+416|6535|United States
I can remember 3 distinct times so far in my life, I almost drowned the first time i jumped in a pool, I ran into a bathroom too fast with my sisters hairspray all over the floor making it slippery, i slipped and hit my shoulder on the toilet seat so hard i couldnt move it for 10 minutes im lucky it wasnt my neck that hit the seat like that and i almost got run over by a bus while riding a bike.

Have you ever almost met with an untimely end? if so post it here.
Back from the Dead.
When I was 2, jumping up and down on a rocking chair. I flew across the room, and nailed my head on the corner of our brick fire place.

Took off about 2 inches of brick, 1 1/2 inches ended up inside my head.

Plastic Surgery FTW!

Last edited by BigmacK (2006-10-02 16:04:03)

BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6660|inside the recesses of your...
I have died about 21,000 times but I've been close about 5,467 times.
We shall beat to quarters!

Yeah, once riding to a nearby town, 2 cars were dragin each other on the road and one was about 30cm from hitting me.
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
+416|6535|United States

URE_DED wrote:

I have died about 21,000 times but I've been close about 5,467 times.
not in bf2 silly, in real life.
+98|6506|Life in a vacuum sucks
not me.......yet
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6660|inside the recesses of your...

Masterstyle wrote:

URE_DED wrote:

I have died about 21,000 times but I've been close about 5,467 times.
not in bf2 silly, in real life.
Stormin' through the party
Me?  No.  I've had a few really really close calls in cars, say crashing into a curb at 70 mph with my friend driving, and missing a poll by about a foot.

But my friend's sister has medically died 3 times, and has been revived each time.  I feel real sorry for her.  3 times?  Dead, then alive.

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6870|Denver colorado
Not me. I'm pretty safe with things. I did break a bone and split my face many years ago.
Uses the TV missle too much
having a bike race with a truck. friends and i were riding bikes and i bet i could beat the truck to his house. i was on the left side of the road and the truck was on the right. i crossed over and missed getting hit by the truck by inches. nearly been eletricuted many times. knocked myself out on a tree stump while hiking. ill probably think of more later
Cheeseburger Connoisseur
Rode my bike through the wall of the old fibro shed when i was 10 years old. Apart from my head missing one of the beams in the wall by a couple of centimeters, the asbestos floating around due to the broken fibro will surely kill me! scary
+86|6582|Winterpeg, Canada
I got rear ended by a semi (not trailer luckily) in my gramps mailibe, if i'd been in the Back seat i'd be dead, luckily we had forgotten to pick up my little bro, or he'd have glass in his head.

I also landed on my back after getting 5 feet of air while mountain biking. I had the wind knocked outta me for 10 min and my eyes were going black then they'd be good, then black again, then ok again, repetitively. Amazingly I broke nothing in both situations.
We shall beat to quarters!

My mate pissed on an electric fence and it made him pass out dam that was funny.

Also been an inch from a Snakes head (wild).  that was an interesting day...

Last edited by R3v4n (2006-10-02 16:15:18)

~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6660|inside the recesses of your...

URE_DED wrote:

Masterstyle wrote:

URE_DED wrote:

I have died about 21,000 times but I've been close about 5,467 times.
not in bf2 silly, in real life.
I was in high school in winter in St. Louis (plenty of snow/ice in the winter there) and I lived at the bottom of steep hill.  I'm riding my bike to my buddy's house and as I coming down the other side of the hill onto the main 4-lane outlet, I guess I really didn't think about stopping in the snow.  I tried to brake and im just sliding down this hill full speed with cross traffic just ahead about 20 feet.  At the last second I threw out my left arm and grabbed the stop sign and basically whipped myself around that sign pole and onto a yard next to the road.  I often wonder what would have happened if instinct hadn't kicked in.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6806|Toronto Canada
i was about ten
i went rock climbing on a really high wall
my balayer decided he was going to un hook and leave me that the top with nothing stopping me from falling to my death
i was hanging ath the top for 5 or 6 minutes until the intructor finally came and saved me
+51|6815|North Hollywood
Um...i dunno if this counts but i definitly shit my pant...was driving down the 10 fwy here in la when there was an accident on the other side. Old impala come flying @ the center divider / me and winds up ON the divider as i pass by through all the dust / chunks of crap. I wouldnt have been able to avoid it in that split second without causing another accident because i was boxed in.  That was a HOOOLY SHIT moment for sure.
Kayaking when I was younger on one of the bigger rivers here, managed to get pinned side-on against a big bould, kept slipping over slowly but surely, eventually wriggled free.

BigmacK wrote:

When I was 2, jumping up and down on a rocking chair. I flew across the room, and nailed my head on the corner of our brick fire place.

Took off about 2 inches of brick, 1 1/2 inches ended up inside my head.

Plastic Surgery FTW!
Well.  That explains a lot.

I almost got run over by a car when I was 7.  I had yet to develop the idea known as "depth perception", so I wasn't allowed to cross by myself.  My brother challenged me to a race across the street back home.  He said "After this car passes, we'll go."  All I heard was "go"

^.^ whoops.
I had sex with a latina chick once who had just gotten her nails done.

I'm lucky to be here.
+1,230|6884|Alberta, Canada

When I was like 5 or so, I fell out of my dad's box on his pick-up (it wasn't moving, thank god) and I landed head first ont he concrete. Just a concussion. That's not really close to dying though...
Crashed my 3 wheeler into a tree going full speed when I was about 10.  Woke up a couple hours later with a cracked helmet.  In my dazed state I tried dragging the atv back to the farm until I realized the front tire was bent so far back that it was touching the back tires.  I always complained to mom everytime she caught me riding without a helmet and she'd make me put it on.  The other time was when I "looked both ways" crossing a street, and felt the "whoosh" of the air when the city bus passed 10 inches from my face.  Always wear a helmet.
U.S. > Iran
Ive almost died three times

1: I worked for a pool company here in town, doing installs, service, etc.  A co-worker and I were out at a house putting a new liner.  We could see a storm rolling in, so we started packing stuff up (because you cant isntall liners in rain), the storm rolled in pretty fast, and as I was carrying some equipment back to the truck, I was kinda running back because it was raining hard.  Lightning struck the tree I was next to (about 5-6 feet away), causing a surge to obiously go into the drenched ground.  My knees went weak mid run and I fell...laid there for a sec, got feeling back and went on about my business.  Co-worker thought I got hit lol.

2: Was in Daytona, FL on spring break vacation with a buddy.  We were walking down the median of A1A.  At a point in the median, there was a cross walk.  As I stepped into the crosswalk area, a Nickels Bakery delivery truck drove by, one of the ones with the big side mirrors that stick out real far.  Had I not stepped into the crosswalk section, the mirror would have nailed the back of my head.  BTW, my friend I was with, saw the truck coming, but failed to mention it to me.....guess he thought it would have been funny lol

EDIT: Forgot one

3: When I was about 4 or so, I tried to jump off of a rollercoaster at Kings Island.  It was The Racer, I was "big" enough to ride, but was small enough to get scared and weasel myself out of the restraints.  My dad had to hold me in.  If not, I would have jumped off, at the time I was pretty scared.

Last edited by {BMF}*Frank_The_Tank (2006-10-02 16:32:54)

+4|6526|Virginia Beach, VA

Cougar wrote:

I had sex with a latina chick once who had just gotten her nails done.

I'm lucky to be here.
That is too funny!

Lucky for me I don't have any close calls...but a buddy of mine did while I was flying right behind him.  We were leaving on deployment in 2004 and he was landing on the carrier before me and he almost hit the back of the boat coming aboard.  Since I was next to the boat in the landing pattern I wasn't watching him but I heard the LSOs (landing signals officers) screaming over the radio as loud as they could for more power and for him to waveoff.  I looked over expecting to see an explosion.  I didn't need anything else to get my heart rate even higher...
Once, it was a bike crash on a very, very, sharp hill...
Bring a Towel
Was 3 hours away from suffocating after a quincy formed in my throat and had blocked my breathing.

I say this is a close call because the doc told me 3 days earlier to go home, have some panadol and get some rest - had not diagnosed me properly.

3 days later I woke up at 6am and couldn't breathe properly... So I went into the bathroom and tried to take a panadol - Couldn't swallow. I wandered back over to fall back asleep (thinking if I slept for a while I would be OK) Luckily my housemate woke up and was getting ready for work and I stirred and she asked if I was feeling better. I tried to tell her 'no' and realised I couldn't talk.

She told me she was driving me to the 24 hour medical center because I looked like shit. Lucky she did, they rushed me to the hospital emergency style, pumped me with drugs and took a scalpel to my inner throat just in time.

2 days in hospital and I was fiiiine(ish)!

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