+72|6575|United States
The top 10 players are really flucuating as of late.
Bushviper dropped from the top 10 completely. Firestorms been inactive for over a month now. Volx is playing more than ever, and theres alot of "I play alot, but have no skill" players in the top 10 now.

I'm guessing Firestorm cant handle not being #1 or #2 so he stopped playing. It's quite sad that once someones not ranked #1 or close to it, there world suddently comes to an end. Or he got tired of looking at rhe commander screen all day.

Last edited by reefl3x (2006-10-17 21:55:29)

how could u do that reeflex that would be boring as hell i hate being commander.... tank whoring is for nubs that dont want to face other tanks
He is bunnyhopping with his PKM all the time, search or try youtube and type Volx`name there. Ull see his scores... Only Kills and Ammo pts....

reefl3x wrote:

I'm guessing Firestorm cant handle not being #1 or #2 so he stopped playing. It's quite sad that once someones not ranked #1 or close to it, there world suddently comes to an end.
So when someone plays all day long people are "What a nerd LOLZ".
When the same person stop playing, idiotic arguments like this come out.

Maybe he is just bored of bf2? He found something better to do? Who gives a fuck?

Really, 42 pages of bs about 2 strangers' lives.
Looks like A LOT of people need to get a life, not Firestorm and Volx.
+2|6642|So Cal
I dont think he could find something better to do.  Once you know you have invested like a thousand hours in a game, if you decide to quit, you know those thousand hours have now been pointless.  But if you continue to play, those hours are still important.
I cant believe we are still on this issue .....
+632|6789|do not disturb

reefl3x wrote:

The top 10 players are really flucuating as of late.
Bushviper dropped from the top 10 completely. Firestorms been inactive for over a month now. Volx is playing more than ever, and theres alot of "I play alot, but have no skill" players in the top 10 now.

I'm guessing Firestorm cant handle not being #1 or #2 so he stopped playing. It's quite sad that once someones not ranked #1 or close to it, there world suddently comes to an end. Or he got tired of looking at rhe commander screen all day.
He stopped playing pretty much after POE 2 came out. He was playing in the TW thing I think.
+28|6608|Jax, Fl

WhiteBoy88 wrote:

DeepSkysUrGe wrote:

I wish i didn't have a job, any repsonsibilities, a girlfriend, or family to devote my time too...sigh...if it were for all these things i could be the new Volx.
Are you serious? Look at his stats..... Do you really want to be the next big Strike at Karkand Support kit grenade spammer?

Diversity FTW
Yeah cuz then i'd be 5up3r 1337x0rz and people would make a thread about me.
Internet Superhero
Firestorm commited suicide. found a life. -=[RD]=- Volx is still alive and point farming. I wonder how will he look like by now does he even has time for personal hygiene?
---hates you
+1,137|6930|Hell, p.o box 666

Hm, I still think this topic deserves to die! Closed this topic by now. If there is any further need, let me know. 43 pages, pfffffffff. Eh, btw, Firestorm is only 5th by now

FYI: new topics about those top10(?) players will be closed! No need to create some.


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