possibly the competition for "World's Most Dangerous Nation").  I think it would be dangerous for the US to become involved militarily.  We already have many troops in Iraq and Afganistan.  Attacking Iran would give them the opportunity to invade (or at least try to) Iraq.  They could incite a lot of terrorist activities...yes they already do, but more so if the US attacked.  Israel is under pressure not to do much in the way of military action, in general.  If they took out Iran's plant, they would create a political and idealogical firestorm.

My worry is that Iran uses its nuclear capability as political leverage, while selling some to terrorists.  Meanwhile, North Korea may get its own ideas.
Iran forces the world to act...with the US at the front of the line...and breeds more reasons for terrrorists to attack.  PLUS destabilizing the entire Middle East.  If Iran causes another war, they have the potential (in my fairly uneducated opinion) to severely hurt the industrialized world.

It's obvious that they don't have the military power to win a conflict, but their location and ideaology (sp?)gives them quite a bit of leverage.

Just a few thoughts.
Aussie Outlaw

paranoid101 wrote:

As you know Iran is giving big two fingers to the UN and EU, by starting It's Nuclear Program again and breaking the UN seals on it's reactors.

The Premier of Iran has already said he wants to wipe Israel from the Map.

What do you think can/should be done and has Iran now become the worlds most dangerous Country.
Hmmm, now which country as done stuff like that before?

Most Dangerous Nations are Isreal, US and China.
+32|7030|Wherever the F**k i feel like

boomshagalaga wrote:

The U.S. absolutely is not in the position to invade Iran at this moment. Enough said.
wtf are you talkin bout see it would be easier to take down iran cause iran has an organized army and the us and eu have enough whoop ass to spare
You with the face!
Do you remember why Germany lost WWII?  Two fronts + Italy...Same Idea here.
Defeating their army is the easy part.  Subduing Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists is the problem...just like in Iraq.
Iran, Syria, and other extremist-led nations are all objects of the world-wide fight against Terrorism.  All those radical extremist countries harbor and pump out terrorists.  They will obviously be dealt with... the question is: when?

It is very hard to fight wars nowadays (as we can see in Iraq) so we need to have a lot of conditions.  One of which is public consent, which in such a liberal-oriented country as the US, is hard to find.  Whatever happened to patriotism?  Or even a perverted form of patriotic nationalism for one's own government?  Some call it "blind freedom", I call it serving YOUR government.
+32|7030|Wherever the F**k i feel like
ok i live in america and know bout patriotism and the willing to fight. its everywhere in america you just gotta know who to talk to. AND I FUCKING HATE LIBERALS
You with the face!
Another issue to be noted is that the american public will not tolerate the death of soldiers.
Just look at Somalia.  The US pulled out after loosing a few troops.

The US cannot easily fight another war now.  The support is not there.

I think a war with Iran is comming, unless we deal with them like we deal with North Korea.
Either way, I don't like the results.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-01-14 23:41:01)

Aussie Outlaw

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

ok i live in america and know bout patriotism and the willing to fight. its everywhere in america you just gotta know who to talk to. AND I FUCKING HATE LIBERALS
lol... pin dick
the israelies made an air strike against it before they will do it again
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

All I know is actions like this http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/0 … index.html are bound to spark anti-american sentiments, and also damage america's reputation considerably.
what will happen when iran finishes contructing the plant? no airstrike? they broken the UN policy!!! just bomb the shit out of that plant
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7037|Melbourne, Australia
hel have me and the I.D.F to deal with b4 he can do anything ... an believe me .. we wont go easy on the poof
Aurora bombers!!!!

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

boomshagalaga wrote:

The U.S. absolutely is not in the position to invade Iran at this moment. Enough said.
wtf are you talkin bout see it would be easier to take down iran cause iran has an organized army and the us and eu have enough whoop ass to spare
No, wtf are you talking about ? They U.S. has their handsfull in Iraq already. If the U.S. invades Iran, imagine Iraq times 7, suicide bombers would be rampant, the U.S. would be under attack bi-weekly and the American people would have no support in the war whatsoever.

Go watch the History Channel.

Last edited by boomshagalaga (2006-01-15 06:15:16)

I think they should put the israel and iran leaders in a boxing match and see which one will win, that would be the
best solution
+89|7031|Sheffield, England
ahh just send the best troops in the world to sort it out if it goes too far, the SAS will do it fast and effectively.
yeh, just not them ones .... "starlight now!"
I think it's time for the US and Brits to sit one out. I'd like to see some other countys do the job. Like the french who never do anything but bash the US and England. Lets see some of them die for freedom. The only problem is France would get there ass kicked and we would have to do the job after they do what they do best surender and run. Its someone elses turn. No one wanted us to take out Iraq, no one supported us. So lets not get involved till they can't handle it. Then maybe next time something comes up they'll be more willing to help us.
I cnat slpel!!!

yuck7777 wrote:

I think it's time for the US and Brits to sit one out. I'd like to see some other countys do the job. Like the french who never do anything but bash the US and England. Lets see some of them die for freedom. The only problem is France would get there ass kicked and we would have to do the job after they do what they do best surender and run. Its someone elses turn. No one wanted us to take out Iraq, no one supported us. So lets not get involved till they can't handle it. Then maybe next time something comes up they'll be more willing to help us.
You seem to forget the fact that we'r all in the same world together.. So what if France "gets it's ass kicked" and the Iranians launch nuclear missiles at everything? How do you propose you will solve it? by launching missilies right back at 'em?

Blasting this world to pieces will not fulfill the victory-conditions of this game...
Well, the problem is that the US and England Always have to do the job. You say were all in this together! Well were was everyone else when we went into Iraq? Everyone turned there backs on us. You just prove my point, everyone wants the US to do there dirty work. The US gives billions of dollars to countrys all over the world to help there economys. We spill our blood to keep everyone else safe and free and what do we get? STABBED in the back by our suposed friends in the world. If we stopped this practice, no more hand outs and protection the world would go into chaos. The UN is a joke! If the US pulled out of it it would fall apart. We should form a new union with our true friends and say the hell with everyone else. And Only protect each other.
And don't forget we are the only ones that have nuked another county so were not afraid to use them. If Iran nuked someone we would wipe them from the map.

Last edited by yuck7777 (2006-01-15 10:02:33)

Aussie Outlaw

I.M.I Militant wrote:

hel have me and the I.D.F to deal with b4 he can do anything ... an believe me .. we wont go easy on the poof
"We" You're in Australia. Wanna play hero with the IDF go to Isreal and kill children.
I cnat slpel!!!

yuck7777 wrote:

Well, the problem is that the US and England Always have to do the job. You say were all in this together! Well were was everyone else when we went into Iraq? Everyone turned there backs on us. You just prove my point, everyone wants the US to do there dirty work. The US gives billions of dollars to countrys all over the world to help there economys. We spill our blood to keep everyone else safe and free and what do we get? STABBED in the back by our suposed friends in the world. If we stopped this practice, no more hand outs and protection the world would go into chaos. The UN is a joke! If the US pulled out of it it would fall apart. We should form a new union with our true friends and say the hell with everyone else. And Only protect each other.
Hm.. That was alot of info nicely wrapped up and dished out for everyone to accept...

Perhaps you could split up your views and give some additional info, so that even a stupid Norwegian can understand..
for example - what do you mean when you say that the US and England is always alone in fighting the bad guys?  And what do you mean that you got stabbed in the back by your supposed friends - who stabbed and when?

I'm interested in a little debate, but I would like you to get your meaning across instead of me just flaming away..


Last edited by Friluftshund (2006-01-15 10:02:54)

The 'president' of Iran has an affiliation with a Shia sect which claims that the coming of the Mahdi (a kind of Islamic messiah - the 12th Imam) will be preceded by death, destruction and chaos on Earth, and that humans are able to hasten that coming by creating the chaos.

Hence, the reason why Iran wants nukes. They will ship them in containers to Europe and the US and launch them at Israel. In the ensuing chaos, the Mahdi will arrive and save the day.

Of course, there is no such things as the Mahdi, so all that will happen is that millions of people will die.

Can anyone see 1938 repeating itself here?

Friluftshund wrote:

yuck7777 wrote:

Well, the problem is that the US and England Always have to do the job. You say were all in this together! Well were was everyone else when we went into Iraq? Everyone turned there backs on us. You just prove my point, everyone wants the US to do there dirty work. The US gives billions of dollars to countrys all over the world to help there economys. We spill our blood to keep everyone else safe and free and what do we get? STABBED in the back by our suposed friends in the world. If we stopped this practice, no more hand outs and protection the world would go into chaos. The UN is a joke! If the US pulled out of it it would fall apart. We should form a new union with our true friends and say the hell with everyone else. And Only protect each other.
Hm.. That was alot of info nicely wrapped up and dished out for everyone to accept...

Perhaps you could split up your views and give some additional info, so that even a stupid Norwegian can understand..
for example - what do you mean when you say that the US and England is always alone in fighting the bad guys?  And what do you mean that you got stabbed in the back by your supposed friends - who stabbed and when?

I'm interested in a little debate, but I would like you to get your meaning across instead of me just flaming away..

First Of all I don't think your stupid. Second Yes other countrys did send troops in small numbers. Norway for instance sent 10 soilders. Japan sent a few hundred. The island of Figi sent 150,etc. The US and England together sent more than 150,000. Of couse I have no problem with any of theses countrys, At least they helped.
Now the back stabber. France sold the Iraqis $20 billion in weapons and spare parts. In exchange France got 23% of the Iraqis oil production. All this while Iraq was under UN sanctions from the first gulf war. So of couse this is why they opposed the invasion of Iraq.
I cnat slpel!!!

yuck7777 wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

yuck7777 wrote:

Well, the problem is that the US and England Always have to do the job. You say were all in this together! Well were was everyone else when we went into Iraq? Everyone turned there backs on us. You just prove my point, everyone wants the US to do there dirty work. The US gives billions of dollars to countrys all over the world to help there economys. We spill our blood to keep everyone else safe and free and what do we get? STABBED in the back by our suposed friends in the world. If we stopped this practice, no more hand outs and protection the world would go into chaos. The UN is a joke! If the US pulled out of it it would fall apart. We should form a new union with our true friends and say the hell with everyone else. And Only protect each other.
Hm.. That was alot of info nicely wrapped up and dished out for everyone to accept...

Perhaps you could split up your views and give some additional info, so that even a stupid Norwegian can understand..
for example - what do you mean when you say that the US and England is always alone in fighting the bad guys?  And what do you mean that you got stabbed in the back by your supposed friends - who stabbed and when?

I'm interested in a little debate, but I would like you to get your meaning across instead of me just flaming away..

First Of all I don't think your stupid. Second Yes other countrys did send troops in small numbers. Norway for instance sent 10 soilders. Japan sent a few hundred. The island of Figi sent 150,etc. The US and England together sent more than 150,000. Of couse I have no problem with any of theses countrys, At least they helped.
Now the back stabber. France sold the Iraqis $20 billion in weapons and spare parts. In exchange France got 23% of the Iraqis oil production. All this while Iraq was under UN sanctions from the first gulf war. So of couse this is why they opposed the invasion of Iraq.
Thanks for not thinking me stupid

I may not be stupid, but I am an student (one who has just recently been indoctrinated in the use of sources and of referencing) So that makes me a rigid prick atleast

So I definatly need to know who says what I hope you can appreciate that info coming from people with personal interests will angle the story in their favour (and in some sad instances people will just give an outright lie)

I agree that France benefitting from US/UK embargo of Iraq sounds awful - but is that the whole story? Why hasn't news-agencies picked up on it?

I'd always like to discuss stuff - but getting both sides views is generally the best way in my humble opinion..

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