Dont know about you guys, but it really pisses me of when ya go into a titan to destroy its coms, with c4, you lay it all out nice in little rows, and stand back and blow the fuck out of it, and kill 2 team mates after they stood there watching you put it on, then to discover you have been punished for team kills........


i try my best to wait till they move but never happens,,, any suggestions
I type it in for them to get away...  then I start a countdown timer from 5.  If they are still there I blow it anyways.  If I get punished for a TK, I let the whole game know then I start a kickvote.  I kickvote ALL punishers.
Cereal Killer
+145|6697|The View From The Afternoon
Yeah i know it fuckin pisses me off. My record is 4 TK's with one. I got banned from 5 different servers for TK'ing. Stupid noobs.
+24|6729|Computer Chair
I even had teammates standing between my and the core :S.
loonitic a potty mouth

VonGimli wrote:

I type it in for them to get away...  then I start a countdown timer from 5.  If they are still there I blow it anyways.  If I get punished for a TK, I let the whole game know then I start a kickvote.  I kickvote ALL punishers.
By the time you get down to 2 the enemy would have probably killed you!
I fully support your annoyance, even though I play as support and haven't even unlocked the RDX.  It really isn't that hard for me to see someone planting RDX on a console with plenty of time for me to get up and head into the corridor to cover them.
Unfortunately I really can't see Dice/Ea doing anything about this (except cater to the whining punishing noobs and stopping RDX from working on consoles).

CruZ4dR wrote:

Yeah i know it fuckin pisses me off. My record is 4 TK's with one. I got banned from 5 different servers for TK'ing. Stupid noobs.
lmfao i knopw it sucks but the games been out what a week, keep that up and you wont have any titan servers to play on, they should make a pin or a badge for noobs getting in the way, maybe they could put that in patch 201.1 ina few weeks

FrenziedAU wrote:

I fully support your annoyance, even though I play as support and haven't even unlocked the RDX.  It really isn't that hard for me to see someone planting RDX on a console with plenty of time for me to get up and head into the corridor to cover them.
Unfortunately I really can't see Dice/Ea doing anything about this (except cater to the whining punishing noobs and stopping RDX from working on consoles).
oh yer RDX not c4 lol could not rem the name, bloody hell  a guy in the titan with re-supply never around wen i need them, you guys are like busses, when ya want one, there aint one, and when ya dont you guys are everywer, sods law i guess

Rubix-Cubes wrote:

oh yer RDX not c4 lol could not rem the name, bloody hell  a guy in the titan with re-supply never around wen i need them, you guys are like busses, when ya want one, there aint one, and when ya dont you guys are everywer, sods law i guess
I know what you mean about support guys never being there - whenever I'm support, there's a small horde of them near me, if I'm an engi running low on missiles - no support guys anywhere.

As to how to clear the noobs from the console area, maybe jump up and down in front of them spamming 'go go go' would make them notice that something is up?
Would never work. They would just stand there and stair at you like dear in your headlight.
i don't punish even if the guy just plants it and blows it before i can move (he did it to me AND a couple of others a few times...)
sweet jesus i got so p***ed of with punishes that i started going as enginer and shooting the stuff with a rocket...not quite as effective but it gets the job done

FrenziedAU wrote:

Rubix-Cubes wrote:

oh yer RDX not c4 lol could not rem the name, bloody hell  a guy in the titan with re-supply never around wen i need them, you guys are like busses, when ya want one, there aint one, and when ya dont you guys are everywer, sods law i guess
I know what you mean about support guys never being there - whenever I'm support, there's a small horde of them near me, if I'm an engi running low on missiles - no support guys anywhere.
I've run around infront of support guys jumping up and down spamming need ammo and they just sit and look at you, You'd think they'd want the free point.

The absolute lack of splash damage on the engineer rocket/Pilum makes it a godsend for titan assaults.

well if there were 4 guys in the console room plus you than wtf yre you doing plcing RDX in the first place. 1 clip from each of you would do the trick. And there are engys always there. If you are alone use RDX, if in groop SHOT AT IT.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Once that happen when I was on the core, threw on 35 packs (had three ammo hubs) then when I blew it I killed the three idiot supports who gave me the hubs and all three punished so I was kicked. That is why never ever ever be in the area inbetween the core and those small glass wall things when there is a recon in the attack force.
mavrick 3399
+102|6582|Doncaster UK
i got pissed off with all the team kills, so now i just defend or attack using the lambert and leave the consoles.

the other thing i do is most of the time the team runs down to blow up console 1 so i go down console 2 first and get to use my RDX that way.
I hear you man...

Here are some tips.
Dont lay RDX on the consoles, its great if you can, but often idiots will just stand too close and punish, and consoles go down pretty quickly anyway.
If you can play with a squad and it's only your squad in the corridor, use the squad chat rather than team chat, they listen better to squad messages. Also while on your way to the titan in the APC or gun ship, let them know your recon with RDX, use in game VoIP. Try your best, if it fails at least you tried, if someone RDX's and TK's without warning and without trying to warn then they deserve to be kicked.

If there is only 1 console left, try standing by the entrance to the core, you can often be the first one in the core and get one set of RDX in before anyone else enters the room.

Also if you RDX the side of the core closest to the enemy entrance there is a much lower change of TK's.

As a random tip to all players, if you are shooting the core, sooner or later someone is gong to run in front of you and get TK'ed, this sucks as often there is nothing you could have dont about it.
Try not standing with you back right against the wall, if you leave other players room to go behind you they MAY not run in front of you, also instead of aiming at the head height part of the core, aim for the one close to the ceiling, you do as much damage but as you are shooting up not across there is less chance of TK'ing anyone.
One last tip is for engineers, when firing your AT rockets at the core, zoom in and aim, then zoom out again, AT rockets have no recoil so if you dont move then you will hit the exact same spot again, but by zooming out you have a much better idea of what is going on around you, be that people RDX'ing the core, or enemies have run in and started knifing people.

I hope this info helps.


Last edited by DrM (2006-10-25 08:02:35)

The only way I have ever been able to use the RDX on a console, was when I was on a server with FF off..
I just blew the hell out of that console and everyone around it without teamkilling :-)
Unfortunatly most of servers have FF on for Claymores and other Explosives like RDX...
I always get that, Think its because they want the point(s) for destroying the consoles, its rediculous... 100+ bullets or 3 rdx's ... hmmmmm descisions descisions.
Bloody annoying thing is I got the pin for all four consoles once, without any tk's or td's and the frigging thing hasn't shown up.. been like a week so i'm guessing it wont either
Did you try to tell them before pulling the trigger or you are just too much in a rush to get your precious point/console?

I was on the receiving hand, force my way up the console, was shooting at it when a Recon come in, put his RDX, doesn't let us the time to get and blow us away.... Yes I did punish his A$$ because he saw us and didn't even wait for us to clear the blast....

Don't flame me, what I am saying is, you may be right, but not all Recon are gentlemen like you seem to be

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2006-10-25 10:24:39)

/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
I try to get out of the way when I see someone putting C7 down, but sometimes I play with "ignorant people" who run up with 4-5 people around shooting at it, throw it down, and pull the trigger, killing themselves and the 4-5 people.
Yeah, i have no idea what they could be thinking, they loose almost tripple the points they will gain from the console!
..... idiots i guess
If you got time to do all of that, typing shit and countdown, the enemy team is n00b of the century.
You wont even blow up 1 console when we are defending, it's nade, C7, APM fest where I stand.
Lower floor ftw
2142th Whore
i rather defend than to attack...

Titan Defense Pin ftw

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