BigBalls wrote:
g3 = a Lot? this is a joke right? i'd say maybe...maybe one person on a 50 man map will use this weapon...on average.
I have access to a few kickers...I will give a look to see the classes folks are playing and let you know. Now that you mention it I'd be intersted in seeing what the majority is.
Stats suggesting skill is not an arguable point. I will concede that they don't paint they whole picture and there is more to the game then K/D ratio but at the end of the day the team that kills more people wins. Point B is about the only one you make with any validity and even it has little significance in the overall picture. Good players will stay alive longer to let folks spawn on them more ...or clear more people out before they go down allowing their squad to mop up and rez with a greater frequency.
No-validity, huh? Me thinks you, in fact, did not put much effort into that conclusion.
Gee I am sorry I play SF, Devils Perch, or any other map or server you don't - and they actually use the G3 sometimes even a LOT, on certain MAPs of course, my BAD! (No Joke). I use it to (on Devils Perch a LOT even)! Did I hide some equivocation of an absolute in my statement - covering all game use idea - some weird map-use-player-use STAT? Or was I merely relaying a generalization of my experience that I have seen it used - even a lot?
“Suggesting” might have been inappropriate word choice from your perspective (not sure why?), but it certainly was not the crux of the idea. Nor am I sure why you ran rough-shot over the idea and got hung on a word - then in fact agreed with the idea?
STATs are an arguable point. . . as a suggestion (complete indication) of good-play, as a suggestion (complete indication) of how skilled you really are. . .
A good player caught in the crossfire of 10 good player opponents.
A good player caught in the crossfire of 10 not so good (or inaccurate, or laggy) player opponents.
Is not the same thing - I know this must be clear to you.
Your kill ratio will go UP when a team is good - it will go DOWN when the team is bad. Along an analogous line - a great NFL Quarterback will have worse STATs if he has no decent receivers to throw too.
I for one don’t think that an actual (real) skill like sniping - is suggested by any so-called decent BF2:game stat, and the like.
BigBalls wrote:
Good players will stay alive longer to let folks spawn on them more
Exactly! Yet this depends on the quality of the TEAM as well, but considering your example, I see another STAT aspect subject to TEAM quality, and not just PLAYER ability-skill-quality, suggested as well:
(Example:) Two equally skilled players. One has a good squad-leader spawn point the other none at all other than a distant flag. Which ones STATs for that moment in time (in that round) will be better? The one that had to foot-it for some time to get a kill - or the beam-me-up-scottie insta-spawn at the kill location?
STATs are an arguable point (as clearly suggesting skill, accuracy, etc. . .):
Is a player with an accuracy rating with a weapon 15.2% better than someone with 15.1%? Or even lower better than someone with 13%. To much is not reflected in the STATs, to determine so-called game-skill with any certainty.
- Some teams SUCK (made of on-line players that clearly SUCK) beyond belief (they don’t move & cap flags, they reject the commanders orders, snipers who make a squad in an excellent position yet LOCK IT!, etc. . .) and YOU are subject to getting crappy STATs if you have the courage to STAY on a CRAPPY or not so good team, but many don’t (me included sometimes). Also I have seen so-called good skilled (has good STATs) players leave a server (disconnect) after a short while - simply because they ended up on a CRAPPY TEAM, even leave when the team was not crappy - just not STACKED. Some players only want to play on STACKED teams - where it’s experienced (and/or + clan-players, or clan servers) against less experienced, lower ranked or newbie players. And, honestly who wants to just play on the losing side?
Also CLAN members often have good STATs, but when they play on non-clan servers, & can’t TK for a vehicle, spawn-camp, base-rape, etc. . . they get owned and/or are not as good as the STATs suggest.
And good players WILL NOT STAY ALIVE all that long when saddled on a team that SUCKS.
Also on some "Moders" servers there is no auto-balance and the teams will, almost always(!), be stacked 40 to 20 against the MEC side. And these same guys will play this server over and over; and have told me when I said, “Don’t you think this is unfair?” they said “So what why don’t you just leave,” I said “Fine, and bye!”. 20 guys desperately defending against the crossfire of 34 guys 3 armored units + 3 more armored units (when the back base is capped). Yeah I agree “STATs don’t tell; “suggest”; it ALL” - what a joke it would be even entertain such an idea in mind, if you don’t fine - but many do.
If STATs were comprehensive and they aren’t, they would reflect ALL the real things that players do and what happens to players as well - they don’t.
a.) They don’t differentiate between a team-kill, an enemy-kill, a friendly art.y-kill, an enemy art.y-kill, team-damage that lead to an enemy-kill, etc. . .
b.) Auto-switched to the loosing (worse) team.
c.) Easy spawn-kills - how many you have.
d.) How many times you’ve been spawn killed.
e.) How many times you’ve been revived or healed significantly.
f.) How many times you’ve actually been killed, discounting the magic shock-paddled back to life scenario.
g.) How many players were playing the same kit in relation to you - in a round. And this is a significant issue - if you actually think about it. (Example: I have been on teams were nearly no-one will choose the AT kit, and the armored units run free.)
h.) Suppressing fire - this is a real war-tactic - is not reflected at all in your STATs. In fact any ammo used as suppressive-fire, or grenade-spamming, or grenade-launch spamming will make your stat.s go DOWN. When in fact this is a GOOD war-tactic.
i.) They don’t reflect how much troop support you received when you killed an enemy, capped a flag, defended a flag, etc.
j.) They don’t reflect how many times you’ve been TK-ed for a vehicle, or been subject to other jerky on-line “that’s my vehicle” behavior.
k.) Etc. . .
Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-19 11:19:55)