Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6884|Bryan/College Station, TX
I have posted the following in these locations. I would appreciate your support in this issue. To lend that support simply reply to these messages and keep them bumped for popularity. Hopefully there would be some kind of response from DICE Live Team on the issue then.

General Forum - … p;tstart=0
Freeback Forum - … p;tstart=0
General Forum - … id=1966468


After extensive searching through multiple forums I have determined that every single game server hosting BF2142 at this current time has an issue with crashing at random times throughout each day. The issue causing these crashes are speculation at this point and point towards multiple possibilities. One being BF2142cc and another being a theory that BF2142 release is based on the BF2 1.3 patched engine which as most of us remember was riddled with lots of server crashes. Multiple server provider forums also suggest seeing stats on server crashes consistant with BF2 1.3 Patch crashes when logs are reviewed and error reports compared.

While there are many issues with BF2142 at this time such as the EA Master Server not being up to snuff to handle all login requests or keep stats accurate, to the current issue with community stat access being shut down. Not to mention the numerous gameplay issues and bugs discovered and documented in random threads all over the place.

What I urge is for DICE Live Team to concentrate a large bulk of their skills on stopping the server crashes that happen consistantly to every BF2142 server currently in operation. This is NOT an isolated event. This is NOT some faulty hardware or driver issue. This is happening to ALL (based upon my findings) BF2142 servers.

I also know without any speculation that multiple server hosting companies including Wolfservers, Trinity Games and others have opened up problem tickets with your official server support teams. I know that these tickets are well documented and include quite a bit of data demonstrating exactly what is going on the server during crashes.

The Gaming Community, when it's able to even log into the game in the first place, can not enjoy or play the game they are purchased simply because the game servers can't stay up for any extended period of time. This drops all players from the server and it is rarely that the server is occupied to game start status without significant community support in attempting to populate their various servers.


(This post will be posted in multiple forms to insure that someone within the DICE LIVE TEAM will see this and grasp the necessary importance of this issue. We expect to see a community update detailing this issue and insuring us the community that DICE LIVE TEAM is aware of this problem and is working on it.)
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6884|Bryan/College Station, TX
So I can only assume from the lackluster support on this that everyone in the community is just fine with the server crashes and would like for them to continue as they are. So be it.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+252|6745|Sextupling in Empire

No, I love the endless server disconnects, master server disconnects, server crashes, not able to have access to unlocks, crazy fuckin' lag on titan maps, the worst server browser ever, getting TKs for someone hitting my transport w/ emp and everyone bails-thus getting crushed, random explosions from shit that I throw down(claymores, supplies, drones...) that kills me for no reason.......

This is really getting old, all of it.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6884|Bryan/College Station, TX
Well then that scarsim should be translated into a reply to those posted I listed above. Direct that anger to something productive and bump those threads to show that the community demands this being fixed.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6884|Bryan/College Station, TX
Ok I guess time frame is key, maybe people just didn't check out the forums today or they were half asleep. I think I am more disappointed that replying a simple *bump* to those threads was too much effort to put forward to show your support of the post and to show your displeasure of DICE and it's inability to fix issues with their games. Letting them get away with stuff like this is exactly why they take their time in fixing issues. They KNOW they can get away with it. It's about time we make a stand or else we will get exactly what we had in BF2 which was a lot of waiting and no communication from DICE for months.

So please please support the movement. Just log in once and reply with your support, a message or even simply "I agree." so that the thread is bumped. The more replies we get the larger and hotter that post gets and then maybe DICE Live team will get the hint. I implore you to spread the word.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6884|Bryan/College Station, TX
bumped for the revolution.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Over the line!
+70|6789|Mark it zero.
showing anger by saying what we want fixed wont make them change it. the only way to make them fix things are to never buy any of their products again. if their sales start going way down then they would most likely changing their ways. once we already buy the game they dont give a fuck.

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